In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, Poland has committed at least USD 14.84 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:
- At least USD 2.71 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 14 policies (10 quantified and 4 unquantified)
- At least USD 3.77 billion for conditional fossil fuels through 7 policies (2 quantified and 5 unquantified)
- At least USD 399.83 million for unconditional clean energy through 26 policies (17 quantified and 9 unquantified)
- At least USD 7.89 billion for conditional clean energy through 27 policies (20 quantified and 7 unquantified)
- At least USD 79.49 million for other energy through 11 policies (2 quantified and 9 unquantified)
By energy type, Poland committed at least USD 1.95 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 1.95 billion to unconditional oil and gas).
In addition, Poland committed at least USD 747.10 million to coal (at least USD 747.10 million to unconditional coal).
Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.
Finally, Poland committed at least USD 12.82 million to multiple fossil fuels (at least USD 12.82 million to unconditional multiple fossil fuels).
A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of Poland through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.
These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.
More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in Poland can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.
At least
$6.47 billion
Supporting fossil fuel energy
Per capita
At least
$8.29 billion
Supporting clean energy
Per capita
In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, Poland has committed at least USD 14.84 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:
- At least USD 2.71 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 14 policies (10 quantified and 4 unquantified)
- At least USD 3.77 billion for conditional fossil fuels through 7 policies (2 quantified and 5 unquantified)
- At least USD 399.83 million for unconditional clean energy through 26 policies (17 quantified and 9 unquantified)
- At least USD 7.89 billion for conditional clean energy through 27 policies (20 quantified and 7 unquantified)
- At least USD 79.49 million for other energy through 11 policies (2 quantified and 9 unquantified)
By energy type, Poland committed at least USD 1.95 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 1.95 billion to unconditional oil and gas).
In addition, Poland committed at least USD 747.10 million to coal (at least USD 747.10 million to unconditional coal).
Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.
Finally, Poland committed at least USD 12.82 million to multiple fossil fuels (at least USD 12.82 million to unconditional multiple fossil fuels).
A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of Poland through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.
These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.
More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in Poland can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.
Public money commitments to fossil fuels, clean and other energy in Poland recovery packages, USD billion, in 2020-2021
Country | Jurisdiction | Category | Policy name | Sector | Energy Type | Mechanism | Value committed, USD | Date of announcement | Stage | Legislation and Endorsing Agency | Arm of Government | Primary and secondary stated objective of the policy | Date of entry into force | Implemented repeal date, if any | Value committed, national currency | Value disbursed, national currency | Value disbursed, USD: | Policy background | Links to official sources | Links to additional sources | |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on the level of obligation to redeem certifica... | Power generation | Multiple renewable | New or extended regulation (IT... | 16/08/2021 | Electricity generation | Ministry of Climate and Environment | Government | To ensure the maintenance of stable and predictable conditions for the operation of the RES market for producers participating in the certificates of origin scheme. | The Minister of Climate and Environment signed the "Regulation on the change of the quantitative share of the sum of electricity resulting from redeemed certificates of origin confirming the production of electricity from renewable energy sources in 2022." The indicated level of the obligation is to ensure the maintenance of stable and predictable conditions for the operation of the RES market for producers participating in the certificates of origin scheme. At the same time, it will contribute to reducing the operating costs of this system borne by end users, including energy-intensive customers. Thanks to the regulatory measures taken, the price of green certificates began to increase from 2017, fluctuating from the end of 2018 to April this year in the range of 125–150 PLN / MWh. The stabilization of the certificates of origin market is also confirmed by the systematic reduction of the oversupply of certificates of origin observed in recent years. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/rozporzadzenie-ministra-klimatu-i-srodowiska-ws-poziomu-obowiazku-umarzania-swiadectw-pochodzenia-na-2022-r-zostalo-opublikowane (accessed 29 Aug 2021) |
Poland | National | Fossil unconditional | PGE and PGG reached an agreement on coal supplies | Power generation | Coal | Uncategorized | 27/08/2021 | Electricity generation | Agreement between Polska Grupa Energetyczna and Polska Grupa Górnicza | SOE | For PGE to have coal for electricity generation and PGG to sell coal supplies | Polska Grupa Energetyczna and Polska Grupa Górnicza have concluded an agreement regulating the principles of further cooperation until 2023 under the existing long-term agreements for the supply of hard coal. PGE informed that issues related to coal supplies were agreed; previous supply could not be collected by the company as a result of the reduced demand for electricity in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. The agreement is a compromise. It guarantees the continuity of cooperation and allows for the uninterrupted operation of PGG, and provides PGE with market conditions for the receipt of contracted hard coal. | https://www.cire.pl/artykuly/serwis-informacyjny-cire-24/pge-i-pgg-porozumialy-sie-w-sprawie-dostaw-wegla (accessed 29 Aug 2021) |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Amendment to the act on the capacity market and some other acts | Power generation | Multiple energy types | New or extended regulation (IT... | 11/08/2021 | Electricity generation | Office of the Presidency | Government | To adapt Polish regulations to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the internal electricity market | The act signed by the president provides for the exclusion of direct competition between low-emission sources and units emitting more than 550g CO2 / kWh in the power mechanism, introduces the possibility of converting a unit with a concluded capacity contract and not meeting the emission limit of 550g CO2 / kWh into a unit that meets this limit by changing the electricity generation technology. implemented under an existing contract or as part of replacing the existing contract with new capacity contracts. | https://www.cire.pl/artykuly/serwis-informacyjny-cire-24/prezydent-podpisal-nowelizacje-ustawy-o-rynku-mocy (accessed 15 Aug 2021) |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Green Public Transport program | Mobility | Multiple renewable | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 307692307.69231 | 01/09/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | Reducing energy and fuel consumption in the transport sector; reducing air pollution through decarbonisation of the transport sector | 1200000000 | "The call for applications under the Green Public Transport programme started on the 1st of September 2021. The public transport companies may apply for a subsidy or a loan for the purchase of electric or hydrogen buses or trolleybuses and for the necessary construction of charging and refuelling stations. The call for applications will last from the 1st of September to the 20th of December 2021" | https://www.gov.pl/web/elektromobilnosc/aktualne-ogloszenia-o-naborach2 |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Recapitalisation of state owned electric car company | Mobility | Multiple renewable | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 64102564.102564 | 02/08/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Reprivatisation Fund | Government | To facilitate development of electromobility industry in Poland | 250000000 | ElectroMobility Poland SA, a company founded by the state-controlled energy groups which task is to launch a mass production of the Polish electric car, was recapitalised by the government in the amount of PLN 250 million (ca. EUR 54 million), which made State Treasury the majority shareholder of the company. The move signals the commitment of the government to further pursue a troubled project, which stemmed from its past declarations to spearhead the development of electromobility industry in Poland. | https://electromobilitypoland.pl/informacja-o-dofinansowaniu/ |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Launch of the “Mój Elektryk” program, or subsidy program for zero-emission vehicles | Mobility | Non-applicable (non-energy measure) | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 179487179.48718 | 02/07/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | To boost electromobility in Poland, which will in turn improve the quality of life and health | 700000000 | The program, which translates into "My Electric Vehicle," is a new subsidy program for those interested in purchasing, leasing, or renting zero-mission vehicles. PLN 700 million was allocated to the program. The program will launch July 12, 2021 and will run between 2021-2026. Calls for proposals will be conducted until Sept. 30, 2025 or until the funds are exhausted. The National Fund will reimburse individuals for part of the cost of purchasing or renting passenger cars, and for institutional entities it will reimburse a part of the cost of purchasing or leasing additional delivery vehicles, as well as mopeds servicing the delivery of orders to customers. In accordance with the rules of public aid, the National Fund will also launch support for the purchase of buses. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/doplaty-do-pojazdow-zeroemisyjnych-z-korzystnymi-zmianami-12-lipca-rusza-program-moj-elektryk (accessed 5 Jul 2021) and https://elektromobilnosc.cire.pl/artykuly/serwis-informacyjny-cire-24/lodz-wiceprezes-nfosigw-dodatkowe-200-mln-zl-w-programie-doplat-moj-elektryk (accessed 18.10.2021) |
Poland | National | Fossil conditional | Amendment to law on extension of mining licenses | Resources | Multiple fossil | New or extended regulation (IT... | 30/06/2021 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Office of the Presidency | Government | To be in compliance with EU regulations | This amendment relates to the Act on the provision of information on the environment and its protection, public participation in environmental protection and on environmental impact assessments. This decision removes provisions allowing a one-off extension of the concession for the extraction of hard coal, lignite and native sulfur extracted with the borehole method without the need to obtain a prior decision on environmental conditions. The proposed changes do not eliminate the possibility of a single extension of the concessions in question but rather repeals the provisions exempting them from the requirement to attach a decision on environmental conditions when applying for a one-time extension of the above-mentioned concessions. | https://www.prezydent.pl/aktualnosci/wydarzenia/art,2259,prezydent-podpisal-trzy-ustawy.html (accessed 5 Jul 2021); https://www.cire.pl/item,219980,1,0,0,0,0,0,prezydent-podpisal-nowele-ustawy-ws-przedluzania-koncesji-wydobywczych.html (accessed 5 Jul 2021) |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Draft amendment to the Act on Energy Efficiency | Multiple sectors | Energy efficiency | New or extended regulation (IT... | 16/02/2021 | Energy efficiency | Government | To implement new measures that help reach energy efficiency targets | 16/02/2021 | Subsidized energy projects, particularly those receiving funding from the state budget, the budget of local governments, the EU, the European Free Trade Association, or the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, will have energy efficiency targets/ obligations. This may include energy efficiency certificates for the use of liquid fuels in transport, for the installation of new heating systems, etc. A central registry for final energy savings will also be created and kept by the Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute. Multi-unit buildings will also be required to install heat and remote water reading systems by Jan. 1, 2027. These new regulations should prompt energy savings of approx. 5.58 million TOE by 2030. The Act was signed by President Duda in end-April, 2021 and will come into effect 14 days after the signing date. | https://www.cire.pl/item,212281,1,0,0,0,0,0,rzad-przyjal-projekt-zmiany-ustawy-o-efektywnosci-energetycznej.html (accessed 22 Feb 2021); https://www.cire.pl/item,216356,1,0,0,0,0,0,prezydent-podpisal-nowelizacje-ustawy-o-efektywnosci-energetycznej.html (accessed 3 May 2021) |
