The Energy Policy Tracker has finished its first phase of tracking related to the Covid-19 recovery. Our dataset for 2020-2021 is complete. A new dataset on energy policies in the context of multiple crises will be launched in the coming year.


In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, China has committed at least USD 96.75 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:

  • At least USD 25.34 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 20 policies (14 quantified and 6 unquantified)
  • At least USD 31.65 billion for conditional fossil fuels through 4 policies (3 quantified and 1 unquantified)
  • At least USD 1.27 billion for unconditional clean energy through 6 policies (3 quantified and 3 unquantified)
  • At least USD 19.24 billion for conditional clean energy through 8 policies (5 quantified and 3 unquantified)
  • At least USD 19.24 billion for other energy through 4 policies (3 quantified and 1 unquantified)

By energy type, China committed at least USD 11.85 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 10.98 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 869.44 million to conditional oil and gas).

In addition, China committed at least USD 45.15 billion to coal (at least USD 14.36 billion to unconditional coal and at least USD 30.78 billion to conditional coal).

Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.

Finally, no public money commitments identified for multiple fossil fuels.

A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of China through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.

These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.

More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in China can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.

Updated: December 31st 2021

At least

$56.99 billion

Supporting fossil fuel energy


Per capita

At least

$20.51 billion

Supporting clean energy


Per capita


In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, China has committed at least USD 96.75 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:

  • At least USD 25.34 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 20 policies (14 quantified and 6 unquantified)
  • At least USD 31.65 billion for conditional fossil fuels through 4 policies (3 quantified and 1 unquantified)
  • At least USD 1.27 billion for unconditional clean energy through 6 policies (3 quantified and 3 unquantified)
  • At least USD 19.24 billion for conditional clean energy through 8 policies (5 quantified and 3 unquantified)
  • At least USD 19.24 billion for other energy through 4 policies (3 quantified and 1 unquantified)

By energy type, China committed at least USD 11.85 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 10.98 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 869.44 million to conditional oil and gas).

In addition, China committed at least USD 45.15 billion to coal (at least USD 14.36 billion to unconditional coal and at least USD 30.78 billion to conditional coal).

Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.

Finally, no public money commitments identified for multiple fossil fuels.

A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of China through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.

These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.

More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in China can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.

$ %

Public money commitments to fossil fuels, clean and other energy in China recovery packages, USD billion, in 2020-2021

