The Energy Policy Tracker has finished its first phase of tracking related to the Covid-19 recovery. Our dataset for 2020-2021 is complete. A new dataset on energy policies in the context of multiple crises will be launched in the coming year.

New Zealand

In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, New Zealand has committed at least USD 3.13 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:

  • At least USD 1.61 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 19 policies (17 quantified and 2 unquantified)
  • At least USD 87.94 million for conditional fossil fuels through 5 policies (5 quantified)
  • At least USD 356.87 million for unconditional clean energy through 22 policies (21 quantified and 1 unquantified)
  • At least USD 1.04 billion for conditional clean energy through 12 policies (12 quantified)
  • At least USD 33.20 million for other energy through 5 policies (2 quantified and 3 unquantified)

By energy type, New Zealand committed at least USD 1.62 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 1.59 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 22.70 million to conditional oil and gas).

In addition, no public money commitments identified for coal.

Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.

Finally, no public money commitments identified for multiple fossil fuels.

A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of New Zealand through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.

These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.

More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in New Zealand can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.

Updated: December 31st 2021

At least

$1.70 billion

Supporting fossil fuel energy


Per capita

At least

$1.40 billion

Supporting clean energy


Per capita

New Zealand

In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, New Zealand has committed at least USD 3.13 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:

  • At least USD 1.61 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 19 policies (17 quantified and 2 unquantified)
  • At least USD 87.94 million for conditional fossil fuels through 5 policies (5 quantified)
  • At least USD 356.87 million for unconditional clean energy through 22 policies (21 quantified and 1 unquantified)
  • At least USD 1.04 billion for conditional clean energy through 12 policies (12 quantified)
  • At least USD 33.20 million for other energy through 5 policies (2 quantified and 3 unquantified)

By energy type, New Zealand committed at least USD 1.62 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 1.59 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 22.70 million to conditional oil and gas).

In addition, no public money commitments identified for coal.

Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.

Finally, no public money commitments identified for multiple fossil fuels.

A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of New Zealand through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.

These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.

More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in New Zealand can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.

$ %

Public money commitments to fossil fuels, clean and other energy in New Zealand recovery packages, USD billion, in 2020-2021