Poland | National | Other energy | First part of the balancing market reform published in the Journal of Law | Power generation | Multiple energy types | Uncategorized | 18/11/2020 | Electricity generation | Ministry of Climate, Journal of Laws | Government | To update the conditions for the operation of the power system | 18/11/2020 | The new regulations provide for wider access to this market, not only for large power plants but also for other entities. It introduces the concept of active participation in balancing the system without indicating a specific technology; conventional producers, RES producers, consumers, and electricity storage holders will be able to participate. The methodology for determining the settlement price and the rules on the creation of schedules was also revised. While the 10MW threshold remains unchanged, it may be altered in the future as the market develops. | https://www.cire.pl/item,207480,1,0,0,0,0,0,opublikowano-pierwsza-czesc-reformy-rynku-bilansujacego.html (accessed 23 Nov 2020) |
Poland | National | Fossil conditional | Stop Smog – support for single-family houses of energy poor people | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 307692307.69231 | 01/10/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Government | Prolongation of the program that finances the replacement or liquidation of heat sources and thermal modernization in single-family residential buildings of energy poor people | 1200000000 | The program finances the replacement of heat sources and thermal modernization in single-family residential buildings of energy poor people. The applicant in the Program is a commune which obtains up to 70% of funding for investment costs from the state budget. The program has been functioning since 2018 and now there are same changes proposed. Among them are: (1) Abolition of the obligation for local governments to prepare low-emission programs, (2) Reducing the minimum number of single-family buildings to apply for the program (from 2% to 1% or 20 buildings), (3) Reduction from 50% to 30% of the required heat demand reduction, (4) Reduction from 10 to 5 years of the post-agreement period for the actions / obligations of the municipality and the beneficiary. A new edition of the program - "Stop Smog 2.0" - was launched March 31st, 2021. | https://www.gov.pl/web/rozwoj/stop-smog; https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/stop-smog-20--nowe-lepsze-zasady-od-31-marca (accessed 8 April 2021) |
Poland | National | Other energy | Purchase by the state of 100 percent of shares in the PGE EJ1, subsidiary of Polish Energy Group (PG... | Power generation | Nuclear | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 01/10/2020 | Electricity generation | Government (Treasury) | Government | Establishing a new institutional vehicle to build a first nuclear power plant in Poland by 2033. | The Treasury and the owners of the PGE EJ1 company, responsible for preparations for the construction of a nuclear power plant, signed a letter of intent regarding the purchase by the state of 100 percent of shares in the company by the end of 2020. The sale was finalized March 26th, 2021; the State Treasury purchased 100% of shares at a total price of PLN 531 million. PGE owned 70% of PGE EJ 1 and Enea, KGHM Polska Miedz, and Tauron each held 10% shares. This purchase is considered preparation for implementation of the Polish Nuclear Power Program. | https://www.gov.pl/web/polski-atom/podpisano-list-intencyjny-ws-nabycia-przez-skarb-panstwa-100-proc-udzialow-w-spolce-pge-ej-1; https://www.cire.pl/item,214524,1,0,0,0,0,0,najciekawsze-w-tym-tygodniu-pge-sprzedala-skarbowi-panstwa-udzialy-w-spolce-pge-ej-1-ktora-przygotowuje-pierwsza-w-polsce-inwestycje-w-elektrownie-jadrowa.html (accessed 28 Mar 2021); https://www.cire.pl/item,214534,1,0,0,0,0,0,naimski-kupno-pge-ej-1-przygotowaniem-do-realizacji-programu-polskiej-energetyki-jadrowej.html (accessed 28 Mar 2021) |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Commission approves €22.5 billion Polish scheme to support offshore wind farms | Power generation | Wind | Other hybrid support measures | 20/05/2021 | Electricity generation | EU Commission | Government | To support offshore wind technology. The measure will help Poland reach its renewable energy targets without unduly distorting competition. | 20/05/2021 | 01/01/2030 | The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a Polish scheme to support offshore wind technology. The measure will help Poland reach its renewable energy targets without unduly distorting competition. Poland notified the Commission of its intention to introduce a new scheme to support offshore wind farms. Offshore wind technology is at an initial stage in Poland. The aid will be granted in the form of a two-way contract-for-difference premium, during 25 years, but only up to 100,000 full load hours per MegaWatt of installed capacity. Under this model, this variable premium is calculated as the difference between the reference price and the market price for electricity. When the market price is below the reference price, beneficiaries will be entitled to receive payments equal to the difference between the two prices. However, when the market price is above the reference price, beneficiaries will have to pay the difference between the two prices to the State. The scheme will roll out in two phases. During the first phase of the scheme, offshore projects will be granted aid using the exception to the auction requirement, due to the existence of a very limited number of projects. The reference price for projects in the first phase will be administratively fixed based on their costs, with a maximum set at 319,60 PLN/MWh (€71,82/MWh). After obtaining the environmental permit which will fix the final technical characteristics of the project, each project will submit an individual notification with a business plan to the Commission. Based on the respective business plan, the Commission will assess individually the specific level of operating aid. Under the second phase of the scheme, aid will be granted through open and competitive auctions which will be organised as of 2025, and the reference price of projects will be fixed based on the respective bid. The scheme has a total maximum budget of €22.5 billion and will run until 2030. | https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_21_2567 (accessed 23 May 2021); https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/komisja-europejska-zatwierdzila-polski-system-wsparcia-dla-morskich-farm-wiatrowych (accessed 23 May 2021) |
Poland | National | Fossil conditional | Changes to the “Clean Air” program: withdrawal of subsidies for coal-fired boilers and a... | Multiple sectors | Multiple energy types | Uncategorized | 21/05/2021 | Several energy stages | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | Adapting to European Commission guidelines, provisions of the National Reconstruction Plan and the Polish Order, and anti-smog resolutions in force | 21/05/2021 | The purchase and installation of a coal-fired boiler under the "Clean Air" program will be possible only until December 31, 2021, which means that from January 1, 2022 there will be no subsidies for this heat source. In addition, from July 1, 2021, it is planned to increase the current income thresholds entitling to an increased level of co-financing. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1798,wazne-zmiany-w-programie-czyste-powietrze-wycofanie-dotacji-na-kotly-weglowe-i-podwyzszenie-progow-dochodowych.html (accessed 23 May 2021); https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/wazne-zmiany-w-programie-czyste-powietrze--wycofanie-dotacji-na-kotly-weglowe-i-podwyzszenie-progow-dochodowych (accessed 23 May 2021) |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Signing of the “Meter Act” (amendment to the Energy Law and certain other acts) | Power generation | Multiple energy types | Uncategorized | 02/06/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Climate and Environment, Office of the Presidency | Government | To provide solutions to consumers, promote the smart meter market, lower barriers to energy storage, improve integration of renewable energy | 02/06/2021 | On June 1, 2021, the President amended the Energy Law and Certain Other Acts. The "Meter Act" provides solutions for electricity consumers thanks to the use of smart remote reading meters. It is also, among other provisions, eliminates barriers to the development of energy storage, necessary for the integration of renewable energy sources and stabilization of the power system. Investments in the installation of smart meters, for which distribution system operators (DSOs) will be responsible, will be carried out according to the schedule included in the new act. Distribution system operators, applying the Public Procurement Law, will define the tender criteria for the functionality of smart meters in the Terms of Reference. The Ministry of Climate and Environment takes into account the demands of Polish meter manufacturers, inviting them to participate in the works of teams and working groups, as well as in consultations on draft legal acts that may affect their activities. The meter act signed by President Duda provides in a detailed schedule that by the end of 2028, remote energy consumption (VOC) meters will be installed by at least 80% of end-users, including at least 80% of households. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/prezydent-podpisal-ustawe-licznikowa (accessed 6 June 2021) |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Major, publicly traded insurance company PZU to co-finance expansion of Potęgowo wind farm | Power generation | Wind | Loan (Hybrid) | 25641025.641026 | 11/06/2021 | Electricity generation | NA (PZU) | SOE | Part of the PZU Group’s ESG Strategy for 2021-2024 | 11/06/2021 | 100000000 | PZU - Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń Spółka Akcyjna - signed a debt financing agreement for the Potęgowo wind farm, which is the largest project of this type being executed in Poland. Currently, the total project capacity amounts to 219.5 MW. However, as a result of the newly granted financing, another wind farm with a capacity of 37.4 MW will be added to the plant. The largest Polish insurer commits PLN 100 million for the expansion of the Potęgowo project and will join a consortium of financing banks. The project is being executed by a special purpose vehicle whose shareholders are Israel Infrastructure Fund as the lead arranger and controlling entity, Helios Energy Investment Fund, CME Holdings, Allied Infrastructure Ltd. | https://www.pzu.pl/grupa-pzu/o-nas/aktualnosci/szczegoly/pzu-wspolfinansuje-budowe-najwiekszej-farmy-wiatrowej-w-polsce (accessed 17 June 2021) |
Poland | National | Fossil conditional | New regulation enhancing gas supply security | Resources | Gas and gas products | New or extended regulation (IT... | 09/04/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Government | Restrictions on natural gas consumption will allow for quick and effective response to threats to the security of supplies to protected customers | 09/04/2021 | Effective as of April 10, 2021, this regulation allows for the TSO to restrict gas consumption in the event of possible supply disruptions. The gas "saved" would then be supplied to more "sensitive" gas consumers, including households, entities providing social services (clinics, hospitals, schools, etc.), as well as small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, among others. The objective of this policy is to strenghten and stabilize the Polish natural gas market. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/wchodzi-w-zycie-rozporzadzenie-zwiekszajace-bezpieczenstwo-dostaw-gazu-do-odbiorcow (accessed 11 April 2021) |
Poland | National | Other energy | Amendment to the RES Act | Resources | Multiple energy types | New or extended regulation (IT... | 13/04/2021 | Electricity generation | Council of Ministers, Ministry of Climate | Government | To extend the existing public aid programs for producers of energy from renewable energy sources | 13/04/2021 | The Council of Ministers adopted the draft (originally submitted by the Ministry of Climate) on April 13th, 2021. The amendments will extend the aid scheme for RES auctions to Dec. 31, 2027 (currently until Dec. 31, 2021) and will limit the concession obligations for entrepreneurs conducting economic activity as regards small RES installations. Support programs related to the sale of electricity at a fixed price (the so-called FiT system) or the right to subsidize the electricity market price (the so-called FiP) will also be extended until June 30, 2024. In addition, after notification of state aid to the European Commission, producers will be able to apply for support until the end of 2027. The notification will also result in the extension of the maximum period for receiving support for installations until June 30, 2047, in particular regarding: (1) the obligation to purchase unused electricity at a fixed price or the right to an additional payment to the market price of electricity under the so-called FIT and FIP systems; (2) the obligation to purchase electricity at a fixed price or the right to an additional payment to the electricity market price under the auction system. Additionally, the concession obligations for entrepreneurs conducting economic activity as regards small installations will be limited. It is about raising the threshold of the total installed electric capacity from 0.5 MW to 1 MW or the available thermal capacity in combination from 0.9 MW to 3 MW. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/nowelizacja-ustawy-o-oze-przyjeta-przez-rade-ministrow (accessed 18 April 2021) |
