The Energy Policy Tracker has finished its first phase of tracking related to the Covid-19 recovery. Our dataset for 2020-2021 is complete. A new dataset on energy policies in the context of multiple crises will be launched in the coming year.

Select OECD-countries

In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, governments in Select OECD-countries have committed at least USD 942.71 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:

  • At least USD 298.08 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 309 policies (217 quantified and 92 unquantified)
  • At least USD 89.52 billion for conditional fossil fuels through 127 policies (105 quantified and 22 unquantified)
  • At least USD 100.38 billion for unconditional clean energy through 476 policies (389 quantified and 87 unquantified)
  • At least USD 304.13 billion for conditional clean energy through 471 policies (412 quantified and 59 unquantified)
  • At least USD 150.60 billion for other energy through 175 policies (127 quantified and 48 unquantified)

By energy type, Select OECD-countries committed at least USD 232.24 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 194.32 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 37.92 billion to conditional oil and gas).

In addition, Select OECD-countries committed at least USD 9.25 billion to coal (at least USD 3.46 billion to unconditional coal and at least USD 5.78 billion to conditional coal).

Further, Select OECD-countries committed at least USD 9.01 billion to hydrogen based on fossil fuels (at least USD 9.01 billion to conditional hydrogen based on fossil fuels).

Finally, Select OECD-countries committed at least USD 31.22 billion to multiple fossil fuels (at least USD 15.21 billion to unconditional multiple fossil fuels and at least USD 16.01 billion to conditional multiple fossil fuels).

A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of Select OECD-countries through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.

These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.

Updated: December 31st 2021

At least

$387.60 billion

Supporting fossil fuel energy


Per capita

At least

$404.51 billion

Supporting clean energy


Per capita

Select OECD-countries

In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, governments in Select OECD-countries have committed at least USD 942.71 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:

  • At least USD 298.08 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 309 policies (217 quantified and 92 unquantified)
  • At least USD 89.52 billion for conditional fossil fuels through 127 policies (105 quantified and 22 unquantified)
  • At least USD 100.38 billion for unconditional clean energy through 476 policies (389 quantified and 87 unquantified)
  • At least USD 304.13 billion for conditional clean energy through 471 policies (412 quantified and 59 unquantified)
  • At least USD 150.60 billion for other energy through 175 policies (127 quantified and 48 unquantified)

By energy type, Select OECD-countries committed at least USD 232.24 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 194.32 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 37.92 billion to conditional oil and gas).

In addition, Select OECD-countries committed at least USD 9.25 billion to coal (at least USD 3.46 billion to unconditional coal and at least USD 5.78 billion to conditional coal).

Further, Select OECD-countries committed at least USD 9.01 billion to hydrogen based on fossil fuels (at least USD 9.01 billion to conditional hydrogen based on fossil fuels).

Finally, Select OECD-countries committed at least USD 31.22 billion to multiple fossil fuels (at least USD 15.21 billion to unconditional multiple fossil fuels and at least USD 16.01 billion to conditional multiple fossil fuels).

A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of Select OECD-countries through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.

These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.

$ %

Public money commitments to fossil fuels, clean and other energy in Select OECD-countries recovery packages, USD billion, in 2020-2021