Country Jurisdiction Category Policy name Sector Energy Type Mechanism Value committed, USD Date of announcement Stage Legislation and Endorsing Agency Arm of Government Primary and secondary stated objective of the policy Date of entry into force Implemented repeal date, if any Value committed, national currency Value disbursed, national currency Value disbursed, USD: Policy background Links to official sources Links to additional sources
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Extensions to vehicle licenses, Warrant of Fitnesses and registrations under lockdown Mobility Oil and oil products Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 2021091010/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Government - To provide certainty to the public and industry that we have heard their concerns and they won’t be issued infringement notices for using their vehicles appropriately during higher Alert Levels. 15/09/2021 Driver licences, Warrants of Fitness (WoFs), Certificates of Fitness (CoFs), vehicle licences (‘regos’) and licence endorsements that expired on or after 21 July 2021 will be valid until 30 November 2021.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Extension of the International Air Freight Capacity (IAFC) scheme Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 33722438.391699 2020121313/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport Government "- To ensure consistent flows of key imports and exports into and out of the country. - To maintain air connectivity for passengers. - To support future tourism capacity, international relations and the competitiveness and sustainability of the aviation sector." 13/12/2020 52000000 The Government set aside $600 million for an aviation relief package as part of the $12.1 billion COVID-19 support package. Support for International Air Freight Capacity (IAFC) providers amounted to $176 million for Phase 1 of the scheme from May to November 2020. Phase 2 of the scheme ran from December to the end of March 2021. The Phase 2 end date was extended by 1 month to ensure stability for businesses that rely on airfreight and airlines before the Mantaining International Air Connectivity (MIAC) scheme came into effect. $196 million of funding was allocated duirng Phase 2 of the IAFC scheme. Across its two phases, the IAFC scheme provided $52 million more funding than the initial $320 that was allocated in March 2020.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Extension of the Maintaining International Air Connectivity (MIAC) scheme Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 16212710.76524 2021100101/10/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport Government "- To ensure regular international air services for passengers and freight, and protect links to critical supplies like vaccines and medicines. - To ensure businesses can tap into international markets to support recovery. - To maintain connectivity with countries that New Zealand has quarantine-free travel arrangements with when there are pauses or suspensions." 01/10/2021 25000000 The Maintaining International Air Connectivity (MIAC) scheme was due to end on 31 October 2021 but it has been extended to 31 March 2022 to help with demand over the peak summer cargo season. It commits a further $25 million of financial support to the aviation sector.
New Zealand National Other energy New Zealand joins Statement of International Public Support for the Clean Energy Transition at COP26 Other sector Multiple energy types Uncategorized 2021110404/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government - To help stimulate sustainable, resilient and inclusive economic development globally, and support a just transition for affected communities 04/11/2021 "New Zealand, along with 31 other countries, has joined a Statement of Public Support for the Clean Energy Transition, led by the UK. As part of this statement, countries have agreed to: 1. Prioritise support fully towards the clean energy transition, using resources to enhance what can be delivered by the private sector. 2. End new direct public support for the international unabated fossil fuel energy sector by the end of 2022, except in limited and clearly defined circumstances that are consistent with a 1.5°C warming limit and the goals of the Paris Agreement. 3. Encourage further governments, their official export credit agencies and public finance institutions to implement similar commitments into COP27 and beyond."
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Extension of standby loan facility for Air New Zealand Mobility Oil and oil products Loan (Hybrid) 389105058.36576 2021040909/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) New Zealand Government Government -To continue to support Air New Zealand while aviation markets stabilise and the world moves towards more normal border operations. 09/04/2021 600000000 "An additional $600 million will be made available to 27 September 2023 (an extra 16 months). The original facility comprised two tranches – Tranche A of $600m and Tranche B of $300m. Tranche A will be increased by $400m (taking it to $1b) and Tranche B will be increased by $200m (taking it to $500m). The existing effective interest rates on the facility are currently between 7% and 8% on tranche A and around 9% per annum for tranche B. The new interest rate structure is an all-in margin of 350 basis points (comprising 100 basis point line fee and 250 basis point margin) for Tranche A and an all-in margin of 500 basis points (comprising 100 basis point line fee and 400 basis point margin) for Tranche B. This would result in a total interest rate of approximately 3.80% (using a reference base rate of around 0.3%) for Tranche A and 5.30% for Tranche B (using the same reference base rate of around 0.3%). The agreement also includes a 1% step-up in the Tranche A and Tranche B all-in margins from 29 October 2021. This is a similar feature to the existing facility, albeit with the timing of the step-up adjusted to reflect the new proposed timing of the capital raising. Another feature that has been retained is that if Tranche B is drawn on, then Tranche A will have the same interest margin as Tranche B. These features provide an incentive on Air NZ to minimise use of the facility by seeking out other means of reducing cash expenditure."