Poland | Turów lignite mine | Fossil unconditional | Extension of license/ concession to extract lignite from Turów mine to 2044 | Resources | Coal | New or extended regulation (IT... | 28/04/2021 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Ministry of Climate | Government | To ensure domestic demand of electricity | 28/04/2021 | On April 28, 2021, the Minister of Climate and Environment extended the validity of the current concession for the extraction of lignite and accompanying minerals from the Turów deposit until 2044. The decision allows for the continuation of the extraction of the mineral and, consequently, for the further operation of the power plant, which ensures a few percent of the domestic demand for electricity, which at the same time means that it corresponds to the public interest. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/koncesja-na-wydobycie-wegla-przez-kopalnie-turow-przedluzona (accessed 3 May 2021); https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/news/poland-prolongs-turow-mine-life-despite-international-outcry/ (accessed 3 May 2021) |
Poland | National | Fossil unconditional | Amendment to the law on key energy investments | Resources | Multiple energy types | Uncategorized | 07/05/2021 | Several energy stages | Office of the Presidency | Government | To ensure investments relevant to energy security | 07/05/2021 | President Duda signed an amendment to the acts regulating the preparation and implementation of key investments in the field of strategic energy infrastructure. Most of the changes concern the three special investment acts: the preparation and implementation of strategic investments in the field of transmission networks; preparation and implementation of strategic investments in the oil sector; and investments in the liquefied natural gas regasification terminal in Świnoujście, among others. The amendments introduce changes to: Geodetic and cartographic law; the act on spatial planning and development; the act on investments in LNG in Świnoujście; the act on the provision of information on the environment and its protection, public participation in environmental protection and on environmental impact assessments; and the act on facilitating the preparation and implementation of housing investments and associated investments. The amendment also includes regulations that clarify applicable standards, shorten the time needed to obtain administrative acts necessary for the preparation and implementation of investments, allow for concentration and simplification of administrative procedures, eliminate situations constituting a premise for the suspension or reopening of proceedings, introduce special solutions to avoid prolonging proceedings, include provisions simplifying and accelerating the process of acquiring rights to real estate necessary for investment in the transmission network or investment, and include solutions regarding the material properties and cooperation of authorities (opinions, consultations) and provisions enabling efficient preparation and implementation of transmission investments or maintenance of installations in the areas of internal sea waters, territorial sea or in the exclusive economic zone. A list of strategic investments in transmission was provided and the transmission act extended until December 31, 2030. | https://www.cire.pl/item,216974,1,0,0,0,0,0,prezydent-andrzej-duda-podpisal-nowele-ustaw-dot-kluczowych-inwestycji-energetycznych.html (accessed 9 May 2021) |
Poland | National | Fossil unconditional | Liquidity support for PGG, SOE coal company | Resources | Coal | Equity injection or nationalis... | 448717948.71795 | 30/03/2021 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Government | Government | Sustaining the financial liquidity of firms after major decrease in revenues casued by COVID-19 pandemic | 30/03/2021 | 1750000000 | Polish Mining Group, after temporarily suspended production in its 10 coal mines, made a request to be supported from Anti-crisis and Financial Shield due to losses in production estimated at 1.7 billion zlotys. The funding was approved by the government March 30, 2021. PGG will receive a liquidity loan of PLN 1 billion from the Polish Development Fund (Polski Fundusz Rozwoju). Support also consists of a preferential loan of PLN 750 million. According to WiseEuropa: "The largest coal mining company in Poland, PGG, is set to receive short-term state aid in the form of PLN 1.75 bn (EUR 0.4 bn) loan from the Polish Development Fund (PFR) under the Anticrisis Shield. In the previous months, the PFR was reluctant to provide the loan to PGG, stressing that the unprofitable mining company has to present a credible restructuring plan. The recent amendments to the rules of the Anti-Crisis Shield allow the PFR to shift the responsibility for the decision by requesting government consent to provide a loan. It is expected that the PGG will receive the loan soon, allowing it to maintain the liquidity for several more months and providing more time for the talks with the mining trade unions and negotiations with the EC regarding the state aid." | https://www.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news%2C843377%2Cpolska-grupa-gornicza-otrzyma-1-mld-zl-pozyczki-plynnosciowej.html (accessed 5 April 2021); https://biznes.wprost.pl/koronawirus/tarcza-antykryzysowa/10434518/miliard-zlotych-pozyczki-dla-pgg-rada-ministrow-wydala-zgode.html (accessed 8 April 2021); https://wise-europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Monitor-March-2021_0103.pdf (accessed 8 April 2021) |
Poland | Archdiocese of Wrocław | Clean unconditional | Co-financing (low-interest loan) for thermomodernization of historic sacred buildings of the Archdio... | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Loan (Hybrid) | 256410.25641026 | 08/03/2021 | Energy efficiency | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | For energy efficiency improvements, namely to reduce heat losses and reduce the operating costs of the facilities | 08/03/2021 | 1000000 | The project will receive a low-interest loan of PLN 1 million as well as PLN 9.7 million in subsidies transferred from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management to the Archdiocese of Wrocław. Thermal modernization will be carried out in 6 buildings, which includes the insulation of external walls, insulation of internal walls, insulation of walls from unheated rooms, insulation of walls in the ground, insulation of ceilings in attics and attics, replacement of windows and doors, installation of gas boilers, and installation of energy management systems in buildings. Central heating and hot water installations as well as lighting and ventilation will be modernized. Energy consumption should be decreased by 8,439.30 GJ / year and CO2 emissions reduced by 442.49 tons / year. Total project costs are valued at over PLN 10.8 million. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1726,termomodernizacja-zabytkowych-obiektow-sakralnych-w-woj-dolnoslaskim.html (accessed 8 Mar 2021) |
Poland | Archdiocese of Wrocław | Clean unconditional | Co-financing (subsidy) for thermomodernization of historic sacred buildings of the Archdiocese of Wr... | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 2487179.4871795 | 08/03/2021 | Energy efficiency | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | For energy efficiency improvements, namely to reduce heat losses and reduce the operating costs of the facilities | 08/03/2021 | 9700000 | PLN 9.7 million in subsidies is being transferred from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management to the Archdiocese of Wrocław. Thermal modernization will be carried out in 6 buildings, which includes the insulation of external walls, insulation of internal walls, insulation of walls from unheated rooms, insulation of walls in the ground, insulation of ceilings in attics and attics, replacement of windows and doors, installation of gas boilers, and installation of energy management systems in buildings. Central heating and hot water installations as well as lighting and ventilation will be modernized. Energy consumption should be decreased by 8,439.30 GJ / year and CO2 emissions reduced by 442.49 tons / year. The project will also receive a low-interest loan of PLN 1 million. Total project costs are valued at over PLN 10.8 million. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1726,termomodernizacja-zabytkowych-obiektow-sakralnych-w-woj-dolnoslaskim.html (accessed 8 Mar 2021) |
Poland | National | Fossil conditional | Adoption of draft amendment to the law on emissions trading, which will allow domestic entities to b... | Multiple sectors | Non-applicable (non-energy measure) | New or extended regulation (IT... | 03/03/2021 | Non-applicable (non-energy measure) | Sejm, Office of the Presidency | Government | To adjust Polish law to the EU regulations on EU ETS and to apply to the Modernization Fund program | 03/03/2021 | The government adopted a draft amendment to the law on emissions trading, which allows domestic entities to benefit from the Modernization Fund (a pool of money from the sale of CO2 emission allowances) for the modernization of the energy sector. The amendment adjusts Polish law on the ETS system for the years 2021-2030. The Modernization Fund is intended for the modernization of the energy system and improvement of energy efficiency in EU countries. The fund is available to countries whose GDP per capita is lower than 60% of the 2013 EU average. Poland can benefit from over 43% of the available pool of funds from selling approx. 135 million emission allowances worth between EUR 2-4.8 billion. The operator of the fund in Poland will be the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. | https://www.cire.pl/item,213191,1,0,0,0,0,0,rzad-przyjal-projekt-dotyczacy-skorzystania-z-funduszu-modernizacyjnego.html (accessed 7 Mar 2021); https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/sejm-za-przyjeciem-ustawy-regulujacej-tzw-fundusz-modernizacyjny (accessed 18 April 2021); https://www.cire.pl/item,218531,1,0,0,0,0,0,prezydent-podpisal-nowele-o-systemie-handlu-uprawnieniami-do-emisji.html (accessed 6 June 2021) |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Norwegian Funds for improving the competitiveness of Polish companies | Multiple sectors | Multiple energy types | Other hybrid support measures | 02/03/2021 | Several energy stages | Norwegian grants, Polish Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy | Other | To improve the competitiveness of Polish small and medium-sized enterprises through support in the development and implementation of innovative technologies, solutions, processes, products, and services; to improve relations between Norway and Poland | 02/03/2021 | A total of EUR 60 million of funds (Norwegian Funds) will be allocated to about 90 small- and medium-sized enterprises involved in (1) developing environmentally friendly technologies or (2) innovation in the area of inland or sea waters. With respect to the first category, 78 projects were recommended for a total co-financing value of about EUR 49 million. The second category (not entirely energy-related) includes a shortlist of 12 selected projects that would receive about EUR 10 million. Additional funding would be available to companies owned or co-owned by women. | https://www.gov.pl/web/fundusze-regiony/fundusze-norweskie-na-poprawe-konkurencyjnosci-polskich-firm (accessed 7 Mar 2021) |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Co-financing for thermal modernization of three Camilian Fathers buildings | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 589743.58974359 | 05/03/2021 | Energy efficiency | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | The funds for the modernization come from a program that seeks to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption | 05/03/2021 | 2300000 | The Polish segment of the Order of the Camilian Fathers (Ojcowie Kamilianie - Zakon posługujący chorym) will receive a PLN 2.3 million subsidy from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management to modernize three of its facilities in Tarnowskie Góry, Taciszów, and Hutki. The subsidy covers 80% of the PLN 2.8 million in total costs. Work will be conducted on boiler rooms, ventilation systems, and hot water installations. Heat pumps and solar installations will be installed. Work is expected to be completed by Sept. 2022. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1724,termomodernizacja-budynkow-zakonu-ojcow-kamilianow.html (accessed 7 Mar 2021) |
Poland | Wadowice | Clean unconditional | Co-financing granted for the modernization of heat plant in Wadowice city | Power generation | Energy efficiency | Other hybrid support measures | 461538.46153846 | 25/02/2021 | Energy efficiency | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | To help the heating company obtain status of an effective heating system, to reduce the negative impact of heating on the environment and to improve air quality | 25/02/2021 | 1800000 | Funding will be used for general modernization of Wadowickie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej TERMOWAD's boiler room. The PLN 1.8 millon cofinancing consists of a PLN 550 thousand subsidy and a PLN 1.3 million low-interest loan. Total project costs are valued at PLN 2.2 million. Project implementation began in 2019 and is expected to conclude in 2021. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1718,nfosigw-dofinansuje-modernizacje-zakladu-cieplowniczego-w-wadowicach.html (accessed 1 Mar 2021) |