Country Jurisdiction Category Policy name Sector Energy Type Mechanism Value committed, USD Date of announcement Stage Legislation and Endorsing Agency Arm of Government Primary and secondary stated objective of the policy Date of entry into force Implemented repeal date, if any Value committed, national currency Value disbursed, national currency Value disbursed, USD: Policy background Links to official sources Links to additional sources
Chile Subnational Clean conditional Clean transportation Mobility Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 122223000 2021070606/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Energy Government Infrastructure projects for clean public transport, which contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gases, through the incorporation of measurements of transport with low or zero emissions, or infrastructure that promotes said means of transport, are classified in this category incorporating measures to make transport in cities more efficient. 06/07/2021 96889472121 96889472121 122223000 Projects based on their alignment with the criteria established in the Chilean Sustainable Bond Framework. Applies NDC when it comes to clean transportation projects, related to the Adaptation and Mitigation Plan for Infrastructure Services to Climate Change that aim to mitigate GHG emissions in sustainable cities and communities, energy efficiency and clean transportation. The following types of projects can be found under this classification: Expansion and construction of new Metro lines (Line 7, extensions L2 and L3); Incorporation of electric buses to the RED system: Concepción and Temuco; Enabling of train services: Santiago-Melipilla; express train to Chillán; renovation of trains to Rancagua; Updating of transportation plans, including bike paths and bike paths: such as the cities of Curicó and Linares, Machalí-Rancagua; among others.ñas/Chile-se-Recupera/Chile-se-recupera-2.0/210630_Reporte_Sustentabilidad_Inv_Publica_v6.pdf
Chile Subnational Clean unconditional Change your heat Buildings Energy efficiency New or extended regulation (IT... 2021052626/05/2021 Energy efficiency Ministry of Energy Government The purpose of this replacement is not only to improve people's quality of life and be more economical, but also to make the use of heating in homes much safer and to bring benefits in areas such as the environment. 26/05/2021 Homes that change to cheaper and cleaner heating methods will have their rate reduced by 20 to 30% and only pay in the period of consumption.
Chile Subnational Clean conditional Investment in local energy efficiency Multiple sectors Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 4792318.1624948 2021010101/01/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Energy Government Generate and implement replicable and innovative sustainable energy initiatives in Chilean municipalities through energy management and the participation of local stakeholders. 01/01/2021 3799000000 Municipal Energy, 51 Local Energy Strategies have already been developed, with long-term citizen visions and action plans that guide towards a more sustainable, competitive and resilient local development to climate change.
Chile National Clean conditional Energy Sector Strategy to a Just Transition – 1st Part: Closure of coal-firepower plants Power generation Coal New or extended regulation (IT... 2021091616/09/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Ministry of Energy Government The energy sector will contribute decisively to achieve carbon neutrality through the closure and/or new uses for coal-fired power plant infrastructures and spaces, increasing the participation of clean energy in the national energy matrix and articulating policies that allow a fair, equitable and sustainable development for the country and its territories. 16/09/2021 A fundamental pillar of the Just Transition Strategy is people, so actions were designed in a participatory manner during the closure process and/or new uses of the spaces and infrastructure of the coal-fired power plants. The strategy seeks to promote a fair energy transition in the social and labor spheres that boost the training of labor skills, in pursuit of reintegration and labor reconversion towards quality jobs that allow promoting the local development of communities and the well-being of people.
Chile National Other energy Covid-19 Solidarity Benefit (ban on service cuts due to unpaid bills for electricity and gas during... Power generation Multiple energy types Loan (Hybrid) 2020040101/04/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Energy Government Maintain energy provision to low income groups during the pandemic 08/08/2020 Financial relief for low income households, maintaining energy provision during the pandemic and rescheduling unpaid bills once the state of emergency is over,establecimientos%20que%20la%20ley%20indica.
Chile National Other energy Loan for renewable energy investment projects Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Loan (Hybrid) 17000000 2020061010/06/2020 Several energy stages Ministry of Economy Government Support eco-friendly investments that aim to build a solid economy, resilient to climate change, and addressing the economic needs in the post Covid-19 setting. 01/07/2020 13476359000 13476359000 17000000 USD 39 M - later adjusted to USD 17 M - loan to support the development of renewable energy projects linked to power and infrastructure. ; ;
Chile National Clean unconditional National Strategy for Green Hydrogen Resources Hydrogen New or extended regulation (IT... 50000000 2020110303/11/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Ministry of Energy Government Produce the cheapest green hydrogen in the world in 2030, being one of the 3 largest hydrogen exports in 2040, and start developing 5 GW of electrolisis capacity towards 2025 39636350000 39636350000 50000000 Achieve world leadership in the production and export green hydrogen as a way to develop a stronger and more sustainable economy in the country
Japan National Clean unconditional Subsidy for the Purchase of Renewable Energy Procurement Market Price Fluctuation Insurance Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3744546.9445095 2021122121/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Promote renewable energy procurement through market price fluctuation insurance 21/12/2021 399824000 If a small-scale electric utility that meets certain requirements, such as a retail electric utility funded by a municipality or a retail electric utility engaged in local production for local consumption, purchases private insurance to cover market fluctuation price risk when it procures renewable electricity (specified supply of renewable electricity), a portion of the insurance premiums will be subsidized.
Japan National Clean conditional Project to promote decarbonized car sharing and disaster prevention centers through simultaneous int... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9365488.1760712 2021122121/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of the Environment Government Promote combination of renewable generation facilities and electric vehicles 21/12/2021 1000000000 Local governments and private businesses and organizations will be supported to purchase renewable energy generation facilities and electric vehicles at the same time and share them with local residents. In addition, the program also supports the introduction of recharging and discharging equipment and external power feeders to help local governments and private companies turn their facilities into disaster centers and contribute to strengthening local resilience.
Japan National Clean unconditional Project to support the realization of sustainable and resilient communities through the introduction... Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15453055.490517 2021122121/12/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Ministry of the Environment Government Support local government to formulate regional renewable energy strategies and to build regional renewable energy systems 21/12/2021 1650000000 "Support for local governments, etc. to formulate strategies for setting targets and building consensus for the introduction of regional renewable energy, build a system for implementation and operation of regional renewable energy projects conducted through public-private partnerships, and implement regional decarbonization. (1) Support for the formulation of strategies to promote the introduction of regional renewable energy in a planned and phased manner (2) Support for the establishment of a framework for the implementation and operation of local renewable energy projects conducted through public-private partnerships (3) Support for promoting the use of third-party ownership models for the installation of solar power generation equipment, etc."
Japan National Clean unconditional Subsidy for promotion of renewable energy in symbiosis with local communities Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 27596225.708265 2021062121/06/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Promote regional micro-grid to increase decentralised renewable energy facilities 21/06/2021 2946587000 Partial support for private companies, etc. that intend to build a "regional micro-grid" that can supply power independently in the event of a large-scale power outage due to a disaster, etc., by utilizing renewable energy in the region and monitoring the tidal current of the lower grid under normal circumstances.
Japan National Clean unconditional Promotion of Self-Sustained and Decentralized Energy Facilities at Evacuation Facilities for Simulta... Buildings Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 65558417.232498 2021122121/12/2021 Several energy stages Ministry of the Environment Government Promotion of self-sustainaed and decentralized energy facilities for improving resilience and decarbonization 21/12/2021 7000000000 Support the introduction of renewable energy facilities and CO2-saving facilities to public facilities, to strengthen the resilience of local communities and to enable the functioning of energy supply, etc. in times of disaster, in addition to decarbonization in normal times. The subsidy covers part of the cost of introducing renewable energy facilities, facilities to utilize unused energy, cogeneration systems (CGS) and their ancillary facilities (energy storage, charging/discharging facilities/charging equipment, self-supply lines, heat pipes, etc.), and CO2-saving facilities (including high-performance ventilation facilities and energy-saving septic tanks), etc., which contribute to disaster prevention and disaster mitigation.
Japan National Clean unconditional Introduction and development of advanced production technology to secure the domestic production bas... Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 121749594.94264 2021122121/12/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Promotion of domestic batteries production 21/12/2021 12999813000 For businesses that introduce advanced production and recycling technologies for storage batteries and materials on a large scale in Japan, the program provides partial support for the investment in buildings and equipment necessary for this purpose, as well as for research and development costs related to such production and recycling technologies.
Canada National Fossil unconditional Support provided by Export Development Canada to oil and gas in 2021 Resources Oil and gas Other hybrid support measures 3839671886.6518 2021123131/12/2021 Several energy stages EDC Public finance institution Increase the competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector 5149000000 This amount of funding represents the total support Export Development Canada (EDC), Canada's export credit agency, provides to the domestic fossil fuel industry (specifically to oil and gas) for the 2021 period.
Canada National Fossil unconditional Support provided by Export Development Canada to oil and gas in 2020 Resources Oil and gas Other hybrid support measures 6038777032.0656 2020123030/12/2020 Several energy stages EDC Public finance institution Increase the competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector 8098000000 This amount of funding represents the total support Export Development Canada (EDC), Canada's export credit agency, provides to the domestic fossil fuel industry (specifically to oil and gas) for the 2020 period.
The Netherlands Hengelo Fossil conditional Commission approves €14.3 million Dutch aid to support a carbon capture and use facility Other sector Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 16324200.913242 2021073030/07/2021 Reduced environmental damage European Commission Government The aim of the measure is to increase environmental protection by reducing the use of primary energy sources for conventional forms of CO2 generation for horticultural processes and therefore reducing CO2 emissions linked to these processes. 30/07/2021 14300000 The European Commission has found a €14.3 million Dutch investment aid to TWENCE HOLDING BV to build a carbon capture and use facility to be in line with EU State aid rules. The project will enable the removal of CO2 from flue gases at the company’s waste-to-energy installation facility located at Hengelo, in the Netherlands. The captured liquid CO2 will be used primarily by greenhouses in the horticultural sector, where it is to be used to enhance crop growth. The investment project relates to the capturing process and equipment of the liquefied CO2 and not to its transport. The aim of the measure is to increase environmental protection by reducing the use of primary energy sources for conventional forms of CO2 generation for horticultural processes and therefore reducing CO2 emissions linked to these processes. In addition, the measure aims at re-using CO2 and contributing to the development of sustainable and circular product chains for the reutilization and application of CO2. The intended investment aid of around €14.3 million would represent 37% of the eligible investment costs of the project.
The Netherlands Rotterdam port area/ North Sea Fossil conditional Dutch government grants €2 billion in subsidies to carbon storage project Power generation Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2283105022.8311 2021050909/05/2021 Reduced environmental damage Dutch government Government Reduce emissions in the industrial cluster surrounding Rotterdam by around 10% 09/05/2021 2000000000 The Dutch government has granted a consortium that includes oil majors Royal Dutch Shell and ExxonMobil around €2 billion in subsidies for what is set to become one of the largest carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects in the world. Shell and Exxon requested the subsidies in January together with industrial gas suppliers Air Liquide and Air Products for a project which aims to capture CO2 emitted by factories and refineries in the Rotterdam port area and store it in empty Dutch gas fields in the North Sea. The project is set to become operational in 2024 and is expected to reduce emissions in the industrial cluster surrounding Europe’s largest sea port by around 10%. The subsidies are meant to compensate the companies for the extra costs of capturing the greenhouse gasses instead of emitting them, while the port will provide the necessary infrastructure to transport the carbon dioxide to the empty offshore gas fields.
The Netherlands National Clean conditional Scale-up of public transport infrastructure – €2.5 billion Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2888127853.8813 2021040909/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Dutch government Government "The government is injecting €646 million into and setting aside €3.5 billion for ten projects designed to ensure greater economic growth in the Netherlands. The government intends to invest these sums, which will be allocated from the National Growth Fund, in green hydrogen, innovative and future-proof education methods and the extension of Amsterdam's North-South metro line, among other things. In awarding grants to these projects, the government is adopting the recommendation issued by the proposal assessment advisory committee led by Jeroen Dijsselbloem in full. The news was announced by the Ministers Van 't Wout (Economic Affairs and Climate Policy) and Hoekstra (Finance). The advisory committee advised the government to allocate €646 million from the National Growth Fund at once (although some of the allocations are subject to conditions). Furthermore, it advised that €3.5 billion be earmarked for proposals whose funding is contingent on the applicants supplying more detailed information. The National Growth Fund is intended for one-off public investment that contributes to the country's future economic growth. The projects that will be granted funding will all result in increased productivity and create new business, the committee found, partly based on analyses performed by the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis and other experts" 09/04/2021 2530000000 The Dutch government has earmarked a total of EUR 2.5 billion for 3 public transport infrastructure projects: (1) Expansion of metropolitan public transport system and Southern Randstad urbanization; (2) Expansion of the MRA metropolitan public transport system and urbanization; (3) Eindhoven Brainport line
The Netherlands National Clean conditional Scale-up of green hydrogen and green electrons in the manufacturing industry – €338 million Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 385844748.85845 2021040909/04/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Dutch government Government The public investment should create a strong and flexible hydrogen ecosystem that will form the basis for the scaling-up of hydrogen and electrochemistry. Industrial clusters that may present us with opportunities in this regard are situated in the northern provinces of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, Rotterdam/Moerdijk, Zeeland, Arnhem, Brainport Eindhoven and Limburg (Chemelot). 09/04/2021 338000000 The Groenvermogen (“green power”) proposal, which is designed to scale up the use of hydrogen and green electrons in energy-intensive components of the manufacturing industry, was awarded a portion (€338 million) of the requested amount of funding. The proposal concerns a fully integrated approach taken by companies, government agencies and knowledge institutions active in this sector, including a comprehensive and coherent research and innovation program and an education agenda. Moreover, the development may go a long way towards helping the Netherlands meet its requirements under the Paris Agreement.
Colombia National Other energy Ecopetrol submits non-binding offer to acquire the government’s shareholding in Interconexión... Power generation Multiple energy types Government procurement (DT) 2021012626/01/2021 Several energy stages Ecopetrol S.A SOE Primary: To consolidate in the Colombian’ energy sector and the Americas. Secondary: To take a transformational step for Ecopetrol on its energy transition and decarbonization route Ecopetrol has announced its intention to advance in its transformation to be the Colombian Integrated Company of Energy. With that goal and to face the challenges of the environment and the energy transition, the company presented a non-binding offer to acquire the participation owned by the Nation-Ministry of Finance and Public Credit in Interconectado Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P (ISA), equivalent to 51.4% of the outstanding shares. This decision responds to the Ecopetrol Group strategy that seeks to strengthen its leadership in the hydrocarbon chain in the American continent, while accelerating its energy transition with an ambitious plan to reduce emissions, growth in renewables, increase production of natural gas and its participation in other energy fields, including transmission, all leveraged on digital transformation and convergence technological.
Colombia National Other energy Ecopetrol investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy as part of 2021 investment plan Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 150000000 2020121414/12/2020 Several energy stages Ecopetrol S.A SOE Reducing emissions 554228100000 Ecopetrol will invest more than US$150 million in decarbonization projects, including energy efficiency projects, leakage and venting reduction, and the construction of the Rubiales Solar Park.
Colombia National Other energy Ecopetrol investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency as part of 2020 investment plan Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 50000000 2020071717/07/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Ecopetrol S.A SOE Reducing Ecopetrol emissions 184742700000 More than US$50 million will be invested in decarbonization projects in 2020, including energy efficiency projects, reduction of leaks and venting, and the construction of the San Fernando Solar Park (50 MW) in the department of Meta, which will be developed through a PPA (power purchase agreement). Thus, progress continues towards the goal of reducing between 1.8 and 2.0 million tons of CO2e in 2022, in addition to the 6.6 million tons reduced between 2010 and 2019, and the objective of incorporating 300 MW of renewable generation by 2022.
Colombia National Fossil unconditional 2021 Ecopetrol investments in the interconnection project between the Cartagena refinery and the new... Resources Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 48000000 2020121414/12/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Ecopetrol S.A SOE Primary: increase the capacity of the refinery up to 200 thousand barrels per day by 2022 177352992000 As part of the Ecopetrol investment plan for 2021, Ecopetrol announces further investments in in the order of USD 48 Million in 2021 for incrementing the capacity of the refinery up than 200 mil barrels per day by 2022
Colombia National Fossil unconditional 2020 Ecopetrol investments in the interconnection project between the Cartagena refinery and the new... Resources Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 60000000 2020071717/07/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Ecopetrol S.A SOE Primary: increase the capacity of the refinery to more than 200 thousand barrels per day by 2022 221691240000 As part of the Ecopetrol investment plan for 2020, Ecopetrol announces investments in the order of USD 60 Million in 2020 for incrementing the capacity of the refinery to more than 200 mil barrels per day by 2022
Colombia National Fossil unconditional Ecopetrol investments for the development of the Piedemonte Llanero basin and maturing gas discoveri... Resources Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 130000000 2020071717/07/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Ecopetrol S.A SOE Primary: Enhance the country's gas supply. 480331020000 As part of the Ecopetrol investment plan for 2020, Ecopetrol announces investments in different regions of the country that secure gas supply. The plan includes gas investments of more than US$130 million, including the development of the Piedemonte and the maturation of offshore gas discoveries in the Colombian Caribbean.
Colombia National Other energy IPSE inaugurated the improvement of a hybrid-type power plant in the Upper Guajira region conformed ... Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1975720.8268581 2021062626/06/2021 Electricity generation IPSE - Ministry of Mines and Energy Government Primary: Enhancing an existing power generation plant 7300000000 IPSE (an entity under de Ministry of Mines and Energy) delivered 560 new solar panels, 400 pre-paid meters and two diesel power plants as back-up system in the Upper Guajira region. As an improvement of an existing power plant, the project would favour circa 400 families of Nazareth and Puerto Estrella.
Colombia National Clean unconditional Public funding has been approved for the biggest rural electrification project to date using solar p... Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 19519309.829292 2021070101/07/2021 Electricity generation Ministry of Mines and Energy Government Primary: provide electricity access to 4.009 families in the municipality of Uribia, La Guajira 72121000000 The ministry of Mines and Energy has approved public resources toward delivering energy access through solar electrification in the rural area of the municipality of Uribia, La Guajira. In total, COP 57.121 millon from the Fondo de Apoyo para la Energización de las Zonas no Interconectadas (FAZNI) and COP 15.000 million from royalties have been committed to the project.
Canada Ontario Clean conditional Launch of Hydro One Mobility Multiple energy types Equity injection or nationalis... 2020021414/02/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Government Launch of a new company with Ontario Power Generation to deliver Ontario's largest and most connected electric vehicle fast-charger network
Canada Alberta Fossil conditional Alberta grants for oil and gas emission reduction Resources Oil and gas Budget or off-budget transfer ... 41759880.686055 2021110101/11/2021 Several energy stages Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) Government 56000000 These are the largest ever public funding commitments made by Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) to reduce emissions in the oil and gas sector.
Mexico National Fossil unconditional Tax benefit for gasoline consumption in the southern border Mobility Oil and oil products Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 32486270.129387 2020122828/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government 28/12/2020 698000000 On the 28th of December 2020 the government signed a decree which extended existing tax breaks on gasoline consumption at the norther border to the souther border. These tax breaks include a reduced VAT from 16% to 8% and income tax from 30% to 20% and a subsidized IEPS rate for gasoline. These subsidized rates will be applied in several municipalities in the southern states of Campeche, Tabasco, Chiapas and Quintana Roo. By doing so the government is seeking to harmonize fuel prices in those southern states with those in Guatemala which are currently lower.
Mexico National Fossil unconditional Purchase of Deer Park Refinery Resources Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 562412733.87322 2021052626/05/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Government increase Mexico's oil refining capacity 12084000000 Through this measure the government completed the purchase of the Deer Park refinery based in the United States. The company was acquired by Pemex for USD 596 million, corresponding to 50% of Shell's stake in the company. The refinery is among the largest in the United States with a crude capacity of 340,000 barrels per day. Likewise, its plants allow it to process heavy and light crude without generating fuel oil. It produces around 131 thousand barrels per day of gasoline, 89 thousand barrels per day of diesel and 25 thousand barrels per day of jet fuel.
Chile National Clean conditional Energy Efficiency Subsidy Buildings Energy efficiency Other hybrid support measures 2021031111/03/2021 Energy efficiency Ministry of Housing and Urbanism Government Selection of more than 11000 projects throughout the country with which communities will be provided with cleaner environments, along with promoting more integrated and fair localities that allow a better quality of life which encourages energy savings. This subsidy focuses on vulnerable families and from middle income sectors that do not have a budget to carry out work of this type in their homes, so in order to apply you must need to follow established requirements. 16/03/2021 This program seeks to improve the quality of life of families, through wall coverings for thermal insulation, window improvements and the incorporation of clean energy that allow savings in the family budget. This green initiative seeks to create sustainable solutions in line with the global climate change agenda that is part of the challenges addressed at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26). (accessed 7 April 2022) (accessed 7 April 2022)
Chile National Clean unconditional Electromobility National Strategy Mobility Multiple renewable New or extended regulation (IT... 2021101818/10/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Energy Government Access for 100% of the population to sustainable transport (zero emission), allowing an improvement in the quality of life, sustainable development and compliance with our environmental commitments. This strategy sets the goals of 100% of new additions to urban public transport being zero emission vehicles by 2035, 100% of sales of light and medium vehicles being zero emissions by 2035 and 100% of sales of vehicles for interurban passenger transport and freight transport are zero emissions by 2045. In addition, 100% of sales of machinery (mining, forestry, construction and agriculture) of more than 560 kW of power will be zero emissions from 2035, and more than 19 kW from 2040. (accessed 23 March 2022) (accessed 23 March 2022)
Chile National Clean unconditional Regulation of distributed power generation for self-consumption Power generation Solar New or extended regulation (IT... 2020092121/09/2020 Electricity generation Ministry of Energy Government The objective is to increase distributed generation using renewable energies. 06/11/2020 This legislation (Reglamento de generacion distribuida para autoconsumo) aims to improve renewable generation penetration in the country and develop a distributed generation legislation that help to achieve carbon neutrality towards 2050 and the NDC to comply with the Paris Agreement. It allows implementation of small-scale solar projects within small communities and connection to the grid using net metering. (accessed 2/11/2020) (accessed 2/11/2020)
Chile National Other energy Carbon Neutrality in the energy sector Multiple sectors Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2020040101/04/2020 Several energy stages Ministry of Energy Government The measure states that the adoption of new technologies makes it possible to achieve higher levels of electromobility penetration and efficiency measures in the productive sectors which, hand in hand with the development of the green hydrogen industry, make it possible to achieve Carbon Neutrality in 2050. This is a declarative measure by which Chile is committed to achieving the goal of carbon neutrality before the year 2050. This includes eliminating coal from the power supply and that electricity also replaces the burning of fossil fuels in different sectors of the economy such as transportation, housing, mining and other industries. *(accessed 23 March 2022) ; ; (accessed 23 March 2022)
Chile National Clean unconditional Energy Efficiency in Hospitals Buildings Energy efficiency Government procurement (DT) 457000000 2021070606/07/2021 Energy efficiency Ministry of Public Health and Public Works Government Reduction of GHG to align to its 2020-2030 carbon budget, established in the National Strategic Plan. 06/07/2021 362276239000 Incorporation of energy efficiency criteria, established in the 2020 NDC, in the construction of public hospitals and health facilities. Among them is the incorporation of thermal insulation, low energy consumption, orientation, etc.). While this is still a proposal and has still not received final approval, it is indicative of how the Strategic Climate and Energy Plan is to be implemented. Stated in the proposed law is a commitment of 457 million USD.ñas/Chile-se-Recupera/Chile-se-recupera-2.0/210630_Reporte_Sustentabilidad_Inv_Publica_v6.pdf (accessed 11 April 2022) (accessed 11 April 2022)
Chile National Other energy Energy Efficiency Law Multiple sectors Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2021020101/02/2021 Energy efficiency Ministry of Energy Government The law aims to institutionalize the concept of energy efficiency, to manage energy use of large consumers, to regulate energy efficiency in buildings, to define efficiency standards for vehicles, to define a Hydrogen norm and to manage energy use in the public sector. 01/02/2021 The country's first energy efficiency law focuses on a rational and efficient use of natural resources, encompassing virtually all of the country's energy needs: transport, industry/energy, residential, private and commercial.,Sector%20residencial%2C%20p%C3%BAblico%20y%20comercial (accessed 17 June 2022)
Chile National Other energy Heating and Cooling National Strategy Buildings Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2021070101/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Energy Government Aims for renewable energy to represent 80% of energy supply for heating and cooling by 2050, reducing GHG in the heating and cooling sectors by 65% (from 2019 levels) and reducing 75% of cooling and heating gaps at a national level. 01/07/2021 This strategy is part of a broader effort to reduce emissions and energy intensity of the residential cooling and heating demand. It is built around four themes: 1) Sustainability for the energy transition linked to improved social, environmental and economic welfare. 2) Institutional strengthening based on normative and regulatory progress. 3) Improving skills and development in the sector, including: installers, designers, managers and operators of the system. Also, increased links between industry and skills development. 4) Availability and transparency of information so that communities are empowered to become responsible energy users.
Japan National Clean unconditional Acceleration of the construction of a next-generation network for the mass introduction of renewable... Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 46821849.683915 2021122121/12/2021 Electricity generation Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Introduction of long-distance submarine DC power transmission system in order to enable mass introduction of renewable energy 21/12/2021 4999403000 In order to accelerate the resolution of power grid constraints in order to achieve renewable energy targets, it is essential to accelerate the development of a DC power transmission system to efficiently transmit power from Hokkaido, which has great potential for offshore wind power, to large demand areas. In this project, we will conduct a survey of the actual sea area based on the discussions of the "Study Group for the Development of Long-Distance Submarine DC Power Transmission System", which aims to organize the points to be considered when introducing a long-distance submarine DC power transmission system, and to promote specifics regarding the sea area suitable for the system, costs, etc.
Japan National Clean unconditional Subsidy for energy conservation investment Multiple sectors Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 93611650.667291 2021122121/12/2021 Energy efficiency Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Promotion of energy-saving equipment 21/12/2021 9995384000 Subsidizes a portion of the cost of upgrading to energy-saving equipment with superior performance in the industrial and commercial sectors.
Japan National Clean unconditional Mainstreaming of Local Renewable Energy and Strengthening of Resilience through the use of PPAs Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 106298290.79841 2021122121/12/2021 Several energy stages Ministry of the Environment Government Promotion of local renewable energy system 21/12/2021 11350000000 To promote the introduction and price reduction of on-site solar power generation equipment and storage batteries through on-site PPAs, etc., and to achieve storage parity, the program provides support for businesses, etc., that install on-site solar power generation equipment and storage batteries (including vehicle-mounted storage batteries) in commercial facilities, industrial facilities, housing complexes, and single-family homes through on-site PPAs, etc., and return a portion of the subsidy amount to consumers through reduced service charges, etc. Support will also be provided for businesses that have installed demand-side equipment that can be operated and controlled off-site to achieve energy management and CO2 reduction during normal times, and that can report on the results of remote control.
Japan National Clean unconditional Subsidies to encourage customer-driven PV installations Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 126425361.74198 2021122121/12/2021 Electricity generation Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Promotion of solar power generation without FIT/FIP schemes 21/12/2021 13499068000 Support for the introduction of solar power generation facilities when customers who wish to install solar power generation facilities by themselves or by power producers and conclude contracts for long-term use of renewable energy without using FIT/FIP schemes or self consignment.
Turkey National Fossil unconditional Economic Stability Shield Program – VAT reduction on domestic flights Mobility Multiple fossil Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 2020031818/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Government Support domestics flights 18/03/2020 18/06/2020 As part of the 100 billion TL Economic Stability Shield Program designed to combat the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. President Erdogan has announced VAT on domestic flights has been reduced from 18% to 1% for 3 months.
Germany National Clean conditional Germany launches funding call for alternatively powered trains Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 84474885.844749 2021061818/06/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) German Government Government To improve rail infrastructure in Germany 18/06/2021 74000000 In June 2021, the funding call for alternative drive systems and charging and refueling infrastructure in rail transport, such as overhead line sections for recharging batteries and stations for charging trains at stations, was launched. The basis for this is the new "Guideline for the Promotion of Alternative Drive Systems in Rail Transport." According to financial planning, budget funds of 74 million euros are available for the program until 2024.
Germany National Clean conditional Germany supports publicly accessible charging infrastructure for electric vehicles Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 570776255.70776 2021062828/06/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) German Government Government To further improve the charging infrastructure in Germany 17/08/2021 500000000 Germany relaunched the funding guideline "Publicly accessible charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Germany" with a volume of 500 million euros until 2025. The funding guideline was approved by the EU Commission on June 28, 2021. The first funding call for public charging points was published on August 17, 2021, and the second funding call on August 18, 2021.
Germany National Clean unconditional Launch of the Northern Germany Regulatory Sandbox to accelerate the process of translating research ... Multiple sectors Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 59360730.593607 2021041414/04/2021 Several energy stages German Government Government To support research on green hydrogen in Northern Germany 14/04/2021 52000000 A total of €52 million is available for the Northern Germany Regulatory Sandbox. The aim is to use green hydrogen to integrate industry, transport and the supply of heat in a consistent manner, thus saving large amounts of carbon dioxide. The regulatory sandboxes for the energy transition are a funding instrument within the framework of the Federal Government’s Seventh Energy Research Programme. The funding provided by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is used to support companies and research institutions that are developing tangible solutions for the energy transition. The regulatory sandboxes enable experts to test innovative energy technologies under existing market conditions and on an industrial scale, thus helping to speed up the process from technological development to market penetration.
Germany National Fossil unconditional EUR 920 million for 15 German airports Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1050228310.5023 2021021212/02/2021 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) German Government Government To maintain regional infrastructure 12/02/2021 920000000 "Last autumn, Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer proposed a 50-50 model between the federal and state governments to help airports. Specifically, the idea is to reimburse the costs of keeping airports open at the beginning of the Corona pandemic. During the lockdown in March and April, airports were kept open at the request of politicians despite the dramatic drop in passenger numbers - so that German tourists from abroad could be brought home and masks and medicines could be transported. In concrete terms, this involves a sum of 200 million euros from the federal government and the airports' holding costs from March to the end of June 2020. In addition, the federal government is putting around 400 million euros into the three airports with federal participation, in addition to Berlin, these are Munich and Cologne-Bonn. The preconditions for federal support are that the respective federal states provide a subsidy in the same amount, that no dividends are distributed for 2020 and that no bonuses are paid to managing directors and board members of the operating companies. In addition, the Federal Government will support small airports in connection with air navigation services. To this end, a second charging area supported with federal funds is to be created for aerodromes that do not belong to those under § 27d para. 1 of the Air Traffic Act, but where air navigation services are recognised as necessary. Up to now, small airports have borne the costs of air traffic control themselves and cannot always pass them on to airspace users. 20 million euros have been earmarked for this support measure in the 2021 budget. DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (air navigation services) will receive equity support of €300 million in 2021. "
Germany National Fossil unconditional TUI Rescue Swells to $5.8 Billion With Third Government Deal Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1484018264.8402 2020120202/12/2020 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) German Government Government To support the world's biggest tour operator in the face of the new wave of virus lockdown 02/12/2020 1300000000 The latest package of 1.8 billion euros will include 1.3 billion euros from the state - amassed from federal fund WSF, state-run lender KfW and a state debt guarantee -- together with 500 million euros from a shareholder capital increase. The bailout, which adds to earlier rescue packages granted in April and August, was delayed by a debate over what conditions the state should attach, especially how much control the government should have over the company. TUI was already Germany’s second-biggest coronavirus-bailout recipient, topped only by airline Deutsche Lufthansa AG. Parts of the package can be converted into equity, meaning the government could end up holding 25% plus one share in TUI. The German state will also nominate two members to TUI’s supervisory board, and the deal comes with restrictions such as preventing the firm investing in other companies. No job cuts are foreseen.
Germany National Fossil conditional Germany pledges EUR 700 million to help South Africa ditch coal Power generation Coal Budget or off-budget transfer ... 799086757.99087 2021110202/11/2021 Several energy stages German Government Government To facilitate a Just Transition in South Africa 02/11/2021 700000000 "The US and several European nations, including Germany, have pledged $8.5 billion (€7.3 billion) to help South Africa phase out coal and expand renewable sources of energy. The partnership was announced at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow on Tuesday. Germany said it planned to invest €700 million as part of the plan, which is also backed by the UK, France and the European Union."
Germany National Clean unconditional Germany funds two projects researching alternatives to fossil fuel use in the glass industry with EU... Other sector Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5136986.3013699 2021112424/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) German Government Government To facilitate Germany's efforts to decarbonize its domestic industry. 24/11/2021 4500000 The Federal Environment Ministry in Germany (BMU) is funding two projects researching alternatives to fossil fuel use in the glass industry. Glass manufacturer Schott, based in Mainz, will receive around 4.5 million euros in total as part of the BMU’s Decarbonization in Industry programs, which aims to reduce emissions in energy-intensive industries through the use of innovative technologies.
Germany National Clean unconditional Government defines “green hydrogen” and decides rules for rapid market ramp-up Power generation Hydrogen Other hybrid support measures 2021052020/05/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation German Government Government To increase the uptake of hydrogen, accompanying the latest version of the Renewable Energy Act (EEG) which specifies support for new hydrogen production facilities and other renewable installations such as biogas plants and agri-solar PV. 20/05/2021 Germany’s first movers in hydrogen generation using electricity will be supported by lower power prices and a wide definition of “green” hydrogen, the government has decided. By creating “clear and pragmatic” requirements for green hydrogen, a rapid market ramp-up of the technology is aimed for by the government. To make the ramp-up of electrolysers more attractive, they will be partially exempt from the renewable energy surcharge (EEG levy). This will make the electricity used in the process cheaper. The EEG levy is generally paid by all electricity consumers with their power bills and the money is used to pay for feed-in support of renewable installations. Producers of green hydrogen, who use renewable energy for the process, are exempt. So are energy intensive companies, such as large chemical plants, who largely focus on electrolysis, regardless of the origin of the electricity used in production. In the interest of a rapid ramp-up of hydrogen production, the ministry decided against a stricter definition of green hydrogen and against rules for the location of electrolysers.
Germany National Clean unconditional German parliament agrees higher renewable expansion goals for 2022 Power generation Multiple renewable New or extended regulation (IT... 2021042222/04/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation German Government Government To increase tender volumes for solar and wind for 2022 22/04/2021 The governing coalition parties in German parliament have agreed on higher tender volumes for next year's wind and solar PV installations. But parliamentarians did not make headway on a new renewables target for 2030, which has become necessary after the EU raised its overall 2030 emission reduction target to 55 percent, leaving this key step to the next government following the September elections. They also agreed to cap the renewables surcharge paid by consumers with their power bills to 5 cents per kilowatt-hour in the years 2023 and 2024. The renewables industry welcomed the short-term increase in capacity additions, but said that much higher targets were needed in the long term.
Germany National Clean unconditional Commission approves modified German support scheme for offshore wind energy Power generation Wind Other hybrid support measures 2021032929/03/2021 Electricity generation European Commission Government To further develop offshore wind energy generation in Germany The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a German operating aid scheme to further develop offshore wind energy generation in Germany (modified ‘WindSeeG’). The scheme, that will replace support for offshore wind under an existing scheme that the Commission approved as part of a 2017 State aid decision in case SA.45461, will increase the target for installed offshore wind capacity from 15 Gigawatt (GW) to 20 GW by 2030 and set a target of 40 GW of installed offshore capacity by 2040. Like the existing scheme, the new scheme is based on the centralized model, where the State pre-selects and tenders specific sites for offshore wind development. The aid will be granted in the form of a premium on top of the electricity market price, that will be set on the basis of the lowest bid in open and transparent competitive tenders, and will be paid for a period of 20 years. The scheme is approved until 2026. (accessed 29 Mar 2021)
Germany National Clean unconditional Germany and Canada agree to explore green hydrogen development Power generation Hydrogen Uncategorized 2021031616/03/2021 Several energy stages German Government Government To drive forward Germany's National Hydrogen Mission 16/03/2021 Germany and Canada agreed on Tuesday to explore the joint development of green hydrogen from Canadian hydroelectric power for export to Germany.
Germany National Clean conditional Extension of subsidies for wallboxes for electric vehicles Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 342465753.42466 2021072121/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) German Government Government To facilitate the uptake of electric vehicles in Germany 21/07/2021 300000000 The subsidy for private charging stations for electric cars on residential buildings will be increased once again by a further 300 million euros and thus extended. A subsidy of 900 euros will support the purchase and installation of the so-called wallboxes. A total of 800 million euros in federal funding is now available for this purpose.
Germany National Clean conditional Germany launches tender to quickly expand countrywide e-car charging network Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2283105022.8311 2021081717/08/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) German Government Government To facilitate the uptake of electric vehicles in Germany 17/08/2021 2000000000 The German Transport Ministry has set aside two billion euros for the Deutschlandnetz (German network) scheme and will award tenders for charging stations on country roads and later also on motorways