Country Jurisdiction Category Policy name Sector Energy Type Mechanism Value committed, USD Date of announcement Stage Legislation and Endorsing Agency Arm of Government Primary and secondary stated objective of the policy Date of entry into force Implemented repeal date, if any Value committed, national currency Value disbursed, national currency Value disbursed, USD: Policy background Links to official sources Links to additional sources
China Shanxi Clean unconditional Shanxi province kicked off carbon emissions financing with a total amount of 354 million yuan Power generation Multiple renewable Loan (Hybrid) 51296913.490798 2021112727/11/2021 Electricity generation Public finance institution 27/11/2021 354000000 Bank of China Shanxi Branch and Construction Bank Shanxi Branch issued the first four carbon emission reduction project loans of 354 million yuan, with a weighted average interest rate of 4.05%, driving the annual carbon emission reduction of 54,900 tons. Four loans were all invested in the field of clean energy, including 40 million yuan for pumped storage power plant projects, 80 million yuan for wind power generation projects, 234 million yuan for solar power generation projects.
China National Fossil conditional China to set up 200 billion yuan relending facility for cleaner coal use Multiple sectors Coal Loan (Hybrid) 28981307056.948 2021111717/11/2021 Several energy stages State Council Government 200000000000 On top of the financial instruments introduced earlier to support the reduction of carbon emissions, a targeted re-lending program with a quota of 200 billion yuan (about $31.3 billion) will be rolled out in support of the efficient use of coal.
China National Fossil conditional PipeChina issues 6 billion yuan ultra-short-term bond for gas projects Resources Gas and gas products Purchase of bonds (Hybrid) 869439211.70845 2021111212/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation SOE 6000000000 The bond issuance is the first appearance in the public market after the establishment of the State Pipe Network Group, exclusively underwritten by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, with an issue amount of 6 billion yuan and a term of 270 days, which is the largest single amount of ultra-short-term financing bonds this year. All the funds raised will be used for the construction of natural gas storage and transportation infrastructure such as gas storage depots.
China National Fossil unconditional China approves Sinopec Longkou LNG terminal Resources Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1202724242.8634 2021101313/10/2021 Several energy stages National Development and Reform Commission and Sinopec SOE To enhance natural gas supply and storage capacity in Shandong Province and surrounding areas; to promote economic and social development and energy structure optimization in the Bohai Sea region 8300000000 China's state planner has approved a Sinopec liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Longkou region in Shandong province, with annual receiving capacity of 6.5 million tonnes. The project will invest 8.3 billion yuan to build a 266,000 cubic metres LNG berth, four LNG storage tanks with each capacity at 220,000 cubic metres and other supporting facilities, according to China's National Development and Reform Commission.
China National Fossil unconditional PipeChina invests CNY 24.45bn to boost natural gas supplies Resources Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3542964787.7119 2021102222/10/2021 Several energy stages PipeChina SOE Increasing energy security 24450000000 PipeChina has made an investment of USD 3.8bn (CNY24.45bn) to increase gas supplies ahead of the winter season when demand will surge. This investment will expand PipeChina's gas infrastructure and add 60 million cubic metres of daily gas supply capacity by the end of 2021. This investment should also be seen in the context of China's electricity crisis and coal shortages which have led energy firms in the country to secure fuel supplies at all costs.
China National Clean unconditional Sinopec Green Hydrogen Plant Resources Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 376756991.74033 2021052525/05/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Sinopec SOE 2600000000 Sinpoec has announced its first green hydrogen project. The plant will have an annual production capacity of approximately 20,000 tonnes and will supply energy to one of the company's joint ventures in coal chemical production.
China Jiangsu Fossil unconditional Binhai CNOOC LNG Terminal Expansion Resources Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 883929865.23692 2020111717/11/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC); Jiangsu Government SOE 6100000000 China’s biggest offshore oil and gas producer CNOOC Group will add 1.62 million cubic metres of storage capacity for liquefied natural gas (LNG) at its Binhai terminal in the eastern province of Jiangsu. The expansion will consist of six tanks with storage capacity of 270,000 cubic metres each and construction is expected to be completed in 2023. The government of Henan, a province in central China, will invest in two of the tanks but CNOOC will operate them, in order to meet gas demand from both Henan and Jiangsu.