Poland | National | Other energy | New Energy (Nowa Energia) – Financing hydrogen projects | Multiple sectors | Hydrogen | Loan (Hybrid) | 76923076.923077 | 15/02/2021 | Several energy stages | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | "To support innovation in the field of production, transport, storage and use of hydrogen, creating a Polish expertise in this field. To make Polish firms benefit economically from the transition towards carbon-free and low-carbon energy " | 15/02/2021 | 300000000 | In March 2021 the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) will launch the first call for proposals for the "New Energy" programme intended for companies using hydrogen technologies. The first stage of the programme consists of PLN 300 million (ca. EUR 66.8 million) invested to support industrial projects using mature hydrogen technologies at the level of production, transport, storage or utilisation.Firms will be able to receive loans up to 85% of project costs. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/nabor-na-innowacyjne-projekty-wodorowe-od-18-marca |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | “My Electricity” program to receive additional funds | Power generation | Solar | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 128205128.20513 | 05/01/2021 | Electricity generation | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | Improving the amount of electricity generated from PV | 05/01/2021 | 500000000 | The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) plans to disburse PLN 5 billion (c.a. EUR 1,1 billion) for grants in 2021, mainly for “Clean Air” and “My Electricity” programs. Although it is still unknown how much of these funds will be allocated for the latter, NFOŚiGW already announced that it will spend additional PLN 500 million (ca. EUR 110 million) for those who applied for funding in that last year’s edition of the program. Since “My Electricity” program (which aims at supporting prosumer photovoltaics) was already expanded, the total amount of funding within the “My Electricity” program already hit PLN 1.1 billion (ca. EUR 242 million). | https://www.green-news.pl/1504-moj-prad-500-mln-zl-2021 |
Poland | National | Other energy | Polish Energy Policy until 2040 | Multiple sectors | Multiple energy types | New or extended regulation (IT... | 02/02/2021 | Several energy stages | Ministry of Climate | Government | To outline the transformation strategy for the Polish energy sector and provide guidance for disbursment of the EU funds and identify investment needs associated with the post-COVID-19 recovery process | 02/02/2021 | PEP2040 outlines the Polish government's energy policy to 2040. The three main pillars of the country's energy policy are: a just transition, a zero-emissions energy system, and good air quality. The document also indicates the expected energy mix to 2040. The plan still needs approval from the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy and various committees within the Chancellary of the Prime Minister. The Ministry of Climate presented new draft of the Energy Policy of Poland until 2040 (PEP2040). Among other things, the document presents forecasts for the power sector evolution under the baseline and high (estimated based on the EU-wide 55% reduction target) emission allowance price scenario. In the latter case, the coal share in electricity production drops to 37.5% in 2030 and 11% in 2040. On the other hand, it does not address limitations and costs arising from the suppressed development of the onshore wind projects, while embracing development of PV and offshore wind, as well as assuming deployment of the first nuclear power plant in 2033. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/polityka-energetyczna-polski-do-2040-r-przyjeta-przez-rade-ministrow |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Green fund (PKO Renewable Energy) established by PKO BP, the largest, state-controlled bank | Power generation | Multiple renewable | Uncategorized | 128205128.20513 | 19/01/2021 | Electricity generation | B2B agreement | SOE | 19/01/2021 | 500000000 | PKO BP Bank, in cooperation with PKO TFI investment fund, plans to allocate PLN 500 million (ca. EUR 110 million) to establish a new green fund called PKO Energia Odnawialna (eng. PKO Renewable Energy). The new fund will be dedicated to investment in renewable energy technologies, primarily wind farms and photovoltaics. According to PKO TFI, the fund will be designed as a closed-end fund and its certificates will not be admitted to trading on the regulated market. | https://www.pkotfi.pl/aktualnosci/pko-energii-odnawialnej-fizan-nowy-fundusz-grupy-pko-banku-polskiego/ |
Poland | Krotoszyn County, Greater Pola... | Clean unconditional | EU funding from the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program to go towards 363 PV installations | Power generation | Solar | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 2318778.2051282 | 03/02/2021 | Electricity generation | Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program | Government | 03/02/2021 | 9043235 | PLN 9,043,235 will be allocated to the Krotoszyn poviat for 363 installations. The entire project is worth PLN 13,086,093. This is the result of an application for funding submitted in 2017. This is funding from the EU, specifically from the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program. The towns of Koźmin Wielkopolski obtained PLN 2,428,025 of the co-financing for 91 installations, the commune of Rozdrażew PLN 1,559,410 for 66 installations, and the commune of Zduny PLN 5,055,800 for 206 installations. | https://www.cire.pl/item,211329,1,0,0,0,0,0,wielkopolskie-ponad-9-mln-zl-dla-trzech-gmin-na-363-instalacje-fotowoltaiczne.html (accessed 8 Feb 2021) |
Poland | Chocimino village, Polanów di... | Clean unconditional | Allocation of EU cofinancing of solar farm in Chocimino | Power generation | Solar | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 435897.43589744 | 30/01/2021 | Electricity generation | EU Regional Operational Program of West Pomerania | Government | Funding from this program is reserved for projects supporting the low-carbon economy | 30/01/2021 | 1700000 | TECH-GAS, a company in the sanitary and energy sector, will build a 2 MW installation with the help of EU funding. The entire project is valued at PLN 5.3 million, of which PLN 1.7 million will be EU funded thanks to the Regional Operational Program of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. CO2 emissions will be reduced by 1,618.79 tons / year. All energy will be sold to the national power grid. Project completion is expected for Sept. 2021. | https://koszalininfo.pl/w-gminie-polanow-powstanie-farma-fotowoltaiczna-pomoga-srodki-unii-europejskiej/ (accessed 1 Feb 2021) |
Poland | Połczyn-Zdrój town, West Pom... | Clean unconditional | Połczyn-Zdrój town, West Pomeranian Voivodeship | Power generation | Solar | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 98974.358974359 | 30/01/2021 | Electricity generation | EU Regional Operational Program of West Pomerania | Government | Funding from this program is reserved for projects supporting the low-carbon economy | 30/01/2021 | 386000 | Rooftop solar will be installed on the roof of the Połczyn-Zdrój hospital in West Pomerania. EU funds allocated from the Regional Operational Program of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship will cover PLN 386,000 of the total PLN 558,000 investment. The installation will have a capacity of 36 MWh/ year (156 panels). The project should be completed by Sept. 2021. | https://www.cire.pl/item,211145,1,0,0,0,0,0,zachodniopomorskie-instalacja-fotowoltaiczna-powstanie-na-dachu-szpitala-w-polczynie-zdroju.html (accessed 1 Feb 2021) |
Poland | Podlaskie Voivodeship | Clean unconditional | Allocation of EU cofinancing of RES installations for residents of the Podlaskie Voivodeship | Power generation | Solar | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 14615384.615385 | 28/01/2021 | Electricity generation | EU Regional Operational Program of West Pomerania | Government | Funding from this program is reserved for projects supporting the low-carbon economy | 28/01/2021 | 57000000 | 47 local governments in the Podlaskie Voivodeship will be allocated PLN 57 million from the EU Regional Operational Program of the Podlaskie Voivodeship. These funds go to subsidizing the purchase and installation of residential solar panels. The fund value was increased from PLN 30 million to PLN 57 million. | https://www.cire.pl/item,211145,1,0,0,0,0,0,zachodniopomorskie-instalacja-fotowoltaiczna-powstanie-na-dachu-szpitala-w-polczynie-zdroju.html (accessed 1 Feb 2021) |
Poland | Grajewo (Podlaskie Voivodeship... | Clean conditional | EU cofinancing for biofuel cogeneration facilities in Grajewo, Drzonów, and Marcinkowice | Power generation | Biofuels and waste | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 6387200 | 21/01/2021 | Reduced environmental damage | To reduce CO2 emissions, lower energy consumption, and improve local air quality. | Government | none of the above | 21/01/2021 | 24910080 | EU subsidies of approximately PLN 25 million were signed with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The co-financing will support cogeneration projects worth a total PLN 48 million. Two beneficiary projects - Bioelektrownia Wrzos Sp. z o. o. and Bioelektrownia Świerszczewo Sp. z o. o. - will build installations that will utilize local agricultural biogas for local heat and electricity generation. The heat and power plant planned by dairy cooperative MLEKPOL in Grajewo will likewise utilize locally-sourced biogas. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1706,unijne-dotacje-na-trzy-kolejne-inwestycje-kogeneracyjne.html (accessed 25 Jan 2021) |
Poland | Ełk (Warmian-Masurian Voivode... | Clean conditional | EU Cohesion Funds to support biomass-powered heat installations in Ełk, Lębork, and Koszalin | Power generation | Biofuels and waste | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 5590449.7435897 | 01/12/2020 | Electricity generation | European Commission, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | EU program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020, sub-measure 1.1.1, supports investments related to the production of energy from renewable sources and the connection of these sources to the distribution / transmission grid | 01/12/2020 | 21802754 | About PLN 22 million in EU Cohesion Funds (contract signed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management) will support three biomass-powered heat installations in three Polish cities. This co-financing supports total project costs of over PLN 55 million. The funds will support new biomass boilers and their connection to the transmission systems. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1701,w-elku-leborku-i-koszalinie-cieplo-bedzie-produkowane-z-biomasy.html (accessed 18 Jan 2021) |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Ministry of Infrastructure signs 10-year contract with PKP Intercity for the provision of rail trans... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Government procurement (DT) | 5407948717.9487 | 14/01/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Infrastructure | Government | To increase the share of rail transport and to develop rail as an environmentally friendly form of public transport | 14/01/2021 | 21091000000 | PKP Intercity signed a contract with the Ministry of Infrastructure for the "provision of public services," namely in providing inter-provincial passnger rail transport between 2021-2030. It is expected that the share of rail transport in public transport will increase and that rail will continue to develop as an environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Climate neutrality is a motivating factor for the agreement, as is economic development. By increasing rail access, it is hoped that transport exclusion will lessen. | https://www.gov.pl/web/aktywa-panstwowe/pkp-intercity-z-nowa-umowa-dotyczaca-swiadczenia-uslug-publicznych (accessed 18 Jan 2021) |
Poland | Warsaw | Clean unconditional | City of Warsaw signs PLN 32 million contract with Lug Light Factory to replace street lighting fixtu... | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Government procurement (DT) | 8205128.2051282 | 13/01/2021 | Energy efficiency | City of Warsaw | Government | To lower the city's energy bills and to improve safety, energy efficiency, and air quality. | 13/01/2021 | 32000000 | Lug Light Factory of Zielona Góra signed a contract with the City of Warsaw to replace approximately 40,000 light fixtures for LED installations across Warsaw between 2021-2022. This is one of multiple energy-saving solutions the City is working on, pressured by rising electricity prices. This will lower electricity bills, increase safety, and improve on energy efficiency. The contract allows the City to increase the order from Lug (without an additional tender) up to a value of PLN 5 million. | https://www.cire.pl/item,210300,1,0,0,0,0,0,jest-umowa-na-wymiane-ok-40-tys-opraw-oswietleniowych-w-calej-warszawie.html (accessed 18 Jan 2021); https://www.lug.com.pl/firma/aktualnosci,11225/lug-podpisal-umowe-na-wymiane-oswietlenia-w-stolicy (accessed 18 Jan 2021) |