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Maintaining International Air Connectivity (MIAC) scheme – COVID Response and Recovery Fund (C... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 110246433.20363 2021032222/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport Government - To support a predictable and regular schedule of air services to safeguard New Zealand's international connectivity. 22/03/2021 170000000 The Maintaining International Air Connectivity (MIAC) scheme is a restructured version of the International Air Freight Capacity (IAFC) scheme. The MIAC scheme has been designed to be more responsive to an anticipated rebuild of the aviation industry later this year. It will enable a more flexible recovery through reducing levels of support as passenger numbers rise, giving good value for money. It establishes $170 million of financial support to the aviation sector between 1 May to 31 October 2021.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Shared paths, kerb and channel and accessible paths – Component #2 walking, cycling and access... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2594033.7224384 2020080808/08/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 4000000 To make make walking, cycling and accessibility improvements across the district by addressing gaps which have been identified in the walking and cycling networks.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Support for Energy Education in Communities (SEEC) Programme – COVID-19 Response and Recovery ... Buildings Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 11024643.320363 2020080202/08/2020 Energy efficiency MBIE Government Response to the 2019 Electricity Price Review; and to people struggling with their household budgets due to the impact of COVID-19. 17000000 "The Government has allocated $17 million to: - Establish a cross-sector energy hardship group to provide advice and co-ordination for initiatives across Government, industry and the NGO sector to alleviate energy hardship - Progressively develop a network of community-level services to assist households in energy hardship - Create a fund for pilot programmes to improve energy efficiency for households in energy hardship -Support development of an accepted definition and indicators of energy hardship so that programmes can be better targeted and their effectiveness measured -Form an electricity consumer advocacy council to advocate for small electricity consumers"
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New Zealand National Clean unconditional Energy Hardship Alleviation – Housing and Energy: Dunedin & Otago – Shovel-ready In... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1621271.076524 2020080202/08/2020 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Reference Group Government To upgrade homes. This includes making them warmer through a general upgrade of curtains, LED lights, extractors etc. It also involves critical repairs to the structure of homes through mending rotten floorboards, walls, etc. 2500000 Blueskin Energy Ltd is just about to sign off on the final contract.
New Zealand National Fossil conditional SH 60 (Top of the South Island) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response and Recove... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4409857.3281453 2020082020/08/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Government To upgrade the main road through Motueka with intersection improvements, cycle priority and pedestrian crossing signals 6800000
New Zealand National Fossil conditional SH 60 (Top of the South Island) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response and Recove... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4409857.3281453 2020082020/08/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Reference Group Government 6800000 To upgrade the main road through Motueka with intersection improvements, cycle priority and pedestrian crossing signals
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Introducing a Clean Car Import Standard Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2021012828/01/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport Government To reduce emissions and Kiwis’ fuel costs. Legislation will be passed in 2021 and the standard will begin in 2022, with the 105 grams of CO2/km 2025 target being phased in through annual targets that get progressively lower to give importers time to adjust.
New Zealand National Fossil conditional Helping councils fully decarbonise the public transport bus fleet by 2035 Mobility Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 32425421.53048 2021012828/01/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport Government 50000000 To help council's fully decarbonise the public bus fleet by 2035.
New Zealand National Other energy NZ’s large Aluminium Smelter, Tiwai Point, to remain open until 2024. Resources Other energy type Uncategorized 2021011414/01/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Other To preserve jobs in Southland. Rio Tinto and Meridian Energy have recently reached a deal on electricity prices and Rio Tinto has agreed to keep the Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter operating until the end of 2024. Meridian's decision making must be seen in the context that the New Zealand Government is its majority shareholder at 51%. So when Meridian provided electricity savings worth "well in excess" of $60 million a year in October 2020, that choice is substantively influenced by Government strategy. The Government is also presently involved in a regional "just transitions" process, largely in anticipation of the eventual shutdown of Tiwai smelter, most likely during the 2020s. So while Meridian has 49% private shareholders, it is hard to ignore the government influence on its strategy.