China National Fossil unconditional China announces end to overseas coal financing Multiple sectors Coal New or extended regulation (IT... 2021092424/09/2021 Several energy stages President of China/Bank of China Government At the UN General Assembly China announced that it would end overseas finance to coal fired power plants. This is a major announcement which has important repercussions for other countries dependent on coal financing. This could lead to a USD 50 billion slash in investments and a significant greening of China's belt and road initiative while forcing coal financiers such as the Bank of China to set up a timetable to withdraw from the sector. That being said, the exact details of the announcement remain to be set, including the timetable for the exit, the eligibility and the separation between public and private financing. Three days after Xi's speech, the Bank of China declared it would no longer provide financing for new coal mining and power projects outside China from the last quarter of 2021.
China Shaanxi Other energy Northern Shaanxi to Hubei ±800 kV UHV DC project Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2680770902.7677 2020040404/04/2020 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power SOE 18500000000 This is one of the first demonstration projects of the "UHV transmission upgrade", with a total line length of 1,137 km and a rated transmission capacity of 8GW. It is a key project of the national "13th Five-Year Plan" power plan. The project is scheduled to be completed and put into operation in 2021, with an annual transmission capacity of 40 billion kilowatt-hours, which can effectively alleviate the mid-to-long-term power supply and demand contradiction in Hubei and Central China.
China Shaanxi Fossil unconditional Yanchang Petroleum Yushen 500,000 tons/year coal-based ethanol project Resources Coal Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1011447616.2875 2020060606/06/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Yushen Energy and Chemical Co., Ltd. SOE industrial restructuring 6980000000 Yanchang Petroleum Yushen's project is estimated to produce 500,000 tons per year of coal-based ethanol. The project is a key component of the company's long-term strategy on industrial restructuring, transformation, and upgrading.
China Shaanxi Fossil unconditional Fugu Qingshuichuan Coal-Power Integrated Project Phase III Power generation Coal Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1019640631.7925 2020031010/03/2020 Electricity generation Shaanxi Investment Group and Shaanxi Coal Industry Chemical Group SOE 7036540000 This project is a key component of Shaanxi Province's 14th Five-Year-Plan. The Power Plant will have a ultra-supercritical air-cooling coal-fired generating units with 2x1 million kilowatts capacity, a coal consumption of 4.85 Mt/a and will deliver reliable energy throughout the grid.
China Guangdong Fossil unconditional Maoming-Yangjiang Trunk Line Project of Western Guangdong Natural Gas Trunk Pipeline Network Resources Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 446848282.85756 2020030505/03/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Jointly funded by the Yudean Group (on behalf of the People's Government of Guangdong Province), CNOOC, Sinopec, and CNPC SOE 3083700000 The line is about 157.2 kilometers long, with 2 new stations and 8 valve chambers. This project is a sub-project of the pipeline of the Western Guangdong Natural Gas Main Pipeline Project, which is approximately 660 kilometers long. This project consists of 6 sub-projects, with a total investment of about 10.75 billion yuan.
China Hunan Fossil unconditional The Xiangtan-Loudi Refined Oil Pipeline Project Resources Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 72453267.642371 2020030404/03/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Sinopec SOE 500000000 The project has been approved by the Hunan Province and the headquarters of Sinopec; it is expected to complete the approval of the basic design of the project in November; and strive to start the construction of the facilities in the Shaoyang oil depot by the end of the year. The Xiangtan-Loudi Refined Oil Pipeline Project that has been put into production includes a new pipeline of approximately 129km in the Shaoyang section and 4 automatic control valve chambers. Among them, a new oil pump, a 10kv substation and supporting oil transportation facilities and equipment are built in the Shaoyang oil depot.
China Hunan Fossil unconditional Changling to Changsha Huanghua International Airport Jet Fuel Pipeline Project Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 139143602.37647 2021030404/03/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Sinopec SOE Business growth 960230000 This pipeline will meet the business growth needs of the Changsha Huanghua International Airport. The The pipeline transportation capacity is designed to be able to transport 2.5 million tons/year with a total length of 222 kilometers. A total of 2 process stations and 10 line cut-off valve chambers are set up for the first station of Changling and the last station of Changsha on the whole line, and one valve chamber is reserved in Sanhe Township, Yueyang.
China National Other energy 14th Five-Year Plan for Social and Economic Development and Long-term Goals for 2035 Multiple sectors Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2021033131/03/2021 Several energy stages National Development and Reform Commission Government Key energy/climate indicators by 2025 outlined by the Plan include: 13.5% reduction in nation's energy intensity, 18% cut in CO2 emission intensity, the proportion of non-fossil energy to increase to about 20% of total energy consumption by 2025, 70GW nuclear power capacity, and 9% increase in forest coverage rate.