Poland | Gorzów Wielkopolski | Clean unconditional | Górczyn Housing Cooperative in Gorzów Wielkopolski receives PLN 3 million in EU funding for photov... | Power generation | Solar | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 769230.76923077 | 09/01/2021 | Electricity generation | Lubuskie Voivodeship, Górczyn Housing Cooperative, EU | Government | To support renewable power supply in buildings, leading to reduced electricity bills for residents | 09/01/2021 | 3000000 | The Górczyn Housing Cooperative in Gorzów Wielkopolski received over PLN 3 million in co-financing from EU funding for the construction of a photovoltaic installation. The housing cooperative has around 9 thousand apartments in approximately 250 buildings. Renewable energy produced in common parts of the building will lead to a reduction in electricity bills for residents. The photovoltaic installation will have a total capacity of 1.2 MW and will generate savings of approx. 600-700 thousand PLN per year in energy bills. Construction will start this year and is expected to be completed in 2022. The total cost of the project is PLN 7 million. | https://www.cire.pl/item,209898,1,0,0,0,0,0,ponad-3-mln-zl-na-instalacje-fotowoltaiczna-dla-spoldzielni-mieszkaniowej-w-gorzowie-wlkp.html (accessed 11 Jan 2021) |
Poland | Local: Miejskie Przedsiębiors... | Fossil unconditional | Municipal district heating in Nowy Sącz receives PLN 9.4 million subsidy from EU for gas boiler for... | Power generation | Gas and gas products | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 2410256.4102564 | 30/12/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | European Commission | Government | To support a modern high-efficiency cogeneration system producing combined heat and electricity from gas | 30/01/2020 | 9400000 | The EU subsidy valued at PLN 9.4 million will support Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej in Nowy Sącz in the construction of a gas-powered combined heat and electricity system. The source of funding is the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020, sub-measure 1.6.1. MPEC in Nowy Sącz is the operator of a system that includes energy sources and a heat network for city residents, public institutions, and companies. The planned project involves the construction of a gas boiler for the production of thermal energy to meet year-round heat demand in Nowy Sącz. A modern high-efficiency cogeneration system powered by natural gas will produce 5.85 MW of heat and 6 MW of electricity per year. Greenhouse gas emissions are expected to decrease by approx. 31,496 tons of CO2 / year and primary energy consumption by 171,375 GJ / year. Limiting the use of hard coal is a key goal. The contract for co-financing the construction was signed in Warsaw on December 29, 2020 by the Vice-President of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the President of the Management Board of Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Sp. z o. o. in Nowy Sącz. The total cost of the investment will be almost PLN 27 million, and its completion is planned for the second quarter of 2023. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1698,wysokosprawna-kogeneracja-w-nowosadeckim-mpec.html (accessed 4 Jan 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | PLN 57 million in support for street lighting (22,000 ecological lighting points) co-financed by the... | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Loan (Hybrid) | 14615384.615385 | 30/12/2020 | Energy efficiency | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | To prevent dust, GHG emissions, and other harmful substances from entering the atmosphere; to reduce electricity consumption; to improve the functionality of lighting infrastructure; to improve road safety | 30/12/2020 | 57000000 | Street lighting will be co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The amount of support - PLN 57 million - will be provided in the form of preferential loans, which can be redeemed up to 10% (but not more than PLN 1 million). This funding, which will support the installation of over 22,000 ecological lighting points, was made possible thanks to the "SOWA - outdoor lighting" program. The expected benefits are increased road safety and pedestrian traffic and will contribute to the reduction of dust, greenhouse gas emissions, and other harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide to the atmosphere. A 50% reduction in electricity consumption is also expected. Improvements include the installation of LED lamps, new cable lines and poles, new extension arms, and new lighting fixtures. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1697,wsparcie-nfosigw-na-modernizacje-oswietlenia-zewnetrznego-w-pieciu-wojewodztwach.html (accessed 4 Jan 2020) |
Poland | National | Fossil unconditional | Orlen, Energa, and PGNiG to build a gas-powered plant in Ostrołęka | Power generation | Gas and gas products | Uncategorized | 23/12/2020 | Electricity generation | B2B agreement | SOE | To reduce emissions in Ostrołęka by replacing coal with natural gas powered electricity generation | 23/12/2020 | State-controlled entities Orlen, Energa, and PGNiG agreed to form a new company - to be approved by antimonopoly authorities by June 30, 2021 - that will build a new gas and steam unit in the city of Ostrołęka. Orlen and Energa will have a total share of 51% in the project, while PGNiG will have the remaining 49% share. This agreement complements a 2016 agreement between Orlen and PGNiG, which guarantees Orlen stable gas supplies to its projects until 2027. As part of the terms, PGNiG will ensure supply of natural gas to the power plant by end-2027. This is seen as supporting Orlen's low-emission strategy seeing as a coal-fired power plant was recently constructed in Ostrołęka. While company Enea was initially part of this consortium, it backed out of the project. | https://www.cire.pl/item,209371,1,0,0,0,0,0,orlen-energa-i-pgnig-zbuduja-elektrownie-gazowa-w-ostrolece.html (accessed 28 Dec 2020) |
Poland | National | Fossil unconditional | PLN 2.9 billion aid package for LOT Polish Airlines (PLL LOT) is approved | Mobility | Oil and oil products | Other hybrid support measures | 743589743.58974 | 22/12/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Council of Ministers and European Commission | Government | To support the company during the global pandemic. | 22/12/2020 | 2900000000 | With the approval of the European Commission, LOT Polish was granted state aid in the amount of PLN 2.9 billion in light of the global pandemic. The aid package consists of (1) an increase in the share capital by the State Treasury by PLN 1.1 billion and (2) a PLN 1.8 billion loan that will be granted by the Polish Development Fund. LOT has committed to repay the majority of the aid value, including interest, within six years. | https://www.gov.pl/web/aktywa-panstwowe/pakiet-pomocowy-dla-pll-lot-przyjety (accessed 28 Dec 2020) |
Poland | National | Other energy | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and Polish Development Fund pilot an... | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Uncategorized | 2564102.5641026 | 18/12/2020 | Energy efficiency | Agreement signed between the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the Polish Development Fund | Government | To mobilize both public and private funds to promote thermal modernization | 18/12/2020 | 10000000 | The agreement between the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the Polish Development Fund allows for the implementation of the ESCO (Energy Service Company) model in Poland that will spur energy savings in the multi-family housing sector. In the first stage of the project (2021), the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management will allocate PLN 10 million to communities, housing cooperatives, and local governments to cover modernization projects and consultation costs. The pool of funds will increase with experience in the program. Inspiration for the program was taken from the EU's FinEErgoDom initiative. Under the model, building owners will be able to undertake thermal modernization activities (that will lead to the reduction of energy consumption) thanks to financial contributions by ESCOs. ESCOs debts will be ensured purchase by the Polish Development Fund. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1695,nfosigw-i-pfr-s-a-beda-wdrazac-model-esco-pilotaz-z-budzetem-10-mln-zl.html (accessed 21 Dec 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | PLN 146 million of EU funding to the OP Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 program allocated t... | Multiple sectors | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 37435897.435897 | 10/12/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | To enable the construction or modernization of heating networks and to reduce smog and CO2 emissions | 10/12/2020 | 146000000 | PLN 146 million under the OP Infrastructure and Environment program, which benefits from EU Cohesion Funds and the EU Regional Development Fund and is overseen by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (which granted the funds), will be channeled into the construction or modernization of heating networks in 20 towns in Poland. The funds will help improve conditions of the network infrastructure as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions and primary energy consumption. It is estimated that primary energy consumption will be reduced by approx. 381 GJ / year, dust emissions will be reduced by approx. 40 tons / year, and greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide, will be reduced by approx. 38 tons of CO2 equivalent / year. This investment is therefore considered in line with the European Green Deal. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1688,ponad-146-mln-zl-unijnego-dofinansowania-na-infrastrukture-cieplownicza-w-20-miejscowosciach.html (accessed 14 Dec 2020) |
Poland | National | Other energy | The Energy Regulatory Office (URE) announced power fee rates for 2021 | Power generation | Multiple energy types | Uncategorized | 30/11/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Energy Regulatory Office | Government | Yearly publishing of rates for different consumer groups | 30/11/2020 | The Energy Regulatory Office published power rates for individual customer groups for 2021. One difference this coming year is that there will now be a RES fee, which had been zero for the past three years, while the cogeneration fee will go down to zero. The rules identify different household consumer groups based on amount of energy consumed (with corresponding rates). The rules also stipulate that other consumer groups will pay based on the amount of electricity consumed from the grid at specific hours of the day (with the corresponding fee). The fees reflect capacity market auction results. | https://www.cire.pl/item,208075,1,0,0,0,0,0,ure-podal-stawki-oplaty-mocowej.html (accessed 30 Nov 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Act on offshore wind farm development | Power generation | Wind | New or extended regulation (IT... | 27/11/2020 | Electricity generation | Project submitted by Ministry of Climate, approved by the Council of Ministers and Sejm, requires approval of Senate and President | Government | To support wind farm (and RES in general) development | 27/11/2020 | The Council of Ministers adopted a draft act on promoting electricity generation in offshore wind farms, submitted by the Minister of Climate and Environment. It was adopted by the Sejm (Parliament) 17 Dec. 2020. The new regulations will significantly facilitate the use of the wind energy potential in the Baltic Sea and the development of Polish companies from the maritime economy sector. It is anticipated that the support for investors will be granted for a period of 25 years. The new act introduces a number of improvements. Administrative and legal procedures have been simplified, reducing the time in which investors can implement investments in offshore wind farms. In the first phase of the system's operation, for farms with a total capacity of 5.9 GW, support will be granted by way of an administrative decision by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office. The possibility of entering this system ends on June 30, 2021. In the following years, support will be granted in the formula of competitive auctions. The second auction is expected to take place in 2025 and the third in 2027, leading to a total of 5 GW of additional capacity built. A tax will also be included in the act; offshore wind is not subject to a real estate tax. The new act provides that investors will be required to conduct a dialogue with potential suppliers of materials and services for the implementation of offshore wind farms. Polish companies will therefore have the opportunity to become part of the supply chain of services and technologies necessary for the operation of offshore wind farms. The Ministry of Climate and Environment predicts that the new regulations will encourage investors and accelerate the process of transformation of the Polish energy sector into zero-emission energy sources. After 2020, Poland, as well as other EU Member States, are required to generate at least 15% of electricity from renewable sources. Though it was envisioned that the law would come into effect Jan. 1, 2021, the Senate Special Committee for Climate Affairs will only get to this issue in early Jan. If there will be no amendments to the law, the President could sign it by mid-Jan., allowing the law to come into effect by Feb. On 13 Jan. 2021, the Senate unanimously supported the bill, sending it for approval to the President. On Jan. 22, 2021, the President signed the new act, signalling a move towards low-emission and zero-emission electricity. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/projekt-ustawy-wspierajacej-morskie-farmy-wiatrowe-przyjety (accessed 30 Nov 2020); https://www.cire.pl/item,209101,1,0,0,0,0,0,sejm-przyjal-ustawe-o-offshore.html (accessed 21 Dec 2020); https://www.cire.pl/item,209289,1,0,0,0,0,0,ustawa-o-offshore-nie-wejdzie-w-zycie-od-1-stycznia-2021-r.html (accessed 21 Dec 2020); https://www.cire.pl/item,210063,1,0,0,0,0,0,senat-przyjal-ustawe-o-morskiej-energetyce-wiatrowej.html (accessed 18 Jan 2021); https://www.gov.pl/web/aktywa-panstwowe/ustawa-offshore-z-podpisem-prezydenta (accessed 25 Jan 2021) |