New Zealand National Clean conditional Government Investment in Decarbonising Industry (GIDI) Fund Other sector Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 44747081.712062 2020111111/11/2020 Energy efficiency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority Government The GIDI fund will help business to switch from fossil fuels like coal and gas to clean energy for process heat while accelerating the economic recovery from COVID-19. 69000000 The GIDI Fund is a partnership between Government and business to accelerate the decarbonisation of industrial process heat and contribute to the COVID-19 recovery by stimulating the domestic economy and supporting employment. Process heat makes up around a third of New Zealand’s overall energy use, and 60% of process heat is fossil-fuelled, mainly by gas and coal. EECA (The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority) administers the GIDI Fund on behalf of the Government through a contestable process that will see $69M of capital grants co-investment made available to support good projects. The Fund is available to New Zealand-based private sector businesses who have committed to decarbonising their business and industrial processes, where Government co-investment will help remove barriers to accelerating their decarbonisation goals.
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New Zealand National Clean unconditional Ancient Kauri Trail – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response and Recovery Fund (CRR... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2594033.7224384 2020082727/08/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 4000000 To construct a 36km walking and cycling track along a former rail corridor from Dargaville to Donnellys Crossing on Kaipara’s west coast. The track will form part of a longer planned ‘Ancient Kauri Trail’, which will eventually run from Maungaturoto to the southern headland of the Hokianga Harbour.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Sealing Kaipara roads (Kaipara, Northland) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3242542.153048 2020082727/08/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 5000000 To improve prioritised unsealed roads in Kaipara and make them safer. This work will include road widening, corner smoothing, improving bus pullover areas, and new signage, as well as drainage and pavement improvements.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Route 52 Improvements – boundary Central Hawke’s Bay to Weber (Tararua) – Shovel-ready... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9468223.0869001 2020081919/08/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 14600000 To upgrade Route 52 between Central Hawke’s Bay and Tararua District.
New Zealand National Clean conditional Marton Rail Hub (Rangitīkei) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response and Recovery... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5901426.7185473 2020081818/08/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 9100000 The rail hub will be dedicated to handling and transporting logs from around the lower North Island more efficiently. For instance, it will take freight trucks off the roads.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Final Section of Christchurch Coastal Pathway – Redcliffs to Shag Rock (Christchurch) – ... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10246433.203632 2020080808/08/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 15800000 To provide access to the coastline between Ferrymead and Scarborough Beach in Sumner. It connects communities along its route, and protects and enhances the wildlife along the way.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Major cycleway routes (Christchurch) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response and R... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 46368352.788586 2020080808/08/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 71500000 To complete six major cycleways in Christchurch. "These cycleways will provide a continuous protected bike network – separated from traffic – across the city and to the outer suburbs. This means more kids and less confident riders will have the freedom to bike to school, to work or the shops, meaning fewer cars and congestion on the roads." - Associate Minister of Transport, Julie Anne Genter
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional “Shared paths, kerb and channel and accessible paths – Component #1 kerb and channel (ro... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4280155.6420233 2020080808/08/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 6600000 To make 30km of kerb and channel (road gutters) replacements.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Te Awa Cycleway Hamilton to Cambridge section (Hamilton & Cambridge) – Shovel-ready Infra... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5317769.1309987 2020080808/08/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 8200000 To complete a 70km path which generally follows the banks of the Waikato River from Ngaruawahia to Horahora.The shared path will provide a safe and reasonably direct route which links into key destinations as well as existing urban cycling networks.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Minimum Viable Hydrogen Refuelling Network (NZ-wide) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVI... Mobility Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 12970168.612192 2020080606/08/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government To build the foundation for a national network that facilitates the use of hydrogen for commercial and heavy transport fleets to decarbonise our transport sector. 20000000 20000000 12970168.612192 The Infrastructure Reference Group has provisionally approved $20 million for New Plymouth company Hiringa Energy to establish a nationwide network of hydrogen-fuelling stations. Initial stations will be located in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Manawatu, Auckland, Taupō, Wellington and Christchurch. These stations will begin to supply zero emission fuel to trucks, buses and commercial fleets from 2021. Hiringa estimates the initial network will provide coverage for about 95 per cent of heavy freight routes in the North Island and 82% of the South Island. The $20 million contribution from IRG [Infrastructure Reference Group] will leverage a further $49 million from Hiringa Energy, joint venture partners and other private investors for the project.