China Guangdong Fossil unconditional Construction of the Huizhou LNG Terminal Resources Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 854948558.17997 2020010101/01/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Guangdong National Development and Reform Commission Government 5900000000 Guangdong Huizhou Liquefied Natural Gas Co., Ltd., which is owned by Guangdong Yudean Natural Gas Co., Ltd. The wholly-owned subsidiary is responsible for promoting the orderly implementation of various preliminary work of the Huizhou LNG receiving station project. The project is located on the north side of Pinghai Power Plant in Pinghai Town, Huidong County, Guangdong Province. The main construction content of the project is the LNG receiving station and its supporting wharf, which provides gas for the receiving station. The scale of gas production at the receiving station is 4 million tons/year, with a capacity of 6.1 million tons/year. The project construction is set to run from 2020-2023. (see under 惠州LNG接收站)
China Shaanxi Fossil unconditional Coal Indirect Liquefaction Project in Shaanxi Province Resources Coal Budget or off-budget transfer ... 11259237791.624 2020072929/07/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Yuyang Government SOE 77700000000 This project will seek to produce 4 million tons/year coal for indirect liquefaction (to develop high quality oils and chemicals) using Fyto synthesis technology independently developed by Minmetals Group. Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry is investing in the project. The project duration is from 2020-2024 with 0.5 billion RMB invested in 2020.
China Jiangsu Fossil unconditional Nantong Huaneng 2×745MW Gas Turbine Innovation Development Demonstration Project Power generation Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 251267932.18374 2020062828/06/2020 Electricity generation Jiangsu National Development and Reform Commission SOE 1734000000 This project is the first batch of gas turbine innovation and development demonstration project of the National Energy Administration and is the first single-machine capacity of the largest/ highest level of autonomy H-class single-axis gas-steam combined cycle peak adjustment unit.
China Shaanxi Fossil conditional Approval of the Cocoa Coal Mine Project in Shaanxi province Resources Coal Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1801767859.7305 2021030505/03/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Shaanxi Development and Reform Commission SOE 12434000000 The scale of the coal mine production will be 10 million tons of coal / year. The project unit should strictly control the scale of land construction, not exceed the standard land use, take energy-saving measures, optimize engineering design, select energy-saving equipment and strengthen energy-saving management, . The construction site of the project is located in The Puyang District of Shaolin City. The project is owned by Shaanxi Extended Petroleum Yulin Cocoa Coal Co.
China National Fossil conditional China launches world’s largest carbon market for power sector Power generation Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2021010707/01/2021 Electricity generation China’s environment ministry Government peak emissions before 2030 and aim for carbon neutrality by 2060 Power operators in China will need to purchase emissions permits when their coal plant exceeds carbon intensity benchmarks. This will incentivize them to improve efficiency. The emission trading scheme (ETS) will initially only cover the thermal power industry, which last year accounted for about 40% of China’s emissions. That sector in of itself is responsible for twice the emissions of the EU carbon market, until now the world’s biggest. The ETS scheme does not put a cap on carbon emissions though. Rather, it imposes carbon intensity limits for every unit of electricity a power plant generates. Operators whose plants are below the benchmark will be able to sell their carbon credits and those that go beyond the threshold will need to buy additional credits.
China National Clean unconditional China increases the ambition of its 2030 climate targets Multiple sectors Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2020121313/12/2020 Several energy stages President of China Government Increase emission reduction and China's climate ambition As part of the Paris Agreement anniversary, China increased the ambition of its 2030 climate targets by vowing to lower emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level, increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%, increase the forest stock volume by 6bn cubic meters from the 2005 level, and bring its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2bn kilowatts.; Accessed 15 December 2020 Accessed 15 December 2020 Accessed 15 December 2020
China National Clean conditional New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021-2035) Mobility Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2020111717/11/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) State Council Government phasing out fossil fuel cars and promoting the use of new energy vehicles By 2035, all new vehicles sold in China must be powered by ‘new-energy’, the Chinese authorities have said. Half of them must be electric, fuel cell, or plug-in hybrid – the remaining 50%, hybrid vehicles. Accessed 18 November 2020 Accessed 18 November 2020