Poland | National | Other energy | Council of Ministers adopt draft amendments to the Energy Law | Multiple sectors | Multiple energy types | New or extended regulation (IT... | 24/11/2020 | Several energy stages | Council of Ministers | Government | 24/11/2020 | The purpose of the amendment was to introduce a number of innovative solutions relating to electricity, liquid fuels/ gas, and energy policy. The new rules will provide for the installation of smart meters (so that are consumers are billed for actual energy consumed as opposed to forecasted consumption) and the installation of two-way remote reading meters to at least 80% of ened-sers by the end of 2028. It also says that all data will be transferred to the Central Energy Market Information System (CSIRE), which should reduce barriers for new suppliers entering the market and all processing of smart meter data will be the responsibility of the Energy Market Information Operator (OIRE), a function of the TSO PSE. Other revisions to the Energy Law include: solutions for the development of energy storage and the developed of distributed energy and RES; increasing consumer protection on the energy and gaseous fuels market; itroducing solutions for billing; greater supervision of the energy, gaseous fuels, and liquid fuels markets; among others. The amendments will enter force once 14 days after they are published in the Journal of Laws. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/rada-ministrow-przyjela-projekt-nowelizacji-ustawy--prawo-energetyczne (accessed 30 Nov 2020) |
Poland | Municipal | Clean conditional | City of Poznań increased funding for heat sources replacement and reducing smog | Buildings | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 2564102.5641026 | 20/11/2020 | Several energy stages | Government | Reducing smog and emissions from heating system | 20/11/2020 | 10000000 | The city of Poznań is continuing the Kawka BiS program. It is aimed at reducing the emission of pollutants resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels. City residents can apply for funding for the liquidation of stoves and boilers that are fired with them and replacing them with system heat, gas, electric or oil heating or a heat pump. Since this year, this list has also been extended to include photovoltaic installations. The pool of funds allocated to the program was increased from PLN 2 million to PLN 10 million per year. Previously, the upper limit of co-financing for one premises was 6,000. PLN, after the changes it is 12 thousand. PLN or 15 thousand. PLN - in the case of photovoltaics. | https://www.poznan.pl/mim/info/news/miasto-poznan-przygotowane-do-walki-ze-smogiem,155854.html |
Poland | National | Fossil unconditional | JSW, state-owned coal company, received PLN 1 billion as part of the government Financial Shield for... | Resources | Coal | Loan guarantee (Hybrid) | 256410256.41026 | 17/11/2020 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Government (Polish Development Fund ("PFR") under the government program Financial Shield of the Polish Development Fund for Large Companies) | Government | Supporting the liquidity of JSW | 17/11/2020 | 1000000000 | Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa will receive a PLN 1 billion under the Financial Shield of the Polish Development Fund for Large Companies. The money will supply the liquidty of company, due to COVID-19 related crisis losses. The loan will have to be repaid by September 30, 2024 at the latest. The JSW Group is the largest producer of high-quality type 35 (hard) coking coal and a significant producer of Coke in the European Union. | https://www.jsw.pl/relacje-inwestorskie/raporty-gieldowe/raporty-biezace/raport-biezacy/raport-biezacy-nr-40-2020 |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | The city of Bełchatow finances the clean charging station for public buses | Power generation | Solar | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 102564.1025641 | 09/11/2020 | Several energy stages | County Office of Bełchatów, Municipal Department of Transport | Government | Greening of the public transport | 09/11/2020 | 400000 | Bełchatów is on its way to make public transport cleaner. After purchasing several electric buses, now it is installing 280 photovoltaic panels with a capacity of 89.6 kWp. The cost of the "solar" investment is just over PLN 400,000. PLN. Co-financing from Bełchatów County Office will reach 316,000. PLN. | http://m.infobus.pl/mzk-belchatow-naladuje-elektrobusy-takze-…-sloncem-_more_128557.html# |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management increased budget of “My Electr... | Power generation | Solar | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 25641025.641026 | 10/11/2020 | Electricity generation | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | Supplying the funding of program in 2020 as the whole budget has been depleted because of large number of applications | 10/11/2020 | 100000000 | On November 10, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management announced that it has decided to increase this year's budget of the "My Electricity" program by an additional PLN 100 million for investments in the production of electricity from PV installations with a capacity of 2-10 kW. The decision had been made in reaction to the exhaustion of the pool of already allocated subsidies worth PLN 1 billion. | https://www.nfosigw.gov.pl/o-nfosigw/aktualnosci/art,1675,nfosigw-zwieksza-budzet-mojego-pradu-o-dodatkowe-100-mln-zl.html |
Poland | Lubelskie region | Fossil unconditional | Financial support for LW Bogdanka coal mine from the Fund of Guaranteed Employee Benefits | Resources | Coal | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 8641025.6410256 | 06/10/2020 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Voivodship Labor Office (VLO) in Lublin, Fund of Guaranteed Employee Benefits (FGŚP) | Government | To protect the jobs during the pandemic crisis | 06/10/2020 | 33700000 | On 6th of October, Regional Labour Office in Lubelskie region granted EUR 7.4 million for Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka from the Fund of Guaranteed Employee Benefits for the protection of jobs. The money comes from the Anti-crisis Shield. Bogdanka is one of the few profitable coal mines in Poland, due to the favorable geologic conditions. At the end of 2019, LW Bogdanka had a 20.8% share in the steam coal market in Poland and 26.8% in the coal market for the commercial power industry. The company belongs to the Enea, state-owned utility. Although there is no closure date for this mine, the representatives of the government, mine’s board and unions have established a working group that will determine next steps and time horizon for mine’s operations. | https://www.cire.pl/item,207480,1,0,0,0,0,0,opublikowano-pierwsza-czesc-reformy-rynku-bilansujacego.html (accessed 23 Nov 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Tauron, one of the biggest Polish energy sector companies, to issue green bonds worth EUR 200 mln | Multiple sectors | Multiple energy types | Uncategorized | 23/10/2020 | Several energy stages | NA (TAURON Polska Energia) | SOE | To support the low-carbon transition strategy of the company | Tauron has signed the agreement with EBRD for the potential buy-out of the bonds, committing to the EBRD’s ESG standards. The revenues are to support low-carbon transition of the company in line with the recently announced strategy, which states that by 2030 the energy produced by Tauron will be at least in 65% coming from renewables | https://media.tauron.pl/pr/586048/miliard-na-zielony-zwrot-taurona |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | State-owned rail entities have signed a letter of intent to cooperate in the creation of the solutio... | Mobility | Multiple renewable | Uncategorized | 02/11/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | NA (PKP Cargo, PKP Energetyka) | SOE | To decarbonise rail sector | 02/11/2020 | PKP Cargo and PKP Energetyka have signed a letter of intent regarding cooperation in the creation of the solutions that will enable PKP company to use electricity produced from renewable energy sources. The aim is to achieve the 85% of energy from RES by 2030. | https://energia.rp.pl/nowa-energia/oze/25051-kolej-chce-byc-bardziej-zielona |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Investments carried our by PKP state-owned rail-sector company | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Uncategorized | 161282051.28205 | 12/11/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | SOE | Expanding and increasing quality of the rail connectivity as well as building new infrastructure elements (bridges i.e.) | 12/11/2020 | 629000000 | PKP has informed that the last stage of works on the Kraków Płaszów - Podbory Skawińskie line has begun. The budgetary investment, worth over PLN 250 million is aimed at increasing access to railways within Małopolska region. Also, PKP PLK announced the signing of a contract for the reconstruction of the railway line and bridges within the section connecting Opole Zachodnie and Opole Groszowice. The investment worth PLN 275 million is co-financed from the Connecting Europe Facility CEF (Connecting Europe Facility 2014 - 2020). Finally, PKP PLK obtained PLN 104 million of EU funding for the revitalization of the railway line No. 117 on the section between Kalwaria Zebrzydowska and Andrychów in Małopolska. In total, the value of the works is over PLN 129 million. The investment is to improve rail traffic from Kraków to Bielsko-Biała. | https://www.gov.pl/web/infrastruktura/z-krakowa-do-skawiny-najszybciej-koleja |
https://www.portalsamorzadowy.pl/gospodarka-komunalna/jest-dofinansowanie-na-modernizacje-linii-kalwaria-zebrzydowska-andrychow,230061.html https://www.portalsamorzadowy.pl/inwestycje/opolskie-pkp-podpisala-kontrakt-za-275-mln-zlotych,228684.html |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Additional funding for the My Electricity program | Power generation | Solar | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 10/11/2020 | Electricity generation | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and Ministry of Climate | Government | Extension given the high number of applications and subsequent exhaustion of existing funds | 10/11/2020 | The call for applications to the "My Electricity" program continues until Dec. 18, however upon receipt of the program's 200,000th application on Nov. 6th, the program's funds became exhausted. Thus an additional PLN 100 million is now available, which should serve approximately 20,000 people. The My Electricity program subsidizes small-scale PV installations. The program will continue into 2021 and will offer a wider range of opportunities for potential beneficiaries. | https://www.cire.pl/item,207135,1,0,0,0,0,0,nfosigw-zwieksza-budzet-mojego-pradu-.html (accessed 16 Nov 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Green Public Transport program | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 333333333.33333 | 03/11/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management | Government | Part of the government's energy strategy | 04/01/2021 | 31/12/2020 | 1300000000 | Starting Jan. 4, 2020, local governments will be able to apply for subsidies for the purchase of zero-emission buses under the "Green Public Transport" program implemented by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The budget - PLN 1.1 billion in subsidies and PLN 200 million in loans - is estimated to help purchase at least 500 electric- or hydrogen-powered buses. This will help popularize the concept of zero-emissions in transport. Calls for proposals will occur in three phases, in 202, 2022, and 2023. Co-financing will be at 80% of eligible costs and 90% for hydrogen buses given the nature of the technology. Costs incurred between 1 Oct 2020 and 31 Dec 2025 are eligible, or until 31 Dec 2035 for leases. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/zielone-swiatlo-dla-zielonego-transportu-publicznego (accessed 16 Nov 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | EIB and LBBW finance four wind farms near Poznan | Power generation | Wind | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 47179487.179487 | 22/10/2020 | Electricity generation | EIB and LBBW | Public finance institution | To finance the construction and operation of four wind farms | 22/10/2020 | 184000000 | EIB loan of PLN 184 million (€42 million) helps build four wind farms in western Poland. Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) provides term loan financing of PLN 184 million plus ancillary tranches of €57 million as well as interest and currency hedges. EIB financing is backed by a guarantee under the European Fund for Strategic Investments, the financial pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe. The wind farms will be developed by German wpd AG in Jarocin Kozmin, Jarocin Wschod, Krotoszyn and Slupca Kolaczkowo near Poznan. They will have a total installed capacity of 102.5 MW, which enables them to power more than 60 000 households at peak times. | https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_1963 (accessed 26 Oct 2020) |