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New Zealand National Clean unconditional Wairarapa Five Towns Trails Project Stage One Tauherenikau Bridge section (Wellington & Wairara... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 648508.4306096 2020080505/08/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 1000000 The first priority of this project is to improve the Tauherenikau bridge - a 150m long, 17m high suspension bridge over the Tauherenikau River. When complete, the Tauherenikau Bridge will be one of the longest suspension bridges in New Zealand. Eventually, the trail will connect Martinborough, Featherston, Greytown, Carterton and Masterton to the Remutaka Cycle Trail and other Wellington Regional Trails. "This cycle trail will help attract more visitors over to the Wairarapa and will provide locals a fun way to get out and explore their own back yard." - Associate Transport Minister, Julie Anne Genter.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Eastern Bays Shared Path (Wellington & Wairarapa) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / CO... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9727626.459144 2020080505/08/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 15000000 To develop a safe and integrated walking and cycling facility on Marine Drive to connect communities along Hutt City’s Eastern Bays. It also aims to provide links to other parts of the network (current and future) for recreation and tourism purposes - in particular, the Remutaka Cycle Trail, the Great Harbour Way (Te Aranui o Pōneke) and Te Ara Tupua – Ngā Ūranga ki Pito-One shared path.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Ellison St / Chambers connectivity (Napier) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Respons... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1750972.7626459 2020080404/08/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 2700000 To build a new separated walking and cycleway path along Napier’s Chambers and Ellison streets to provide safer access for local students and residents across Marine Parade and State Highway 51.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Chatham Islands Tuuta Airport – Longer & Stronger (Chatham Islands) – Shovel-ready ... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 23346303.501946 2020080202/08/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 36000000 To lengthen and strengthen the runway at Tuuta Airport, on the Chatham Islands. The project will allow larger planes to use the airport, improving connectivity for those living on the island, and for visitors.
New Zealand National Clean conditional Mechanical Depots – Waltham (Canterbury) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Resp... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 25291828.793774 2020072929/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 39000000 To build a new rail maintenance facility in Christchurch. Having the facilities consolidated in one place will bring advantages in areas like energy efficiency and improved working conditions for staff.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Kaiwaka footbridges (Kaipara, Northland) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response a... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 518806.74448768 2020072525/07/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 800000 To build two footbridges that will provide safer access to the town centre than trying to cross the busy State Highway 1.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Mangawhai Package (jetty, community and infrastructure facilities) (Mangawhai and Kaiwaka, Northland... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1556420.233463 2020072525/07/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 2400000 "To develop 8km off-road shared pathway that will connect Mangawhai Heads with the village. This will enable people to use the walking and cycling paths to get to school, work, the shops and for recreation. *Note the total cost of this package is $3 million, with $2.4 allocated to the shared pathway component. The remaining $600,000 is going towards rebuilding a wharf."
New Zealand National Clean unconditional The Whale Trail (Top of the South Island) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response ... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 11673151.750973 2020072424/07/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 18000000 To develop the Whale Trail, a 194 kilometre cycling and walking trail from Picton to Kaikōura. The Whale Trail will provide a new way to access the region’s unique local attractions and facilities and connect the communities of Picton, Blenheim, Seddon, Ward, Kekerengu, Clarence and Kaikōura.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Nukumaru Station Road construction (Taranaki) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Respo... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4539559.0142672 2020072323/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 23/07/2020 7000000 To provide assured, safe, and resilient access to affected parties south of the Lime Works Bridge including, but not limited to, Wai-inu Beach community, Silver Fern Farms Lt. and a metal Quarry. The extended Nukumaru Station Road would become the permanent access road as the Lime Works Bridge and parts of Waiinu Beach Road are vulnerable to future flood events, and cannot be relied upon as a secure road access.