Germany National Clean conditional Germany invests 8 billion euros in 62 EU-backed hydrogen projects Power generation Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9132420091.3242 2021052828/05/2021 Several energy stages German Government Government To reshape mobility in Germany and the EU, from the energy system and drive technologies to the fuelling infrastructure. 28/05/2021 8000000000 As part of Germany’s long-term strategy to make hydrogen a cornerstone of its energy transition, the federal ministries for economic affairs and energy (BMWi) and of transport and digital infrastructure (BMVI) have selected 62 large-scale projects that are to be funded as part of a joint EU investment in hydrogen technology, the government announced today. In taking part in the joint Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI), Germany is also implementing a significant part of its own National Hydrogen Strategy
Germany National Other energy German parliament raises targets for emission cuts in transport sector Mobility Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2021052121/05/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) German Government Government To align with and even exceed the EU's Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), passed on 20 May 2021. 21/05/2021 Germany has increased the emissions reduction targets in its transport sector. Following changes introduced by parliament, the sector has to reach a share of 32 percent renewables by 2030. The use of biofuels made from palm oil will be ended by 2023. The bioenergy lobby welcomed the changes, saying that they would help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide planning security.
Germany National Other energy Commission approves prolongation and modification of German scheme to support electricity production... Power generation Multiple energy types Other hybrid support measures 37671232876.712 2021042929/04/2021 Electricity generation EU Commission Government The scheme will help Germany reach its renewable energy targets without unduly distorting competition and will contribute to the EU objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. 29/04/2021 33000000000 The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, the prolongation and modification of a German scheme to support the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and from mine gas, as well as reductions of charges to fund support for electricity from renewable sources. The reduction of charges will be available to (i) energy-intensive companies and (ii) shore-side electricity supply to ships while at berth in ports. The scheme is part of the German Renewable Energy Act (“Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz” - ‘EEG 2021'). The scheme will help Germany reach its renewable energy targets without unduly distorting competition and will contribute to the EU objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Payments under the scheme for 2021 have been estimated to amount to around €33.1 billion. Beneficiaries will generally receive support via a sliding premium on top of the electricity market price, with the exception of very small installations, which will be eligible to receive feed-in tariffs. Moreover, in the majority of cases, beneficiaries will be selected through competitive bidding processes. In particular, tenders are organised per technology, including a newly introduced separation of rooftop and ground based solar photovoltaic, and separate tenders for biomethane. Moreover, innovation tenders for projects spanning several technologies will also be organised, allowing for a certain degree of technological neutrality and to gather experience on how to make electricity production from RES installations less intermittent. Finally, as biomass and onshore wind tenders have been regularly undersubscribed in the past, the EEG 2021 contains clear safeguards for tenders to be competitive, therefore unfolding their full potential to avoid overcompensation and to keep costs to a minimum for consumers and taxpayers. Rules to sell electricity in line with market signals have also been further improved in the EEG 2021. (accessed 3 May 2021)
United States National Fossil unconditional Main Street Lending Program, Fossil fuel beneficiaries Multiple sectors Multiple fossil Loan guarantee (Hybrid) 2220000000 2020040909/04/2020 Several energy stages CARES, Main Street Lending Program, US Federal Reserve Central bank "In response to the public input, the Board decided to expand the loan options available to businesses, and increased the maximum size of businesses that are eligible for support under the program. The changes include: 1) Creating a third loan option, with increased risk sharing by lenders for borrowers with greater leverage 2) Lowering the minimum loan size for certain loans to $500,000 3) Expanding the pool of businesses eligible to borrow." 06/07/2020 08/01/2021 2220000000 As part of its broad effort to support the economy, the Federal Reserve developed the Main Street Lending Program to help credit flow to small and medium-sized businesses that were in sound financial condition before the pandemic.
United States National Clean unconditional Main Street Lending Program, Renewable Energy Beneficiaries Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Loan guarantee (Hybrid) 170000000 2020040909/04/2020 Several energy stages CARES, Main Street Lending Program, US Federal Reserve Central bank 06/07/2020 08/01/2021 170000000 The Federal Reserve established the Main Street Lending Program (Program) to support lending to small and medium-sized for profit businesses and nonprofit organizations that were in sound financial condition before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
United States National Fossil unconditional CARES Act, support for airports Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000000 2020032727/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 748-316: CARES Act, Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act Government 27/03/2020 04/09/2021 10000000000 The CARES Act provides $10 billion for grants to airports, which similarly face the need for emergency assistance as their traditional revenues sources decline—namely, fees on passenger tickets and income from airport tenants, concessions, and parking.
United States National Clean conditional CARES Act, support for Amtrak rail services Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1021000000 2020032727/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 748-316: CARES Act, Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act Government 27/03/2020 04/09/2021 1021000000 The CARES Act (Title XII of Division B) also provides more than $1 billion for Amtrak grants to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19. The bill provides: §$492 million for the Northeast Corridor grants; and §$526 million for the National Network grants." ;
United States National Fossil unconditional CARES Act, support for airlines Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 49000000000 2020032727/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 748-316: CARES Act, Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act Government 27/03/2020 04/09/2021 49000000000 Financial assistance for Employee wages, salaries, and benefits.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, to preserve aviation jobs and compensate air carrier industry workers, the Secretary shall provide financial assistance that shall exclusively be used for the continuation of payment of employee wages, salaries, and benefits to— (1) passenger air carriers, (2) cargo air carriers and (3) contractors,35%20loans%20worth%20%2421.9%20billion.
United States National Clean conditional CARES Act, support for transit systems Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 25000000000 2020032727/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 748-316: CARES Act, Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act Government 27/03/2020 04/09/2021 25000000000 The CARES Act directs $25 billion to the Federal Transit Administration for grants to transit agencies to address the risk of insolvency of the Transit systems
" ;"
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Loan guarantee (Hybrid) 2500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 2500000000 $2.5 billion to upgrade transmission/energy grid infrastructure especially with regard to greater penetration of renewable energy systems and climate adaptation. These will be allocated as grants to states, tribes and utilities.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government "This section also establishes within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy a battery manufacturing and recycling grant program to support and sustain a North American battery supply chain. This section also directs the Secretary to continue the Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Prize and convene a task force on battery producer requirements. This section also establishes several programs within the Department of Energy (DOE) that would provide grants for battery recycling research, development and demonstration, states and units of local government to assist in the establishment or enhancement of State battery collection, recycling, and reprocessing programs and retailers that sell batteries for the implementation or establishment of a system to collect used batteries" 15/11/2021 6000000000 $6 billion for the implementation for the '' Battery Material Processing Grant Program” within DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy to ensure the US has a viable battery materials processing industry.
United States California Clean conditional California Energy Commission awards 10 million USD to advance geothermal projects and lithium batter... Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2020051313/05/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation California Energy Commission (CEC) Government Projects will help California meet its 100 percent clean electricity goal and expand the state’s emerging lithium recovery industry. 13/05/2020 10000000 The California Energy Commission (CEC) awarded nearly $10 million in grants today for three geothermal-related projects that will help California meet its 100 percent clean electricity goal and expand the state’s emerging lithium recovery industry
United States Pennsylvania Fossil unconditional Pennsylvania authorized tax credit for natural gas manufacturing (petrochemical) facilities Power generation Gas and gas products Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 26666668 2020072727/07/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation General Assembly of Pennsylvania, House Bill 732 Session of 2019 Government To encourage and incentivize the use of natural gas in industrial processes and to ensure local downstream operation to Pennsylvania's shale gas. 23/07/2020 26666668 The bill provides up to $26.6 million a year for the credit which is available from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2049-- over $670 million. To qualify for the tax credit, a company must invest at least $400 million in a facility, create 800 new jobs and permanent jobs.
Turkey National Fossil unconditional Establishment of 3 new oil-gas companies Resources Oil and gas Uncategorized 1684863901.9524 2021021212/02/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Turkish Petroleum Overseas Company Limited Government Newly established enterprises are expected to play an active role in Turkey's aspire to explore oil and gas reserves overseas and production of newly found reserves 12/02/2021 11822690000 11822690000 1684863901.9524 With a Presidential Decree, Turkish Petroleum Overseas Company Limited (TPOC), which is a subsidiary of two other SOEs (Petroleum Pipeline Company - BOTAŞ and Turkish Petroleum Corporation - TPAO) has established 3 enterprises: Turkish Petroleum International Corporation (11.8 billion TL), BOTAŞ International Corporation (3.6 million TL) and Turkish Petroleum Off-Shore Technology Center Coroporation (21.5 million TL)
Australia New South Wales Clean unconditional NSW Renewable Manufacturing Fund Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 378527185.13421 2021021919/02/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Government Secure energy supply and job creation 550000000 NSW Government initiative to secure energy supply via infrastructure and create jobs in clean growth industries in response to closure date of Eraring coal-fired power station being brought forward to 2025. Funding will go towards local manufacutring of renewable energy sector cpmponents, building new transmission infrastructure to new Renewable Energy Zones and expanding green hydrogen. The package expects to create 3,700 new jobs in clean industries
Australia New South Wales Fossil unconditional NSW Government declared coal mine expansion “state significant infrastructure” allowing ... Resources Coal Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 2021120606/12/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Government NSW Government declared the Dendrobium coal mine expansion "state significant infrastructure", overriding the rejection of the proposal in early 2021 by the state planning comission due to the likelihood of it causing damage to drinking water and releasing significant greenhouse gas emissions
Australia National Clean conditional Australian Government Future Fuels Strategy Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 122505161.73434 2021110909/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government 178000000 Australian Government final Future Fuels Strategy increases Future Fuels funding to $250 million and commits to coinvest with the private sector to provice 50,000 charging stations to Australian homes; also commits to increase information provision and ensure the electricity grid is 'EV ready'
Australia New South Wales Clean conditional Supplement to NSW Electric Vehicle Strategy Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 72264280.798348 2021111010/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government Increase EV update amongst councils, taxi companies and other fleet operatirs by covering part of the extra cost over other conventional vehicles 105000000 Supplement to NSW Electric Vehicle Strategy to support EV uptake amongst councils, taxi companies and other fleet operators
Australia New South Wales Clean conditional NSW Electric Vehicle Strategy Mobility Multiple energy types Other hybrid support measures 337233310.39229 2021102121/10/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government Aims to increase EV sales to 52% by 2030-31 and contribute to NSW net zero emissions by 2050 target 490000000 NSW Electric Vehicle Strategy to increase the uptake of electric vehicles - includes rebates, phased removal of EV stamp duty, NSW Government fleet EV targets, council/private fleet incentives
United States National Clean conditional Department of Transportation Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 553000000 2020122727/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annual budget of the United States Congress. 553000000 $553 millions increase from 2020 in funding for the Department of Transportation (DoT). Total expenditure for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $86.7 billion.
Estonia National Clean unconditional Green energy solutions for radar stations on small islands Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2054794.5205479 2021010101/01/2021 Electricity generation Estonian Government Government 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 1800000 Acquisition and installation of renewable energy solutions for Naissaare, Vaidloo and Osmussaare radar stations, dismantling/demolition of existing redundant equipment and buildings, waste disposal and improvements to infrastructure-related buildings/facilities.
Estonia National Clean unconditional Introduction of green hydrogen in public transport Mobility Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5707762.5570776 2021062929/06/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Estonian Environmental Investment Centre Public finance institution 05/07/2021 30/11/2024 5000000 The purpose of the grant is to encourage the transition to less environmentally harmful public transport that consumes green hydrogen.
Estonia National Clean conditional Rohuküla railway construction on sections: Turba-Ellamaa, Ellamaa-Risti Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 38812785.388128 2021042929/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Estonian Government Government 34000000 In the state budget strategy until 2025, €34 million has been earmarked for the Haapsalu railway.
Estonia National Clean conditional Purchase of electric buses and creation of the charging infrastructure Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4566210.0456621 2021080202/08/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Estonian Environmental Investment Centre Public finance institution 10/12/2020 31/12/2023 4000000 The aims of the grant include the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the Estonian transport sector by means of adopting electric buses, and the gathering and analysis of the consumption and charging data of electric buses to contribute to the development of the electric transport sector.
Estonia National Clean conditional Rail Baltic Ülemiste joint transport terminal construction Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 35445205.479452 2021042929/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Estonian Government Government 31050000 With the assistance of the RRF, the Ülemiste common terminal will be built in synergy with the Rail Baltica project by 31 August 2026 at the latest, with an expected grant of EUR 31.05 million.
Estonia National Clean conditional Rail Baltic local stops, Pärnu passenger terminal and viaducts Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 63105022.83105 2021042929/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Estonian Government Government 55280000 In the period 2021-2027, the local stops of Rail Baltica, the Pärnu passenger terminal and viaducts will be built with an expected total CF support of EUR 55.28 million.
Estonia National Fossil unconditional Reimbursement of network charges Power generation Multiple energy types Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 100742009.13242 2021110505/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Estonian Environmental Investment Centre Public finance institution 09/11/2021 31/03/2022 88250000 The objective of this support measure is to alleviate the increase in electricity prices for final consumers. The network operator will be compensated for the loss of revenue from the supply of network services to consumers and the VAT due on those services. Licensed network operators will be compensated for 50% of the cost of the network service provided to consumers (normal distribution or transmission tariff plus excise duty, renewable energy fee and VAT). The electricity network fee for household consumers will be reimbursed in the amount of 50% in the period from December 2021 to March 2022. The electricity network fee for business consumers (companies, institutions) will be reimbursed in the amount of 100% from January 2022.
Estonia National Clean unconditional Promoting the deployment of integrated hydrogen technologies Multiple sectors Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 57077625.570776 2021061717/06/2021 Several energy stages Estonian Government Government 50000000 Supporting the creation of integrated green hydrogen value chains that cover green hydrogen production, supply (including infrastructure where appropriate) and end-use. The measure includes both investment and operating support. The pilot projects that will be supported will be selected on the basis of an open call(s) for proposals. In 2022, investments will start in the technologies and equipment needed to build the hydrogen integrated chain, and will continue until the equipment is installed and operational.
Estonia National Clean unconditional Hydrogen Roadmap for Estonia Multiple sectors Hydrogen Government procurement (DT) 28424.657534247 2021071414/07/2021 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Estonian Government Government 14/07/2021 24900 The aim of the roadmap is to map Estonia's current situation and need (incl. Volume and potential) for the introduction of hydrogen technologies, to agree on strategic choices where Estonia has the most promising development and use of hydrogen technologies. The aim was also to map the parties needed to achieve the goals, their role and key activities both in Estonia and key partners across the region.
Estonia National Clean unconditional Transitioning to carbon neutral heating and cooling in Estonia by 2050 Other sector Multiple energy types Government procurement (DT) 125570.77625571 2021080404/08/2021 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Estonian Government Government 04/08/2021 110000 The objective of this study is to identify possible scenarios that would help to achieve carbon neutral heating and cooling sector in Estonia by 2050.
Estonia National Clean conditional Program to boost renewable energy production in industrial sectors Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7990867.5799087 2021100505/10/2021 Electricity generation Estonian Government Government 14/06/2021 31/12/2026 7000000 The measure aims at additional generation interconnection capacity in industrial areas. It will co-finance grid connection investments by companies that contribute to the increase of renewable electricity generation capacity in industrial areas.
Estonia National Clean conditional Energy storage pilot program Multiple sectors Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9132420.0913242 2021100505/10/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Estonian Government Government 14/06/2021 31/12/2026 8000000 Additional heat storage capacity and electricity storage capacity as a result of the investment support resulting from the measure. Investments in energy storage equipment by companies will be co-financed.
Estonia National Clean conditional Electricity grid reinforcement programme to increase renewable energy generation capacity and adapt ... Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 34246575.342466 2021100505/10/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Estonian Government Government 14/06/2021 31/12/2021 30000000 The aim of the measure is to increase the capacity to integrate renewable energy production into the grid. The activities will result in an increase in the capacity of the grid, as well as its resilience to climate change (storm resilience). The realisation of the investments induced by the support will lead to a generation capacity of up to 185 MW on the 110 kV network, depending on the substations, and up to 310 MW on the 330 kV network, depending on the substation. The non-repayable aid will not be included in the calculation of network charges, thus reducing the pressure to increase network charges.
Estonia National Other energy Promoting the uptake of biomethane Power generation Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 13698630.136986 2021100505/10/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Estonian Government Government 01/01/2022 31/12/2027 12000000 In order to increase the share of renewable energy in final consumption, the construction of new biogas refuelling stations will be essential for the addition of new regions in the country and the overall expansion of use. In order to increase the share of renewable energy in final consumption and to meet the national targets for the uptake of renewable fuels, compensation for the difference in the price per litre of fuel for the switch to renewable fuels in public transport is an intervention that accelerates and facilitates the process. (Explanation of the intervention in the indicator passports).
Estonia National Clean conditional Decoupling of Ida-Virumaa’s district heating from oil shale Buildings Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 22831050.228311 2021042929/04/2021 Other energy stage Estonian Government Government 01/01/2022 31/12/2026 20000000 The activities supported include partial support for investments in the construction of a new heat production plant. The objective of the intervention is to provide investment support to the network areas of district heating plants operating in the Ida-Viru region with the aim of replacing the current shale-based heat generation technology with a renewable technology. In Narva, a cogeneration plant running on renewable energy is potentially possible, while in smaller areas boilers or heat pumps could be used.
Estonia National Clean conditional Tallinn Old Port tram line construction Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 29680365.296804 2021100505/10/2021 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Estonian Government Government 26000000 The aim of the investment is to increase the share of public transport, walking and cycling in the Tallinn urban region to 50% (2025) and 70% (2035). Reduce CO2 emissions from transport in Tallinn by 40% by 2026 compared to 2007 baseline. Increase the proportion of people who are highly satisfied with the year-round accessibility of streets, pavements and public transport stops.
Estonia National Clean conditional 5th electric ferry Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Government procurement (DT) 45662100.456621 2020010101/01/2020 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Estonian Government Government 01/01/2020 40000000 Estonian government has ordered the 5th ferry to serve passengers between mainland and the biggest island in Estonia. The ferry is arriving on the route in 2024 and will start serving passengers on the Virtsu – Kuivastu route. The transition to electric vessels between Saaremaa and the mainland is planned in order to reduce the environmental impact of maritime transport. From September 2020 ferry Tõll has been the first hybrid passenger vessel in Estonia. Its batteries allow partial travel on electricity, which reduces the amount of diesel used and minimizes air pollution. The batteries are expected to reduce diesel consumption by 20% thus also reducing CO2 emissions by 1600 tons per year. In addition to emissions, underwater noise and vibration levels are also reduced.
Estonia National Clean conditional Acquisition of Elron electric trains 6+10 Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Government procurement (DT) 165525114.15525 2020012323/01/2020 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Estonian Government Government 01/01/2021 31/12/2024 145000000 In January 2020, Estonian state-owned passenger rail operator Elron announced a procurement for the purchase of six dual system electric trains with the option of an additional ten trains in the future. The new trains will be built by the Czech company, Škoda Vagonka and begin traveling on the electrified Tallinn-Tartu route, which will be completed by December 2024. The trains will be dual-system electric trains that can travel in both the old contact line area as well as on new electrified sections of rail. The new trains will increase the environmental friendliness of the transport connections, and will alleviate the current load on one of the most popular railway lines in Estonia.
Estonia National Clean conditional Electrification of railways in 2020-2028 Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 285388127.85388 2021010101/01/2021 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Estonian Government Government 01/01/2021 250000000 The scope of the project contains construction works for approximately 680 km of new contact lines. The preliminary plan is to build a maximum of 8 new traction power substations (25 kV AC). The deadline for the project is December of 2028. (04.01.2022)
Estonia National Clean conditional Development of railway infrastructure (160 km/h curves, rec) Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 74200913.242009 2021010101/01/2021 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Estonian Government Government 01/01/2021 65000000 The railway track between 2 largest Estonian cities, Tallinn and Tartu will be straightened before electrification so that the train can run up to 160 km/h.
Estonia National Clean unconditional Local authorities’ investments in light traffic Mobility Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 28538812.785388 2021100505/10/2021 Active transport (cycling or walking) Estonian Government Government 25000000 The aim of the measure is to increase the motivation of local authorities to find a solution to road sections that are dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists and to ensure better accessibility of services, including public transport, and jobs for cyclists and pedestrians outside major urban areas. The implementation of the support measure will result in a reduction of the environmental impact of the transport sector as well as an increase in the active mobility of people in the supported area.
Estonia National Clean unconditional North-East Estonian radar (for wind energy development) Other sector Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Government procurement (DT) 627853.88127854 2021100505/10/2021 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Estonian Government Government 14/06/2021 31/12/2026 550000 Estonia's airspace radar systems will be updated with the new radar in Ida-Viru County, which is planned to be up and running by 2024. Northern parts of Ida-Viru County are among the parts with the highest wind power density of the Estonian mainland.
Estonia National Fossil unconditional Reimbursement of network charges Power generation Gas and gas products Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 28538812.785388 2021110606/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Estonian Environmental Investment Centre Public finance institution 09/11/2021 31/03/2022 25000000 In accordance with the regulation of Conditions and Procedure for Partial Compensation of the Final Price of Electricity and Gas, Environmental Investment Centre provides support only to licensed network operators within the meaning of the Natural Gas Act. They will be compensated 100 per cent of the fee charged to the network service provided to the consumer for the period from 1 December 2021 to 31 March 2022 and the VAT due to those services. Gas network charges to final customers (not applicable to other network operators) will be reimbursed at 100% until March 2022.
Estonia National Fossil unconditional Reimbursement of electricity, gas and district heating bills Power generation Multiple energy types Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 85616438.356164 2021112424/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Estonian Government Government 27/11/2021 30/04/2022 75000000 Up to middle-income families are reimbursed 80% of the price increase for electricity, gas and heating bills, which exceed the following values ​​as a monthly average: electricity 120 euros/MWh (12 s/kWh); gas 49 euros/MWh (4.9 s/kWh); district heating 78 euros/MWh (7.8 s/kWh), but not less than the price of district heating in the applicant's network area as of the end of January 2021.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 8000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 8000000000 $8 billion to multiple "clean" hydrogen hubs to produce feedstock to various sectors like transportation, heating, power grid etc. There is a specific mention to build these gas producing regions and the legislation does not discern between green or blue hydrogen, thus implying the latter.
United States National Fossil unconditional Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility, Oil & Gas Bonds Power generation Multiple fossil Purchase of bonds (Hybrid) 469900000 2020032323/03/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility, United States Federal Reserve Bank Central bank The Federal Reserve established the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility (SMCCF) on March 23, 2020, to support credit to employers by providing liquidity to the market for outstanding corporate bonds. 23/03/2020 31/12/2020 469900000 The SMCCF supported market liquidity by purchasing in the secondary market corporate bonds issued by investment grade U.S. companies or certain U.S. companies that were investment grade as of March 22, 2020, as well as U.S.-listed exchange-traded funds whose investment objective is to provide broad exposure to the market for U.S. corporate bonds. The SMCCF's purchases of corporate bonds created a portfolio that tracked a broad, diversified market index of U.S. corporate bonds.
United States National Fossil conditional Department of Treasury issues rules that further specify how the 45Q tax credit will be rebated to s... Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2020011515/01/2020 Reduced environmental damage Credit for Carbon Oxide Sequestration, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Government Creates multiple tax incentives, contingent on the date on project development, for the capturing and utilization of carbon. This can can be extended to enhance oil recovery (EOR), which is a practice coinciding with upstream oil extraction. 15/01/2020 These final regulations affect persons who physically or contractually ensure the capture and disposal of qualified carbon oxide, use of qualified carbon oxide as a tertiary injectate in a qualified enhanced oil or natural gas recovery project, or utilization of qualified carbon oxide in a manner that qualifies for the credit.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 20000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 20000000 $20 million to energy efficiency training programs. $10 million worth of grants to career skills training programs under which students concurrently receive classroom instruction and on-the-job training for the purpose of obtaining an industry-related certification to install energy efficient buildings technologies. $10 worth of grants to institutions of higher education to establish building training and assessment centers to educate and train building technicians and engineers on implementing modern building technologies.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Empire Building Challenge to Combat Climate Change and Create Jobs Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 50000000 2020092222/09/2020 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government advances Governor Cuomo's clean energy and climate agenda which mandates an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, placing the state on path to economy-wide carbon-neutrality. 22/09/2020 50000000 $50 million initiative proposed during his 2020 State of the State address to transform existing multifamily and commercial high-rise buildings and substantially reduce the carbon footprint of these structures. The challenge will advance low-carbon retrofit approaches resulting in heating and cooling solutions that will increase the comfort, sustainability, and energy performance of the state's existing high-rise buildings, a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
United States New York State Clean conditional Expand Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations in New York Mobility Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 11000000 2020111212/11/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Increased use of clean transportation supports Governor Cuomo's goal for an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 12/11/2020 11000000 $11 million to build out the state's network of fast charging stations to support wider adoption of electric vehicles. The Direct Current Fast Charger program will be administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to scale up electric vehicle infrastructure in areas of the state where access to fast charging stations is limited, and will also prioritize improving the availability of charging infrastructure in disadvantaged communities.
United States New York State Clean conditional New York Climate Progress Program to Support Technologies that Lower Carbon Emissions Other sector Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2020111313/11/2020 Reduced environmental damage NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This announcement supports Governor Cuomo's climate and clean energy agenda, including the mandate for an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 13/11/2020 10000000 $10 million New York Climate Progress Program to bolster the state's clean energy economy. The Program will provide capital investments to support startups that create low-carbon goods and services, allowing them to continue to scale decarbonization products in market.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Initiatives to Electrify Transit Buses, Boosting Access to Clean Transportation and Building Healthi... Mobility Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 16000000 2020122929/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government These measures will help take polluting vehicles out of service across the state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality in support of Governor Cuomo's nation-leading clean energy and climate goals in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 29/12/2020 16000000 A series of initiatives to increase the number of electric buses in New York as part of the State's efforts to mitigate climate change, create healthier communities, improve air quality, and boost access to clean transportation in underserved communities. Specifically, this effort includes $16.4 million in incentives for the expansion of electric bus usage amongst public transportation authorities, as well as $2.5 million for school bus operators to acquire cleaner forms of transportation with lower emissions.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Award Winning Projects in Second Round of Buildings of Excellence Competition Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 13000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government The competition supports Governor Cuomo's nation-leading clean energy and climate goals, including the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 as mandated in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Lieutenant Governor Hochul celebrated today's announcement at a virtual awards ceremony. 11/03/2021 13000000 $13 million has been awarded to 14 projects through the second round of the Buildings of Excellence competition recognizing the design, construction and operation of low-carbon or carbon neutral multi-family buildings. With these winners, which include a diverse mix of large, small and community not-for-profit developers, the $40 million competition has provided awards for the construction of over three dozen state-of-the-art new construction and gut-renovation projects through the competition, including over 4,200 units that will serve low- to moderate-income households.
United States New York State Clean conditional Develop and Support Integrated Energy Data Resource Power generation Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5400000 2021032424/03/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government The creation of the IEDR, which was approved by the Public Service Commission in February, will accelerate the deployment of clean energy solutions and supports Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s goal for a 40 percent reduction in emissions by 2030 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 24/03/2021 5400000 $5.4 million is available for a Program Manager to assemble and manage a team of specialists tasked with developing an Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) and a Utility Data Advisor to provide further support and guidance. The IEDR is intended to increase access to and transparency of energy data to facilitate easier analysis of important grid insights to help researchers, clean energy project developers and the public determine policy, investment, and operational decisions.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Awards for Innovative Low Carbon and Clean Energy Solutions to Help Combat Climate Change Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6000000 2021040808/04/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This supports Governor Cuomo's clean energy and climate goals as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 08/04/2021 6000000 $6 million in awards for four Accelerate Southern Tier projects and six innovative technologies that support New York's clean energy goals. Strategically investing in entrepreneurial projects that advance low carbon and clean energy solutions enables New York to foster healthier communities and to broaden adoption of innovative initiatives to build out the State's green energy economy and combat climate change.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Consumer Education and Awareness Campaign to Accelerate Adoption of Clean Heating and Cooling Soluti... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2021041212/04/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Policy supports the Governor's goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 12/04/2021 10000000 Consumer Education and Awareness Campaign to Accelerate Adoption of Clean Heating and Cooling Solutions that Combat Climate Change
United States New York State Clean unconditional Assist Religious Congregations in Creating and Implementing a Decarbonization Plan for Their Buildin... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4000000 2021042222/04/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government The program supports Governor Cuomo’s nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 22/04/2021 4000000 $4 million award to Metro IAF, working in collaboration with the Community Purchasing Alliance and BlocPower, for its initiative to work with religious congregations and other anchor institutions on advancing energy efficiency initiatives, transitioning off fossil fuels, and adopting retrofitting projects with the top priority being outreach to institutions in disadvantaged communities.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Energy Management Program to Increase Energy Efficiency in Commercial Office Space, Reduce Greenhous... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 25000000 2021042222/04/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Policy supports the Governor's goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 22/04/2021 25000000 $25 million Real Time Energy Management + Tenants Program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing energy efficiency in commercial spaces as office and building capacity begin to increase during the COVID-19 economic recovery.
United States New York State Clean conditional Future Grid Challenge Advances Technologies that Help Utilities Overcome Energy Transmission and Dis... Power generation Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3000000 2021050505/05/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Policy supports Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s mandate for 70 percent renewable electricity by 2030 as outlined in the New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 05/05/2021 3000000 $3 million is available in the first round of the $6.3 million Future Grid Challenge to help solve technical challenges utilities face with energy transmission and distribution when integrating renewable energy resources into New York's electric grid. Specifically, the funding is available for a project or projects that partner with Avangrid and its subsidiaries, NYSEG and RG&E, to develop technical solutions that forecast and assess system impacts of electric vehicle (EV) and distributed energy resources (DER) in parts of the Southern Tier.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $15 Million Available for Third Annual Commercial and Industrial Carbon Challenge Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021051818/05/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government The C&I Carbon Challenge will help to reduce carbon emissions at commercial and industrial businesses and institutions, combat climate change, and drive economic growth across the state. Today’s announcement supports Governor Cuomo’s ambitious goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent by 2030. 18/05/2021 15000000 $15 million available as part of Round XI of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Regional Economic Development Council initiative announcedLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. last week. The C&I Carbon Challenge will help to reduce carbon emissions at commercial and industrial businesses and institutions, combat climate change, and drive economic growth across the state.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $15 Million Available for Carbon Neutral Community Economic Development Program Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021051919/05/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government The funding will accelerate the design, planning, and construction of regionally significant, community-scale carbon neutral economic development projects for buildings, campuses and communities, and large portfolio owners. The program supports Governor Cuomo’s nation-leading climate and clean energy agenda including an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 19/05/2021 15000000 $15 million is available for the Carbon Neutral Community Economic Development program (CNCED) as part of Round XI of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Regional Economic Development Council initiative announced last week. The funding will accelerate the design, planning, and construction of regionally significant, community-scale carbon neutral economic development projects for buildings, campuses and communities, and large portfolio owners.
United States New York State Clean conditional $5.4 Million Available to Develop and Support Integrated Energy Data Resource Power generation Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5400000 2021052424/05/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government The creation of the IEDR, which was approved by the Public Service Commission in February, will accelerate the deployment of clean energy solutions and supports Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s goal for a 40 percent reduction in emissions by 2030 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 24/05/2021 5400000 $5.4 million is available for a Program Manager to assemble and manage a team of specialists tasked with developing an Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) and a Utility Data Advisor to provide further support and guidance. The IEDR is intended to increase access to and transparency of energy data to facilitate easier analysis of important grid insights to help researchers, clean energy project developers and the public determine policy, investment, and operational decisions.
United States New York State Clean conditional Energy Management Technology that Enables Buildings to Provide Grid Flexibility Power generation Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3000000 2021070909/07/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This supports Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s goal to transition the state to a zero emission power grid by 2040 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 09/07/2021 3000000 The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and Blueprint Power, a New York City-based technology company, announced today a $3 million award for a first-of-its-kind demonstration project showcasing energy management technology that could not only enable buildings to provide grid flexibility, but also help expand electric vehicle (EV) capacity in New York City.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $36 Million “Regional Clean Energy Hubs” Initiative To Help Provide Clean Energy Solutio... Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 36000000 2021092323/09/2021 Other energy stage NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government Announcement supports New York State's ambitious clean energy and climate goals under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act) including the nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 and the requirement to deliver at least 35 percent of the benefits, with a goal of 40 percent, from clean energy investments to disadvantaged communities. 23/09/2021 36000000 $36 million initiative to establish and support Regional Clean Energy Hubs as centers of outreach, awareness, and education in each of the ten Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) regions, to improve community engagement and ensure that all New Yorkers can benefit from the State's clean energy transition.
United States National Clean conditional Federal Transit Administration, Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 47000000 2020122727/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annuall budget of the United States Congress. 27/12/2020 47000000 $47 millions increase from 2020 in funding for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Total expenditure for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $13 billion.
United States National Fossil conditional Accelerate Technologies for the Decarbonization of the Natural Gas Power and Industrial Sectors Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 75000000 2021042323/04/2021 Reduced environmental damage Department of Energy (DOE) Government This funding will support customized engineering designs to install carbon capture and storage technology for power and industrial plants. Retrofitting with carbon capture technology could employ a similar workforce that exists today in energy communities and position American industry to compete in a global economy that is rapidly turning toward decarbonization 23/04/2021 75000000 $75 million to carbon capture projects with a specific mention of retrofitting power plants.
Finland National Clean conditional Tax for biogas as a transport fuel Mobility Biofuels and waste Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... -4566210.0456621 2021092727/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To make biogas more competitive among transport fuel. 21/12/2021 -4000000 "From the beginning of 2022 the national distribution obligation of transport fuels is extended to biogas, also adding a tax on it. This aims to make biogas more competitive among transport fuels. However, the net effect is increase in tax income, which is estimated at EUR 4 million in annually. The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Biokaasun liikennekäytölle asetetaan vero;"
Finland National Fossil conditional Increased tax credit for household expenses for heating renovation projects Buildings Oil and oil products Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... -5707762.5570776 2021092727/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To incentivise switching from oil heating other, non-fossil based heating solutions. 21/12/2021 -5000000 "The policy aims to incentivise switching from oil heating other, non-fossil based heating solutions. The net effect is loss of tax income, which is estimated at EUR 5 million in annually. The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Kotitalousvähennyksen korottaminen öljylämmityksestä luopumisen osalta;"