Poland | National | Other energy | Signing of Intergovernmental Agreement with the US on the development of Poland’s Nuclear Powe... | Power generation | Nuclear | Uncategorized | 19/10/2020 | Electricity generation | NA (intergovernmental agreement between the US and Poland) | Government | To promote geopolitical/energy security, economic growth, technological progress, and the development of a new industry in Poland | 19/10/2020 | The IGA was signed by US Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette and Poland's plenipotentiary for strategic energy infrastructure Piotr Naimski. This 30-year agreement concerns cooperation with respect to the development of the Polish Nuclear Power Program and the civil nuclear industry in Poland. Within 18 months, a joint report will be prepared, detailing the results of a preparatory and design work study, a proposal for the financing structure of nuclear project development, and recommendations on what partner to chose in carrying out the program. This agreement defines US-Polish cooperation in this field "for decades." | https://www.cire.pl/item,206072,1,0,0,0,0,0,departament-energii-usa-umowa-z-polska-ws-atomu---historyczna.html (accessed 19 Oct 2020) |
Poland | National | Other energy | Letter of intent on the development of the biogas and biomethane sector | Multiple sectors | Biofuels and waste | Uncategorized | 13/10/2020 | Several energy stages | NA (letter of intent between Ministry of Climate and sector actors) | Government | To bolster, through partnership, the biofuels sector | 13/10/2020 | The Ministry of Climate signed a LOI with industry members (including PKN Orlen and PGNiG) that states the intention to develop the biogas and biomethane sector together. Biofuels is viewed as a means of diversification and important to the entire economy, including agriculture and transport. | https://www.cire.pl/item,205762,1,0,0,0,0,0,podpisano-list-intencyjny-ws-rozwoju-branzy-biogazu-i-biometanu.html (accessed 19 Oct 2020) |
Poland | National | Fossil conditional | Poland agrees to phase out coal by 2049 (agreement between government and unions to shut down hard c... | Resources | Coal | Uncategorized | 25/09/2020 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Ministry of State Assets, Chancellary of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Climate | Government | To set the terms and pace of transformation in the Polish mining industry | Representatives of the Polish government (including the Ministry of State Assets, Chancellary of the Prime Minister, and Ministry of Climate) signed an agreement with trade union members in Poland (Inter-union Protest and Strike Committee) to close down the Polish mining industry by 2049. The liquidation of individual mines will occur in phases between 2021 and 2049. Coal miners are guaranteed their jobs until retirement; if this is not possible, they will be covered by a social protection plan. While this is a step in the right direction for the country, the agreement indicates that the state will continue to subsidize coal until 2049. For this reason, it is unclear whether the EC wil sign off on this plan (the EC must approve of the state aid plans for the policy to come into effect). The agreement does not cover coking coal mines in Silesia nor coal mining activities in Eastern Poland. | https://www.gov.pl/web/aktywa-panstwowe/porozumienie-w-sprawie-transformacji-i-przyszlosci-gornictwa-podpisane (accessed 28 Sep 2020); https://www.cire.pl/item,204893,1,0,0,0,0,0,podpisano-porozumienie-w-sprawie-zasad-i-tempa-transformacji-gornictwa-.html (accessed 28 Sep 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Signing of the Baltic Declaration for Offshore Wind Energy between the governments of Poland, German... | Power generation | Wind | Uncategorized | 15/09/2020 | Electricity generation | NA (governments of Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, European Commission) | Government | To build a strong energy system in Poland with a strong basis in wind energy; to accelerate and coordinate activities aimed at using the sea's potential | 30/09/2020 | The Declaration was signed 30 Sept. 2020. The purpose is to help foster offshore wind development in Poland and to support 25% of RES by 2030, as well as to coordinate and optimize activities to utilize energy of the sea. The countries will cooperate on maritime spacial planning, network development, power planning, and other support mechanisms. This will support the common energy market and cross-border infrastructure development. | https://www.cire.pl/item,204310,1,0,0,0,0,0,30-wrzesnia-podpisanie-deklaracji-baltyckiej-na-rzecz-morskiej-energetyki-wiatrowej.html (accessed 16 Sep 2020) https://www.cire.pl/item,205126,1,0,0,0,0,0,deklaracja-osmiu-panstw-i-ke-ws-rozwoju-energetyki-wiatrowej-na-baltyku.html (accessed 5 Oct 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Implementing the Central Register of Emissivity of Buildings | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Uncategorized | 17/09/2020 | Energy efficiency | Sejm (Parliament), senate | Government | Increasing effectiveness of tracking down the sources of smog | 17/09/2020 | On Thursday, September 17, Sejm (Polish-lower chamber of legislation) and then the Senate (upper-chamber)supported the amendment to the act on supporting thermo-modernization and renovation. The records will include houses and all buildings such as warehouses, churches, garages, hotels, offices, farms and hospitals. The decisive criterion will be the power of the heat source used - up to 1 MW of power, for which you do not need a permit. In this way, the government plans to track down the sources of smog, and the base will include around 5 million buildings. It is estimated that annually, data on approx. 500 thousand will be collected. The construction of the IT system is planned for 2020-23, the money is to come mostly from the EU Digital Poland fund. | https://tvn24.pl/biznes/z-kraju/centralna-ewidencja-emisyjnosci-budynkow-co-to-jest-ceeb-od-kiedy-kogo-dotyczy-4712212 |
Poland | National | Other energy | Amendment to the Act on Biocomponents and Liquid Biofuels and Certain Other Acts – liquidation... | Mobility | Biofuels and waste | Uncategorized | 14/08/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Office of the President | Government | To accelerate public financing for low-emissions transport and to make the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management responsible for financing environmental protection. | 01/10/2020 | The President of Poland signed an amendment to the Act on Biocomponents and Liquid Biofuels and Certain Other Acts that liquidates the Low-Emission Transport Fund and designates its responsibilities to the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The stated purpose is to accelerate public financing for low-emission transport and to designate the responsibility of environmental protection to the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The Low-Emission Transport Fund's financing will transfer over to the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Some tax regulations also change with this amendment; there will no longer be tax benefits from funds received from the FNT (they will now come from benefits from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management). | https://cng-lng.pl/wiadomosci/Fundusz-Niskoemisyjnego-Transportu-zlikwidowany,wiadomosc,9992.html (accessed 21 Sep 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Ministry of Climate approves RES auction rules for 2020 | Power generation | Multiple renewable | New or extended regulation (IT... | 17/09/2020 | Electricity generation | Ministry of Climate | Government | To support RES auctions and accommodate Anti-Crisis Shield measures | 17/09/2020 | The summary of all RES auctions conducted in 2020: Nearly 75.3 TWh of electricity from renewable sources has been allocated for sale under all auctions, with a total value of over PLN 27.4 billion. Half of the eight auctions were closed while four were not resolved due to the lack of the required number of submitted bids. As a result of the conclusion of all auctions, a total of 54.5 TWh ( 72%) of electricity was sold, with a total value of nearly PLN 12.9 billion (47%). Only one of the eight auctions was dedicated to existing installations migrating from the expiring system of certificates of origin. Over 97 percent the value of support will therefore go to new installations, i.e. those in which electricity will be generated for the first time after the auction session closure. As a result of this year's auctions, a total of over 1.56 GW of photovoltaic installations and nearly 0.93 GW of new wind farms and slightly over 4 MW of new capacity in other RES technologies may be created. | https://www.cire.pl/item,204624,1,0,0,0,0,0,minister-klimatu-zatwierdzil-regulamin-tegorocznych-aukcji-oze.html (accessed 21 Sep 2020); https://www.ure.gov.pl/pl/urzad/informacje-ogolne/aktualnosci/9191,Prezes-URE-rozstrzygnal-ostatnia-aukcje-OZE-i-podsumowuje-wyniki-wszystkich-tego.html#:~:text=W%20wyniku%20rozstrzygni%C4%99cia%20aukcji%20AZ,mo%C5%BCliwego%20do%20uzyskania%20wsparcia |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Amendment to the Renewable Energy Act on the definition of wood energy | Power generation | Other renewable | Regulatory rollback or non-gov... | 27/08/2020 | Electricity generation | Office of the President | Government | To allow for wood not collected from forests due to COVID-19 to be used for electricity generation | 01/10/2020 | 31/12/2020 | President Andrzej Duda signed an amendment to the Renewable Energy Act specific to energy production from wood. By temporarily changing the definition of "energy from wood," wood currently unused will be allowed to go to the power industry for the purposes of electricity generation. This is considered a solution to sustainable forest management for the duration of the global pandemic. Critics of the amendment say this will lead to more tree felling. | https://www.cire.pl/item,203346,1,0,0,0,0,0,prezydent-podpisal-zmiane-ustawy-o-oze-z-nowa-definicja-drewna-energetycznego.html (accessed 8 Sep 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Change to Capacity Market Regulations – new emissions limit | Power generation | Multiple energy types | New or extended regulation (IT... | 04/09/2020 | Electricity storage or transmission or distribution | Government | To meet EU electricity market requirements | 01/07/2025 | The president of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) approved a new emissions limit of 550 g of CO2 from fossil fuels per kWh of net electricity produced starting 1 July 2025. This amendment was approved after consultations conducted by PSE with market participants. | https://www.ure.gov.pl/pl/urzad/informacje-ogolne/aktualnosci/9004,Prezes-URE-zatwierdzil-zmiany-w-Regulaminie-Rynku-Mocy-Rozpoczyna-sie-certyfikac.html (accessed 9 Sep 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean unconditional | Signing of letter of intent between the Polish government and economic organizations for a partnersh... | Power generation | Solar | Uncategorized | 11/09/2020 | Electricity generation | NA (letter of intent between government and industry players) | Government | Agreement to jointly develop the PV market in Poland | 11/09/2020 | The letter of intent establishes a partnership that seeks to develop a PV market in Poland. This partnership will consist of regular meetings and the sharing of best practices on development, implementation, and technologies. This initiative should mirror "Solar Europe Now." The signatories include the Ministry of Climate, the Lewiatan Confederation, the Institute for Renewable Energy, the Polish Photovoltaic Association, the Jagiellonian Institute, and the Polish Chamber of Commerce, among others. The main intention is to mobilize and consolidate the domestic supply chain for PV. | https://www.cire.pl/item,204182,1,0,0,0,0,0,porozumienie-miedzy-rzadem-i-firmami-dotyczace-fotowoltaiki.html (accessed 16 Sep 2020) |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Cangaroo 2: Electric school buses (Green Investments Package by Ministry of Climate) | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 15384615.384615 | 09/06/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Climate | Government | Encouraging the purchasing of electric school buses by local governments | 09/06/2020 | 60000000 | The program provides subsidies for purchasing new electric school buses and training drivers to operate new electric school buses. Additionally, Program beneficiaries will be able to apply for co-financing of the modernization or construction of infrastructure enabling charging of electric school buses. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/oferta-finansowania/system-zielonych-inwestycji---gis/konkursy/kangur--bezpieczna-i-ekologiczna-droga-do-szkoly-2020/ |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Green Car (Green Investments Package by Ministry of Climate) | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 9615384.6153846 | 04/09/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Climate | Government | Reduction of air pollutant emissions by offering subsidies for the purchase of purely electric vehicles used for private purposes. | 04/09/2020 | 37500000 | The government is pursuing its own aim of 1 million electric vehicles on Polish roads by 2025. Green Car is aimed at providing at least 2 000 of electric cars within 2 years. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/oferta-finansowania/srodki-krajowe/programy-priorytetowe/zielony-samochod/nabor-wnioskow/ |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Use of the energy potential of residual municipal waste (Green Investments Package by Ministry of Cl... | Multiple sectors | Biofuels and waste | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 282051282.05128 | 09/06/2020 | Electricity generation | Ministry of Climate | Government | The program aims to support development of two thermal waste treatment installations | 09/06/2020 | 1100000000 | The program aims to support development of two thermal waste treatment installations with a total capacity of not less than 350,000 Mg / year. Subsidies cannot exceed 30% of qualified costs. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/wykorzystanie-potencjalu-energetycznego-resztkowych-odpadow-komunalnych |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Clean Air 2.0 (Green Investments Package by Ministry of Climate) | Multiple sectors | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 487179487.17949 | 14/05/2020 | Several energy stages | Ministry of Climate | Government | Improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by replacing heat sources and improving the energy efficiency of single-family residential buildings. | 15/05/2020 | 1900000000 | Subsidies will be available for three groups of beneficiaries - up to PLN 20,000 PLN in the basic version and up to 32,000 PLN for the less affluent, additional 5 000 PLN for photovoltaics. Improvements from the first edition include: reduced bureaucracy by simplification of the grant application, shortening of the deadlines for granting subsidies from 90 to 30 days, engagement of municipalities and the banking sector in the implementation of program, eligibility of investments that have started 6 months before submission of the the application for funding. As of 21 Oct., people who earn less can apply for an increased subsidy amount, up to PLN 37,000 for thermo-modernization for households with a total income of no more than 1400 PLN and for single-person households with an income of no more than 1960 PLN. On 23 Oct., it was announced that the government seeks to funnel EUR 8 billion into the Clean Air program from the total EUR 57 billion it is expected to receive under the National Reconstruction Plan (plan for EU allocated recovery funds). | https://czystepowietrze.gov.pl/rusza-program-czyste-powietrze-2-0/ |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Support for the production of electric vehicles – production of components, accompanying servi... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 17948717.948718 | 09/06/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Climate | Government | Supporting the enterprises working on new solutions in the area of hydrogen and electric cars and infrastructure | 09/06/2020 | 70000000 | The government intends to allocate PLN 70 million to enterprises in the area of developing the production of components, accompanying services and charging infrastructure for electric and hydrogen vehicles. Co-financing is to cover 300 companies introducing the so-called "new product". This program will be implemented in 2020-2025 and can be regarded as a supplement for National Plan of Electromobility Development | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/wsparcie-produkcji-pojazdow-elektrycznych-w-zakresie-rozwoju-produkcji-podzespolow-komponentow-uslug-towarzyszacych-oraz-infrastruktury-ladowania-do-pojazdow-elektrycznych-i-wodorowych |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | EVan – co-financing of the purchase of an electric delivery vehicle (Green Investments Package... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 17948717.948718 | 09/06/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Climate | Government | Reduction of air pollutant emissions by offering subsidies for the purchase of electric delivery vehicles | 26/06/2020 | 70000000 | Subsidies for the purchase of new electric vehicles (category N1 - up to 3,5 t) offered within the "eVAN" programme will aid help with the purchase of 1000 electric vans. The subsidie cannot exceed 30% of the value and PLN 70 000. | http://nfosigw.gov.pl/oferta-finansowania/srodki-krajowe/programy-priorytetowe/evan/nabor-wnioskow-/ |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Hummingbird – climate-friendly taxi (Green Investments Package by Ministry of Climate) | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 10256410.25641 | 09/06/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Climate | Government | Reduction of air pollutant emissions by offering subsidies for the purchase of electric taxis and charging infrastructure | 26/06/2020 | 40000000 | The program is aimed at enterprises that have a license to transport people in road transport. Beneficiaries will be able to receive a subsidy of up to 20% of the vehicle purchase cost. Its maximum amount will be 25 thousand. PLN. The maximum price of the purchased electric vehicle covered by the support may not exceed PLN 150,000. PLN. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/program-koliber--taksowka-dobra-dla-klimatu |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Electric cars charging infrastructure (Green Investments Package by Ministry of Climate) | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 42307692.307692 | 09/06/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Climate | Government | Support for investments in the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure | 09/06/2020 | 165000000 | Program is aimed at supporting investments in the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure: no less than 5,000 charging points (including hubs and chargers for public transport); program aims to operationalise strategy described in the National Electromobility Development Plan, where augmenting the infrastructure for electric vehicles is one of key pillars. | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/infrastruktura-ladowania-elektrycznych-samochodow |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Electric cars – program for enterprises (Green Investments Package by Ministry of Climate) | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 23076923.076923 | 09/06/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Climate | Government | Reduction of air pollutant emissions by offering subsidies for the purchase of electric vehicles for business purposes | 09/06/2020 | 90000000 | Reduction of air pollutant emissions by offering subsidies for the purchase of electric vehicles for business purposes - the program aims to support purchase of 3.6k electic vehicles. The subsidy cannot exceed 20% of qualified costs and PLN 25 k | https://www.gov.pl/web/klimat/elektryczne-samochody |
Poland | National | Fossil conditional | Support for power generation from high-efficiency cogeneration – program supervised by Energy ... | Power generation | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 3461538461.5385 | 05/05/2020 | Electricity generation | Ministry of Climate | Government | Supporting high-efficiency cogeneration to reduce GHG emissions, while ensuring the security of heat and electricity supplies and improving the efficiency of energy use. | 26/05/2020 | 13500000000 | "The Act on the Promotion of Energy from High-Efficiency Cogeneration introduced four mechanisms consisting in support in the form of premiums paid to producers under the following systems: 1. auction support scheme - in the form of a cogeneration bonus for cogeneration units (new and significantly modernized) with an installed electrical capacity of not less than 1 MW and less than 50 MW 2.support system in the form of a guaranteed bonus (the amount of the bonus is determined by the Minister of Energy in the regulation) for: cogeneration units (existing and modernized) with an installed electrical capacity of not less than 1 MW and less than 50 MW; small cogeneration units (new, significantly modernized, existing or modernized), with a total installed electrical capacity of less than 1 MW; 3. support system in the form of an individual guaranteed bonus for cogeneration units (existing and modernized) with an installed electrical capacity of not less than 50 MW; 4. support system in the form of procurement- in the form of an individual cogeneration bonus for cogeneration units (new and significantly modernized) with an installed electric capacity of not less than 50 MW" | https://www.ure.gov.pl/pl/urzad/informacje-ogolne/aktualnosci/8856,Ponad-13-mld-zlotych-na-wsparcie-wysokosprawnej-kogeneracji-w-2020-roku.html |
Poland | National | Fossil unconditional | Construction of the S19 Lublin – Rzeszów expressway, section Lublin Węglin junction – ... | Mobility | Oil and oil products | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 188717948.71795 | 19/08/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of European funds and regional policy | Government | Accelerating the creation of Polish part of Via Carpatia and enhancing the resilience of Eastern Poland in the post-pandemic economic revival | 19/08/2020 | 736000000 | The total investment cost as estimated by the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways "Construction of the S19 expressway Lublin - Rzeszów, section Lublin Węglin junction - Kraśnik Południe junction" amount to PLN 1.5 billion, including the additional PLN 736 million from the EU funds. The investment will be completed next year. | https://www.gov.pl/web/fundusze-regiony/ke-powiedziala-tak-dla-finansowania-42-kilometrowego-odcinka-s19 |
Poland | National | Fossil unconditional | Establishing a strategic hard coal reserve by the Material Reserves Agency | Resources | Coal | Equity injection or nationalis... | 33333333.333333 | 17/07/2020 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Government (Material Reserves Agency) | Government | Strategic coal reserve is part of the announced restructuring strategy for the energy and mining sector aimed at increasing the stability of the sector (and in particular of the Polish Mining Group) that faces structural challenges and further difficulties caused by the COVID-19 crisis. | 17/07/2020 | 130000000 | The Material Reserves Agency will create a strategic reserve of hard coal for energy purposes. The estimated value of coal for the purposes of creating this reserve amounts to approx. PLN 130 million net. | https://www.gov.pl/web/aktywa-panstwowe/informacja-dotyczaca-dzialan-podjetych-w-sektorze-energetyki-i-gornictwa-wegla-kamiennego |
http://biznes.pap.pl/en/news/pap/info/2944336,sytuacja-finansowa-kopaln-wymaga-zdecydowanych-dzialan--plan-dla-pgg-23-lipca---map |
Poland | National | Fossil unconditional | The Infrastructure Minister’s ordinance to support 14 public airports | Mobility | Oil and oil products | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 36410256.410256 | 12/06/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Infrastructure | Government | Helping the selected state and local public airports to sustain financial liquidity | 16/06/2020 | 142000000 | Under the regulation, airports will be able to receive a subsidy from the COVID-19 Counteracting Fund. They will be required to maintain a minimum operational readiness in the state of epidemic emergency and epidemic. The subsidy will be awarded to cover the costs, the catalog of which will be included in the draft regulation. | https://www.gov.pl/web/infrastruktura/ponad-140-mln-zl-rzadowego-wsparcia-dla-lotnisk |
Poland | National | Clean conditional | Capitalising the PLK SA, state-controlled railway network operator | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Equity injection or nationalis... | 474358974.35897 | 26/08/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Council of Ministers, Ministry of Finance | Government | Increasing appropriations for investments related to land transport infrastructure | 26/08/2020 | 1850000000 | The additional funds will support construction and modernization of railway stops | https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/mf-wprowadza-kolejne-przepisy-w-celu-przeciwdzialaniu-skutkom-covid-19 |
Poland | National | Fossil unconditional | Increasing state budget subsidies for local roads, including 1.1 billion from Local Roads Fund | Mobility | Oil and oil products | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 974358974.35897 | 26/08/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Council of Ministers, Ministry of Finance | Government | Counteracting the economic consequences of the pandemic by increasing the volume of public investments in road infrastructure | 26/08/2020 | 3800000000 | The government wants to increase the subsidy from the state budget for financing investments in local government's roads in 2020 by PLN 3.8 billion, of which PLN 1.1 billion will be transferred from the pool provided for in the Local Government Roads Fund (FDS) for 2021. The accelerated spending and the increase in public investments will alleviate the economic crisis and decline in investments. | https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/mf-wprowadza-kolejne-przepisy-w-celu-przeciwdzialaniu-skutkom-covid-19 |
Poland | National | Fossil unconditional | Liquidity support for TAURON, State-controlled energy company (Anti-crisis and Financial Shield) | Multiple sectors | Multiple fossil | Equity injection or nationalis... | 12820512.820513 | 16/04/2020 | Several energy stages | Government | Sustaining the financial liquidity of firms after major decrease in revenues caused by COVID-19 pandemic | 16/04/2020 | 50000000 | The company has reported an impact of COVID-19 on financial results. According to the report the EBITDA is lower by PLN 147 million and the Group secured PLN 50 million of support from the anti-crisis shield. | https://media.tauron.pl/pr/555846/grupa-tauron-niemal-10-mld-zl-przychodow-i-2-4-mld-zl-ebitda-w-pierwszym-polroczu-2020-r |