New Zealand National Clean conditional Puhinui Interchange (Bus-Rail) (Auckland) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response ... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30544747.081712 2020071818/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 47100000 The upgrade to Puhinui Station will enable it to become a major bus and train interchange. Alongside the underway upgrade of State Highway 20B, it will create a 10-minute bus service to the airport.
New Zealand National Clean conditional Northwestern Busway – early deliverables (Auckland) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund /... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 32425421.53048 2020071818/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 50000000 The Northwestern Bus Improvements will allow faster and more frequent bus services. The work involves a range of short-term works which includes new bus interchanges at Te Atatū Rd, Lincoln Rd and Westgate, local bus stop improvements, and bus priority at motorway interchanges and along motorway shoulders.
New Zealand National Clean conditional Ferry Basin Redevelopment Stage 1 (Auckland) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Respon... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 32425421.53048 2020071818/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 50000000 The Ferry Basin Redevelopment is creating six new berths on the west side of Queens Wharf to deliver a world-class facility that is suitable for Auckland’s growing transport needs. It will have improved accessibility and accommodate increased passenger numbers.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Te Whau Pathway (Auckland) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response and Recovery Fu... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 22892347.600519 2020071818/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 35300000 To extend the Te Whau cycleway from Olympic Park to Ken Maunder Park, and Laurieston Park to the North Western Cycleway.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional SH94 Homer Tunnel (Southland) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response and Recovery... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 16212710.76524 2020071616/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 25000000 This project will improve the safety and resilience of the Homer Tunnel on the crucial State Highway 94 (The Milford Road) tourist route linking Te Anau and Piopiotahi Milford Sound.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Hood Aerodrome Infrastructure Upgrade (Masterton) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID R... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6485084.306096 2020071515/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 10000000 To widen and extend the runway, including realigning the road and purchasing strategic land. To also extend the taxiway and apron, upgrade the lighting, improve effluent, water and power on site, and fund increased security and CAA certification.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Apollo Aviation (Nelson) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response and Recovery Fund... Other sector Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1945525.2918288 2020072424/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 3000000 Hawk Eye Limited and Apollo Autonomy will further develop software that will enable unmanned airfreight operations, with an operation run out of Nelson and initial piloted flights between Nelson, Westport and Christchurch.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Pohe Island Bike Park (Whangārei) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response and Rec... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1297016.8612192 2020070909/07/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 2000000 To develop a bike park at William Fraser Memorial Park on Pohe Island.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Active Modes Urban Shared Paths Programme (Whangārei) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / CO... Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10376134.889754 2020070909/07/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 16000000 To provide a safer network of transport paths throughout Whangārei city, including a contribution to upgrading Port Nikau bridge and roundabout.
New Zealand National Other energy Cron Street Extension, Cron Street Footpath Extension, Old Christchurch Road Seal Extension (Westlan... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 778210.11673152 2020070808/07/2020 Several energy stages The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 1200000 Three roading projects will ease roading congestion and improve safety and access to essential services. The footpath will also be extended and the Old Christchurch Rd sealed in Hokitika.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Moonlight Creek Bridge Replacement (Greymouth) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Resp... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1686121.919585 2020070808/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 2600000 To replace the over 80-year-old Moonlight Bridge as the bridge’s timber and steel beams are heavily corroded. The replacement work will turn the existing 85 metre single lane bridge, into two lanes.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Tidal Creek #2 Bridge Replacement (Buller) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1167315.1750973 2020070707/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 1800000 "To replace the 36 metre Tidal Creek #2 Bridge between Karamea and Buller, a vital connection enabling local travel, business and tourism. "
New Zealand National Fossil conditional Thermal Drying Facility Replacement (New Plymouth) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID ... Other sector Multiple energy types Uncategorized 23994811.932555 2020070101/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 37000000 To reduce the amount of natural gas consumed by the New Plymouth Wastewater Treatment Plant by up to 25%. The replacement will be fuelled by a blend of natural gas and green hydrogen. Once operational, the percentage of hydrogen blend will be increased, further reducing its carbon footprint.