Finland National Clean conditional Decreased car tax for electric vehicles Mobility Multiple energy types Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 22831050.228311 2021092727/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To incentivise the use of low-emission transport methods. 21/12/2021 20000000 "The car tax for fully electric vehicles is decreased, while increasing their general vehicle tax. As the vehicle tax increase won't be effective until 2023, the effect for 2022 is estimated at EUR 20 million. The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Täyssähköautojen autoveron alennus;"
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 115000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 115000000 $115 million to direct air capture prize technology competitions.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3474000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 3474000000 $3.4 billion to four large scale carbon capture demonstration and pilot projects.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 250000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 250000000 $250 million to grants for the Assisting Federal Facilities with energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT) for energy and water efficiency upgrades to federal buildings.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Multiple sectors Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 550000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 550000000 $550 million to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) which allows funding to be used to finance energy efficiency projects
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 550000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 550000000 $550 million to funding for academic institutions to research industrial energy efficiency. Includes a grant funding program for small-mid size manufacturers looking reduce energy consumption.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 500000000 $500 million to a clean hydrogen manufacturing and recycling program to enhance clean H2 supply chains.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 3500000000 $3.5 billion to build four region hubs that utillize direct air capture (DAC).
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 2500000000 $2.5 billion to the expansion of the Carbon Storage Validation and Testing program in the DoE to include expansion to large-scale commercialization.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 900000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 900000000 $2.1 billion to establish a CO2 Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (CIFIA) that provides low-interest loans to carbon capture transport infrastructure.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 100000000 $100 million to DoE's Carbon Capture Technology program to produce front-end engineering and design (FEED) for CO2 capture.
United States National Other energy Deparmtent of Agriculture announces $100 million to Higher Blends Infrastructure Investment Program ... Multiple sectors Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2020050404/05/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Government "U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture intends to make available up to $100 million in competitive grants for activities designed to expand the availability and sale of renewable fuels." 04/05/2020 100000000 The Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP) consists of up to $100 million in funding for competitive grants or sales incentives to eligible entities for activities designed to expand the sale and use of ethanol and biodiesel fuels. Funds will be made directly available to assist transportation fueling and biodiesel distribution facilities with converting to higher ethanol and biodiesel blends by sharing the costs related to and/or offering sales incentives for the installation of fuel pumps, related equipment and infrastructure.
United States National Fossil conditional DoE funding for direct air capture research Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 13500000 2020081818/08/2020 Reduced environmental damage Department of Energy (DOE) Government The grants are aimed at achieving breakthroughs in the effort to capture carbon dioxide directly from ambient air. 18/08/2020 13500000 Three projects focus on a different major approach to carbon capture. A team led by DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will investigate electrochemical approaches. A team led by DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory will focus on photochemical methods, while a team led by DOE’s Lawrence Livermore Laboratory will attempt to understand the degradation processes that limit current methods using forms of chemical absorption.
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Funding in Solar Technologies Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 45000000 2020121616/12/2020 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Department of Energy (DOE) Government "DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is seeking new solutions that can reliably bring large quantities of solar onto the grid and that can ensure that American-made hardware is used in those installations. 16/12/2020 45000000 $25 million to grid forming technologies for the integration of a majority renewable electrical grid. $6 million to behind-the-meter technology for distributed solar. For hardware development, the program invests respectively $6 million to new product development and $8 million to demonstration stage projects.
United States National Clean conditional Federal Railroad Aministration Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 27000000 2020122727/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government 27/12/2020 27000000 $27 millions increase from 2020 in funding for the Federal Railroad Administration. Total expenditured for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $2.8 billion.
United States National Other energy Department of Energy’s Environmental Management Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 131000000 2020122727/12/2020 Reduced environmental damage H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government 27/12/2020 131000000 $131 million increase from 2020 in funding for the DoE's environmental management program. Total expenditure for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $7.58 billion.
United States National Clean conditional Transmission Technology Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 21700000 2020122727/12/2020 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annuall budget of the United States Congress. 27/12/2020 21700000 $21.7 million increase from 2020 in funding for the DoE's Office of Electricity that advances transmission technology. Total expenditured for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $211.7 million.
United States National Other energy Nuclear Energy Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 14200000 2020122727/12/2020 Electricity generation H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annuall budget of the United States Congress. 27/12/2020 14200000 $14.2 million increase from 2020 in funding for the DoE's nuclear energy research and development program. Total expenditured for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $1.5 billion.
United States National Clean conditional Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2000000 2020122727/12/2020 Several energy stages H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annuall budget of the United States Congress. 27/12/2020 2000000 $2 million increase from 2020 in funding for the DoE's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).Total ARPA-E budget for 2021 is estimated at around $427 million.
United States National Clean conditional Renewable Energy and Enerfy Efficiency Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 72000000 2020122727/12/2020 Energy efficiency H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annual budget of the United States Congress. 72000000 $72 million increase from 2020 in renewable energy and energy efficiency expenditure. Total energy efficiency budget for 2021 at around $2.86 billion
United States National Fossil conditional DoE funding for Project to Improve Fossil-Based Hydrogen Production, Transport, Storage, and Utiliza... Multiple sectors Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 160000000 2021011515/01/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government The funding, for cost-shared cooperative agreements, is aimed to develop technologies for the production, transport, storage, and utilization of fossil-based hydrogen, with progress towards net-zero carbon emissions. 15/01/2021 160000000 1) Net-Zero or Negative Carbon Hydrogen Production from Modular Gasification and Co-Gasification of Mixed Wastes, Biomass, and Traditional Feedstocks 2) Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Technology (SOEC) Development 3) Carbon capture for steam methan reformation (SMR) in blue hydrogen process 4) Advance gas turbines to be combusted with hydrogen mix 5) Natural gas based hydrogen production in line with net-zero or carbon negative goals 6) Hydrogen midstream with emphasis on performance enhancement and cost reduction 7) Subsurface hydrogen storage
United States National Other energy DoE Announces $100 Million Climate Innovation Research Opportunity Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2021021111/02/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government The announcements kickstart the Administration’s undertaking to spur the creation of new jobs, technology, and tools that empower the United States to innovate and lead the world in addressing the climate crisis. 11/02/2021 100000000 Grants will be allocated to the following projects/sectors: 1) Net zero carbon buildings at net zero cost, also mention net-zero building materials 2) Energy storage at one tenth the current cost 3) Advanced energy system management tools for low-carbon power plants 4) Low-cost zero-carbon on road vehicles and transport 5) Efficiency and sustainable fuel updgrades for air and maritime shipping 6) Affordable refrigeration, AC, and heat pumps that do not utilize warming refrigerants 7) CCUS for industrial processes 8) Lowering costs of carbon free hydrogen (unclear if blue or green) 9) Innovation in soil and agriculturual tecniques to sequester carbon 10) DAC for existing power plants
United States National Other energy DoE, US Industry Opportunities for Advanced Nuclear Technology Funding Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 20000000 2021021818/02/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) and Nuclear Energy (NE) Office are joining forces to advance technologies that can efficiently integrate nuclear power and hydrogen 18/02/2021 20000000 "Up to $20 million in total funds will be available through DOE's U.S. Industry Opportunities for Advanced Nuclear Technology Development Funding Opportunity to demonstrate systems that produce hydrogen using nuclear energy or the heat from nuclear power plants."
United States National Other energy DoE Funding to Small Businesses for Clean Energy R&D Projects Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 115000000 2021030404/03/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government Funding supports small businesses working on climate change solutions and the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to build the American economy back better. 04/03/2021 115000000 $115 million will be allocated from the Department of Energy's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program specifically for projects in energy storage, grid modernization, and carbon capture.
United States National Fossil conditional DoE NEXTCAR Program Phase II Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 18000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy (DOE) Government To help passenger vehicles operate more efficiently, reduce energy consumption, and contribute to the Biden Administration’s goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. 11/03/2021 18000000 $18 million in funding for four cutting-edge university grants to explore how Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) can reduce emissions through automated reduction in energy loss.
United States National Clean conditional Transit Funding for Amtrak, American Rescue Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1700000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 1319 American Rescue Act of 2021, United States Congress Government The first step of an aggressive, two-step plan for rescue, from the depths of this crisis, and recovery, by investing in America, creating millions of additional good-paying jobs, combatting the climate crisis, advancing racial equity, and building back better than before. 11/03/2021 1700000000 "Railway Funding: Provides $1.7 billion for Amtrak in FY 2021. $970 million to support the Northeast Corridor. $730 million to support the National Network, of which: $175 million is to be used by Amtrak to offset amounts required to be paid by states for state-supported routes. $166 million out of the amounts allocated for the Northeast Corridor, and the National Network, to support the restoration of long-distance service and employee recalls."
United States National Fossil unconditional Transit Funding for Airlines & Aviation Manufactures, American Rescue Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 18000000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 1319 American Rescue Act of 2021, United States Congress Government The first step of an aggressive, two-step plan for rescue, from the depths of this crisis, and recovery, by investing in America, creating millions of additional good-paying jobs, combatting the climate crisis, advancing racial equity, and building back better than before. 11/03/2021 18000000000 "Provides $18 billion for aviation manufacturers and airlines. $3 billion for airline manufacturers to create a payroll support program. $14 billion to airlines to extend the payroll support program. $1 billion for contractors to extend the payment of wages, salaries and benefits."
United States National Fossil unconditional Transit Funding for Airports, American Rescue Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30500000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 1319 American Rescue Act of 2021, United States Congress Government The first step of an aggressive, two-step plan for rescue, from the depths of this crisis, and recovery, by investing in America, creating millions of additional good-paying jobs, combatting the climate crisis, advancing racial equity, and building back better than before. 11/03/2021 30500000000 "Provides $30.5 billion for grants to transit agencies for use for operating expenses, including payroll and personal protective equipment costs. $26.1 billion for Urbanized Area Formula Grants to aid transit service in urbanized areas. $2.21 billion for urban and rural area grantees that require additional assistance due to the pandemic. $1.7 billion for Capital Investment Grants. $281 million in operating assistance formula grants for states to support rural transit agencies in areas with fewer than 50,000 people. $100 million for intercity bus services to support essential connections in rural areas."
United States National Fossil unconditional Grants to transit agencies for use for operating expenses, American Rescue Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30500000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 1319 American Rescue Act of 2021, United States Congress Government The first step of an aggressive, two-step plan for rescue, from the depths of this crisis, and recovery, by investing in America, creating millions of additional good-paying jobs, combatting the climate crisis, advancing racial equity, and building back better than before. 11/03/2021 30500000000 "$30.5 billion in federal funding to support the nation’s public transportation systems as they continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and support the President’s call to vaccinate the U.S. population. The relief funds will be distributed as follows, at 100-percent federal share: $26.6 billion to be allocated by statutory formulas to urbanized and rural areas and tribal governments $2.2 billion to FTA grant recipients in communities that demonstrate additional pandemic-associated needs. $1.675 billion for projects in the Capital Investment Grants (CIG) Program $50 million under the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities formula program $25 million for competitive planning grants $5 million for competitive tribal grants"
United States National Fossil unconditional DoE Awards $2M to Develop Clean Hydrogen Power generation Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2000000 2021031515/03/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government "Hydrogen which may prove pivotal to reducing carbon emissions and meeting the Biden Administration’s climate change goals." 15/03/2021 2000000 $2 million in funding is allocated from the DoE's Office of Fossil Energy into university grants to develop fossil hydrogen with blends of biofuels and biomas.
United States National Clean conditional DoE Funding to Manufacturing Innovation to Build Clean Resilient Electrical Grid Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 24500000 2021031717/03/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Department of Energy (DOE) Government The two funding opportunities will back research and development (R&D) for the materials and technologies needed to expand the grid with new, clean-energy sources, deliver affordable electricity to disadvantaged communities, and help reach the Biden Administration’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. 17/03/2021 24500000 $20 to the development of flow battery storage systems. $4.5 million to the CABLE semi-conductor Manufacturing Prize.
United States National Clean conditional Data Science and Computation Tools for Advanced Climate Solutions Other sector Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 34500000 2021031919/03/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government new funding opportunities will support researchers using data science and computation-based methods—including artificial intelligence and machine learning—to tackle basic science challenges, advance clean energy technologies, improve energy efficiency, and predict extreme weather and climate patterns. 19/03/2021 34500000 $21 million allocated from from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) to advance machine learning and artificial intelligence in sectors like energy efficiency, clean energy production, and better predicting intermittency to weather patterns. $13.5 million allocated from the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) to computer-based models and network integration for emission reduction and energy efficiency.
United States National Fossil unconditional DoE Announces to Establish Coal Products Innovation Centers Resources Coal Budget or off-budget transfer ... 122000000 2020062626/06/2020 Other energy stage Department of Energy (DOE) Government To sustain domestic coal production and to develop novel uses of coal that have the potential to create new markets for coal and coal byproducts. 122000000 The Department of Energy announced a USD 122 million competition for bids to set up “coal innovation centers” throughout the country that aim to develop “value-added, carbon-based products from coal, as well developing new methods to extract and process rare earth elements and critical minerals.” The competition launched on June 26, 2020, with a post-election deadline of Nov. 9, 2020.
United States National Fossil conditional DoE funding for carbon capture and storage technologies through direct air capture Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 21000000 2020090101/09/2020 Reduced environmental damage Department of Energy (DOE) Government Through DOE’s Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage R&D Program, the Office of Fossil Energy has a portfolio of technological solutions that help keep CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere. Many of these R&D efforts can be applied across both the energy and the industrial sectors. 01/09/2020 21000000 "DOE is awarding a total of $21 million to 18 projects for technologies that remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, a process known as “direct air capture."
United States National Fossil conditional DoE funding for carbon capture and storage for the power sector Power generation Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 51000000 2020090101/09/2020 Reduced environmental damage Department of Energy (DOE) Government Through DOE’s Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage R&D Program, the Office of Fossil Energy has a portfolio of technological solutions that help keep CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere. Many of these R&D efforts can be applied across both the energy and the industrial sectors. 01/09/2020 51000000 $72 million in federal funding to support the development and advancement of carbon capture technologies under two funding opportunity announcements (FOAs). Under this cost-shared research and development (R&D), DOE is awarding $51 million to nine new projects for coal and natural gas power and industrial sources.
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Plan to Cut Solar Costs by More Than 60% by 2030 Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 128000000 2021032525/03/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government These investments support the Biden-Harris Administration’s climate goals and will pave the way for affordable decarbonization of the energy system and a robust clean energy economy. 25/03/2021 128000000 $63 million allocated to advancing production and materials of non-polysilicon solar cells: Perovskite and CdTe. $58 million to advancing concentrated solar power (CSP) development in the US. $7 million to advancing the lifecycle of solar to 30-50 years.
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Announces Ambitious New 30GW Offshore Wind Deployment Target by 2030 Power generation Wind Budget or off-budget transfer ... 8000000 2021032929/03/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government This new goal, with additional Department of Energy (DOE) investments announced today, builds on President Biden’s Executive Order to address the climate crisis and create American jobs by accelerating the deployment of renewable energy on public lands and waters, including through swift interagency action to advance offshore wind. 29/03/2021 8000000 $8 million for 15 new offshore wind R&D projects that focus on: innovative support structures, domestic supply chains, advanced electrical systems, and solutions for wildlife impact.
United States National Other energy DoE annouces $61.4 M in Biofuels Research to Reduce Transport Emissions Mobility Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 61400000 2021040808/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy (DOE) Government Biofuels are derived from renewable resources, and can power heavy-duty vehicles that are difficult to electrify with current technologies—including airplanes and ships—to help accelerate America’s path to a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. 61400000 $61.4 million in funding for biofuel grants. Specific mention of application to air and maritime transportation.
United States National Fossil conditional DoE Announces $35 Million for Technologies to Reduce Methane Emissions Multiple sectors Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 35000000 2021040808/04/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government Methane is the second-largest source of greenhouse gases, many times more potent than carbon dioxide—that’s why it’s crucial we develop solutions to decrease these emissions at their source. The REMEDY program will help support the Biden Administration’s mission to tackle climate change head-on, create good-paying jobs, and deliver cleaner, fresher air for American communities 08/04/2021 35000000 $35 million towards three specfic methane related initiatives: 1) Exhaust from gas fired engines used to power compressors, the electrical grid, and ships 2) Flaring in oil & gas upstream operations 3) Coal mine ventilation air methane (VAM) exhausts from underground mines
United States National Clean conditional DoE – SuperTruck 3 – Funding to Decarbonize Cars and Trucks Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 162000000 2021041515/04/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government This new funding triples down on that progress with a push towards electrifying trucks of all sizes, along with efforts to expand EV charging access and develop low-emission car engines. 15/04/2021 162000000 Funding is directed to accelerate EV & HFEV infrastructure and R&D, with an emphasis on heavy-trucking.
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Selects West Virginia University and Sandia National Laboratories to Receive up to $15 Million f... Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021042323/04/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government DOE will provide up to $15 million for two projects to help drive down costs and risks associated with the discovery of new geothermal resources for power production and heating-cooling. West Virginia University (WVU) will use the funding to explore year-round deep-direct use heating and cooling on campus 23/04/2021 15000000 $15 million to geothermal energy resources at West Virginia University and Sandia National Laboratories.
United States National Fossil conditional DoE Office of Fossil Energy supports University Turbine System Research (UTSR) to explore hydrogen t... Power generation Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6200000 2021051212/05/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government Increasing the reliability, efficiency, and performance of hydrogen power will reduce carbon emissions and advance the Biden-Harris administration's goal of a 100% clean electricity by 2035. 12/05/2021 6200000 6.2M$ Budget will be allocated to eight US university programs to explore hydrogen turbine technology.
United States National Other energy DoE Invests to Dramatically Reduce Carbon Footprint of Biofuel Production Resources Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 35000000 2021051515/05/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government These investments in advancements in clean energy technology, will help America achieve the Biden-Harris administration’s goal of 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions by 2050. 15/05/2021 35000000 ARPA-E will allocate resources to 15 teams in ECOSynthBio department to facilitate: 1) Carbon optimized fermentation strains that avoid CO2 waste 2) Engineer organisms that metabolize carbon 3) Biomass-derived sguar or carbon oxide gas with CO2 recycling 4) Cell-free carbon optimized biocatalytic biomass conversion or CO2 use 5) Cross-cutting carbon-optimized bioconversion methods that have the potential for high impact emissions
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Actions to Increase Energy Efficiency for Homes and Buildings and Save Costs for Consumers Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30000000 2021051717/05/2021 Energy efficiency Department of Energy (DOE) Government These actions will power more American homes and buildings with cleaner, smarter, and more affordable energy services that sharply reduce the buildings sector’s contributions to the climate crisis. 17/05/2021 30000000 $30 million distributed between four main initiatives: 1) Investing in building workforce of the future specifically towards vocational/training programs for green jobs 2) Advance R&D in energy efficiency sector as part of the Initiative for Better Energy, Emissions, and Equity 3) Collaboration with private sector as part of the Better Buildings Low Carbon Pilot 4) Through the partnership with the Advanced Window Solutions Network, will engage private sector stakeholders
United States National Clean unconditional DoE awards 27M$ to Accelerate Ocean and Wave Energy to Market Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 27000000 2021070606/07/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government This funding opportunity aims to advance wave energy technologies toward commercial viability, and supports the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to build a clean energy economy that will create good-paying jobs and reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. 06/07/2021 27000000 1) $15 million allocated to testing wave energy converters (WEC) at PacWave testing facility at the University of Oregon 2) Advancing WEC designs to upgrade TLR and bring past testing staging 3) $7 million in WEC R&D that includes understanding the environmental externalities of wave energy deployment
United States National Fossil conditional DoE Awards 60M$ to Acclerate Advancements in Zero-Carbon Emission Reductions Mobility Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10900000 2021072828/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy (DOE) Government The projects will help decarbonize the transportation sector and enhance the infrastructure needed to support the growing adoption of zero-emission vehicles—crucial to reaching the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious goal of a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. 28/07/2021 10900000 $5.8 million to develop lightweight materials for passenger and commercial vehicles. $5.1 million to the reduction of emissions from heavy ICE vehicles.
United States National Clean conditional DoE Awards 60M$ to Accelerate Advancements in Zero-Carbon Emission Reductions Mobility Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 49300000 2021072828/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy (DOE) Government The projects will help decarbonize the transportation sector and enhance the infrastructure needed to support the growing adoption of zero-emission vehicles—crucial to reaching the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious goal of a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. 28/07/2021 49300000 $28.1 million to projects in increasing EV batteries and electric drive system. $20.2 million to advancing new vehicle technologies (particuarly electric, automated and shared). $1 million committed to better understand charging infrastructure and environmental needs.
United States National Clean conditional DoE Awards $30M to Secure Domestic Supply Chains of Critical Materials Other sector Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30000000 2021090202/09/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government The selected research projects aim to diversify the supply of, develop substitutes for, and improve the reuse and recycling of rare earth and platinum group elements that are critical for many clean energy and high-tech applications. 02/09/2021 30000000 $30 million to diversifying supply chains for advanced technology. Specifically to finding sustitutes and recycling for materials like cobalt, platinum and neomydium
United States National Fossil conditional DoE Support Jobs and Economic Growth in Coal Power Plant Communities Resources Coal Budget or off-budget transfer ... 19500000 2021042323/04/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government Projects that directly support job creation in communities impacted by changes in the energy economy—the first results of a government-wide initiative launched by President Biden in the first week of his administration to boost the economic potential of coal and power plant communities. 23/04/2021 19500000 $19.5 million in funding for projects in critical mineral extraction from coal and associated waste streams.
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Funding to Advance Geothermal Energy Technologies Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 12000000 2021043030/04/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government This funding will help scientists and engineers unlock the full potential of geothermal power to help tackle the climate crisis, and achieve the Biden Administration’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. 30/04/2021 12000000 $12 milion of grant funding to enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) programs.
United States National Clean unconditional Initiative to Accelerate Solar Deployment in Underserved Communities Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15500000 2021050404/05/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government These initiatives will help families and businesses that have been left behind in the clean energy transition to reap the benefits of cheaper power and access to highly-skilled jobs. Together, these efforts reflect the Biden Administration’s commitment to launching every American worker and community into a greener future. 04/05/2021 15500000 $10 million to SolSmart, an administrative body within the DoE's Solar Energy Technologies Office to consunt regions on solar procurement. $5.5 million to Solar Energy Innovation Network (SEIN) that operates as a think-thank within the DoE to solve energy equity/community-based problems.
United States National Other energy ARPA-E Funding to Reduce Nuclear Waste from Advanced Nuclear Reactors Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 40000000 2021051919/05/2021 Reduced environmental damage Department of Energy (DOE) Government Program will limit the amount of waste produced from advanced nuclear reactors, protecting the land and air and increasing the deployment and use of nuclear power as a reliable source of clean energy. 19/05/2021 40000000 $40 million to funding to ARPA-E's "Optimizing Nuclear Waste and Advanced Reactor System Disposal Systems" (ONWARDS) in three primary categories: 1) Process - improvements in nuclear fuel recyclying 2) Safeguards - improvements in sensor and data analytics to optimize safe use of resources 3) Waste - development of high performance waste for safer implementation in the environment
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydro Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 100000000 $100 million to the Keys Pump Hydroelectric Plant at the Columbia River Basin.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 7500000000 $7.5 billion allocated to building nation-wide EV charging infrastructure, with funding going specifically to state grants for deployment. Analysis from RMI-affiliated Canary Media specifies that $5 billion is state-level EV charging grants and $2.5 billion to EV charging or hydrogen fuel infrastructure.
United States National Fossil unconditional Extension of LNG export term to 50 years Resources Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2020021111/02/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government 29/07/2020 The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is issuing a final policy statement that allows for liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to non-free trade agreement (non-FTA) countries to be extended through the year 2050. This policy is a change from the current practice of granting 20-year export terms.
United States National Fossil unconditional Department of Energy support for Natural Gas Pipeline Retrofitting Projects Resources Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 33000000 2020080606/08/2020 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Government REPAIR teams will develop natural gas transmission pipeline retrofitting technology to rehabilitate existing cast iron and bare steel pipes by creating new, robust pipes inside of old ones. 06/08/2020 33000000 $33 million in funding for 10 projects as part of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy’s (ARPA-E) Rapid Encapsulation of Pipelines Avoiding Intensive Replacement (REPAIR) program.
United States National Clean conditional DOE funding for carbon neutral electric aviation Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 33000000 2020082626/08/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy (DOE) Government ASCEND projects work to develop innovative, lightweight, and ultra-efficient all-electric powertrain with advanced thermal management systems that help enable efficient net-zero carbon emissions for single-aisle passenger commercial aircraft. REEACH projects seek to create innovative, cost-effective, and high-performance energy storage and power generation sub-systems for electric aircraft, with a focus on fuel-to-electric power conversion technologies. Both programs work to decrease energy usage and associated carbon emissions for commercial aircraft propulsion systems. 26/08/2020 33000000 $33 million in funding for 17 projects as part of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy’s (ARPA-E) Aviation-class Synergistically Cooled Electric-motors with iNtegrated Drives (ASCEND) and Range Extenders for Electric Aviation with Low Carbon and High Efficiency (REEACH) programs.
United States National Other energy DOE grant for fusion energy technology development Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 29000000 2020090202/09/2020 Electricity generation Fusion Energy Technology Development, Department of Energy (DOE) Government GAMOW teams will work to close multiple fusion-specific technological gaps that will be needed to connect a net-energy-gain “fusion core," once it is ready, to a deployable, commercially attractive fusion system. 02/09/2020 29000000 $29 million in funding for 14 projects as part of the Galvanizing Advances in Market-aligned fusion for an Overabundance of Watts (GAMOW) program, which is jointly sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) and the Office of Science–Fusion Energy Sciences (SC-FES).
United States National Other energy DOE grant for research at Princeton Laboratory Fusion Facility Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 17000000 2020090808/09/2020 Electricity generation Princeton Laboratory Fusion Facility, Department of Energy (DOE) Government The initiative will support experiments, data analysis, and computer modeling and simulation of plasma behavior. A major focus will be on beginning to lay the scientific groundwork for a next-generation facility through better understanding of the behavior of plasmas in spherical tokamaks, or apple-shaped fusion energy reactors. 08/09/2020 17000000 $17 million in funding for research at the National Spherical Tokamak Experiment Upgrade (NSTX-U), an Office of Science user facility at DOE’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in Princeton, New Jersey.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1250000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 1250000000 $1.25 billion in funding for Federal Transit Administration Passenger Ferry Grant Programt to low-carbon fuels for ferries.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 5000000000 $5 billion in funding for transportation agencies to procure low and zero emissions bus fleets for schools.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 65000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 65000000000 $65 billion to public transporation including - but not limited to - the expansion of rail networks and modernization of public transit fleets with specific goals towards electrification.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 80000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 80000000 $80 million for solar energy demonstration projects can be considered part of the Energy Act of 2020.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Wind Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 100000000 $100 million to wind energy projects, stipulating that wind can be considered part of the Energy Act of 2020.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 84000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 84000000 $84 million to enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) energy projects.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 146400000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 146400000 $146 million authorized to the National Marine Energy Center for hydropower and advanced marine renewable energy projects.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 825668000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 825668000 $825 million to mineral security projects in the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, Rare Earth Mineral Security, Critical Material Innovation, Efficiency, and Alternatives, and a Critical Mineral Supply Chain Research Facility.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3211000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 3211000000 $3.2 billion to advanced nuclear reactor demonstration program.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 505000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 505000000 $355 million to energy storage demonstration and pilot projects with $150 million specifically allocated to long-duration storage.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Oil and gas Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4707000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 4707000000 $4.7 billion to orphan oil and gaz well site plugging, remediation, and restoration.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 3500000000 $3.5 billion to the Weatherization Assistance Program that provides energy efficiency to low-income households.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 500000000 $500 million to award grants to bring energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fuel vechilcles to public schools.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 225000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 225000000 $225 million for grants within the Building Technologies Office to enable sustained, cost-effective implementation of updated building energy codes.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 40000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 40000000 $40 million to the Energy Auditor Training program for recipients to conduct commercial energy audits, residential energy audits, or energy upgrades or retrofits
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 250000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 250000000 $250 million to State Energy Program for the energy efficiency revoling loan fund that conducts conduct commercial energy audits, residential energy audits, or energy upgrades or retrofits
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 500000000 $500 million to establish a program to demonstrate the technical and economic viability of clean energy projects on former/current mine land in a compatible manner with any existing operations.
United States National Fossil conditional U.S. to Sharply Cut Methane Pollution that Threatens the Climate and Public Health Resources Gas and gas products New or extended regulation (IT... 2021110202/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Government EPA is issuing the proposal in response to President Biden’s Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis. 02/11/2021 "The proposal builds on the work of leading companies that are using the latest cost-effective technology to reduce methane emissions in the field and leverages lessons from the work of some major oil- and gas- producing states that require, or are proposing to require, oil and gas operations to reduce methane emissions. EPA analyzed the proposed rule’s impact on natural gas and oil prices from 2023 to 2035 and estimates that changes would be small – pennies per barrel of oil or thousand cubic feet of gas. The proposed rule would reduce 41 million tons of methane emissions from 2023 to 2035, the equivalent of 920 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. That’s more than the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from all U.S. passenger cars and commercial aircraft in 2019. In 2030 alone, the rule would reduce methane emissions from sources covered in the proposal by 74 percent compared to 2005. "
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydro Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 10000000 $10 million to to establish demonstration project for long-term, pumped hydropower project to facilitate the long-duration storage of intermittent renewable electricity.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydro Budget or off-budget transfer ... 200000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 200000000 $200 million to hydroelectric production incentives and efficiency upgrades.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 6000000000 $6 billion to extend the lifetime of nuclear power plants through Civil Nuclear Credit system that keeps uneconomic plants online. The policy is active for the next five years.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 1000000000 $1 billion to improve the design and cut the costs of green hydrogen produced via electrolysis with specific goals of reaching parity with fossil H2 by 2026.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 310140781 2021111515/11/2021 Other energy stage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 310140781 $310 million for grants in the DoE's Carbon Utilization Program for local governments or grants in the DoE's Carbon Utilization Program for the development of standards and certifications to support commercialization of carbon oxide products.''
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Resources Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 100000000 $100 million to build supply chain resiliency in critical minerals mining, recyling, and reclamation research.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 750000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 750000000 $750 million to establish advanced energy grants in communities where coal mines or coal power plants have closed.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 200000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 200000000 $200 million to the recycling EV battery and created second life applications for those resources.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 140000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 140000000 $140 million for rare earth demonstration facility for the DoE to showcase full scale extraction, separation and refinement process.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Geological Survey (USGS) Research for Mineral ... Other sector Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 167000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 167000000 $167 million in funds for USGS center to pursue mineral and energy research.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 320000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 320000000 $320 million to the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative within the USGS to locate domestic mineral resources.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydro Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 10000000000 $10 billion increase to the borrowing authority of the Bonneville Power Authority to aid in the reconstruction and replacement of the Federal Columbia River Power System.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 500000000 $500 million to the State Energy Program requiring State Energy Conservation Plans to reduce carbon emissions across transportation sectors.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 3000000000 $3 billion to the Smart Grid Investment Matching Grant Program to enhance grid flexibility, demand side response, aggregate distributed energy sources, and integrate intermittent renewable energy sources.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 6000000000 $6 billion to the "Program Upgrading Our Electric Grid Reliability and Resiliency" to harden transmission lines, demonstrate new storage facilities, and ensure overall more reliability.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 5000000000 $5 billion directed to the DoE to start a new program to prevent outages due to extreme, weather, wildfire and natural disaster.
United States California Clean conditional Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) requires increasing electric and hydrogen cell trucks sold in California... Mobility Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2020062525/06/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) California Air Resources Board Government California mandates to reduce air pollutants to protect public health and to meet state climate change targets including: 1) Federal health-based ambient air quality standards (key dates in 2023 and 2031) 2) 40% reduction in greenhouse gases (GHG) by 2030; 3) 80% reduction in GHGs by 2050; and 4) 50% reduction in petroleum use by 2030 15/03/2021 "- Zero-emission truck sales: Manufacturers who certify Class 2b-8 chassis or complete vehicles with combustion engines would be required to sell zero-emission trucks as an increasing percentage of their annual California sales from 2024 to 2035. By 2035, zero-emission truck/chassis sales would need to be 55% of Class 2b – 3 truck sales, 75% of Class 4 – 8 straight truck sales, and 40% of truck tractor sales. - Company and fleet reporting: Large employers including retailers, manufacturers, brokers and others are required to report information about shipments and shuttle services. Fleet owners, with 50 or more trucks, are required to report about their existing fleet operations. This information will help identify future strategies to ensure that fleets purchase available zero-emission trucks and place them in service where suitable to meet their needs"
United States New York State Clean unconditional Piloting Community Thermal Systems to Reduce Buildings’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021020404/02/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government "The heating and cooling of buildings is responsible for approximately 33 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in New York State, and energy demand is growing every year. The program supports Governor Cuomo's nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 as mandated in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act." 04/02/2021 15000000 $15 million is available through a new program to pilot the use of community thermal systems to reduce buildings' greenhouse gas emissions. The new Community Heat Pump Systems Pilot Program will accept proposals to study, design and construct community thermal systems using heat pump technology, as well as produce a best practices guidebook. Community thermal ties together multiple buildings located in close proximity through shared heat pump piping and infrastructure.