New Zealand National Clean conditional NZ Battery project – Storage investment to enable 100% renewable electricity – Shovel-re... Power generation Hydro Budget or off-budget transfer ... 64850843.06096 2020072626/07/2020 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution The Infrastructure Reference Group Government To provide comprehensive advice on the technical, environmental and commercial feasibility of potential energy storage projects. 100000000 The NZ Battery project will provide comprehensive advice on the technical, environmental and commercial feasibility of potential energy storage projects. The name NZ Battery refers to the manner in which the intended solution will provide stored energy for the New Zealand electricity system in an analogous manner to a battery. The first phase will evaluate the viability of pumped hydro and consider this solution against alternative methods to resolve New Zealand’s dry year electricity storage problem in order to achieve 100% renewable electricity and help to decarbonise the wider energy system. It will comprise a detailed investigation of the Lake Onslow pumped hydro project, which the Interim Climate Change Committee (ICCC) referenced in its electricity report and recommended for further investigation. Other smaller pumped storage proposals will also be considered as will alternative technology approaches. Following rigorous assessment of all options, a feasibility study will be developed for the preferred option or options.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Taheke Geothermal Power Station Enabling Works (Bay of Plenty) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure F... Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7717250.3242542 2020073131/07/2020 Electricity generation The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 11900000 To consent and construct an exploratory geothermal well. The well is also the first step to funding recipient Taheke 8C and partner Eastland constructing a power station that will utilise geothermal resources beneath Taheke 8C’s land.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Napier – Whakatu Inland Port (Hawke’s Bay) – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / CO... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 12970168.612192 2020070101/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 20000000 The project will involve construction of a 12ha offsite port between Napier and Hastings. Ships will not make their way to the site, but freight will be sent via direct rail and road connections to Napier Port.
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New Zealand National Fossil conditional Queenstown Town Centre – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response and Recovery Fund (... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 22697795.071336 2021062626/06/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation The Infrastructure Reference Group Government 26/06/2020 35000000 This work will include street-scaping works, cycle and walkways.
New Zealand National Other energy Queenstown Arterials Stage 1 – Shovel-ready Infrastructure Fund / COVID Response and Recovery ... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 32425421.53048 2020062626/06/2020 Several energy stages COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act Government 50000000 "The Queenstown Arterials Stage 1 project and Queenstown Town Centre project (below) are aiming to ensure the construction sector does not suffer the same negative consequences as the tourism sector. The construction sector is the second largest contributor to Queenstown Lakes’ economic growth, accounting for approximately 14 per cent of all jobs. Both projects will combine to unlock the ability to develop a new town centre Public Transport Hub. The Queenstown Arterials Stage 1 project will build a new urban route through Queenstown, including road, cycle ways and walkways."
New Zealand National Clean conditional Local rail investments – Provincial Growth Fund reset Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 16861219.19585 2020052424/05/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) PDU/MBIE Government 26000000 To fund deferred maintenance like culvert cleaning and drainage improvements in regional New Zealand.
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Local roading investments – Provincial Growth Fund reset Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 17639429.312581 2020052424/05/2020 Active transport (cycling or walking) PDU/MBIE Government 27200000 These roading projects will be spread across the country. They will involve constructing footpaths, cycleways, playgrounds, vegetation management and roadside clearing.
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New Zealand National Clean conditional Future of Rail – Rolling Stock Investment to Support a Resilient and Reliable Railway Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 273476005.18807 2020051414/05/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport Government 421700000 "To replace ageing locomotives and upgrade KiwiRail’s mechanical maintenance facilities. It also funds the European Train Control System (ETCS) for Auckland, which will provide safer and more reliable services on the Auckland metropolitan rail network."
New Zealand National Clean conditional Future of Rail – New Interisland Ferry Assets to Support a Resilient and Reliable Rail Freight Sys... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 259079118.02853 2020051414/05/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport Government 399500000 To replace the ageing Interislander ferry assets to provide a secure and resilient, economic and social transport link between the North and South Islands.
New Zealand National Clean conditional Future of Rail – Investment in Improved Resilience and Reliability of Core assets Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 159727626.45914 2020051414/05/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport Government 246300000 To support investment in the national rail network and support the ongoing resilience and reliability of the rail network.