United States Oregon Clean unconditional The Oregon Legislature passed a bill in the 2021 session to allocate an additional $10 million for t... Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2021062929/06/2021 Electricity generation H.B. 5006 $10 Budget Increase to Solar & Battery Storage Rebates, Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) Government Program designed to incentivize the procurement of solar energy in coordination with battery storage. 29/06/2021 10000000 The Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program issues rebates for solar electric systems and paired solar and storage systems for residential customers and low-income service providers in Oregon. Rebates are issued to approved contractors, who pass the savings on to their customers.​
United States New York State Clean conditional Department of Environmental Conservation funding for public transit and EV infrastructure Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 48800000 2020071616/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) New York Department of Environmental Conservation Government Governor Cuomo's nation-leading plan to decarbonize the transportation sector and reduce overall statewide carbon emissions 85 percent by 2050, as well as the recent collaborative announcement by New York, 14 other states and Washington D.C. to ramp up the electrification of diesel buses and trucks by 2050. 16/07/2020 48800000 The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is allocating $48.8 million from the Volkswagen diesel emissions settlement to transit bus and school bus operators and EV charging station owners to advance local growth of electric vehicle infrastructure, clean public transportation and transit options, and electric school buses.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Port investments to support offshore wind development Power generation Wind Government procurement (DT) 200000000 2020072121/07/2020 Electricity generation NYSERDA Government Bring New York State halfway toward its goal of 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2035 and meet Governor Cuomo's nation-leading climate and environment goals under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Funding for port investments will include $400 million in both public and private funding. 21/07/2020 200000000 Offshore Wind Solicitation Seeks Up To 2,500 Megawatts of Renewable Energy and a Complementary Multi-Port Infrastructure Investment, Totaling More Than $400 Million in Public and Private Dollars for Port Infrastructure in New York Since Last Year; and Sends a "Buy-Clean" Demand Signal for Advanced Materials. Funding is comprised of: $100 million in Empire State Development grant funding, $100 million in low-interest financing, $200 million in private-sector matching funds, for a 1:1 public/private match.
United States New Jersey Clean unconditional Wind power workforce development and cleantech promotion Power generation Wind Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6000000 2020090909/09/2020 Electricity generation New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) Government New Jersey Energy Master Plan released earlier this year and his visionary Stronger and Fairer Economic Plan identify offshore wind and clean energy as target sectors that have strong potential to drive long-term, sustainable economic growth in New Jersey. In line with these plans, New Jersey has committed to producing 7,500 megawatts of offshore wind energy by 2035 and a wave of offshore wind projects is slated for development along the East Coast, with the first project – Ørsted’s Ocean Wind – coming online in 2024. 09/09/2020 6000000 The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) today approved two Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) that will make nearly $6 million available to support offshore wind and other clean energy projects in the State. Under the agreements, New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program™ (NJCEP), which is administered by NJBPU, will provide $4.5 million to support NJEDA-led workforce development projects aimed at preparing more New Jersey workers for jobs in offshore wind, and $1.25 million to support early-stage, New Jersey-based cleantech companies.
United States Oregon Clean unconditional Oregon Fund for efficient rebuilding of structures destroyed during the 2020 Labor Day wildfires Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10800000 2021042929/04/2021 Energy efficiency Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) Government The Oregon Department of Energy is collaborating with the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, Oregon Housing and Community Services, Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services Building Codes Division, Energy Trust of Oregon, several impacted Oregon counties, and other critical stakeholders to create an energy efficiency incentive program for rebuilding survivors of the 2020 Labor Day wildfires. 29/04/2021 10800000 In 2021, the Oregon legislature passed HB 5006, allocating about $10.8 million in General Fund dollars to the Oregon Department of Energy for a program incentivizing energy efficient rebuilding of residential and commercial structures destroyed during the 2020 Labor Day wildfires.
United States Oregon Clean conditional Oregon Fund for Renewable Energy and Energy Effiency Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 50000000 2021062626/06/2021 Several energy stages Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) Government The program is open to Oregon Tribes, public bodies, and consumer-owned utilities. Public bodies include counties, municipalities, and special government bodies such as ports and irrigation districts. Half of the grants will be awarded for projects that serve environmental justice communities, including communities of color, lower-income communities, rural communities, and others. 26/06/2021 50000000 A $50 million fund at Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) to provide grants for planning and developing community renewable energy and energy resilience projects, starting in early 2022 and continuing through June 2025.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Advance Low Carbon Solutions for Multifamily Buildings Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7800000 2021070909/07/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This supports New York's progress toward Governor Cuomo's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 09/07/2021 7800000 $7.8 million is available through the Low Carbon Pathways for Multifamily Buildings program for owners or managers of multifamily buildings to implement low carbon solutions as part of planned upgrades. This new incentive complements existing capital planning support and free resources, which together provide a step-by-step pathway to decarbonize buildings.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Grow Community Heat Pump Networks Across New York State Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4000000 2021071919/07/2021 Electricity generation NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This supports Governor Cuomo's nation-leading clean energy and climate agenda in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act including an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 19/07/2021 4000000 $4 million in awards to 23 projects under the first round of the Community Heat Pump Systems Pilot program to advance community thermal networks that harness geothermal and waste energy to heat and cool buildings. The winning projects will explore clean energy options at 600 buildings to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution with two-thirds of funding being directed to projects that support disadvantaged communities.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Community Solar Projects that Support Underserved New Yorkers Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 52500000 2021072020/07/2021 Electricity generation NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Increasing access to solar energy for low-income residents supports Governor Cuomo's goal to ensure that at least 35 percent with a goal of 40 percent of the benefits of clean energy investments go to disadvantaged communities as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 20/07/2021 52500000 $52.5 million available for community solar projects that support underserved New Yorkers and disadvantaged communities. Projects funded through the program are expected to serve up to 50,000 low-to-moderate income households, affordable housing providers, and facilities serving disadvantaged communities, which will receive energy bill savings from the clean, renewable energy generated by community solar.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Create 600 Energy-Efficient All-Electric Affordable Homes Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7500000 2021081313/08/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government The pilot initiative will allow more New York families to benefit from healthy, clean energy homes, while providing housing developers with streamlined access to technical assistance and affordable housing finance opportunities. 13/08/2021 7500000 New York State Homes and Community Renewal and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority today announced $7.5 million in state funding is now available for a new Clean Energy Initiative, designed to create up to 600 energy-efficient, all-electric affordable housing units.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Establishing a $24 Million Pilot to Decarbonize Affordable Housing Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 24000000 2021083030/08/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government The program supports the State's nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 30/08/2021 24000000 $24 million pilot program to fund electrification activities in affordable housing. In addition, the Pilot will create a streamlined funding process, by which affordable housing owners can access NYSERDA incentives without additional administrative work.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $59 Million “Clean Green Schools” Initiative To Improve Air Quality And Reduce Carbon Em... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 59000000 2021092323/09/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government "Announcement supports New York's nation-leading goal of an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act)." 23/09/2021 59000000 $59 million for the new Clean Green Schools initiative, which aims to advance clean energy and energy efficiency solutions that will improve indoor air quality and reduce emissions for more than 500 public and private Pre-K-12 schools in disadvantaged communities across the state.
United States New York State Clean conditional Project Awards to Enhance Electric Grid Performance Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 11000000 2021092828/09/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government Grid modernization supports the State’s goal to generate 70 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable resources by 2030, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 28/09/2021 11000000 $11 million in awards to support projects that promote the development of a high performing smart electric grid that integrates a diverse supply of renewable energy resources, enhances overall grid performance and resiliency, and enables customers to reduce their energy costs, consumption, and environmental impacts. Grid modernization supports the State’s goal to generate 70 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable resources by 2030, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act).
United States New York State Clean unconditional Establish the Empire Technology Prize Program and Advance Building Decarbonization in New York State Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9500000 2021101515/10/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government 15/10/2021 9500000 $9.5 million to establish the Empire Technology Prize program, an ambitious new corporate challenge aimed at advancing building decarbonization across New York State. The funding will support a qualified program administrator to manage the program and provide seed money for the competition which will attract, incorporate, and scale building climate solutions from around the world to achieve carbon-neutrality in existing multifamily buildings at least eight stories high or commercial buildings at least 15 stories high.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $5 Million to Energy Efficient Upgrades for Affordable Housing Units Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000 2021111010/11/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government Today's announcement supports the State's nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 10/11/2021 5000000 $5 million for a second round of pilot projects under the $30 million RetrofitNY program. This program will help to advance whole-building deep energy efficiency upgrades that will substantially lower emissions from multifamily affordable housing.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $1.3 Million to Support Predevelopment Data Collection in the New York Bight to Facilitate Responsib... Power generation Wind Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1300000 2021120808/12/2021 Electricity generation NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government Advance New York’s progress toward its nation-leading goal to generate 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2035, as mandated by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 08/12/2021 1300000 $1.3 million is available to support the collection of data through acoustic and oceanographic surveys in the New York Bight Wind Energy Areas to facilitate the responsible development of offshore wind by improving marine environmental understanding, reducing environmental risks, and helping to inform planning for future development.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $30 Million to Incentivize Development of Decarbonized Homes and Neighborhoods Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30000000 2021122020/12/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government Advancing carbon neutrality in the building sector supports the state's nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent by 2050 as mandated by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 20/12/2021 30000000 $30 million initiative called Building Better Homes - Emissions Free and Healthier Communities to build market capacity and demand for healthier decarbonized homes and neighborhoods. The initiative will establish a network of builders and developers that are committed to building carbon neutral single-family homes and neighborhoods and provide training and technical support to builders and developers interested in both advancing the single-family carbon neutral housing market and marketing themselves as leaders in decarbonization and healthy home construction.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $21 Million in Awards to Nearly 20 Regionally Significant Carbon Neutral Community Economic Developm... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 21000000 2021122121/12/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government The awards, part of Governor Hochul’s Regional Economic Development Council Initiative awards announced last week, support the state’s nation-leading goals outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act including an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 21000000 $21 million in awards for nearly 20 regionally significant projects across the state under the Carbon Neutral Community Economic Development program. The projects, which include the first electric carbon neutral maple syrup operation and the first certified passive warehouse in North America, will accelerate decarbonization and economic development in disadvantaged communities.
United States New York State Clean unconditional State Agencies Advance Efforts to Address Environmental Justice and Support Disadvantaged Communitie... Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10600000 2020062323/06/2020 Electricity generation NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government These efforts support Governor Cuomo’s goal to install 6,000 megawatts of distributed solar by 2025, as adopted by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). 23/06/2020 10600000 The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced new and advanced initiatives to help address environmental justice and support disadvantaged communities. NYSERDA made available more than $10.6 million to help underserved New Yorkers access clean, affordable and reliable solar, representing the first step in implementing New York’s Social Energy Equity Framework.
United States New York State Clean conditional New York Clean Transportation Prizes Initiative Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 85000000 2021042222/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Announcement supports Governor Cuomo's nation-leading clean energy and climate goals in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 22/04/2021 85000000 $85 million through three competitions for innovative global solutions to enhance clean transportation and mobility options and reduce harmful emissions across New York State with a focus on underserved communities.
United States New York State Clean conditional $30 Million Available for Drive Clean Rebate Program Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30000000 2021050707/05/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This announcement supports Governor Cuomo's clean energy and climate goals in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 07/05/2021 30000000 30000000 30000000 $30 million is now available through New York State's Drive Clean Rebate program to encourage more consumers to lease or purchase an all-electric car or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. The funding and program changes will enhance vehicle affordability and help more New Yorkers take action to lower their carbon footprint while driving. These actions will build on significant progress to-date, with more than 37,000 EV rebates, totaling more than $54 million, provided under the Drive Clean Rebate program, which is administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.
United States New York State Clean unconditional “$5 Million Awarded to Four Colleges and Universities to Achieve Deep Energy Savings and Help ... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000 2021060808/06/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This announcement supports Governor Cuomo's nation-leading climate and clean energy agenda including an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 08/06/2021 5000000 5000000 5000000 $5 million in awards to four colleges and universities to help them achieve deep energy savings and combat climate change under the Energy to Lead Competition. The City College of New York Building Performance Lab, New York Medical College, Syracuse University, and Vassar College will receive more than $1 million each to develop comprehensive and cost-effective projects that advance building decarbonization while incorporating student input and community engagement, including two projects that will implement net zero energy performance in retrofit and new construction applications.
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 5000000 5000000 5000000 $5 million in grants for deployment of fast charging infrastructure at 27 locations statewide
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 15000000 15000000 15000000 "$15 million towards flex funding to further deploy additional funding to the listed initiatives"
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 15000000 15000000 15000000 $15 million towards NJ TRANSIT bus electrification
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 36000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 36000000 36000000 36000000 $36 million to reduce diesel and black carbon emissions in environmental justice communities by electrifying port, cargo handling, and other medium- and heavy-duty equipment in port and industrial areas
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 5000000 5000000 5000000 $5 million in grants for equitable mobility projects that will bring electric vehicle ride hailing and charging stations to four New Jersey towns and cities
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 13000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 13000000 13000000 13000000 $13 million in grants for low- and moderate-income communities to reduce emissions that affect our children’s air quality through the deployment of electric school buses and shuttle buses
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 9000000 9000000 9000000 $9 million in grants for local government electrification projects that will help to improve air quality in environmental justice communities through the deployment of electric garbage and delivery trucks.
United States Massachusetts Clean conditional $10 Million to Expand Electric Vehicle Rebate Program to Include Trucks Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Government "These recent changes to expand the MOR-EV program will offer clean transportation solutions while helping the Commonwealth achieve its clean energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals." 16/02/2021 10000000 10000000 10000000 The Baker-Polito Administration today announced another expansion of the Commonwealth’s electric vehicle rebate program, Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) to include light, medium, and heavy-duty electric vehicles.
United States National Clean unconditional Grid Storage Launchpad Program Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 75000000 2021031010/03/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Department of Energy (DoE) Government The Grid Storage Launchpad facility will bring together researchers and industry from around the country to modernize and add flexibility to the power grid, advance storage technologies, and boost use of clean energy. 10/03/2021 75000000 Formal creation of the Grid Storage Launchpad (GSL) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that will provide incubation for labs for next generation utility scale energy storage and grid operations.
United States Washington State Clean unconditional Grid Storage Launchpad Program Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 8300000 2021031010/03/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Department of Energy (DoE) Government The Washington State Department of Commerce has committed $8.3 million for advanced research equipment and specialized instrumentation that will provide unparalleled insights into the behavior of battery materials during operation. 10/03/2021 8300000 8300000 8300000 Formal creation of the Grid Storage Launchpad (GSL) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that will provide incubation for labs for next generation utility scale energy storage and grid operations.
United States Massachusetts Clean unconditional LED Streetlight Conversions in 77 Cities and Towns Across Massachusetts Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5500000 2021042222/04/2021 Energy efficiency Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Government Policy will avoid over 10,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually - equivalent to taking over 2,150 cars off the road - and alligning with state climate goals. 22/04/2021 5500000 5500000 5500000 $5.5 million to 77 cities and towns across the Commonwealth through the Rapid LED Streetlight Conversion Program. The program, jointly administered by the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), supported the installation of 116,139 LED streetlights that are projected to reduce electricity usage by more than 35.1 million kilowatt hours (kWh) and lower costs for municipalities by over $5.4 million per year.
United States Massachusetts Clean conditional $13 Million in Green Communities Grants Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 13000000 2021080707/08/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Government The Green Communities program makes progress in helping municipalities reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. Working to meet net zero by 2050 emissions goals, the Green Communities program gives municipal partners the resources needed to continue making progress in increasing energy efficiency and lowering energy costs 07/08/2021 13000000 13000000 13000000 Green Communities competitive grants to 103 municipalities across Massachusetts to fund clean energy projects. The grants are a range of projects from ventilation system upgrades and high efficiency lighting to the installation of insulation and energy management systems at municipal buildings and facilities. Also included are the installations of air-source heat pumps, hybrid police cruisers, and electric vehicle charging stations.
United States Massachusetts Clean conditional $7,9 Million in Green Communities Grant Awards Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7900000 2021092020/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Government The efforts of municipalities like the City of Quincy and other communities receiving grant awards today are instrumental as we work to meet the Commonwealth’s target of Net Zero emissions by 2050 20/09/2021 7900000 $7.9 million to 59 municipalities across the Commonwealth through the Green Communities Competitive Grant program. The $200,000 competitive grant awarded to the City of Quincy will go towards energy efficiency and clean transportation efforts. Projects include expansion of building controls and exhaust fans in schools, LED lighting in schools, and the purchase of five hybrid police cruisers to replace gasoline vehicles.
United States Massachusetts Clean unconditional $2 Million in Solar Grants to Eight State Facilities Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2000000 2021092222/09/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Government Administration is committed to supporting the continued growth of the solar industry in Massachusetts, which is delivering emissions reductions and economic benefits throughout the Commonwealth. 22/09/2021 2000000 2000000 2000000 $2 million in grants for eight separate solar installations at state facilities across the Commonwealth. Projects receiving these grants total more than 5 megawatts (MW) of solar PV, which will deliver approximately $11 million in economic benefits and generate 124 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of clean energy over 20 years.
United States California Clean conditional Zero-Emission Vehicle Package in the California Comeback Plan Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3900000000 2021092323/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) California Comeback Plan, CA Governor Newsome Government Helping drive consumer adoption, the package funds consumer rebates for new ZEV purchases and incentives for low-income Californians to replace their old car with a new or used advanced technology car. 23/09/2021 3900000000 3900000000 3900000000 The California Comeback Plan supports California’s nation-leading climate agenda with a $3.9 billion investment to hit fast forward on the state’s Zero-Emission Vehicle goals and lead the transition to ZEVs on a global scale. The package includes funding to put 1,000 zero-emission drayage trucks, 1,000 zero-emission school buses and 1,000 transit buses, and the necessary infrastructure, on California roads – prioritizing projects that benefit disadvantaged communities.
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $33 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 33000000 2021111010/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) Government These initiatives will reduce vehicle emissions from the transportation sector, which is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in New Jersey and a major contributor to global warming and climate change. 10/11/2021 33000000 33000000 33000000 Leveraging the proceeds from New Jersey’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), Governor Murphy also announced a $13.7 million investment in electric buses and trucks to reduce emissions and improve air quality in overburdened communities. Additionally, the Governor announced a $20 million expansion of the New Jersey Zero Emission Incentive Program (NJZIP) into the greater Jersey Shore area.
United States National Fossil unconditional President Biden Announces Release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve As Part of Ongoing Efforts to... Resources Oil and gas Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 2021112323/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation White House, Department of Energy Government Department of Energy will make available releases of 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower prices for Americans and address the mismatch between demand exiting the pandemic and supply. 23/11/2021 "The U.S. Department of Energy will make available releases of 50 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in two ways: 32 million barrels will be an exchange over the next several months, releasing oil that will eventually return to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in the years ahead. 18 million barrels will be an acceleration into the next several months of a sale of oil that Congress had previously authorized."
United States New Jersey Clean unconditional Investment in State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Facility to Build Wind Turbine Components to Serve Enti... Power generation Wind Budget or off-budget transfer ... 250000000 2021122121/12/2021 Other energy stage NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government For offshore wind turbines that will serve the entire United States offshore wind industry. 21/12/2021 250000000 250000000 250000000 $250 million investment in a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility to build steel components, known as monopiles.
United States National Fossil unconditional The Environmental Protection Agency suspends payment of penalties in environmental regulations Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 2020032626/03/2020 Several energy stages Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Government 13/03/2020 31/08/2020 EPA's temporary enforcement discretion policy applies to civil violations during the COVID-19 outbreak. The policy addresses different categories of noncompliance differently. For example, under the policy EPA does not expect to seek penalties for noncompliance with routine monitoring and reporting obligations that are the result of the COVID-19 pandemic but does expect operators of public water systems to continue to ensure the safety of our drinking water supplies. The policy also describes the steps that regulated facilities should take to qualify for enforcement discretion.
United States National Fossil unconditional Waiver of reporting requirements for fossil fuel electricity generators . Power generation Multiple fossil Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 2020042222/04/2020 Electricity generation Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Government The amendments provide that if an affected unit fails to complete a required quality-assurance, certification or recertification, fuel analysis, or emission rate test by the applicable deadline under the regulations because of travel, plant access, or other safety restrictions implemented to address the current COVID–19 national emergency and if the unit’s actual monitored data would be considered valid if not for the delayed test, the unit may temporarily continue to report actual monitored data instead of substitute data. 22/04/2020 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the emissions reporting regulations applicable to sources that monitor and report emissions under the Acid Rain Program, the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), and/or the NOX SIP Call.
Finland National Clean conditional Tax reform in employment-related transport benefits: effects in 2022 Mobility Multiple energy types Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 4566210.0456621 2021092727/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To incentivise the use of low-emission transport methods. 21/12/2021 4000000 The tax reform consists of the following: - updating the taxation of employer-subsidised commuter tickets (estimated value EUR 2.5 million per year) - making company bicycles a tax-free benefit up to EUR 1,200 per bicycle (estimated value EUR 0.5 million per year) The support was approved as part of the supplemented 2021 state budget on 21 December 2020 (Työsuhdepolkupyöräetu säädetään verovapaaksi; Työsuhdematkalipun verovapaata osuutta korotetaan ja verotusta yksinkertaistetaan).
Finland National Clean conditional Assigning all heat pumps, data centres and electric boilers to the electricity tax rate category II Power generation Multiple energy types Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 12557077.625571 2021092727/09/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Finnish Government Government To incentivise energy efficiency and efforts for carbon neutrality. 21/12/2021 11000000 Assigning all heat pumps, data centres and electric boilers that are connected to district heating, to the electricity tax rate category II. The change also includes the data centres that aren't connected to district heating but fullfill energy efficiency criteria. The net effect is loss of tax income, which is estimated at EUR 11 million annually. The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Teollisuuden ja kasvihuoneiden sähkön alempi verokanta sekä lämpöpumppujen, konesalien ym. sähkön alempi verokanta;
Finland National Other energy Higher subsidy for peat in energy production Power generation Other energy type Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 7990867.5799087 2021092727/09/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Finnish Government Government To support peat producers quitting production. 21/12/2021 7000000 "The use of peat in energy production has decreased quicker than expected which threatens livelyhoods of the people working in the peat sector. To soften the impact, the non-taxable use of peat in energy production is increased to 10 000 MWh for all power plants, with the effective tax subsidy increase from 2021 being EUR 7 million. The allocation was approved as part of the supplemented 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Turpeen verottoman käytön yläraja;"
Finland National Fossil conditional Decreasing subsidies for paraffinic diesel Mobility Oil and oil products Fossil fuel subsidy reform -23972602.739726 2021092727/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To incentivise energy efficiency and efforts for carbon neutrality. 21/12/2021 -21000000 Longer-term aim is to phase out the subsidy entirely. For 2021, the subsidy will be decreased by EUR 21 million. The support was approved as part of the supplemented 2021 state budget on 21 December 2020 (Parafiinisen dieselin verotuen pienentäminen).
Finland National Clean unconditional Renewable energy in Åland Islands Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3082191.7808219 2021111818/11/2021 Several energy stages Finnish Government Government To promote an energy system based on off-shore wind and fossil-free energy production in Åland Islands. 21/12/2021 2700000 "The policy relates to The Recovery and Recilience Plan of Finland (Pillar 1) and seeks to promote an energy system based on off-shore wind and fossil-free energy production in Åland Islands, including projects in solar energy and Power-to-X. The project addresses the sixth goal of the Development and Sustainability Agenda for Åland. The allocation was approved as part of the supplemented 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Elpymis- ja palautumisvälineen rahoitus Ahvenanmaan maakunnalle; and is covered by the EU Recovery and Recilience Facility." (29-04-2022) (29-04-2022)
Finland National Fossil conditional Phasing out oil heating in households and municipal buildings, 2022 Buildings Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... -32990867.579909 2021092727/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To support households and municipality buildings to switch from oil heating to other heating systems than a single-house system based on fossil fuels. 21/12/2021 -28900000 "The funding is additional to the already established phase-out program and is covered by the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility. The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Avustukset asuinrakennusten öljylämmityksestä luopumiseksi;" (29-04-2022) (29-04-2022)
Finland National Clean conditional Development of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure of workspace buildings Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1712328.7671233 2021092727/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To boost the uptake of low-carbon mobility solutions. 21/12/2021 1500000 "The policy relates to The Recovery and Resilience Plan of Finland (Pillar 1) and is intended to boost the uptake of EVs. The funding will be allocated on application basis and for each (new) charging station one can receive 750 eur in support (up to 10-50 stations per applicant). The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Avustukset työpaikkakiinteistöjen sähköisen liikenteen infrastruktuurin edistämiseen; and is covered by the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility." (29-04-2022) (29-04-2022)
Finland National Clean conditional Additional resources for permission processes related to new energy technology, green hydrogen and C... Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 856164.38356164 2021092727/09/2021 Several energy stages Finnish Government Government To facilitate quicker zoning, permission and reporting processes for the RRF-related investment projects. 21/12/2021 750000 "The policy relates to The Recovery and Resilience Plan of Finland (Pillar 1) and is intended to facilitate quicker zoning, permission and reporting processes for the RRF-related investment projects. The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Lupavoimavarat uuteen energiateknologiaan ja vähähiilisen vedyn ja hiilidioksidin talteenottoon; and is covered by the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility." (29-04-2022)
Finland National Other energy Scrapping scheme for peat production machinery Resources Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10399543.378995 2021092727/09/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Finnish Government Government To support peat producers quitting production. 21/12/2021 9110000 "The Finnish government is aiming to cut the energy use of peat by at least half by 2030. The use of peat in energy production has decreased quicker than expected which threatens livelihoods of the people working in the peat sector. A support package for peat producers was established in 2021 and this funding is additional to it. The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Valtionavustus turvetuotantokoneiden romutukseen;" (29-04-2022)
Finland National Clean conditional Furthering the infrastructure for electric and biogas vehicles, 2022 Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15068493.150685 2021092121/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To support the development of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. 21/12/2021 13200000 "The funding is additional to the already established development program for electric and biogas-based transport and is covered by the EU Recovery and Recilience Facility. The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Julkisen liikennesähkön ja -kaasun lataus- ja tankkausinfrastruktuurin edistäminen;" (29-04-2022)
Finland National Clean conditional Development of an ecosystem for electric heavy transport, 2022 Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1712328.7671233 2021092727/09/2021 Several energy stages Finnish Government Government To accelarate sustainable growth through the development of an internationally competitive ecosystem for electric heavy transport. 21/12/2021 1500000 "The policy relates to The Recovery and Recilience Plan of Finland (Pillar 3) and is first and foremost intended to accelarate sustainable growth through the development of internationally competitive ecosystems. The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Sähköisen raskaan liikenteen ekosysteemi, Avustukset liikenteen ja viestinnän palveluihin; and is covered by the EU Recovery and Recilience Facility." (29-04-2022)
Finland National Fossil unconditional Waterway projects in 2022 Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5365296.803653 2021092727/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To improve waterway connections. 21/12/2021 4700000 "The total sum consists of allocations for one existing waterway project (EUR 4,7 million appropriations for 2022). The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Väyläverkon kehittäminen," (29-04-2022)
Finland National Clean conditional Railway projects in 2022 Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 190901826.48402 2021092727/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To improve the railway network. 21/12/2021 167230000 "The total sum consists of allocations for fourteen existing railway projects (EUR 167,23 million appropriations for 2022). The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Väyläverkon kehittäminen, Avustukset liikenne- ja viestintäverkkoihin;", (29-04-2022)
Finland National Fossil unconditional Road projects in 2022 Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 114155251.14155 2021092727/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To improve the road network. 22/12/2021 100000000 "The total sum consists of allocations for eight existing road projects (EUR 100 million appropriations for 2022). The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Väyläverkon kehittäminen;" (29-04-2022)
Finland National Clean conditional Investments in green energy projects in 2022 Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 80547945.205479 2021092727/09/2021 Several energy stages Finnish Government Government To increase the use of renewable energy and biofuels. 21/12/2021 70560000 "The funding is reoccurring in annual state budgets (not a recovery measure), but the increase of authorised spending from EUR 160 million in 2021 to EUR 230.56 million (EUR 70,56 million increase) in 2022 can be taken as such. The money can be used for investments and research that support the production or use of renewables and biofuels, as well as in research on the environmental and socio-economical impacts of biofuels. The allocation was approved as part of the 2022 state budget on 20 December 2021 (Energiatuki; and is covered by the EU Recovery and Recilience Facility." (29-04-2022) (29-04-2022)
Finland National Fossil conditional Phasing out tax rebates of energy-intensive industries Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Fossil fuel subsidy reform -175799086.75799 2021092727/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To incentivise energy efficiency and efforts for carbon neutrality. 21/12/2021 -154000000 "The industrial energy tax rebate system for energy-intensive industries is to be phased out by 2025 and this EUR 154 million reduction in the annual tax rebates is a part of that phase-out. The policy was originally approved as part of the supplemented 2021 state budget on 21 December 2020 (Energiaverotuki, Energiaintensiivisen teollisuuden veronpalautuksista luopuminen asteittain;" (29-04-2022) (29-04-2022)
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Extensions to vehicle licenses, Warrant of Fitnesses and registrations under lockdown Mobility Oil and oil products Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 2021091010/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Government - To provide certainty to the public and industry that we have heard their concerns and they won’t be issued infringement notices for using their vehicles appropriately during higher Alert Levels. 15/09/2021 Driver licences, Warrants of Fitness (WoFs), Certificates of Fitness (CoFs), vehicle licences (‘regos’) and licence endorsements that expired on or after 21 July 2021 will be valid until 30 November 2021.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Extension of the International Air Freight Capacity (IAFC) scheme Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 33722438.391699 2020121313/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport Government "- To ensure consistent flows of key imports and exports into and out of the country. - To maintain air connectivity for passengers. - To support future tourism capacity, international relations and the competitiveness and sustainability of the aviation sector." 13/12/2020 52000000 The Government set aside $600 million for an aviation relief package as part of the $12.1 billion COVID-19 support package. Support for International Air Freight Capacity (IAFC) providers amounted to $176 million for Phase 1 of the scheme from May to November 2020. Phase 2 of the scheme ran from December to the end of March 2021. The Phase 2 end date was extended by 1 month to ensure stability for businesses that rely on airfreight and airlines before the Mantaining International Air Connectivity (MIAC) scheme came into effect. $196 million of funding was allocated duirng Phase 2 of the IAFC scheme. Across its two phases, the IAFC scheme provided $52 million more funding than the initial $320 that was allocated in March 2020.
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Extension of the Maintaining International Air Connectivity (MIAC) scheme Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 16212710.76524 2021100101/10/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport Government "- To ensure regular international air services for passengers and freight, and protect links to critical supplies like vaccines and medicines. - To ensure businesses can tap into international markets to support recovery. - To maintain connectivity with countries that New Zealand has quarantine-free travel arrangements with when there are pauses or suspensions." 01/10/2021 25000000 The Maintaining International Air Connectivity (MIAC) scheme was due to end on 31 October 2021 but it has been extended to 31 March 2022 to help with demand over the peak summer cargo season. It commits a further $25 million of financial support to the aviation sector.
New Zealand National Other energy New Zealand joins Statement of International Public Support for the Clean Energy Transition at COP26 Other sector Multiple energy types Uncategorized 2021110404/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government - To help stimulate sustainable, resilient and inclusive economic development globally, and support a just transition for affected communities 04/11/2021 "New Zealand, along with 31 other countries, has joined a Statement of Public Support for the Clean Energy Transition, led by the UK. As part of this statement, countries have agreed to: 1. Prioritise support fully towards the clean energy transition, using resources to enhance what can be delivered by the private sector. 2. End new direct public support for the international unabated fossil fuel energy sector by the end of 2022, except in limited and clearly defined circumstances that are consistent with a 1.5°C warming limit and the goals of the Paris Agreement. 3. Encourage further governments, their official export credit agencies and public finance institutions to implement similar commitments into COP27 and beyond."
Sweden National Clean unconditional Support for biogas production Multiple sectors Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 54288816.5038 2021121616/12/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Swedish Government Government To create conditions for a large scale domestic production of biofuels and hydrogen. 01/01/2022 500000000 Grant to support large-scale domestic production of biofuels and hydrogen. This policy is aimed to support research, investments, demonstration projects and support in production for companies that want to develop sustainable biofuels and electric- and hydrogen technologies for road transport, aviation and industry. The grant also fits support to increase biogas production. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Investments in charging infrastructure Mobility Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 65146579.80456 2021121616/12/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Swedish Government Government Expand the charging infrastructure network for electric vehicles 01/01/2022 600000000 Investments to build out the national network of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. This includes building out the charging infrastructure for electric trucks, focusing on regional networks and connected routes between larger Swedish cities as a first step. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Other energy Support for operation of Bio-CCS Other sector Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1628664.495114 2021121616/12/2021 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Swedish Government Government Governmental support of the operation of bio-CCS 01/01/2022 15000000 Economic support for the operation of bio-CCS, including sequestration, capture and storage of CO2 from renewable resources. The support should be designed to function as reverse auction. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Support for industrial decarbonisation Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 98697068.403909 2021121616/12/2021 Several energy stages Swedish Government Government Decrease industry emissions 01/01/2022 909000000 Support for industry to take measures to lower emissions. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional “Climate premium” subsidy program to support the sale of new environmentally friendly he... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 173778501.62866 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Support the sale of low-emission vehicles 01/01/2022 1600500000 The "climate premium" subsidy promotes the introduction of trucks, buses and working machines with low emissions on the market by reducing the purchase cost of these for companies, municipalities and regions. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Local and regional climate investments Mobility Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 299131378.93594 2021121616/12/2021 Several energy stages Swedish Government Government Support for investments in climate action nationally. 01/01/2022 2755000000 Funding program to support national climate investments, such as investments and investment support for charging infrastructure on a local and regional level. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional “Climate bonus” subsidy program to support the sale of new environmentally friendly vehi... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 381107491.85668 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Support the sale of low-emission vehicles 01/01/2022 3510000000 Subsidies to support the purchase of electric vehicles and other vehicles that emit less than 60g of CO2 per km. The sales of vehiles entitled to the subsidy increased in 2021 funds are therefore allocated this year as well. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Support for maintaining public transport Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 108577633.0076 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Supporting public transport in dealing with COVID-19 revenue loss 01/01/2022 1000000000 Support for maintaining public transport [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Support for international night trains Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4885993.485342 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Enabling climate smart travel from Sweden to European destinations. 01/01/2022 45000000 Procurement of night train services to European destinations. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Other energy Support to transport infrastructure development in Gothenburg using surplus from congestion tax in G... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 111313789.35939 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Transport infrastructure development in the Gothenburg region 01/01/2022 1025200000 The surplus from the congestion tax in Gothenburg will contribute to the financing of investments in public transport, railways and roads in Gothenburg, e.g. The West Link project (a railway connection in a tunnel under the center of Gothenburg) and a new river connection for road traffic at Marieholm. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Other energy Support to transport infrastructure developments in Stockholm using surplus from the congestion tax ... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 211009771.98697 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Transport infrastructure development in the Stockholm region 01/01/2022 1943400000 "The surplus from the congestion tax in Stockholm shall, in accordance with the Stockholm Agreement, finance Stockholm Bypass (a motorway connection) and other road-related projects in the Stockholm region and the expansion of the metro." [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Supporting the transition to a fossil-free shipping sector Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4885993.485342 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Supporting the decarbonization of the maritime sector 01/01/2022 45000000 Part of the policy "Compensation for the coastguard and recreational boat purposes". SEK 45 million have been earmarked to decarbonize the Swedish Maritime Administrations fleet. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Other energy Investments for national infrastructure plans Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 29315960.912052 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Transport infrastructure development 01/01/2022 270000000 Part of a policy-package that provides funding for, for example long-term infrastructure planning for road, rail and maritime transport; investments of state-owned roads, rails, fairways and locks; governmental co-financing of building regional public transport infrastructure. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Other energy Investments in regional planning Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 367209554.8317 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Transport infrastructure development 01/01/2022 3382000000 Part of a policy-package that provides funding for, for example long-term infrastructure planning for road, rail and maritime transport; investments of state-owned roads, rails, fairways and locks; governmental co-financing of building regional public transport infrastructure. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Support for sustainable communities and municipalities Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 157437567.86102 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Supporting sustainable communities and municipalities 01/01/2022 1450000000 Part of a policy-package that provides funding for, for example long-term infrastructure planning for road, rail and maritime transport; investments of state-owned roads, rails, fairways and locks; governmental co-financing of building regional public transport infrastructure. This particular measure funds efforts aiming at increasing the share of passegners using public transport or cycling, and efforts towards sustainable freight solutions. [date of access: 2021-12-16]
" [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2022-01-18]"
Sweden National Clean conditional Development of state-owned infrastructure – trimming, streamlining and environmental measures Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Improving the function of the existing transport infrastructure and reducing its environmental impact 01/01/2022 Part of a policy-package that provides funding for, for example long-term infrastructure planning for road, rail and maritime transport; investments of state-owned roads, rails, fairways and locks; governmental co-financing of building regional public transport infrastructure. This particular measure is directed towards efforts of improving the function of existing transport infrastructure and reduce its environmental impact. [date of access: 2021-12-16]
" [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2022-01-18]"
Sweden National Fossil unconditional Development of state-owned maritime infrastructure Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 28555917.480999 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Maritime transport infrastructure development 01/01/2022 263000000 Part of a policy-package that provides funding for, for example long-term infrastructure planning for road, rail and maritime transport; investments of state-owned roads, rails, fairways and locks; governmental co-financing of building regional public transport infrastructure. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Fossil unconditional Development of state-owned road infrastructure Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 532356134.63626 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Road transport infrastructure development 01/01/2022 4903000000 Part of a policy-package that provides funding for, for example long-term infrastructure planning for road, rail and maritime transport; investments of state-owned roads, rails, fairways and locks; governmental co-financing of building regional public transport infrastructure. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Energy advisory service Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15200868.621064 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Helping individuals and industry lower its emissions and energy consumption 01/01/2022 140000000 Funding of energy-related consultation services for individuals and companies [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Support for energy technologies Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 62714440.82519 2021121616/12/2021 Other energy stage Swedish Government Government Supporting energy technologies with positive climate effects. 01/01/2022 577600000 Funding to support spreading energy technology solutions with a positive effect on the climate. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Efforts for fossil-free electricity production Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2714440.82519 2021121616/12/2021 Electricity generation Swedish Government Government Promoting fossil-free electricity production 01/01/2022 25000000 Funding to facilitate the development of fossil-free electricity generation and to study environmental effects of fossil-free electricity generation. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Efforts to improve energy efficiency Multiple sectors Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1954397.3941368 2021121616/12/2021 Energy efficiency Swedish Government Government More resource efficient energy consumption and lower emissions 01/01/2022 18000000 Support for development and market introduction of energy efficiency technologies. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean unconditional Government energy efficiency grants for apartment buildings Buildings Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 33550488.599349 2021121616/12/2021 Energy efficiency Swedish Government Government Reduce energy consumption and lower emissions 01/01/2022 309000000 Grants to lower the costs of energy efficiency improvements and renovations of apartment blocks and outside areas. [date of access: 2021-12-16] [date of access: 2021-12-16]
Sweden National Clean conditional Increase in support for industrial decarbonization Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 108577.6330076 2021112424/11/2021 Several energy stages Swedish Government Government Decrease industry emissions 24/11/2021 1000000 Support for industries to take measures to lower emissions. [date of access: 2021-12-01]
Sweden National Clean conditional Increase of the “Climate bonus” subsidy program to support the sale of new environmental... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 206297502.71444 2021112424/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Support the sale of low-emission vehicles 24/11/2021 1900000000 Subsidies to support the purchase of electric vehicles and other vehicles that emit less than 60g of CO2 per km. Increased as the number of purchased vehicles entitled to the subsidy was larger than estimated. [date of access: 2021-12-01]
Sweden National Clean unconditional Decrease in government energy efficiency grants for apartment buildings Buildings Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 70575461.45494 2021112424/11/2021 Energy efficiency Swedish Government Government Reduce energy consumption and lower emissions 24/11/2021 650000000 Grants to lower the costs of energy efficiency improvements and renovations of apartment blocks and outside areas. Decreased to finance grants to set up rental housing and housing for students. [date of access: 2021-12-01]
United Kingdom National Clean conditional Biomass Feedstocks Innovation Programme (Phase 2) Power generation Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 33333333.333333 2021122020/12/2021 Electricity generation Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Government To increase the production of sustainable domestic biomass 26000000 On 20 December 2021, the UK Government has announced a £26 million funding boost for innovative biomass projects across the UK as part of its plans to ramp up the use of materials such as grasses, hemp and seaweed to help the UK reach net zero. Biomass refers to sustainably derived plant material that could be used as fuel to produce energy for heating and powering homes and businesses. The funding, available through Phase 2 of the government’s Biomass Feedstocks Innovation Programme, will see projects previously supported under Phase 1 with government funding to design new ways of boosting biomass production in the first round of the scheme, able to apply for further support to bring their projects to life. Each project will be able to bid for up to £4 million in funding, or up to £5 million for bids from the multi-site demonstrator projects that will showcase new biomass feedstock production projects in multiple locations across the UK. (Accessed 17 Jan 2021)
United Kingdom National Clean conditional Biomass Feedstocks Innovation Programme (Phase 1) Power generation Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 38461538.461538 2021030303/03/2021 Electricity generation Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Government To increase the production of sustainable domestic biomass 30000000 The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is providing £30 million in funding to support innovation in the production of sustainable domestic biomass. The Biomass Feedstocks Innovation Programme aims to increase the production of sustainable domestic biomass by funding innovative ideas that address barriers to biomass feedstock production. The support is intended for those who are seeking to improve productivity, through breeding, planting, cultivating and harvesting. (Accessed 17 Jan 2021)
United Kingdom National Clean unconditional Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (Wave 2) Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1025641025.641 2021110202/11/2021 Energy efficiency Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Government To improve energy performance of social housing 800000000 £800m have been confirmed for Wave 2 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, which will run for three years from 2022. (Accessed 14 December 2021)
United Kingdom National Clean unconditional Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (Wave 1) Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 205128205.12821 2021061616/06/2021 Energy efficiency Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Government To improve energy performance of social housing 23/08/2021 160000000 Registered providers of social housing (including private and local authority providers) can apply to Wave 1 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) to support the installation of energy performance measures in social homes in England. Up to £160 million is available. Funding is available for the installation of energy performance measures in social homes by 31 January 2023 The fund follows on from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator, where over 2,300 homes were improved to EPC Band C and at least 1,300 local jobs were supported. (Accessed 14 December 2021)
United Kingdom England Clean conditional New regulation: obligation for new builds to install electric vehicle charge points Mobility Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2021112222/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Prime Minister Government 01/01/2022 New homes and buildings such as supermarkets and workplaces, as well as those undergoing major renovation, will be required to install electric vehicle charge points from next year, under new legislation announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on 22 November 2021. England is the first country in the world to mandate such building regulations, kicking off a decade of delivery in hundreds of thousands of charge points while creating further green jobs across the country. Up to 145,000 extra charge points will be installed across England each year thanks to these regulations, in the run up to 2030 when the sale of new petrol and diesel cars will end in the UK. This builds on the over 250,000 home and workplace charge points the government has already supported to date. (Accessed 13 December 2021)
United Kingdom National Clean unconditional New guidance published by the Cabinet Office on how to cut emissions of government buildings Buildings Energy efficiency New or extended regulation (IT... 2021112323/11/2021 Energy efficiency Cabinet Office Government To ensure consistent approaches are adopted to reach net zero emissions in public buildings A new guide to decarbonising public sector buildings and creating a net zero public estate has been launched by the Cabinet Office. The Net Zero Estate Playbook will ensure consistent approaches, such as using solar panels, LED lighting and greener building materials, are applied across public buildings as they help decarbonise Britain’s largest property portfolio. (Accessed 13 Decmber 2021)
United Kingdom National Clean unconditional UK government will invest £20 million per year in Tidal Stream electricity Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 25641025.641026 2021112424/11/2021 Electricity generation Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Government To give the marine energy sector a chance to develop their technology and lower their costs in a similar way to the UK’s wind industry 20000000 The UK government will invest £20 million per year in Tidal Stream electricity as part of its flagship renewable energy auction scheme, kickstarting a brand-new chapter for the tidal industry and creating jobs across the UK. As part of the fourth allocation round of the Contracts for Difference Scheme due to open in December, the UK government will ensure that £20 million per year will be ringfenced for Tidal Stream projects, giving the marine energy sector a chance to develop their technology and lower their costs in a similar way to the UK’s world-leading offshore wind industry. This will bring the total funding for this allocation round to £285 million per year. (Accessed 13 December 2021)
United Kingdom London Clean unconditional London Mayor announces £51m funding package to improve energy efficiency in homes Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 65384615.384615 2021120303/12/2021 Energy efficiency Mayor of London Government To tackle fuel poverty 01/03/2022 51000000 The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has committed £51m to help keep Londoners warm and tackle fuel poverty. As part of his ‘retrofit revolution’ to improve the energy efficiency of our homes, the Mayor has secured a record £40.2m in Sustainable Warmth funding from the government to upgrade 3,200 fuel poor homes from Spring 2022. This will be delivered through his successful Warmer Homes scheme which will offer grants of up to £20,000 for heating, insulation and ventilation improvements to low income Londoners who own their own homes or rent privately. To help Londoners this winter, the Mayor has reopened the Warmer Homes Programme with investments of £2.6m from City Hall and £8.5m from government which will support emergency heating replacements and repairs. Measures could also include insulation and renewable technology, such as solar panels and heat pumps. (Accessed 13 December 2021)
United Kingdom National Other energy New round of Energy Entrepreneurs Fund: Government invests over £116 million to drive forward green... Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 148717948.71795 2021120707/12/2021 Several energy stages Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Government To boost green innovation across the UK 116000000 Over £116 million in new government funding will boost green innovation across the UK as efforts to help businesses reduce their carbon emissions continue. The funding will see projects across the country develop new technologies that increase energy efficiency in homes and buildings, reduce carbon emissions, boost the UK’s energy security and provide cleaner ways to generate power and heat. The investment will see the projects play a key part in the UK’s green industrial revolution, putting British business at the forefront of green innovation - helping to generate green jobs and kickstart millions of pounds of private sector investment. Projects supported under the first phase of the programme include a range of innovative green technologies such as using absorbents that can capture CO2 directly from the air (Direct Air Capture) and capturing the CO2 stored in natural material such as waste wood through combustion to produce energy (Bioenergy with Carbon Capture). Through this new funding under the second phase, these projects will be developed from the design stage into demonstration projects, which could scale up to be commercial projects by 2025. (Accessed 13 December 2021)
United Kingdom Turkey Clean unconditional UKEF announces £217m support to the construction of Turkey’s largest solar project Power generation Solar Loan guarantee (Hybrid) 278205128.20513 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation UK Export Finance (UKEF) Public finance institution To help drive green investment 217000000 As part of the major overhaul of its guarantee policy to help drive green investment, UK Export Finance (UKEF) announced theirs support to help construct Turkey’s largest solar facility. The £217 million support for Kalyon Enerji’s 1.35GW Karapinar solar project is UKEF’s largest-ever guarantee for a solar project. The project is expected to support over 100 British jobs as the integration of the solar technology and the assembly of the solar power station will occur in the UK. The facility is scheduled to be in late 2022 and to power 2 million households. (Accessed 13 December 2021)
United Kingdom Scotland Clean unconditional Heat in Buildings Strategy Buildings Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2307692307.6923 2021100707/10/2021 Energy efficiency Scottish Government Government To decarbonise Scotland's heating systems 1800000000 The Heat in Buildings Strategy sets out the pathway for cutting greenhouse gas emissions from homes and buildings – which currently account for about a fifth of Scotland’s emissions - by more than two thirds by 2030. Ramping up delivery of renewable heating systems, driving a widespread improvement in the energy performance of buildings and investment of at least £1.8 billion are at the heart of a new plan for tackling one of Scotland’s biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Reaching the strategy's objectives will require over a million homes and the equivalent of 50,000 non-domestic buildings to convert to zero emissions heat by 2030. The investment will be deployed between 2021 and 2026. (Accessed 25 October 2021)
United Kingdom National Clean unconditional Green Home Finance Accelerator Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 12820512.820513 2021102222/10/2021 Energy efficiency Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Government To drive innovation in the green lending market and support the establishment of a diverse range of green finance products which incentivise domestic energy performance improvements for both owner occupiers and private landlords. 10000000 The purpose of the Green Home Finance Accelerator (NZIP-GHFA) programme is to drive innovation in the green lending market and support the establishment of a diverse range of green finance products which incentivise domestic energy performance improvements for both owner occupiers and private landlords. The NZIP-GHFA programme will provide up to £10 million grant funding to support UK retail lenders to design, develop and pilot a range of finance propositions which encourage domestic energy efficiency and low carbon heating retrofits. The programme is expected to be launched in spring 2022. The objectives of the programme are to: - support lenders and other providers to develop and pilot a range of innovative green finance products that enable home energy efficiency and low carbon heating improvements - develop capability among finance providers in the design, development, and commercialisation of green finance products - develop partnerships between lenders, investors, energy efficiency, low carbon heating and property value supply chains - support lenders and other providers to investigate and understand consumer barriers and motivators for energy efficiency and low carbon heating investment. - help to reduce consumer barriers to finance domestic low carbon heating and energy efficiency measures - establish an evidence base to enable effective design and development of future green finance propositions and inform future policy development (Accessed 25 October 2021)
United Kingdom National Clean unconditional Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF) approved to support low-carbon technologies Buildings Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 346153846.15385 2021090707/09/2021 Other energy stage Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Government To support the development of heat networks 01/04/2022 270000000 The Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF) will support low-carbon technologies like heat pumps, solar and geothermal energy in the roll out of the next generation of heat networks. It will open to applicants in April 2022 and is anticipated to run to 2025. It will be available in England. The £270m fund is the successor to the government’s Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP), which has provided more than £165m of funding for schemes across England and Wales since 2018. Heat networks are a type of system where heat is distributed to individual homes or workplaces from a central source via pipes. Such a system avoids the need for homes to have their own energy-intensive source of heat generation, such as gas boilers. Heat networks are a major part of the government’s plan to transition the UK towards net zero by 2050. The Committee on Climate Change has estimated that roughly 18% of the UK’s heat supply will need to come from heat networks if the government is to meet its 2050 net zero target. There are currently around 14,000 heat networks in the UK, which provide heat and hot water to around 480,000 customers. (Accessed 25 October 2021)
United Kingdom National Clean unconditional £265m earmarked for next round of clean power auctions (Contracts for Difference) Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 339743589.74359 2021091313/09/2021 Electricity generation Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Government To support the development of clean energy technologies 265000000 UK Export Finance (UKEF), the UK’s Export Credit Agency, has committed to going carbon neutral by 2050 ahead of COP26. New target means UKEF will increase its support for green exports and ensure its operations and financial portfolio will contribute net zero emissions by 2050. UKEF currently has a capacity of £50 billion to support UK exports through loans, insurance and guarantees, issuing £12.3 billion of financial support to businesses last year. This capacity will be entirely carbon neutral by 2050 on a net basis. (Accessed 25 October 2021)
United Kingdom International Clean unconditional UK Export Finance commits to going carbon neutral by 2050 Multiple sectors Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2021092222/09/2021 Several energy stages UK Export Finance (UKEF) Public finance institution To help prevent global temperatures rising above 1.5C UK Export Finance (UKEF), the UK’s Export Credit Agency, has committed to going carbon neutral by 2050 ahead of COP26. New target means UKEF will increase its support for green exports and ensure its operations and financial portfolio will contribute net zero emissions by 2050. UKEF currently has a capacity of £50 billion to support UK exports through loans, insurance and guarantees, issuing £12.3 billion of financial support to businesses last year. This capacity will be entirely carbon neutral by 2050 on a net basis. (Accessed 25 October 2021)
United Kingdom Local authorities (various) Clean unconditional Capability fund (allocation to local transport authority for walking and cycling infrastructure) Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 433333333.33333 2021073030/07/2021 Active transport (cycling or walking) Department for Transport Government To enable local authorities to fund walking and cycling infrastructure 30/07/2021 338000000 This revenue grant enables local transport authorities outside London to promote cycling and walking in their areas by: - the development of infrastructure plans, including drawing up bids for capital funding - carrying out behaviour change activities, such as training and promotion. The capability fund grant replaced the Access Fund, which ran between 2017 to 2021 and supports commitments of the Cycling and walking plan for England. (Accessed 25 October 2021) (Accessed 25 October 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Other energy Agreement between the Valencian government and Ford España S. L.: new production line and infrastru... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4566210.0456621 2021083131/08/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sector, Commerce and Labor of the Generalitat Valenciana Government To contribute to the improvement of competitiveness, industrial efficiency, sustainability, and a substantial improvement of the automotive sector. 01/09/2021 4000000 This agreement represents an investment of 4 million euros to support Ford España S.L. 's new production line and infrastructure for electric motorbikes and vehicles for the year 2021. Specifically, the actions to be carried out will be: improve environmental protection and energy efficiency in the early stages for the production of a hybrid motor and improve environmental protection and energy efficiency through the implementation of an electric battery manufacturing plant. (Accessed 30 Dec 2021) (Accessed 30 Dec 2021)
Spain Cantabria Clean conditional Aids for the implementations of low emission zones in Cantabria (PIMA CC) Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 45662.100456621 2021090808/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Resolution of the Minister of Rural Development, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and the Environment dated September 8, 2021 Government Mitigation and adaptation to climate change. 09/09/2021 40000 This line of aid has a budget of 40,000 euros and is intended for municipalities in the region with a population between 50,000 and 100,000 inhabitants. The goal is for city councils to be able to finance low-emission urban areas within their cities to improve air quality and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This helpline is included in a larger call of aid contemplated in the Climate Change Environment Promotion Plans (PIMA-CC) for the implementation of actions to fight against climate change. (Accessed 23 Jan 2022) (Accessed 23 Jan 2022)
Spain Castilla-La Mancha Clean conditional Aids for the implementations of low emission zones in Castilla-La Mancha (PIMA CC) Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 570776.25570776 2021052828/05/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Resolution of 05/28/2021, of the General Directorate of Circular Economy Government Mitigation and adaptation to climate change. 11/06/2021 500000 This line of aid has a budget of 500,000 euros and is intended for municipalities in the region with a population between 50,000 and 100,000 inhabitants. The goal is for city councils to be able to finance low-emission urban areas within their cities to improve air quality and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This helpline is included in a larger call of aid contemplated in the Climate Change Environment Promotion Plans (PIMA-CC) for the implementation of actions to fight against climate change. (Accessed 23 Jan 2022) (Accessed 23 Jan 2022) (Accessed 23 Jan 2022)
Spain Castilla y León Clean conditional Aids for the implementations of low emission zones in Castilla y Leon (PIMA CC) Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 399543.37899543 2021122121/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) BASES OF THE CALL FOR AID PIMA CC 2021. Plans to Promote the Environment Climate Change (PIMA-CC) for the implementation of actions to combat climate change. Government Mitigation and adaptation to climate change. 21/12/2021 350000 This line of aid has a budget of 350,000 euros and is intended for municipalities in the region with a population between 50,000 and 100,000 inhabitants. The goal is for city councils to be able to finance low-emission urban areas within their cities to improve air quality and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This helpline is included in a larger call of aid contemplated in the Climate Change Environment Promotion Plans (PIMA-CC) for the implementation of actions to fight against climate change. (Accessed 20 Jan 2022) (Accessed 20 Jan 2022)
Spain Comunidad de Madrid Clean conditional Energy efficiency improvement (Canal de Isabel II) Other sector Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4427432.6484018 2021100202/10/2021 Energy efficiency Ministry of the Environment, Housing and Agriculture of the Community of Madrid Government To improve energy efficiency. 06/10/2021 3878431 The Community of Madrid will allocate 3,878,461.83 euros to achieve energy efficiency at the Canal de Isabel II facilities. In this sense, the public company intends to reduce its energy consumption by 7% before 2025, which will mean avoiding the emission of 4,300 tons of greenhouse gases each year and cutting the carbon footprint of the water cycle. In this contract, the energy characterization of the facilities will be carried out through the installation of equipment for its measurement that will segregate the total consumption of the plant. These services will focus on infrastructures that require a greater amount of energy, mainly wastewater treatment and pumping stations. Thus, these will serve as the basis for reaching solutions that can later be extended to other plants with similar characteristics. (Accessed 20 Jan 2022) ((Accessed 20 Jan 2022)
Spain Comunidad de Madrid Fossil unconditional Extension of the on-demand taxi service in the Northern rural areas of Madrid Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 399543.37899543 2021091515/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Transport, Mobility and Infrastructures and the North Valley of Lozoya Municipal Association Government To promote smart, sustainable and affordable mobility as a further step to build a fully structured region. 15/09/2021 350000 The on-demand taxi service aims to facilitate mobility in the rural areas of northern Madrid, so that this service complements bus transport. The service, managed by the North Valley of Lozoya Municipal Association, will benefit thirty localities in the area that add up to about 11,000 residents. The user who uses this service will pay a fee of 4 euros, the rest of the trip being subsidized by the Community of Madrid. Each user may use up to 10 monthly services, which is extended to 20 in the case of belonging to a group with preferential conditions (elderly, large families, etc.). The service currently has a fleet of 11 vehicles with a total of five taxi companies, with vehicles that have between four and seven seats, 20% of them adapted for disabled travellers. The initial investment for this initiative has been extended with an additional 350 thousand euros. (Accessed 20 Jan 2022)
Spain Comunidad de Madrid Clean unconditional Extension of the Elevators Renovation Plan Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 205479.45205479 2021093030/09/2021 Energy efficiency MODIFICATION of September 30, 2021 of the extract and announcement publicizing the extension of the credit assigned to the call of the Energy Foundation of the Community of Madrid Government To reduce the energy demand from conventional energy sources in homes, reduce the energy bill of users and increase the security of certain facilities. 08/10/2021 180000 The Elevator Renovation Plan has received an additional 180,000 euros earmarked for the replacement of tractor systems, the installation of LED lighting and automatic dimming devices, load scales and photoelectric barriers. The Plan offers subsidies of up to 2,700 euros for natural or legal persons who own elevators in the Community of Madrid. (Accessed 20 Jan 2022) (Accessed 20 Jan 2022) ((Accessed 20 Jan 2022)
Spain Comunidad de Madrid Clean unconditional Extension of the Windows Renovation Plan Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 308219.17808219 2021093030/09/2021 Energy efficiency MODIFICATION of September 30, 2021 of the extract and announcement publicizing the extension of the credit assigned to the call for the granting of aid by the Energy Foundation of the Community of Madrid Government To encourage the renovation of old windows with others of greater energy efficiency, thereby promoting the reduction of the energy demand of homes and buildings in the tertiary sector, the reduction of the energy bill of users and the improvement of the comfort conditions of homes. 08/10/2021 270000 The Windows Renovation Plan, initially endowed with 900,000 euros which later received an additional 540,000 euros earmarked for aid for the replacement of old windows with more efficient ones has received an additional 270,000€. Natural or legal persons who are owners or tenants of homes and / or buildings in the tertiary sector can benefit from them. Each subsidy can reach a total investment of 110 euros for each square meter of glass installed. This budgetary expansion will make it possible to reach 10,000 windows replaced in the region, which translates into the reduction of 620 tons of annual CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. (Accessed 20 Jan 2022) (Accessed 20 Jan 2022) (Accessed 20 Jan 2022)
Spain National Fossil conditional Plan to Promote Entrepreneurship for Innovation in the Port Sector (“Ports 4.0”) (2021) Mobility Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7705479.4520548 2021093030/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Resolution of September 30, 2021 of the President of State Ports Government To incorporate innovative solutions, products and services to the ports and logistics sector. 21/10/2021 6750000 The Plan to Promote Entrepreneurship for Innovation in the Port Sector «Puertos 4.0» is part of the Innovation Plan for Transport and Infrastructure of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda with the aim of incorporating, quickly and efficiently, innovation to the transport and logistics sector. These aids are aimed at financing the start-up of new ideas or projects that develop new technologies, introduce innovative products, services or processes in the market, or improve existing ones with direct application in the logistics-port ecosystem or others related to it. The selected projects and ideas will have to meet a series of requirements, including a series of requirements related to sustainability and environmental protection, such as: -Use of eco-efficient equipment -Equipment, services and facilities that help reduce the carbon footprint, polluting emissions, noise and water quality, tending towards a model of Green Ports or zero emissions ports. -Equipment, services and facilities that contribute to efficient energy production and management in ports and logistics centres. -Equipment, services and facilities that contribute to the prevention and fight against pollution. -Equipment, services and facilities that promote the use of alternative fuels (LNG, etc.) (Accessed 20 Jan 2022)
Spain National Fossil conditional Plan to Promote Entrepreneurship for Innovation in the Port Sector (“Ports 4.0”) (2020) Mobility Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 13698630.136986 2020071515/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Order TMA/702/2020, of July 15 Government To incorporate innovative solutions, products and services to the ports and logistics sector. 28/07/2020 12000000 The Plan to Promote Entrepreneurship for Innovation in the Port Sector «Puertos 4.0» is part of the Innovation Plan for Transport and Infrastructure of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda with the aim of incorporating, quickly and efficiently, innovation to the transport and logistics sector. These aids are aimed at financing the start-up of new ideas or projects that develop new technologies, introduce innovative products, services or processes in the market, or improve existing ones with direct application in the logistics-port ecosystem or others related to it. The selected projects and ideas will have to meet a series of requirements, including a series of requirements related to sustainability and environmental protection, such as: -Use of eco-efficient equipment -Equipment, services and facilities that help reduce the carbon footprint, polluting emissions, noise and water quality, tending towards a model of Green Ports or zero emissions ports. -Equipment, services and facilities that contribute to efficient energy production and management in ports and logistics centres. -Equipment, services and facilities that contribute to the prevention and fight against pollution. -Equipment, services and facilities that promote the use of alternative fuels (LNG, etc.) (Accessed 20 Jan 2022)
Spain Pais Vasco Clean unconditional Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 (building rehabilitation 2022) Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 34246575.342466 2021102626/10/2021 Energy efficiency AGREEMENT APPROVING THE ENERGY TRANSITION AND CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN 2021-2024, of October 26, 2021 Government To reduce GHG emissions, promote renewable energy and improve climate change resilience. 27/10/2021 30000000 Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 has 3 main objectives: reduce GHG emissions in 30%, achieve a 20% renewable energy ratio in final energy consumption and ensure resilience to climate change in the Basque territory. In order to do so, 15 strategic initiative have been defined. In this case, Initiative 7: Boosting the energy rehabilitation of buildings is intended to promote the energy rehabilitation of the existing building stock in Euskad through: - Incentives, through aid programs for investments in the rehabilitation of the thermal envelope and the installations in existing buildings - Awareness campaigns - Tax deductions for sustainable technologies (efficiency and renewables) - Promote the implementation, in residential buildings with centralized systems, of accounting for individual consumption in centralized facilities - Promote the performance of energy audits in existing residential buildings with major reforms - Promote the implementation in buildings of existing housing communities, of studies of centralized and/or alternative systems In order to do so, the total budget for 2022 will be 30 M €. (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 24 Feb 2022)
Spain Pais Vasco Other energy Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 (sustainable mobility 2022) Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6849315.0684932 2021102626/10/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) AGREEMENT APPROVING THE ENERGY TRANSITION AND CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN 2021-2024, of October 26, 2021 Government To reduce GHG emissions, promote renewable energy and improve climate change resilience. 27/10/2021 6000000 The Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 has 3 main objectives: reduce GHG emissions in 30%, achieve a 20% renewable energy ratio in final energy consumption and ensure resilience to climate change in the Basque territory. In order to do so, 15 strategic initiative have been defined. In this case, Initiative 6: Sustainable mobility, a short-term need is intended to establish a transport model that responds to the energy and environmental commitments for the coming years through : - Promotion of sustainable mobility and use of more efficient modes of transport - Promote the use of vehicles that use alternative fuels - Promote the use of more efficient vehicles - Promote the implementation of mobility plans to activity centers - Promote the start-up of recharging/refueling facilities for alternative fuels that provide coverage throughout the Basque Country - Promote the use of natural gas and other alternative fuels in the maritime sector In order to do so, the total budget for 2022 will be 6 M €. (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 24 Feb 2022)
Spain Pais Vasco Clean unconditional Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 (solar energy 2022) Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 11529680.365297 2021102626/10/2021 Several energy stages AGREEMENT APPROVING THE ENERGY TRANSITION AND CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN 2021-2024, of October 26, 2021 Government To reduce GHG emissions, promote renewable energy and improve climate change resilience. 27/10/2021 10100000 The Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 has 3 main objectives: reduce GHG emissions in 30%, achieve a 20% renewable energy ratio in final energy consumption and ensure resilience to climate change in the Basque territory. In order to do so, 15 strategic initiative have been defined. In this case, Initiative 4: Photovoltaic solar energy in the face of an electric and renewable future is intented to facilitate the implementation of photovoltaic solar installations in Euskadi through the promotion of: - Self-consumption facilities. Promote the implementation of individual and collective self-consumption projects through the EVE annual aid program for renewable electricity production - Energy communities. Lead the creation of citizen energy generation cooperatives to satisfy their own consumption in municipalities in the Basque Country through the EKIOLA initiative - Generation facilities. Participate as partners in the implementation of large photovoltaic solar energy parks through public-private partnerships. Today EVE (Energy Basque Entity) participates in the EKIAN company with 24 MW installed and works in EKIENEA In order to do so, the total budget for 2022 will be 10.1M €. (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 24 Feb 2022)
Spain Pais Vasco Clean unconditional Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 (hydrogen 2022) Power generation Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1255707.7625571 2021102626/10/2021 Several energy stages AGREEMENT APPROVING THE ENERGY TRANSITION AND CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN 2021-2024, of October 26, 2021 Government To reduce GHG emissions, promote renewable energy and improve climate change resilience. 27/10/2021 1100000 The Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 has 3 main objectives: reduce GHG emissions in 30%, achieve a 20% renewable energy ratio in final energy consumption and ensure resilience to climate change in the Basque territory. In order to do so, 15 strategic initiative have been defined. In this case, Initiative 5: Hydrogen production, distribution and consumption ecosystem in the Basque Country is intented to create an ecosystem for the production, distribution and consumption of renewable hydrogen and place the Basque Country and its industrial fabric in the best position to take advantage of energy, environmental and industrial and technological development opportunities through : - Promotion of first green H2 production projects - Promotion of the first H2 transport infrastructures - Promotion of basic mobility infrastructure with H2 - Organization of an event of H2 and associated technologies, reference at the state level - Monitoring and promotion of the Basque Hydrogen Strategy - Participation in forums: European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, S3 H2 Valleys Partnership, Sector Forum, Spanish H2 Association, Gasnam. In order to do so, the total budget for 2021 will be 1.1 M €. (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 24 Feb 2022)
Spain Pais Vasco Clean unconditional Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 (wind energy 2022) Power generation Wind Budget or off-budget transfer ... 285388.12785388 2021102626/10/2021 Several energy stages AGREEMENT APPROVING THE ENERGY TRANSITION AND CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN 2021-2024, of October 26, 2021 Government To reduce GHG emissions, promote renewable energy and improve climate change resilience. 27/10/2021 250000 The Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 has 3 main objectives: reduce GHG emissions in 30%, achieve a 20% renewable energy ratio in final energy consumption and ensure resilience to climate change in the Basque territory. In order to do so, 15 strategic initiative have been defined. In this case, Initiative 3: Basque industry at the forefront of wind energy is intented to position the Basque Country at the forefront of technological development of wind energy through the: -Expansion of the BiMEP (Biscay Marine Energy Platform) testing area -Development of tests in BiMEP of floating platforms and wind turbines - Promotion of offshore wind energy projects through the EVE annual aid program - Promotion of an offshore wind farm project in an area near the Basque coast - Promotion of onshore wind farms through participation in a company that promotes wind energy projects -Attraction of the main international wind energy events to Euskadi In order to do so, the total budget for 2022 will be 250,000 €. (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 24 Feb 2022)
Spain Pais Vasco Clean unconditional Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 (oceanic energy 2022) Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3595890.4109589 2021102626/10/2021 Several energy stages AGREEMENT APPROVING THE ENERGY TRANSITION AND CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN 2021-2024, of October 26, 2021 Government To reduce GHG emissions, promote renewable energy and improve climate change resilience. 27/10/2021 3150000 The Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan 2021-2024 has 3 main objectives: reduce GHG emissions in 30%, achieve a 20% renewable energy ratio in final energy consumption and ensure resilience to climate change in the Basque territory. In order to do so, 15 strategic initiative have been defined. In this case, Initiative 2: Euskadi an international benchmark in oceanic energy is intended to position the Basque Country as an international benchmark in the field of ocean energy by developing ocean energy projects through the EVE's (Energy Basque Entity) annual aid program and promoting the technological development of marine energies through the formula of Pre-commercial Public Purchases and Innovative Public Purchases of new devices. In order to do so, the total budget for 2022 will be 3.15 M €. (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 19 Jan 2022) (Accessed 24 Feb 2022)