New Zealand National Clean conditional Future of Rail – Investment to Enable Rail Activities to be Funded Under the Land Transport Manage... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 96108949.416342 2020051414/05/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Land Transport Management Act Government 148200000 To support integration of below rail network investment into the National Land Transport Programme. This initiative will support the NLTF funding ongoing maintenance and renewal of the rail network
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Boost for Warmer Kiwi Homes – COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 36316472.114137 2020051414/05/2020 Energy efficiency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority Government 56000000 The "Warmer Kiwi Homes" scheme has been expanded and will cover 90 percent of the costs of insulation or heating retrofits for low-income households. In total this scheme should cover an additional 9000 houses. Previously the grant covered 67% of an insulation or heating retrofit. The Warmer Kiwi Homes programme is part of Labour’s Confidence and Supply Agreement with the Green Party.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Vehicle licenses, Warrant of Fitnesses and registrations extended under lockdown Mobility Oil and oil products Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 2020040909/04/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Government The six month extension of all licenses, WoFs, CoFs and some vehicle certifications that expired on or after 1 January was done to eliminate the worry about getting fined for having an expired document if driving to use essential services or as an essential worker.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Standby loan facility for Air New Zealand Mobility Oil and oil products Loan (Hybrid) 583657587.54864 2020032020/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) New Zealand Government Government To enable Air New Zealand to continue to operate, to maintain essential international flights and freight lines for goods like pharmaceuticals, and to safeguard the domestic network. 900000000 350000000 226977950.71336 Air New Zealand has entered into a debt funding agreement with the New Zealand Government. Under the terms of the agreement the Government will provide a standby loan facility (‘the facility”) of up $900 million to support the airline as it manages the unprecedented impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on its business. The facility will provide Air New Zealand with the ability to draw down on funds should its cash reserves drop below a minimum threshold, providing additional funds if cash reserves are not at a satisfactory level. The facility was negotiated on an arms’ length basis, with each party having been independently advised. The facility will be provided in two tranches – a tranche of $600,000,000 with an effective interest rate initially expected to be between 7% and 8% per annum and a second tranche of $300,000,000 with an effective interest rate initially expected to be in the order of 9% per annum. The facility will be available for a period of 24 months. The effective interest rates on both tranches will step-up by 1% if the facility remains after 12 months. This debt funding will be used to support the airline’s business operations as it manages the implications of various government border restrictions and substantial reductions in travel demand.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Aviation relief package for New Zealand’s aviation security system – COVID-19 Response and R... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 389105058.36576 2020031717/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) New Zealand Government Government - To secure the operators of New Zealand’s aviation system and establish the International Air Freight Capacity (IAFC) scheme. 600000000 "This package: - Provides financial support to airlines for the next 6 months ($163 million) - Covers Airways related fees for the next 6 months ($37 million) - Halts fee rises or pricing reviews from agencies that charge fees at the border for 12 months and provides financial support for Airways ($70 million) - Provides short term funding support to airlines and other aviation carriers to ensure capacity is provided on key international airfreight routes through establishment of the International Air Freight Capacity (IAFC) scheme ($320 million)"
New Zealand National Clean unconditional Carbon Neutral Government Programme – State Sector Decarbonisation Fund Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 142023346.3035 2020012020/01/2020 Several energy stages Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority Government To help schools, hospitals and other public organisations make the switch to clean energy. 219000000 The State Sector Decarbonisation Fund was established to support public sector decarbonisation efforts. To date, $96.4 million of the $219.5 million fund has been allocated to 38 projects. While the initial $200 million funding commitment was made pre-COVID-19 in January 2020, the fund is a COVID-19 era update to accompany the Government's climate emergency declaration on 2 December 2020. A funding boost for the fund was annouced as part of Budget 2021 in May 2021. The fund supports a range of projects attempting to decarbonise state sector operations in the buildings, power and mobility sectors.
New Zealand National Other energy Doubling the Winter Energy Payment Buildings Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2020031717/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Work and Income Government To provide income support and stimulate the economy through consumer spending as well as providing over 1 million New Zealanders with additional money to spend on warming their homes. The energy payment was doubled for 2020. Ran for 22 weeks from 1 May - 1 October.