Spain Pais Vasco Other energy Program of loans for investments in energy efficiency and use of renewable energies for the Local Pu... Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 102739726.0274 2021121313/12/2021 Several energy stages RESOLUTION of December 13, 2021, of the General Director of the Basque Energy Entity Government To promote energy savings and efficiency, renewable energy resources, energy diversification and the promotion of energy infrastructure. 31/12/2021 90000000 The Program GAUZATU ENERGIA is intended to provide loans for investments in energy efficiency, renewable energies and sustainable mobility to local public entities in the Basque Country. The total budget of this program is 90M€. The eligible actions are: -Outdoor public lighting -Energy efficiency in existing buildings (thermal envelope, air conditioning installations and/or domestic hot water production, high-efficiency cogeneration installations, interior lighting installations, other actions in municipal installations, measuring installations for energy management) -Renewable energies for electricity production -Renewable energies for thermal production (biomass installations, aerothermal/geothermal/hydrothermal heat pumps, solar thermal installations) -Sustainable mobility (motor vehicles, electric charging and alternative fuels, bicycle promotion). (Accessed 18 Jan 2022) (Accessed 18 Jan 2022)
Spain Galicia Fossil conditional Aid for the purchase of vehicles adapted for people with reduced mobility (Eurotaxi), zero emission ... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 570776.25570776 2021121515/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) ORDER of December 15, 2021 Government Acquisition of electric and eco taxi vehicles and adapted vehicles for people with reduced mobility (Eurotaxi) 29/12/2021 500000 These aids to the taxi sector seek, on the one hand, to contribute to the improvement of the sustainability of vehicles by taking a step towards eco or electric taxis and, on the other hand, to make the taxi service more accessible through the acquisition of accessible vehicles. The subsidies, which are compatible with each other, amount to 10,000 euros for the case of the purchase of vehicles adapted for people with reduced mobility -the so-called eurotaxis-; 6,000 euros for zero emission vehicles; and 4,000 euros for the purchase of low-emission taxis. (Accessed 18 Jan 2022) (Accessed 18 Jan 2022) (Accessed 18 Jan 2022)
Spain Galicia Clean unconditional Subsidies to aquaculture companies: energy efficiency and renewable energies (2022-2023) Other sector Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 296803.65296804 2021121717/12/2021 Several energy stages ORDER of December 17, 2021 Government To support actions that promote a sustainable and environmentally friendly fisheries and aquaculture sector to achieve the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in line with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy. 30/12/2021 260000 This measure aims to respond to European fisheries policies and their environmental and quality requirements. It is divided into 3 lines of action: (i) diversification and modernization, (ii) energy efficiency and renewable energies, and (iii) technical advice. (Accessed 15 Jan 2022) (Accessed 15 Jan 2022)
Spain Galicia Other energy Emergency social aid to avoid power cuts to severely vulnerable consumers at risk of social exclusio... Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1484018.2648402 2021122929/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) ORDER of December 29, 2020 Government To ensure continued access to energy supply electricity for vulnerable families. 21/01/2022 1300000 The amount of the electricity bill has increased considerably in recent years, mainly due to the increase in fixed costs derived from the tariff deficit that are included in the electricity bill, and that cannot be reduced through lower energy consumption. This fact, together with the current economic context, causes that some Galician families do not have the minimum economic possibilities to pay the electricity bill. Thus, the Galician government wants to carry out actions aimed at alleviating these difficulties for the most vulnerable Galician families by designing an aid program that allows them to pay electricity bills, in order to ensure continued access to energy supply electricity. In addition, these aids arre created within the framework of the new state regulation established in Royal Decree 897/2017, of October 6, which regulates the figure of the vulnerable consumer, the social bonus and other protection measures for consumers. domestic electrical energy. The eligible expenses will be 50% of the amount of the electricity bills, with a maximum amount of between €300 and €450 per year depending on the characteristics of the family unit. (Accessed 15 Jan 2022) (Accessed 15 Jan 2022)
Spain Galicia Other energy Emergency social aid to avoid power cuts to severely vulnerable consumers at risk of social exclusio... Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2168949.7716895 2021121616/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) ORDER of December 16, 2021 Government To ensure continued access to energy supply electricity for vulnerable families. 13/01/2022 1900000 The amount of the electricity bill has increased considerably in recent years, mainly due to the increase in fixed costs derived from the tariff deficit that are included in the electricity bill, and that cannot be reduced through lower energy consumption. This fact, together with the current economic context, causes that some Galician families do not have the minimum economic possibilities to pay the electricity bill. Thus, the Galician government wants to carry out actions aimed at alleviating these difficulties for the most vulnerable Galician families by designing an aid program that allows them to pay electricity bills, in order to ensure continued access to energy supply electricity. In addition, these aids are created within the framework of the new state regulation established in Royal Decree 897/2017, of October 6, which regulates the figure of the vulnerable consumer, the social bonus and other protection measures for consumers. domestic electrical energy. The eligible expenses will be 50% of the amount of the electricity bills, with a maximum amount of between €300 and €450 per year depending on the characteristics of the family unit. (Accessed 15 Jan 2022) (Accessed 15 Jan 2022)
Spain Galicia Fossil conditional Galician Plan for the Transition to Efficient Mobility (Plan Renove Automoción, 2022) Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2853881.2785388 2021112525/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) RESOLUTION of November 25, 2021 Government To promote the transition to more efficient means of transport. 10/12/2021 2500000 This Plan consists mainly of the call for subsidies for individuals and companies for the purchase of efficient vehicles. The requirement is for these vehicles to emit less than 135g CO2/km and be category M1 (cars) or N1 (vans). (Accessed 15 Jan 2022) (Accessed 15 Jan 2022)
Spain La Rioja Clean unconditional Subsidies for the promotion of renewable energies, energy saving and efficiency and the protection o... Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 799086.75799087 2021073030/07/2021 Several energy stages Resolution of July 30, 2021, of the La Rioja Economic Development Agency Government Promotion of renewable energies, energy saving and efficiency and environmental protection. 01/08/2021 700000 This line of subsidies is aimed at companies and public sector entities that are going to carry out actions related to the energy transition or the circular economy. It has 5 action programs: 1. Projects that allow companies to increase the level of environmental protection, 2. Energy saving and efficiency projects, 3. High-efficiency cogeneration projects, 4. Energy projects from renewable sources and 5. Projects for waste management. The total budget is 1 million euros, although the amount directed to projects related to renewable energies and energy efficiency will have an investment of 700,000 euros, while the remaining amount will go to circular economy and sustainability programs. (Accessed 14 Jan 2022) (Accessed 14 Jan 2022) (Accessed 14 Jan 2022)
Spain La Rioja Clean unconditional Plan Renove: home appliances Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 399543.37899543 2021112323/11/2021 Energy efficiency Resolution 1526/2021, of November 23, of the Ministry of Sustainability, Ecological Transition and Government Spokesperson Government To promote consumption and improve energy efficiency in homes. 27/11/2021 350000 The Government of La Rioja has approved a line of aid to finance the renovation of electrical appliances in homes by others with lower energy consumption. This measure aims to support a certain sector by encouraging consumption, while improving the environment by replacing low energy efficiency equipment with other lower consumption ones. (Accessed 14 Jan 2022) (Accessed 14 Jan 2022) (Accessed 14 Jan 2022) (Accessed 14 Jan 2022) (Accessed 14 Jan 2022)
Spain Cantabria Clean conditional Aid to promote the road transport sector in Cantabria: subsidies to promote business associations fo... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 22831.050228311 2021072121/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Order IND / 37/2021, of July 21 Government To promote the operation of public transport associations for road passengers. 05/08/2021 20000 The Government of Cantabria, through the Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Transport and Commerce, allocates three grants for a total value of 20,000 euros to promote the road transport sector in the region. It is intented to to compensate associations for maintaining these lines with which the mobility of citizens is ensured, even in less populated areas as these transports allow access to essential services, also facilitating communication with the regional capitals and the main towns of Cantabria. With these aids, the Cantabrian Government seeks to achieve a greater degree of efficiency in the sector and promote public transport as a key element for the application of social policies and the integration of the group at risk of exclusion. (13-jan-2022) (Accessed 13 Jan 2022)
Spain Cantabria Fossil unconditional Aid to promote the road transport sector in Cantabria: subsidies to promote business associations fo... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 34246.575342466 2021072121/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Order IND / 38/2021, of July 21 Government To promote the operation of associations of public road transport of goods. 05/08/2021 30000 The Government of Cantabria, through the Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Transport and Commerce, allocates three grants for a total value of 30,000 euros to promote the road transport sector in the region. They are intended to promote the freight transport sector, a key element in the region's economy. With these aids, the Cantabrian Government seeks to achieve a greater degree of efficiency in the sector and promote public transport as a key element for the application of social policies and the integration of the group at risk of exclusion. (Accessed 13 Jan 2022)
Spain Cantabria Clean conditional Call for access to subsidies for night services and interurban metropolitan services, passenger road... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 399543.37899543 2021072121/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Order IND / 36/2021, of July 21 Government To subsidize companies that carry out the night road public transport service 05/08/2021 350000 This is a call for subsidies, under a competitive competition regime, aimed at companies dedicated to providing regular interurban public transport services for general use road passengers that carry out night services or of a metropolitan or suburban nature that present an operating deficit as a consequence of compliance with the demands and obligations of public service imposed by the Administration. The subsidies are intended to alleviate the exploitation deficit that is supposed to attend this public service of low profitability, but necessary to guarantee the mobility of the population.
ttps:// (Accessed 13 Jan 2022) (Accessed 13 Jan 2022)
Spain Cantabria Clean conditional Call for access to subsidies for public transport companies whose services run through rural areas (... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1461187.2146119 2021070606/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Order IND / 33/2021, of July 6 Government To subsidize companies that provide public transport services in rural areas of Cantabria 16/07/2021 1280000 It is a call for subsidies, in a competitive competition regime, destined to contractor companies or providers of regular public services of passenger transport by road, of general and permanent use of autonomous ownership, that run through rural areas of the Community Autonomous of Cantabria, which present exploitation deficits as a consequence of compliance with the public service requirements and obligations imposed by the Administration. In this way, it is intended to alleviate the exploitation deficit that is supposed to attend this public service of low profitability, but necessary to guarantee the mobility of the population. (Accessed 13 January 2022) (Accessed 13 January 2022)
Spain Cantabria Clean unconditional Aid for sustainable mobility for municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants Mobility Active transport Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3602471.4611872 2021091313/09/2021 Active transport (cycling or walking) Extract from the Resolution of September 13, 2021 Government To create low emission zones in urban environments. 15/09/2021 3155765 A line of aid has been approved to carry out sustainable mobility actions in municipalities of Cantabria with more than 50,000 inhabitants and also for those with more than 20,000 inhabitants that have an internal urban collective public transport service. The actions likely to receive these subsidies are: construction of dissuasive car parks outside the center of the urban nucleus, works related to networks of lanes reserved for bicycles and other cycling infrastructures (parking lots, etc.), and the generation of accessible or improving pedestrian routes their accessibility for people with reduced mobility. The actions under this Order must be specifically aimed at the implementation of low-emission zones, the promotion of active mobility and other complementary measures whose final objective is less use of private vehicles in urban environments. (Accessed 13 Jan 2022) (Accessed 13 Jan 2022) (Accessed 13 Jan 2022)
Spain Cantabria Clean unconditional Sectoral cluster aid: marine energy Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 54676.940639269 2021093030/09/2021 Several energy stages Order INN / 44/2020, of September 30 Government To contribute to economic activities that generate added value within the region. 09/10/2021 47897 The Government of Cantabria, through the Regional Development Society (SODERCAN), has convened a line of aid aimed at different sectoral clusters to support their activity and improve their competitiveness. The total budget for this initiative is € 323,212, which has been distributed among the different productive sectors. In the case of the marine energy sector, a total of € 47,897 has been awarded to the Sea of Innovation Cantabria. (Accessed 13 Jan 2022) (Accessed 13 Jan 2022) (Accessed 13 Jan 2022)
Spain Cantabria Other energy Sectoral cluster aid: nuclear sector Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30547.945205479 2021093030/09/2021 Several energy stages Order INN / 44/2020, of September 30 Government To contribute to economic activities that generate added value within the region. 09/10/2021 26760 The Government of Cantabria, through the Regional Development Society (SODERCAN), has convened a line of aid aimed at different sectoral clusters to support their activity and improve their competitiveness. The total budget for this initiative is € 323,212, which has been distributed among the different productive sectors. In the case of the nuclear sector, a total of € 26,760 has been awarded to the Nuclear Industry Cluster (CINC). (Accessed 13 Jan 2022) (Accessed 13 Jan 2022) (Accessed 13 Jan 2022)
Spain Cantabria Fossil unconditional Sectoral cluster aid: automotive sector Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 109816.21004566 2021093030/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Order INN / 44/2020, of September 30 Government To contribute to economic activities that generate added value within the region. 09/10/2021 96199 The Government of Cantabria, through the Regional Development Society (SODERCAN), has convened a line of aid aimed at different sectoral clusters to support their activity and improve their competitiveness. The total budget for this initiative is € 323,212, which has been distributed among the different productive sectors. In the case of the automotive sector, a total of € 96,199 has been awarded to the Group of Regional Automotive Initiatives (GIRA). (Accessed 13 Jan 2022) (Accessed 13 Jan 2022) (Accessed 13 Jan 2022)
Spain Navarra Clean unconditional Navarra Green Hydrogen Agenda Power generation Hydrogen New or extended regulation (IT... 2021091717/09/2021 Several energy stages Navarra Green Hydrogen Agenda Government Energy transition 17/09/2021 The Navarra Green Hydrogen Agenda is a roadmap to implement this resource in Navarra as an "energy vector that will contribute to decarbonization". The main objective of the agenda is the installation of 150MW of green hydrogen production by 2030 in Navarra, and the commitment that this energy source will replace 5% of industrial gas consumption by that same date. For this, six lines of action are established: developing and promoting renewable energies as a basis for the production and export of green hydrogen; promote the development of the industrial value chain; promote innovation and technological development; promote production, distribution and consumption as an energy vector; facilitate the existence of an adequate regulatory and administrative framework and multiply the potential through networks and alliances. (Accessed 12 Jan 2022) (Accessed 12 Jan 2022)
Spain Cataluña Fossil unconditional Subsidies to cover activities of road freight transport associations Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 228310.50228311 2021080303/08/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) RESOLUTION VPD / 2598/2021, of August 3 Government Promotion of associations in the freight transport sector. 03/08/2021 200000 These are subsidies intended to promote professional and business associations in the road freight transport sector in Catalonia and to improve the conditions for the development of its activity, through the granting of subsidies. This line of subsidies would be complemented by others (digitization, greening of fleets, etc.) that have been designed within the framework of the Action Plan for the freight transport and logistics sector 2020-2021. The following actions may be subject to the subsidies regulated in these bases: 1. Carrying out studies and activities aimed at promoting and improving the conditions for carrying out the activity and socio-economic conditions in the sector, 2. Carrying out activities aimed at the promoting the internationalization of its associates and the participation and organization of fairs and competitions and 3. carrying out activities related to the promotion and dissemination of the initiatives or projects developed by the association. (Accessed 11 Jan 2022) (Accessed 11 Jan 2022)
Spain Cataluña Fossil unconditional Subsidies to cover operating expenses of road freight transport associations Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 456621.00456621 2021070808/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) RESOLUTION VPD / 2186/2021, of July 8 Government Promotion of associations in the freight transport sector. 08/07/2021 400000 These are subsidies intended to promote professional and business associations in the road freight transport sector in Catalonia and to improve the conditions for the development of its activity, through the granting of subsidies. This line of subsidies would be complemented by others (digitization, greening of fleets, etc.) that have been designed within the framework of the Action Plan for the freight transport and logistics sector 2020-2021. (Accessed 11 January 2022) (Accessed 11 January 2022) (Accessed 11 January 2022)
Spain National Clean conditional Additional aid for Aragon, the Basque Country and Andalucia from the Government of Spain for energy ... Multiple sectors Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 114155251.14155 2021111111/11/2021 Energy efficiency Resolution of November 11, 2021, of the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving, EPE Government To improve energy savings and reduce company emissions, while companies reduce their costs and become more competitive. 26/11/2021 100000000 Aragon, the Basque Country and Andalucia will receive an additional 100 million euros (10 million € for Aragon, 40 million € for the Basque Country and 50 million € for Andalucia) from the Government of Spain to promote energy diversification of SMEs and large industries located in the region, as a part of the Aid Program for Energy Efficiency Actions for SMEs and large companies of the industry sector (Industria III), which was approved in 2019. The Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (Idae), dependent on the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (Miteco), has agreed to this expansion of funds after Galicia and Navarra exhausted the initial budget for this purpose. This program enables a wide variety of actions to be promoted to improve energy efficiency in industry, from more common investments to new innovative processes. Among them, actions of: -Conversion of mercury cells to membrane for the manufacture of chlorine-soda -Renewal of the steam and hot water production system -Regulation of motors by electronic speed variators -Replacing the existing low energy efficiency lighting system with a high energy efficiency LED system -Improvement of boiler performance by replacement of burner and heat recovery (Accessed 11 Jan 2022)
Spain Region de Murcia Clean conditional Aid for regular interurban public transport services for road passengers (first call) Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5365296.803653 2021072626/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Order of July 26, 2021 of the Ministry of Development and Infrastructures Government To alleviate the economic losses caused by the mobility restriction measures in the public transport sector. 29/07/2021 4700000 This extraordinary measure consists of the approval of a line of subsidies for the concessionaires of interurban regular public transport services for passengers by road for general use in the Region of Murcia. The subsidies are meant to alleviate the economic losses caused by the mobility restriction measures adopted by the Administration and the factual situation caused by COVID-19. In this first call, the losses caused in the period between June 22, 2020 and December 31, 2020 will be covered. The amount of this losses, in terms of eligible expenses, will be obtained by calculating the difference between costs and income from the concession referred to said period.$m122,70 (Accessed 11 Jan 2022) (Accessed 11 Jan 2022)
Spain Region de Murcia Clean conditional Aid for regular interurban public transport services for road passengers (second call) Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4209474.8858447 2021120202/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Order of December 2, 2021 of the Ministry of Development and Infrastructures Government To alleviate the economic losses caused by the mobility restriction measures in the public transport sector. 05/12/2021 3687500 This extraordinary measure consists of the approval of a line of subsidies for the concessionaires of interurban regular public transport services for passengers by road for general use in the Region of Murcia. The subsidies are meant to alleviate the economic losses caused by the mobility restriction measures adopted by the Administration and the factual situation caused by COVID-19. In this second call, the losses caused in the period between January 1, 2021 and May 9, 2021 will be covered. The amount of this losses, in terms of eligible expenses, will be obtained by calculating the difference between costs and income from the concession referred to said period.$m122,70 (Accessed 11 Jan 2022) (Accessed 11 Jan 2022)
Spain Region de Murcia Other energy Aid to replace currently used vehicles with more efficient ones Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 228310.50228311 2021100606/10/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Extract from the Order of October 6, 2021 of the Ministry of Companies, Employment, Universities and Spokesperson Government To promote more sustainable mobility. 12/10/2021 200000 The objective of this call is to replace vehicles in circulation with a certain age, with less energy efficiency, by other more energy efficient vehicles, with mandatory scrapping of the replaced vehicle. Vehicles may be replaced by electric, hybrid, hydrogen, combustion, LPG, gasoline, diesel and natural gas vehicles. (Accessed 11 Jan 2022) (Accessed 11 Jan 2022) (Accessed 11 Jan 2022)$m122,70 (Accessed 11 Jan 2022)
Spain Extremadura Other energy Extremadura Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 (PEIEC) Multiple sectors Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2021070505/07/2021 Several energy stages RESOLUTION of July 5, 2021, of the General Secretariat Government To advance in the energy transition of the Extremadura economy, establishing a political, social and economic roadmap oriented towards climate neutrality in the region by 2030. 15/07/2021 The PEIEC incorporates the objectives established in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 that the Council of Ministers of the Government of Spain sent to the European Commission. This Plan foresees a global investment in this period of 18,640 million euros, most of it private investment, the creation of some 87,950 jobs, the installation of 11,000 megawatts of renewable energy, most of it photovoltaic (8,000 MW) and solar thermoelectric (1,500 MW) and will leave 1,300 million euros of municipal public revenue. The plan foresees actions throughout the Extremadura territory and will involve a deployment of technology in the field of renewables, greater electrification of demand and energy efficiency. It will also be an instrument for the definition of a reindustrialization roadmap in Spain. For this, PEIEC 2021-2030 establishes the actions to be implemented in Extremadura in the specific areas of mitigation, adaptation, research and innovation and social activation to face climate change in this decade. (Accessed 10 Jan 2022) (Accessed 10 Jan 2022) (Accessed 10 Jan 2022) (Accessed 10 Jan 2022)
Spain National Other energy Royal Decree-Law 29/2021: adoption of emergency energy measures Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 2021122121/12/2021 Several energy stages Royal Decree-Law 29/2021, of December 21 Government To eliminate regulatory barriers that prevent or hinder an accelerated deployment of electric mobility, self-consumption or innovative renewable energies. 23/12/2021 Through the Royal Decree 29/2021, of December 21, urgent measures in the energy field are approved, more specifically related to the protection of electricity consumers against increases in the price of electricity, others to promote electric mobility , self-consumption and the deployment of renewable energies. 1. Relief from the increase in electricity prices: throughout the first quarter of 2022 the reduction in rates and taxes on household electricity bills, in addition to the increase in aid to beneficiary families of the Social Electricity and Thermal Bonus, is extended. 2. Promotion of electric mobility: tax advantages for recharging infrastructures, the obligation to install recharging points in car parks that meet certain requirements, administrative changes for the installation of recharging points on state highways. 3. Promotion of Self-consumption: reduction of administrative obstacles, improvement of communication by distribution companies, updating of the sanctioning regime, extension of the possibility of carrying out shared self-consumption installations. 4. Processing of renewable plants: flexibility of the deadlines associated with the intermediate milestones of the processing of renewable energy projects. 5. Flexibility for the gas consuming industry: measures to make the contractual conditions of supply more flexible for gas consuming companies that have had to reduce their production due to high prices. 6. Other measures related to wind energy, energy storage, etc. (Accessed 10 Jan 2022) (Accessed 10 Jan 2022)
Spain National Other energy Sustainable Automotive Technology Program (PTAS) Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 45662100.456621 2021070808/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Resolution of July 8, 2021 of the Presidency of the Center for Industrial Technological Development, E.P.E Government Support the development of innovative capacities (R + D + I) and new technologies necessary for the creation and strengthening of the manufacturing ecosystem of electric and connected vehicles. 13/07/2021 40000000 The Sustainable Automotive Technology Program (PTAS) is an initiative that is part of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023, of the PERTE of the Electric Vehicle (PERTE-VEC) and of the Component 17- Investment 8 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. Within this program, incentives will be provided for the development of components and platforms for electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids and vehicles powered by hydrogen; autonomous driving and connected mobility; and adaptation of production environments with safe and robust systems for human-machine interaction in the intelligent manufacturing environment aimed at the manufacture of components and systems for electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and vehicles powered by hydrogen. (10-jan-2022) (Accessed 10 Jan 2022);jsessionid=FB75651CDDFE539B84E74A30A3E68BF2.2 (Accessed 10 Jan 2022)
Spain National Other energy Creation of the Iberian Center for Research in Energy Storage (share of investment financed by the n... Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 66128995.43379 2021122222/12/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Resolution of December 22, 2021, of the General Secretariat for Research Government Contribute to solving the scientific and technological challenges that allow the management of green energies, through scientific research, technological development and innovations in energy storage to satisfy industrial demands and the needs of society for a sustainable energy future. 29/12/2021 57929000 The Ministry of Science and Innovation has signed an agreement with the Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT), the Junta de Extremadura and the Fundación Fundecyt-Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura to arrange for the creation of the Iberian Center for Research in Energy Storage. The center will carry out its activity in three main areas: research and development of energy storage technologies and their integration with green energies; collaboration with the industrial sector and joint development of technologies; and advice and training in green energy and its management. This project will be financed by the Ministry of Science, the Extremadura Board and the Extremadura Science and Technology Park. The financing of the Ministry of Science will be a total of 57,929,000 euros and will come from own funds and Next Generation funds within the framework of Component 17- Investment 7 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. (Accessed 09 Jan 2022) (Accessed 09 Jan 2022) (Accessed 09 Jan 2022)
Spain Extremadura Other energy Creation of the Iberian Center for Research in Energy Storage (share of investment financed by Extre... Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 17203589.041096 2021122222/12/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Resolution of December 22, 2021, of the General Secretariat for Research Government To contribute to solving the scientific and technological challenges that allow the management of green energies, through scientific research, technological development and innovations in energy storage to satisfy industrial demands and the needs of society for a sustainable energy future. 29/12/2021 15070344 The Ministry of Science and Innovation has signed an agreement with the Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT), the Junta de Extremadura and the Fundación Fundecyt-Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura to arrange for the creation of the Iberian Center for Research in Energy Storage. The center will carry out its activity in three main areas: research and development of energy storage technologies and their integration with green energies; collaboration with the industrial sector and joint development of technologies; and advice and training in green energy and its management. This project will be financed by the Ministry of Science, the Extremadura Board and the Extremadura Science and Technology Park. The financing of Extremadura Board will be of 15,070,344 euros. (Accessed 09 Jan 2022) (09-jan-2022) (Accessed 09 Jan 2022)
Spain National Clean conditional Plan MOVES Flotas Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 57077625.570776 2021121717/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Order TED / 1427/2021, of December 17, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan . Government To promote electric mobility in such a way as to decarbonise the Spanish economy and develop a sustainable mobility system. 23/12/2021 50000000 The Aid Program for electrification projects for fleets of light vehicles, also known as the MOVES FLEETS Program, is endowed with an initial amount of 50 million euros and aimed at the selection and concession, in a competitive competition regime, of aid corresponding to projects of electrification of light vehicle fleets, carried out in the national territory. The MOVES FLOTAS Program, managed by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Component 1, Investment 2) and complements other Programs already published within the framework of the aforementioned Component and investment such as MOVES III and MOVES Singulares II. The projects may include, not only the acquisition of electric vehicles that replace combustion vehicles, but also the provision of the recharging infrastructure necessary for the new fleet at the company's facilities, as well as the acquisition or adaptation of management systems of fleets, to, among others, digitize the control of routes, as well as training of company personnel in order to make a transition of the fleet towards electrification. (Accessed 09 December 2021) (Accessed 09 December 2021) (Accessed 09 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Clean unconditional Agreement between the Valencian government and Power Electrics.: Hybrid Photovoltaic Plant with Stor... Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1141552.5114155 2021091414/09/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sector, Commerce and Labor of the Generalitat Valenciana Government To contribute to the improvement of competitiveness, industrial efficiency, sustainability, and a substantial improvement of photovoltaics systems. 14/09/2021 1000000 This agreement represents an investment of 1 million euros to support Power Electrics in the construction of a Hybrid Photovoltaic Plant with Storage System based on lithium-ion batteries. A rooftop photovoltaic plant will be developed with inverters prepared for hybrid systems with DC coupling and Power Plant Controller with the capacity to manage hybrid plants, and linked to the strategic energy storage project. (Accessed 30 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Fossil unconditional Agreement between the Valencian government and Ford España S. L.: support to productive activity in... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 913242.00913242 2021083030/08/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sector, Commerce and Labor of the Generalitat Valenciana Government To contribute to the improvement of competitiveness, industrial efficiency, sustainability, and a substantial improvement of the automotive sector. 31/08/2021 800000 This agreement represents an investment of 800,000 euros to support Ford España S.L. 's productive activity in the face of serious damage economic losses during the pandemic. (Accessed 3o December 2021) (Accessed 3o December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Fossil conditional Agreement between the Valencian government and Ford España S. L.: experimental development and inno... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4337899.543379 2021072323/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sector, Commerce and Labor of the Generalitat Valenciana Government To contribute to the improvement of competitiveness, industrial efficiency, sustainability, and a substantial improvement of the automotive sector. 13/09/2021 3800000 This agreement represents an investment of 3.8 million euros to support Ford España S.L. 's sustainable productive investments and experimental development and innovation projects in the automotive sector for the year 2021. Specifically, the actions to be carried out will be: vehicle prototypes to incorporate hybrid technology and improve emissions; Prototypes of a new CX482 vehicle; a new innovative process and prototypes of electric batteries for vehicles; prototype of a new engine variant; and new automation technologies for substantial improvement in vehicle and engine production processes. In addition, the agreement contemplates innovative actions with an impact on companies and SMEs in the Valencian Community and the development of an intelligent system for the automation of production, logistics and maintenance of the production lines of the assembly plant. (Accessed 30 December 2021) (Accessed 30 December 2021) (Accessed 30 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Clean unconditional Energy efficiency improvement (City of Justice building, Valencia) Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1783641.5525114 2020082424/08/2020 Energy efficiency Ministry of Justice, Interior and Public Administration of the Generalitat Valenciana Government To improve energy efficiency un public buildings. 20/07/2021 1562470 This work is part of the Plan of the Department of Justice, Interior and Public Administration to improve energy efficiency in the judicial headquarters of the Valencian Community. It is estimated that between 2020 and 2021, around 36 proceedings have been carried out in 14 court seats,. These actions are co-financed by the Jessica program of the European Union and the ERDF funds. (Accessed 28 December 2021)!ut/p/b1/hZBLC4JAFIV_kdzrqGMufY6KpvkqZyNCJgOpm4jo16dCm0C7uwPfOedygEOto65RBQ24AB_bp-jbh5jG9g41cK43ZuWezMBQkGWpi8TKdKp6ySwRqqF9iUG8uysUUEdLAKeN6ia27fkED7niIImcsqT-IskM1DOAG2fi6t8qxK9fU2y1CquU5gFDDHzPiUpZQ0boP_8Z-IrsJazA3ov7JQhHfxq63_ESK5u3CNO4SBmREemyWAwDFxLPbnkgsf4DjXG5Hw!!/ (Accessed 28 December 2021) (Accessed 28 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Clean unconditional Energy efficiency improvement (Denia Judicial Headquarters building) Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 596607.30593607 2020090707/09/2020 Energy efficiency Ministry of Justice, Interior and Public Administration of the Generalitat Valenciana Government To improve energy efficiency un public buildings. 17/12/2020 522628 This work is part of the Plan of the Department of Justice, Interior and Public Administration to improve energy efficiency in the judicial headquarters of the Valencian Community. It is estimated that between 2020 and 2021, around 36 proceedings have been carried out in 14 court seats,. These actions are co-financed by the Jessica program of the European Union and the ERDF funds. (Accessed 28 December 2021)!ut/p/b1/hZBLC4JAFIV_kdzrqGMufY6KpvkqZyNCJgOpm4jo16dCm0C7uwPfOedygEOto65RBQ24AB_bp-jbh5jG9g41cK43ZuWezMBQkGWpi8TKdKp6ySwRqqF9iUG8uysUUEdLAKeN6ia27fkED7niIImcsqT-IskM1DOAG2fi6t8qxK9fU2y1CquU5gFDDHzPiUpZQ0boP_8Z-IrsJazA3ov7JQhHfxq63_ESK5u3CNO4SBmREemyWAwDFxLPbnkgsf4DjXG5Hw!!/ (Accessed 28 December 2021) (Accessed 28 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Clean unconditional Energy efficiency improvement (Vinaroz Judicial Headquarters building) Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 324300.2283105 2021011515/01/2021 Energy efficiency Ministry of Justice, Interior and Public Administration of the Generalitat Valenciana Government To improve energy efficiency un public buildings. 27/08/2021 284087 This work is part of the Plan of the Department of Justice, Interior and Public Administration to improve energy efficiency in the judicial headquarters of the Valencian Community. It is estimated that between 2020 and 2021, around 36 proceedings have been carried out in 14 court seats,. These actions are co-financed by the Jessica program of the European Union and the ERDF funds. (Accessed 28 December 2021)!ut/p/b1/hZBLC4JAFIV_kdzrqGMufY6KpvkqZyNCJgOpm4jo16dCm0C7uwPfOedygEOto65RBQ24AB_bp-jbh5jG9g41cK43ZuWezMBQkGWpi8TKdKp6ySwRqqF9iUG8uysUUEdLAKeN6ia27fkED7niIImcsqT-IskM1DOAG2fi6t8qxK9fU2y1CquU5gFDDHzPiUpZQ0boP_8Z-IrsJazA3ov7JQhHfxq63_ESK5u3CNO4SBmREemyWAwDFxLPbnkgsf4DjXG5Hw!!/ (Accessed 28 December 2021) (Accessed 28 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Clean unconditional Energy efficiency improvement (Alicante Judicial Headquarters building) Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2436728.3105023 2021043030/04/2021 Energy efficiency Ministry of Justice, Interior and Public Administration of the Generalitat Valenciana Government To improve energy efficiency in public buildings. 27/12/2021 2134574 This work is part of the Plan of the Department of Justice, Interior and Public Administration to improve energy efficiency in the judicial headquarters of the Valencian Community. It is estimated that between 2020 and 2021, around 36 proceedings have been carried out in 14 court seats,. These actions are co-financed by the Jessica program of the European Union and the ERDF funds. (Accessed 28 December 2021)!ut/p/b1/hZBLC4JAFIV_kdzrqGMufY6KpvkqZyNCJgOpm4jo16dCm0C7uwPfOedygEOto65RBQ24AB_bp-jbh5jG9g41cK43ZuWezMBQkGWpi8TKdKp6ySwRqqF9iUG8uysUUEdLAKeN6ia27fkED7niIImcsqT-IskM1DOAG2fi6t8qxK9fU2y1CquU5gFDDHzPiUpZQ0boP_8Z-IrsJazA3ov7JQhHfxq63_ESK5u3CNO4SBmREemyWAwDFxLPbnkgsf4DjXG5Hw!!/ (Accessed 28 December 2021) (Accessed 28 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Clean unconditional Energy efficiency improvement (Carlet Judicial Headquarters building) Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 927363.01369863 2021081919/08/2021 Energy efficiency Ministry of Justice, Interior and Public Administration of the Generalitat Valenciana Government To improve energy efficiency un public buildings. 17/11/2021 812370 This work is part of the Plan of the Department of Justice, Interior and Public Administration to improve energy efficiency in the judicial headquarters of the Valencian Community. It is estimated that between 2020 and 2021, around 36 proceedings have been carried out in 14 court seats,. These actions are co-financed by the Jessica program of the European Union and the ERDF funds. (Accessed 28 December 2021)!ut/p/b1/hZBLC4JAFIV_kdzrqGMufY6KpvkqZyNCJgOpm4jo16dCm0C7uwPfOedygEOto65RBQ24AB_bp-jbh5jG9g41cK43ZuWezMBQkGWpi8TKdKp6ySwRqqF9iUG8uysUUEdLAKeN6ia27fkED7niIImcsqT-IskM1DOAG2fi6t8qxK9fU2y1CquU5gFDDHzPiUpZQ0boP_8Z-IrsJazA3ov7JQhHfxq63_ESK5u3CNO4SBmREemyWAwDFxLPbnkgsf4DjXG5Hw!!/(Accessed 28 December 2021) (Accessed 28 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Clean unconditional Energy efficiency improvement (Judicial Headquarters of San Vicente del Raspeig building) Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 91300.228310502 2021051515/05/2021 Energy efficiency Ministry of Justice, Interior and Public Administration of the Generalitat Valenciana Government To improve energy efficiency un public buildings. 10/09/2021 79979 This work is part of the Plan of the Department of Justice, Interior and Public Administration to improve energy efficiency in the judicial headquarters of the Valencian Community. It is estimated that between 2020 and 2021, around 36 proceedings have been carried out in 14 court seats. These actions are co-financed by the Jessica program of the European Union and the ERDF funds. (Accessed 28 December 2021)!ut/p/b1/hZBLC4JAFIV_kdzrqGMufY6KpvkqZyNCJgOpm4jo16dCm0C7uwPfOedygEOto65RBQ24AB_bp-jbh5jG9g41cK43ZuWezMBQkGWpi8TKdKp6ySwRqqF9iUG8uysUUEdLAKeN6ia27fkED7niIImcsqT-IskM1DOAG2fi6t8qxK9fU2y1CquU5gFDDHzPiUpZQ0boP_8Z-IrsJazA3ov7JQhHfxq63_ESK5u3CNO4SBmREemyWAwDFxLPbnkgsf4DjXG5Hw!!/ (Accessed 28 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Clean unconditional Energy rehabilitation of a public building in Castelló Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4121402.9680365 2021100404/10/2021 Energy efficiency Valencian Entity of Housing and Land Government Improve energy efficiency. 22/10/2021 3610349 The sustainable rehabilitation works of the residential building on Santa Cruz de Tenerife street in Castelló de la Plana have been put out for tender. In addition, the sustainable rehabilitation project in Santa Cruz de Tenerife was assigned to the European Happen project, in which EVha has participated and aims to look for innovative construction solutions for energy efficiency in the Mediterranean area to achieve 60% energy savings in the dwellings. The works include the comprehensive rehabilitation of the 36 homes that are currently empty given their uninhabitable condition. (Accessed 28 December 2021)!ut/p/b1/hZBLC4JAFIV_kdzrqGMtHR-jYmm-ytmIkMlA6iYi-vWp0CbQ7u7Ad865HBBQER3RNImhwgXE0Dxl1zzkODR3qEAIs7ZK92QFew15mrhIWGpS3YsniVD2zUv28t1eIYeKsTlB0Fp3Y9v2fIK7THOQRE5RUH-WZAKqCcCVs3DxrzXi129otl6GZUKzgCMGvudEhWogJ_Sf_wxiQbYSFmDrxe0ShKM_9u3vejFLpy3C5JAnnKiIdJ7MZtALqYj0lgUK7z55CYVd/ (Accessed 28 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Other energy Extension of the aid to promote electricity self-consumption Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1826484.0182648 2021110303/11/2021 Electricity generation RESOLUTION of November 3, 2021, of the president of the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE), Government Promote self-consumption facilities for the generation of electricity with renewable energies. 11/11/2021 1600000 The Valencian Community has approved an extension aids to promote self-consumption facilities for the generation of electricity with renewable energies (photovoltaic and wind power) and biogas and biomass installations, aimed at companies and entities of the Valencian Community. The budget will be extended with an additional 1.6 million €, amounting to a total investment of 9.1 million €. (Accessed 28 December 2021) (Accessed 28 December 2021) (Accessed 28 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Other energy Extension of the aid to promote electricity self-consumption Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5136986.3013699 2021060202/06/2021 Electricity generation RESOLUTION of June 2, 2021, of the Presidency of the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE) Government To promote self-consumption facilities for the generation of electricity with renewable energies. 08/06/2021 4500000 The Valencian Community has approved an extension of the incentives aimed at promoting self-consumption facilities for the generation of electricity with renewable energies (photovoltaic and wind power) and biogas and biomass installations, aimed at companies and entities of the Valencian Community. The budget will be extended with an additional 4.5 million €, amounting to a total investment of 7.5 million €. (Accessed 28 December 2021) (Accessed 28 December 2021)
Spain Comunidad Valenciana Other energy Aid to promote sustainable mobility (2021) Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2283105.0228311 2021072020/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) RESOLUTION of July 20, 2021, of the President of the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE), Government To reduce GHG in the transport sector. 29/07/2021 2000000 The Ivace will allocate 2 million euros to support those projects that involve the reduction of energy consumption in the transport sector. The aim is to facilitate the transition to a new type of more sustainable mobility focused on forms of transport that are not dependent on petroleum derivatives. The eligible actions will be: projects that promote sustainable urban mobility, promotion of urban cycling, projects of sustainable urban logistics, smart public transport systems, acquisition of EVs or vehicles fuelled by alternative fuels and hydrogen charging points. (Accessed 28 December 2021) (Accessed 28 December 2021)
Spain Castilla-La Mancha Clean unconditional Energy rehabilitation at the Jorge Manrique High school Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 183007.99086758 2021050505/05/2021 Reduced environmental damage Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Cuenca Government Improve energy efficiency in public buildings. 18/08/2021 160315 The Government of Castilla-La Mancha is carrying out energy efficiency improvement works at the Jorge Manrique High School in Motilla del Palancar, for a total investment of around160,000 euros. (Accessed 28 December 2021)!ut/p/b0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjU1JTC3Iy87KtUlJLEnNyUuNzMpMzSxKTgQr0w_Wj9KMyU1zLcvQjjTJckvKyqlwLfSszXb2KwoIKc_IrHW1t9Qtycx0BlZSTLw!!/ (Accessed 28 December 2021)
Spain Islas Baleares Clean unconditional Execution of four photovoltaic installations for self-consumption in health centers and public schoo... Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 385687.21461187 2021111111/11/2021 Electricity generation Instituto Balear de Energía Government Reduction of GHG emissions and decrease of energy prices for vulnerable consumers. 18/11/2021 337862 The Balearic Energy Institute has put out for tender the execution of four photovoltaic installations for self-consumption. These facilities will be carried out at the Son Rutlan and Santa Ponça health centers, and at the CEIP “Cervantes” educational centers in Sant Antoni de Portmany and CEIP “Mare de Déu del Toro” . The energy generated by these facilities will be distributed among consumers within a radius of 500m. Interested consumers must register through a public call. (Accessed 27 December 2021)!ut/p/b1/hZBLD4IwEIR_Edm1QJEj5dFiUBCkSi-miY80EbgYY_z1AokXE3Fvk3wzsxlQ0FgLROq7uPQ8OIDq9MNc9d30nb5BA0p5x0DG2yD1beRlESNhpUedJB8kgmz107TmdT7BDhrGxgRFj06ch2EiCC4rO0KSRXVNxSjJADQDgD8uwMn_qxE_ftcOHbmSBa1SjpiKJMrqhYuc0H_-PagJmUuYgLkX50sQNqJvz9_r5awctlgV613ByTj6OFnIoFXGUuWlSi1-fQOWdRy5/ (Accessed 27 December 2021)
Spain Islas Baleares Other energy Aid for the public road transport sector for passengers and goods to alleviate the negative effects ... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3082191.7808219 2021102222/10/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Resolution of the Minister of Mobility and Housing of October 22, 2021 Government Subsidizing activities and investments made by the public transport sector of passengers and goods that has been forced to adapt to the health protection requirements to avoid the transmission of the COVID-19. 27/10/2021 2700000 These aids to the sector of public transport of passengers and goods are intended to subsidize the extraordinary expenses that the sector has had to face as a result of the pandemic. These aids are directed to occasional transport by road, taxis, rental vehicles with driver (VTC) and also to the transport of goods. (Accessed 27 December 2021) (27-decc-2021) (Accessed 27 December 2021) (Accessed 27 December 2021)
Spain Islas Baleares Clean unconditional Drafting of 46 renewable energy projects on publicly owned roofs and car parks Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 111061.64383562 2021121515/12/2021 Electricity generation Instituto Balear de Energía Government Reduction of GHG emissions and promotion of self-consumption 15/12/2021 97290 The Balearic Energy Institute (IBE) has put out for tender the drafting of 46 renewable energy projects on publicly owned roofs and car parks in the Balearic Islands. (Accessed 27 December 2021)!ut/p/b0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjU1JTC3Iy87KtUlJLEnNyUuNzMpMzSxKTgQr0w_Wj9KMyU1zLcvQjjV2yQl1DzI1DLZwzXb2KwoIKc_IrHW1t9Qtycx0BrndBKg!!/ (Accessed 27 December 2021)
Spain Islas Baleares Clean unconditional Installation of photovoltaic panels for community self-consumption in the municipality of Ses Saline... Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 177958.90410959 2021122727/12/2021 Electricity generation Instituto Balear de Energía Government Reduction of GHG emissions and decrease of energy prices for vulnerable consumers 27/12/2021 155892 The Balearic Energy Institute has put out for tender the Ses Salines community self-consumption project for € 155,832. The installation will reach 80 homes, ten companies and various municipal consumptions. The aforementioned project will generate 100 kW of renewable power that will be sold at cost to individuals, companies and local administrations of the municipality. This project is located on a plot attached to the CEIP Ses Salines owned by the City Council. (Accessed 27 December 2021)!ut/p/b1/hZBPC4JAFMQ_kbznqrt2NP_sblSapuVeZCGLhbRLRPTpU6FLkL3bwG9mHgMKastGpAsPfcbgCKrXD3PRd3Pr9RVqUIo1QRXvArlwkOdZjGSZM-om6SARqk4_TWde7Qn2UIsxQNHGjdMwTARBv3AiJOuoLKkYJRmAegDwxwU4-X8V4sfvOaFbraqMFpIjSpFE69L2kBP6z38ANSFzCRMw9-J8CcJW3Lr2e7x0mQ9brLLNPuNk3HxcTEKnjKXycyEtfnkDa9p8Rw!!/ (Accessed 27 December 2021)
Spain Islas Baleares Clean unconditional Extension of the subsidies for the promotion of photovoltaic and micro-wind solar installations, 202... Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 684931.50684932 2021072828/07/2021 Electricity generation Resolution of the Minister of Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory of July 28, 2021 Government To promote energy self-consumption. 01/08/2021 600000 These subsidies for the promotion of self-consumption seek to increase the share of renewable sources in the generation and use of clean energy in the business and residential sectors. The goal is to improve energy efficiency and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The previous budget has been extended by a total of additional 600,000 euros. The call is co-financed at 55% and is part of the ERDF Operational Program 2021-2027. (Accessed 27 December 2021) 27 December 2021)
Spain Islas Baleares Other energy Subsidies to alleviate energy poverty Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 456621.00456621 2021030505/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Order of the Minister of Social Affairs and Sports of March 5, 2021 Government To alleviate energy poverty. 12/03/2021 400000 This call is aimed at entities in charge of managing financial aid to cover basic expenses related to the supply and consumption of energy for vulnerable families in the Balearic Islands. The total budget for these grants is € 400,000 for the years 2021 and 2022. (Accessed 27 December 2021) (Accessed 27 December 2021) (Accessed 27 December 2021)
Spain Islas Baleares Clean conditional Free public transport for young citizens Mobility Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2021072020/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Balearic Council of Land Transport Government To promote the use of public transport. Public transport (interurban buses, trains and metro) will be free for those under 16 years old. This measure aims to promote the use of public transport amongst younger people, so that they can use it in their daily life. This measure will benefit around 12,000 young people. (Accessed 27 December 2021)
Spain Islas Baleares Clean unconditional Tender for the nstallation of photovoltaic pergolas for self-consumption (parking lot of the Mateu O... Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1666666.6666667 2021070505/07/2021 Electricity generation Instituto Balear de Energía Government To promote energy self consumption in public buildings. 05/11/2021 1460000 The public tender for the installation of self-consumption photovoltaic panels in the Mateu Orfila Hospital car park was approved. This facility will be located on the Hospital's 15,000 m2 parking lot and will comply with the obligation to install solar panels in large car parks before 2025. At the same time, it will supply 20% of the electricity that the Hospital consumes and will thus become the largest self-consumption facility in Menorca. (Accessed 27 December 2021)!ut/p/b0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjU1JTC3Iy87KtUlJLEnNyUuNzMpMzSxKTgQr0w_Wj9KMyU1zLcvQj3YPKi1P8XJMCfAqLqozdA1NMi8yCA21t9Qtycx0BQB9RJw!!/ (Accessed 27 December 2021)
Spain Islas Baleares Clean unconditional Public tender for the design of photovoltaic pergolas in the parking lot of the Hospital de Manacor Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 58219.178082192 2021071414/07/2021 Electricity generation Instituto Balear de Energía Government To promote energy self consumption in public buildings. 14/10/2021 51000 The public tender for the drafting of the design project for the installation of self-consumption photovoltaic panels in the Manacor Hospital car park was approved. It will be the largest public self-consumption installation in Mallorca, with 750 kWp. The installation will supply 20% of the electricity consumption of the Manacor Hospital. (Accessed 27 December 2021)!ut/p/b0/DcoxCoAwDADAJ0VxEAQHh66ii9ouEpogwaQ6BP2-jgcHCTZIBR850OUqqL8jMd8q5eyIHVV5V8nimP8AKyRIQuFRiEqHjU29uNs2L9UaWo3T2_dwmw0fu7YxHQ!!/ (Accessed 27 December 2021) (Accessed 27 December 2021)
Spain Islas Baleares Clean conditional Extension of Subsidies to establish new charging stations for electric vehicles Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4794520.5479452 2021090606/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Resolution of the Vice President and Minister of Energy Transition and Productive Sectors of November 12, 2020 Government To promote usage of the electric vehicles in the Balearic Islands. 4200000 The purpose of the call is to promote the installation of public charging points to achieve sustainable mobility of electric vehicles and move away from more polluting fuels (gasoline and diesel). Another goal of this call is to additionally subsidize the installation of photovoltaic pergolas and lithium ion accumulation systems that are incorporated into the new charging points for their supply and the maintenance contracts of the charging points. The government has decided to extend this call. Therefore, the initial credit of 6 million euros has been extended for the years 2022 and 2023, until reaching a total of 10.2 million euros until 2023. (Accessed 27 December 2021)
Spain Islas Canarias Clean conditional Subsidies for the drafting of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) for the Canary Islands municip... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1141552.5114155 2021100707/10/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Resolution of October 7, 2021 Government To promote environmentally friendly mobility actions in Canarian municipalities. 15/10/2021 1000000 These subsidies are aimed at supporting the municipalities with less than 100,000 inhabitants for the drafting of their SUMPs (Urban Mobility Plans) by co-financing them with funds from the Autonomous Community. It is intended to encourage municipalities, especially those with a smaller population, on a path towards sustainable mobility. The SUMPs financed by the Government must contain actions aimed at reducing polluting emissions and making energy savings more effective, as well as promoting active transport (such as bicycles and scooters) and the use of collective transport. Some examples could be actions to promote pedestrian mobility, the implementation of a Bicycle Master Plan, the school path, new parking policies or the promotion of car sharing. (Accessed 24 December 2021) (Accessed 24 December 2021)
Spain Islas Canarias Clean unconditional Extension of the subsidies for the improvement of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energie... Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3754851.5981735 2021121111/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Extension of subsidies established by Order of 11 December 2020. Government To facilitate the involvement of society in the development of a sustainable model that allows to mitigate climate change in the Canary Islands. 11/12/2021 3289250 These grants are divided into 2 main lines of action: 1. Aid aimed at the business sector: directed to the improvement of technology in industrial equipment and processes, energy efficiency in buildings, renewable energies for the production of electricity in buildings, infrastructures and facilities and energy renewable for thermal uses in buildings, infrastructures and facilities. 2. Aid for the residential sector In response to the high number of petitions received, the government of the Canary Islands has decided to extend these aids by an additional 3,289,250€ with respect to the 2020 subsidies. (Accessed 24 December 2021)
Spain Aragon Clean conditional Aid for business R&D projects in sustainable mobility Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 11415525.114155 2021080505/08/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) ORDER EPE / 972/2021, of August 5 Government Emissions reduction 13/08/2021 10000000 These grants are aimed at carrying out business projects with experimental development and / or industrial research aimed at improving mobility and making it more sustainable. The total budget is 10 million euros. Companies and research and knowledge dissemination organizations established in the Autonomous Community of Aragon may apply as beneficiaries of the subsidies. (Accessed 24 December 2021) (Accessed 24 December 2021)
Spain La Rioja Clean unconditional Energy efficiency in public lighting Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1595478.3105023 2021062929/06/2021 Energy efficiency Resolution 25/2021, of June 29, of the Ministry of Social Services and Public Governance Government To encourage municipalities to renew or expand their lighting installations in order to reduce final energy consumption. 02/07/2021 1397639 The Government of La Rioja has issued for the first time a call for subsidies to improve the energy efficiency of public lighting in the municipalities of La Rioja. The aim is to encourage municipalities to renew or expand their lighting installations in order to reduce final energy consumption by at least 30 percent, as well as reduce CO2 emissions. The 174 towns in La Rioja are eligible for these grants. (Accessed 14 Jan 2022) (Accessed 14 Jan 2022) (Accessed 14 Jan 2022) (Accessed 14 Jan 2022) (Accessed 14 Jan 2022)
Italy National Clean unconditional Energy efficiency incentives (2022 Budget) Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9132420.0913242 2021123030/12/2021 Energy efficiency Italian Government (2022 Budget - Law n. 234/2021 Article 1 Paragraph 514) Government To guarantee the achievement of national energy efficiency targets 30/12/2021 8000000 8000000 9132420.0913242 The National Fund for energy efficiency is boosted to 8 million euros per year, starting from 2022. The incentives include disbursement of loans, part of which are non-repayable. The incentive supports interventions aimed at guaranteeing the achievement of national energy efficiency targets. (Accessed 18 February 2022)
Italy National Clean unconditional Energy storage incentives (2022 Budget) Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3424657.5342466 2021122727/12/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Italian Government (2022 Budget - Law n. 234/2021 Article 1 Paragraph 812) Government To incentivise the production from renewable energy sources 30/12/2021 3000000 3000000 3424657.5342466 With this policy taxpayers are granted, within the overall maximum limit of 3 million euros for the year 2022, a tax credit covering the costs of installing integrated storage systems in renewable energy producing units. These include renewable units already existing and benefitting from the net metering incentive scheme. (Accessed 18 February 2022)
France National Other energy France 2030 – investments in the energy sector (hydrogen and industry) Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7990867579.9087 2021101212/10/2021 Several energy stages Prime Minister Government To become a leader in hydrogen production 01/01/2022 7000000000 The France 2030 investment plan provides 8 billion EUR for the energy sector, including 7 billion EUR for the development of green hydrogen and the decarbonization of industry.
France National Fossil unconditional New support for airport operators Mobility Oil and oil products Loan (Hybrid) 171232876.71233 2021120909/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Finance Government To compensate the drop in airport tax revenues 01/01/2022 150000000 Public support for airports is topped up by 150 million EUR in the draft finance bill for 2022, to compensate for the drop in airport tax revenues. This comes in addition to the 550 million EUR in repayable advances to airport operators for 2020 and 2021.
France National Fossil unconditional Gas price freeze until 2022 Power generation Gas and gas products Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 2021102121/10/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Prime Minister Government To freeze the price of natural gas 01/11/2021 In response to the increase in natural gas prices on the wholesale markets over the last few months, regulated tariffs on the sale of natural gas are frozen until 2022.
France National Fossil conditional France 2030 – investments in the transport sector Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4566210045.6621 2021101212/10/2021 Several energy stages Prime Minister Government To produce 2 million electric and hybrid vehicles by 2030 and the first low-carbon aircraft 01/01/2022 4000000000 The France 2030 investment plan includes EUR 4 billion for the development of future modes of transport, with a target of 2 million electric and hybrid vehicles and the first low-carbon aircraft.
France National Other energy France 2030 – investments in the energy sector (nuclear) Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1141552511.4155 2021101212/10/2021 Several energy stages Prime Minister Government To develop small modular nuclear reactors 01/01/2022 1000000000 The France 2030 investment plan includes EUR 1 billion for the nuclear sector, to develop small modular reactors and improve waste management.
Finland National Fossil unconditional Waterway projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 17351598.173516 2021110404/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Finnish Government Government To improve waterway connections 01/12/2021 15200000 The sum consists of allocations made for one existing waterway project (EUR 15.2 million increase in authorized spending for the upcoming years). For the time being, it is uncertain if the authorised spending allowance will be all used. The measures were approved as part of the 4th (1 December 2021; supplementary national budget for 2021 (Väyläverkon kehittäminen).
Spain National Clean conditional Safe, Sustainable and Connected Mobility Strategy Mobility Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2021052020/05/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda Government The Strategy analyzes the situation that current status of the transport and mobility sector in Spain, determines the vision for the future, the priorities of the Ministry and the lines of action that need to be undertaken in the coming years. 13/12/2021 After a public debate, the Safe, Sustainable and Connected Mobility Strategy has been approved by the Council of Ministers. The Roadmap will guide the actions of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda related to transport, logistics and mobility until 2030. The text is structured in nine axes, articulated in 41 lines of action, which are divided into more than 150 specific measures to be adopted in the coming years. Among the priorities of the Strategy are the commitment to daily mobility, the conservation of infrastructures, the promotion of intermodality, clean energy sources and clean, healthy mobility habits and prioritizing people in decision-making processes. This Strategy is part of the Component 6. Sustainable, Safe and Connected Mobility of the Spanish Recovery and Resilience Plan. Specifically it is measure C6.R1. (Accessed 13 December 2021) (Accessed 13 December 2021) (Accessed 13 December 2021) (Accessed 13 December 2021) (Accessed 13 December 2021)
Spain National Clean unconditional Marine Wind Power and Marine Energy Roadmap Power generation Multiple renewable New or extended regulation (IT... 2020042929/04/2020 Electricity generation Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge Government To promote clean energies which are based on marine resources, especially wind energy, while ensuring that this energy use is compatible with other activities and has reduced environmental impacts. 10/12/2021 The Marine Wind Power and Marine Energy Roadmaps has been created following the National Integrated Plan of Energy and Climate (PNIEC). This strategy seeks to strengthen Spanish leadership in technological development and R&D of the different clean energy sources that use natural marine resources, with special emphasis on wind energy. It also guarantees the orderly deployment of the facilities in national waters, so that it is respectful with the environment, compatible with other uses and activities and is used to improve knowledge of the marine environment. This Roadmap responds to the technological advance that floating offshore wind energy has experienced in recent years, which is an important development vector for Spain, with a solid base of national companies in the offshore wind value chain and, by extension, of the remaining marine energies. The Strategy contains 20 lines of action with the objective of reaching between 1 and 3 GW of floating offshore wind power by 2030 and up to 60 MW of other sea energy in the pre-commercial phase, such as waves or tides. This Strategy is also part of the Component 7. Massive deployment of the renewable generation park aimed at the development of renewable energy of the Spanish Recovery and Resilience Plan. Specifically it is measure C7.R4. (Accessed 13 December 2021) (Accessed 13 December 2021) (Accessed 13 December 2021) (Accessed 13 December 2021)
Mexico National Other energy Business Plan Federal Electricity Comission/Plan de negocios CFE 2021 – 2025 Power generation Multiple energy types Uncategorized 2020120808/12/2020 Several energy stages Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) SOE 1) To increase CFE's economic productivity and efficiency; 2) Solidify CFE's positionas generator for the majority of electricity in Mexico; 3) Contribute to sustainable development and GHG emissions reduction; 4) Diversify CFE's revenue sources; 5) Abate and repel asymetric regulation that compromises its financial, commercial and operational integrity; 6) Strengthen internal control and regulation; 7) Improve end-user relationship and its corporate image; 8) Improve cashflow and profitability of its assets and subsidiaries. 01/01/2021 The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) will invest 381,544 million pesos in the next five years, in accordance with its 2021 Business Plan. The document is an annually updated five-year plan that work like a roadmap and not like a binding investment program. The 2021-2025 Business Plan highlights its plan to expand installed generation capacity of its natural gas-fueled combined cycle an mantainance/expansion of its transmission and distribution lines. (accessed 24/11/2021) (accessed 24/11/2021)
Mexico National Fossil unconditional Purchase of Deer Park Refinery Other sector Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2021052626/05/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Mexican government Government PEMEX acquired 50,005% of the remaining stake in the Deer Park refinery, of which it already held 49,995% of shares. 01/12/2021 The refinery is among the largest in the United States with a crude capacity of 340,000 barrels per day. Likewise, its plants allow it to process heavy and light crude without generating fuel oil. It produces around 110,000 million barrels per day of gasoline, 90 million barrels per day of diesel and 25 million barrels per day of jet fuel. (accessed 24-11-2021) (accessed 24-11-2021)
Spain National Clean conditional Guidelines for the creation of Low Emission Zones Mobility Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2021111919/11/2021 Several energy stages Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge Government Improve air quality and mitigate the climate impacts of mobility in urban areas. These guidelines constitute are aimed at those local entities that, in response to the provisions of the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law, must establish a Low Emissions Zone in their municipalities by 2023 (all the cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants). These guidelines set out the minimum thresholds that must be taken into account when creating a Low Emission Zone (LEZ). These include criteria for air quality, energy efficiency, noise and climate change. In addition, they also establish the implementation, a proposal of monitoring indicators and a wide catalogue of measures that municipalities may adopt to encourage the change towards more environmentally sustainable mobility that also results in an improvement in air quality. They do not determine a minimum extension for low-emission zones, which will depend on the characteristics of each municipality, but they do indicate that it must be significant and sufficient to meet the objectives. Nor is it determined which types of vehicles should have a restricted access to the LEZ. In any case, the guidelines point out that the design of the LEZs should take into account the mobility pyramid, giving priority to pedestrians, active mobility and public transport over private vehicles. Regarding the latter, and in order to achieve the objectives in terms of air quality and climate change, vehicles with low and preferably zero emissions should be prioritized, thus helping to promote the electrification of transport. (Accessed 23-nov-2021) (Accessed 23-nov-2021)
Spain National Other energy Support line for passenger and freight transport companies (RRP) Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 198630136.9863 2021111616/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Royal Decree 983/2021, of November 16 (within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan) Government Promote the sustainability and digitization of the heavy vehicle fleet to improve air quality, encourage the penetration of clean propulsion technologies and accelerate the industrial reactivation and the automotive sector. 18/11/2021 174000000 The Support line for passenger and freight transport companies is included within the Component 1 "Safe and connected sustainable mobility crash plan" of the Spanish Recovery and Transformation Plan, specifically it is part of the investment C1.I1. and its total budget is 400 million €. The validity of the program runs until April , 2024, with an immediate transfer of 174 million euros to the Autonomous Communities, which can be extended successively according to the evolution of the demand for the plan. The subsidies will be articulated as a fixed subsidy per vehicle depending on the type of company, and the class, motorization or age of the vehicle. Electric recharging points for heavy vehicles are also subsidized. The main eligible actions included are: -Disposal of vehicles assigned to a transport authorization and registered in Spain prior to January 1, 2019. -Acquisition of alternative energy vehicles. Electric, hydrogen, hybrid and plug-in hybrid and gas vehicles (LNG or CNG) are eligible, in the latter case temporarily until December 31, 2023. - “Retrofit” or modification of the form of propulsion of vehicles from fuels of fossil origin (diesel, gasoline or gas) to zero emissions, electric or hydrogen vehicles (BEV, FCV or FCHV). Also, in a transitory period until December 31, 2023, the transformation of a diesel or gasoline engine to one hundred percent gas (CNG or LNG) is potentially eligible, provided that they comply with the latest pollutant emissions standards for heavy vehicles. - Implementation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. - Acquisition of semi-trailers for railway highways. (Accessed 23-nov-2021) (Accessed 23-nov-2021)
Spain National Clean conditional Extension of the program for sustainable urban development projects in municipalities and towns with... Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 285388127.85388 2021111010/11/2021 Several energy stages RESOLUTION OF THE PRESIDENT OF E.P.E. INSTITUTE FOR THE DIVERSIFICATION AND SAVINGS OF ENERGY (IDAE), MP, CONFIRMING THE EXTENSION AND NEW BUDGET ALLOCATION OF ROYAL DECREE 692/2021, OF AUGUST 3 Government Promote the energy transition and the shift towards sustainable mobility in small municipalities, which have more difficulties to undertake large investments, through unique clean energy projects. 10/11/2021 250000000 The Aid Program for the development of unique clean energy projects municipalities with demographic challenges (DUS 5,000 Program) is managed by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) and framed within the objectives of Component 2, Investment 4, of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR). The program was firstly approved in August 2021 with a total budget of 75 million €, and now it is extended with an additional 250 million €. This is intended to respond to the enormous success of the program during its first days, in which applications have been received for more than 1,500 actions in municipalities with demographic challenges. Projects will be subsidized to improve energy efficiency in buildings and public infrastructures, to promote green investments –particularly self-consumption–, or investment in charging infrastructures or electric mobility, among others. (Accessed 23-nov-2021) (Accessed 23-nov-2021) (Accessed 23-nov-2021)
Canada Ontario Fossil conditional Building Ontario’s Highways Program Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1938851603.2811 2021110404/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government of Ontario Government improve transportation access and encourage economic growth 2600000000 To build, expand and repair Ontario’s highways and bridges, create jobs and spur economic growth, the government has invested approximately $2.6 billion in funding for 2021–22 in support of the Ontario Highways Program, which features more than 580 construction, expansion and rehabilitation projects. As part of the Highways Program, the government has committed funding to build and advance the Bradford Bypass and Highway 413.
2021 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review: Build Ontario | Backgrounder: Building Ontario
Canada Quebec Clean unconditional Québec joins the Beyond Oil and Gas Coalition Resources Oil and gas New or extended regulation (IT... 2021110404/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Government of Québec Government reduce fossil fuel production 04/11/2021 This initiative by Denmark and Costa Rica is initially aimed at mobilizing national and subnational governments that have adopted concrete measures to restrict oil and gas production on their territory.
United Nations Climate Conference in Glasgow - Québec joins the Beyond Oil and Gas Coalition: Government of Québec (
Canada Nova Scotia Clean conditional Legislation to Address Climate Crisis, Guide Province to Cleaner, Sustainable Future Power generation Coal New or extended regulation (IT... 2021102121/10/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Government of Nova Scotia Government reduce emissions, increase renewable energy 05/11/2021 Phase out coal-fired electricity generation in the Province by the year 2030
Nova Scotia Legislature - Bill 57 - Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act - RA (
Canada Nova Scotia Clean conditional Legislation to Address Climate Crisis, Guide Province to Cleaner, Sustainable Future Power generation Multiple renewable New or extended regulation (IT... 2021102121/10/2021 Several energy stages Government of Nova Scotia Government reduce emissions, increase renewable energy 05/11/2021 Nova Scotia is committing to reduce emissions to at least 53 per cent below the levels that were emitted in 2005 by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050. Goal of 80 per cent of Nova Scotia’s energy to be supplied by renewable energy by 2030
Nova Scotia Legislature - Bill 57 - Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act - RA (
Canada British Columbia Fossil unconditional Amendments to Oil and Gas Activities Act Resources Oil and gas Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2021100707/10/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Government of British Columbia Government support timely restoration of well sites by allowing firms to address technical and issues and minimize environmental disturbance 21/11/2021 Amendments to the OGAA will provide the Oil and Gas Commission with enabling powers to exempt oil and gas development permit holders from requirements of the Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation (DSR) in circumstances that merit it and to impose conditions on the exemptions.
Introduction of miscellaneous bill | BC Gov News (Nov 7 2021)
Canada British Columbia Clean conditional BC Hydro’s Electrification Plan Power generation Hydro Budget or off-budget transfer ... 193885160.32811 2021092828/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government of British Columbia SOE affordable access to clean electricity 260000000 BC Hydro plans to invest more than CAD 260 million to implement the plan over the next five years, including nearly CAD 190 million to promote fuel switching in homes and buildings, vehicles and industry, and more than CAD 50 million to attract new industries to B.C. that are looking for clean power to run their businesses and reduce their carbon footprint. The plan also includes programs to reduce the time required to get customers connected to BC Hydro’s grid. (Oct 20)
Canada National Fossil unconditional Investment in Dehk’è Frank Channel Bridge replacement Mobility Oil and gas Budget or off-budget transfer ... 27964205.816555 2021081313/08/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government of Canada Government support northern transportation infrastructure such as ports, airports, all-season roads, and bridges. 37500000 "A major investment for the construction of a new bridge to replace the Dehk’è Frank Channel Bridge, which has reached the end of its life. The Government of Canada is investing CAD 37.5 million in this project under the National Trade Corridors Fund, and the Government of Northwest Territories is providing CAD 12.5 million, for a total investment of CAD 50 million for the new Frank Channel Bridge. The bridge is a component of Highway 3, which is part of the National Highway System and the only highway corridor into North Slave Region, Yellowknife, and numerous mines and mineral development areas. "
Government of Canada and Northwest Territories invest $50 million in Dehk’è Frank Channel Bridge replacement | Government of Northwest Territories (Oct 20,2021)
Canada Northwest Territories Fossil unconditional Investment in Dehk’è Frank Channel Bridge replacement Mobility Oil and gas Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9321401.9388516 2021102020/10/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Government of Canada Government support northern transportation infrastructure such as ports, airports, all-season roads, and bridges. 20/10/2021 12500000 "A major investment for the construction of a new bridge to replace the Dehk’è Frank Channel Bridge, which has reached the end of its life. The Government of Canada is investing CAD 37.5 million in this project under the National Trade Corridors Fund, and the Government of Northwest Territories is providing CAD 12.5 million, for a total investment of CAD 50 million for the new Frank Channel Bridge. The bridge is a component of Highway 3, which is part of the National Highway System and the only highway corridor into North Slave Region, Yellowknife, and numerous mines and mineral development areas."
Government of Canada and Northwest Territories invest $50 million in Dehk’è Frank Channel Bridge replacement | Government of Northwest Territories (Oct 20,2021)
Spain National Clean unconditional Rehabilitation program for economic and social recovery in urban settings -2021 (RRP) Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1313926940.6393 2021100505/10/2021 Energy efficiency Royal Decree 853/2021, of October 5, Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda Government Promote the actions of rehabilitation and improvement of the building park, both in urban and rural areas. 07/10/2021 1151000000 The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda has approved the bases of the Rehabilitation Program for economic and social recovery in urban environments, belonging to Component 2 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan: "Implementation of the Spanish Urban Agenda: Plan of housing rehabilitation and urban regeneration ". In this case, the budget for the investment 1 of Component 2 (C2. I1) has been approved, which will be 1,151 million euros for the year 2021. These funds will be distributed among the different Spanish regions, which will publish specific calls for their territories. Within this program, 5 specific sub-programs will be subsidized: 1. Aid program for rehabilitation actions at the neighborhood level. 2. Support program for rehabilitation offices. 3. Support program for rehabilitation actions at the building level. 4. Program to promote the improvement of energy efficiency in homes. 5. Assistance program for the preparation of the existing building book for the rehabilitation and the drafting of rehabilitation projects. Through these new programs, up to 80% of the actions will be subsidized, with a maximum of 21,400 euros per home, depending on the energy consumption savings achieved in the rehabilitated buildings. For the case of social or economic vulnerability, the aid may cover up to 100% of the cost of improvements in buildings, neighborhoods and homes. The Plan for the rehabilitation of buildings, neighborhoods and homes has the overall objective of reaching, in the second quarter of 2026, the accumulated figure of 510,000 renovation actions in housing and helping to multiply by ten the pace of renovations in Spain until reaching 300,000 interventions annually in 2030. (Accessed 2 Nov 2021) (Accessed 2 Nov 2021)
Spain National Clean unconditional Creation of a public financing line for energy efficiency projects in buildings (ICO line) Buildings Energy efficiency Loan guarantee (Hybrid) 1255707762.5571 2021100505/10/2021 Energy efficiency Royal Decree-Law 19/2021, of October 5 Government Meeting national objectives in terms of rehabilitation and to have a more efficient housing stock. 07/10/2021 1100000000 The government has approved Royal Decree-Law 19/2021, of October 5, on urgent measures to promote building rehabilitation activity in the context of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan with the aim of meeting national objectives in terms of rehabilitation and to have a more efficient housing stock. One of the measures contained in the Royal Decree is aimed at the creation of a line of guarantees for the partial coverage on behalf of the State of the financing of rehabilitation works that contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency. This new line of guarantees from the Official Credit Institute (ICO) will partially cover the risks of the loans granted by private financial entities destined to rehabilitation actions of residential buildings that contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency. The maximum budget for these loan guarantees is 1,100 € million; however, the final figure will depend on how many loans are requested. (Accessed 13 October 2021) (Accessed 13 October 2021)
Spain National Clean unconditional Modification in the regulation of the ‘community of owners regime’ to improve energy eff... Buildings Energy efficiency New or extended regulation (IT... 2021100505/10/2021 Energy efficiency Royal Decree-Law 19/2021, of October 5 Government Meeting national objectives in terms of rehabilitation and to have a more efficient housing stock. 07/10/2021 The government has approved Royal Decree-Law 19/2021, of October 5, on urgent measures to promote building rehabilitation activity in the context of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan with the aim of meeting national objectives in terms of rehabilitation and to have a more efficient housing stock. One of the measures contained in the Royal Decree seeks to modify the regime applicable to rehabilitation works that contribute to improving energy efficiency in buildings, establishing a simple majority regime for carrying out this type of works, as well as for requesting aid and getting financing. In this way, the new Royal Decree modifies the regime of the communities of owners established in Law 49/1960, of July 21, on horizontal property, applicable to rehabilitation works that contribute to the improvement of the energy efficiency of the building or the implementation of of renewable energy sources. This measure is part of the component C02.R06 "Improving the financing of rehabilitation actions" of the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. (Accessed 13 October 2021) (Accessed 13 October 2021)
Spain National Fossil conditional Airport Regulation Document 2022-2026 (environmental sustainability) Mobility Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 13530821.917808 2021092828/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Airport Regulation Document 2022-2026 Government Recover air traffic and promote environmental sustainability and innovation within the airport network. 28/09/2021 11853000 The Government has approved the second version of the Airport Regulation Document for the period 2022-2026 (DORA II). The main goals of this document are: 1) Recover air traffic and promote an efficient management of the airport network; 2) Environmental sustainability; and 3) Innovation as an essential element. The total budget for this Plan is 2,250M €, which will be allocated in the 2022-2026 period and managed by Aena, which is the public owner of the Spanish airports. For the year 2022 the budget will be of 448.5M €, of which 11.853M€ will be directed to the environmental sustanability goal, leaving 436,647M € for achieving the rest of the goals. Regarding the environmental sustainability goal, the DORA II has also include 6 new indicators in order to ensure sustainability within the sector which are: CO2 emissions, energy efficiency, carbon neutrality, consumed water, noise levels and non-hazardous waste. However, the non-compliance or compliance with these indicators does not entail any type of penalty or incentive. Moreover some examples of policies for which the investment will be directed are: photovoltaic plan, implementation of geothermal energy, use of green fuels, implementation of LED technologies, renewal of 100% of the fleet with sustainable vehicles, measures to improve air quality, etc. (Accessed 5 Oct 2021) (Accessed 5 Oct 2021);%20filename=15.%20Plan%20Acci%C3%B3n%20Climatica%202021-2030_VF.pdf (Accessed 5 Oct 2021)
Spain National Fossil unconditional Airport Regulation Document 2022-2026 (air traffic recovery, efficient management and innovation) Mobility Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 498455479.45205 2021092828/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Airport Regulation Document 2022-2026 Government Recover air traffic and promote environmental sustainability and innovation within the airport network. 28/09/2021 436647000 The Government has approved the second version of the Airport Regulation Document for the period 2022-2026 (DORA II). The main goals of this document are: 1) Recover air traffic and promote an efficient management of the airport network; 2) Environmental sustainability; and 3) Innovation as an essential element. The total budget for this Plan is 2,250M €, which will be allocated in the 2022-2026 period and managed by Aena, which is the public owner of the Spanish airports. For the year 2022 the budget will be of 448.5M €, of which 11.853M€ will be directed to the environmental sustainability goal, leaving 436,647M € for achieving the rest of the goals. Regarding the recovery of the air traffic the goals are to go back to the 2019 levels, to attract demand, to promote commercial incentives, new routes, to grow existing ones, etc. Moreover in order to improve the management of the airport system there are also some goals related to the security improvement and also a quality improvement in terms of comfort in the terminals, improvement of inter-modality, improvement of accesses, customer adaptation, improvement of passenger traffic, etc. Finally, this Plan aims to promote innovation within the airport system, therefore it seeks to promote 5G technologies, digitization of processes, sensorization of facilities, innovative solutions in management, big data, use of drones, etc. (Accessed 5 Oct 2021) (Accessed 5 Oct 2021);%20filename=15.%20Plan%20Acci%C3%B3n%20Climatica%202021-2030_VF.pdf (Accessed 5 Oct 2021)
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Extension of standby loan facility for Air New Zealand Mobility Oil and oil products Loan (Hybrid) 389105058.36576 2021040909/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) New Zealand Government Government -To continue to support Air New Zealand while aviation markets stabilise and the world moves towards more normal border operations. 09/04/2021 600000000 "An additional $600 million will be made available to 27 September 2023 (an extra 16 months). The original facility comprised two tranches – Tranche A of $600m and Tranche B of $300m. Tranche A will be increased by $400m (taking it to $1b) and Tranche B will be increased by $200m (taking it to $500m). The existing effective interest rates on the facility are currently between 7% and 8% on tranche A and around 9% per annum for tranche B. The new interest rate structure is an all-in margin of 350 basis points (comprising 100 basis point line fee and 250 basis point margin) for Tranche A and an all-in margin of 500 basis points (comprising 100 basis point line fee and 400 basis point margin) for Tranche B. This would result in a total interest rate of approximately 3.80% (using a reference base rate of around 0.3%) for Tranche A and 5.30% for Tranche B (using the same reference base rate of around 0.3%). The agreement also includes a 1% step-up in the Tranche A and Tranche B all-in margins from 29 October 2021. This is a similar feature to the existing facility, albeit with the timing of the step-up adjusted to reflect the new proposed timing of the capital raising. Another feature that has been retained is that if Tranche B is drawn on, then Tranche A will have the same interest margin as Tranche B. These features provide an incentive on Air NZ to minimise use of the facility by seeking out other means of reducing cash expenditure."
New Zealand National Fossil unconditional Maintaining International Air Connectivity (MIAC) scheme – COVID Response and Recovery Fund (C... Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 110246433.20363 2021032222/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Transport Government - To support a predictable and regular schedule of air services to safeguard New Zealand's international connectivity. 22/03/2021 170000000 The Maintaining International Air Connectivity (MIAC) scheme is a restructured version of the International Air Freight Capacity (IAFC) scheme. The MIAC scheme has been designed to be more responsive to an anticipated rebuild of the aviation industry later this year. It will enable a more flexible recovery through reducing levels of support as passenger numbers rise, giving good value for money. It establishes $170 million of financial support to the aviation sector between 1 May to 31 October 2021.
Sweden National Clean conditional Support for public transport Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 108577633.0076 2021040808/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Supporting public transport in dealing with COVID-19 revenue loss. 01/07/2021 1000000000 Grants to public transport companies to help them with the decrease of revenue due to COVID-19
Sweden National Clean conditional Increase in grants for energy advisory services Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2171552.660152 2021040808/04/2021 Non-applicable (non-energy measure) Swedish Government Government Helping individuals and industry lower its emissions and energy consumption 01/07/2021 20000000 Funding of energy-relation consultation services for individuals and companies
Sweden National Clean conditional Increase in subsidy program to support the sale of new environmentally friendly vehicles Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10857763.30076 2021040808/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Support the sale of low-emission vehicles 01/07/2021 100000000 Subsidies to promote the purchase of eletric vehicles and other types of vehicles that emit less than 60g of CO2 per km. The subsidy program is increased to support the sale of electric trucks.
Sweden National Clean conditional “Electricity and hydrogen charging infrastruture for heavy transport “ Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... -10857763.30076 2021040808/04/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Swedish Government Government Reduction in support electrification of the heavy transport sector 01/07/2021 -100000000 Reduction in public investment into charging infracture including hydrogen for heavy duty vehicles. Saved amount will go to Klimate premiums (Isubsidy program to support the sale of new environmentally friendly vehicles ).
Sweden National Clean unconditional Increase in government energy efficiency grants for apartment buildings Buildings Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 5971769.815418 2021040808/04/2021 Energy efficiency Swedish Government Government Reduce energy consumption and lower emissions 01/07/2021 55000000 Grants to lower the costs of energy efficiency improvements and renovations of apartment blocks and outside areas
Sweden National Clean conditional Subsidy program to support the sale of new environmentally friendly vehicles Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 18458197.611292 2020091717/09/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Support the sale of low-emission vehicles 26/11/2020 170000000 Subsidies to promote the purchase of eletric vehicles and other types of vehicles that emit less than 60g of CO2 per km.
Sweden National Fossil conditional Cancellation of GDP-linked price increase of fuel prices to offset increase costs from expedited gro... Mobility Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 102062975.02714 2020091717/09/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Offsetting price increase of fuels due to faster growth in share of biofuels. 25/11/2020 940000000 According to the governments own assessment, this temporary stop in GDP-linked surcharge to fuel will lead to an increase in demand for mostly fossil-based fuel for transport. However, the policy is part of a new policy to increase the share of biofuels in regular petrol to 28% and in diesel to 66% by 2030. The new policy also include aviation, which will have to raise the share of biofuels to 0.8 percent in 2021 and to 27% by 2030.
Sweden National Fossil unconditional Swedavia capital injection Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 271444082.519 2020061515/06/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Swedish Government Government Safeguarding air service infrastructure and key transport links 2500000000 "The Government proposes a capital injection of up to SEK 3 150 million to the state-owned Swedavia AB which owns and manages ten mayor airports in Sweden. The Government considers that this capital injection is necessary to enable investments and maintenance. In October 2020, the government made the decision to approve a total of SEK 2.5 billion in capital for the company. The governments proposal does include a requirement for Swedavia to increase intermodal links between aviation and rail transport. "
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Mexico Mexico City Clean unconditional Program to Promote Energy Transition and Sustainability for SMEs Multiple sectors Solar