China National Clean conditional Improving the construction and operation of biomass power generation projects Power generation Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 217359802.92711 2020091111/09/2020 Electricity generation National Development and Reform Commission Government to manage the construction and operation of biomass power generation projects and arrange central government's new biomass power generation subsidy funds and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the power industry 1500000000 In recent years, with the support of national policies, the scale of biomass power generation construction has continued to increase, project construction and operation have maintained a high level, and the level of technology and equipment manufacturing has continued to improve, helping to build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, and speeding up the treatment of agricultural and forestry waste in various places and with food and household waste playing an important role. In order to promote the healthy development of the renewable energy power generation industry such as biomass power generation, in January 2020, the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of Non-aqueous Renewable Energy Power Generation", which determines the installed capacity of newly-added projects. In order to do a good job in the management of the construction and operation of biomass power generation projects in 2020, this new plan arranges the central government's new biomass power generation subsidy funds in 2020, and promotes the sustainable and healthy development of the industry. Accessed 28 September 2020 Accessed 28 September 2020
China National Clean unconditional China pledges to become carbon neutral before 2060 Multiple sectors Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2020092222/09/2020 Several energy stages President of China Government cutting emissions to net zero Speaking at the recent UN General Assembly China announced it would become carbon neutral by 2060, which is seen by many as a landmark move. That being said the target is set at a later stage than others countries which have set such goals for 2030-2050 and it is not clear whether it includes all GHG emissions or just Co2. Accessed 22 September 2020
China Beijing Clean conditional Subsidy to incentivize the purchase of electric trucks Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2020082727/08/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Beinjing city Government Boost New-energy car sales and reduce gas emissions Beijing city decided to support its transport businesses to replace their light trucks with new-energy type trucks with a subsidy of 70 RMB per unit from 1st October 2020 to 31st August 2021. Only businesses that replace more than 5 trucks can be supported by the subsidy scheme. Accessed 3 September 2020
China Beijing Clean unconditional Approval of Beijing Gas Tianjin Nangang LNG Emergency Reserve Project Resources Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 837269957.68729 2020010909/01/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation National Development and Reform Comission (NDRC) Government To enhance the emergency security supply and storage capacity of natural gas in Beijing 5777999978 The approval document showed that the National Development and Reform Commission agreed to construct the project. The LNG receiving station project is located in Nangang Industrial Zone, Binhai New District, Tianjin. The construction content mainly includes three parts: receiving station, wharf and export pipeline. The main construction content of the receiving station includes: 10 200,000 cubic meters of LNG storage tanks and related supporting facilities for unloading, gasification, and loading, and two 200,000 cubic meters of storage tanks are reserved for expansion; the terminal project mainly includes: new construction 1 reliable berth for LNG ship loading and unloading of 1 to 266,000 cubic meters. The total investment of the project is 20.13 billion yuan (including foreign exchange of 177 million US dollars), of which construction investment is 19.26 billion yuan, construction period interest is 840 million yuan, and initial working capital is 30 million yuan. 20% of the total investment of the project is capital funded by the project owner’s own funds. The Beijing Municipal Government provides 30% of the construction funds in the form of subsidy funds, and the remaining funds are solved by the project owner’s application for bank loans (including the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 500 million US dollars) Government sovereign guarantee loans). Accessed 25 August 2020
China Xinjiang Fossil unconditional Approval of four coal mine projects in Xinjiang, combined capacity above 5 Mtpa Resources Coal Budget or off-budget transfer ... 598463990.72598 2020083131/08/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation National Energy Administration Government To forge the region as another large coal production base behind Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia. 4130000000 The National Energy Administration gave the green light to four coal mine projects in northwestern China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region on August 31, to forge the region as another large coal production base behind Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia. The four projects, which should be built by replacing equal or more old capacity in other places, have a combined designed capacity of 5.1 million tonnes per annum. Accessed 1 September 2020
China National Other energy Investment in housing renovation as part of a wider industry support package Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7868424865.9615 2020052222/05/2020 Energy efficiency Government Primary: rebuilding old communities in cities and towns Secondary: doubling the investment arrangements in the central budget 54300000000 As part of a wider ¥ 4.35 trillion package, China will begin the renovation of 39,000 old urban residential communities and support the upgrading of plumbing and wiring and the installation of elevators in old residential buildings; it will also encourage the development of community services such as elderly home care, the provision of meals, and cleaning services. According to the recent document, the government provided 53.4 billion RMB to local governments for encouraging their fiscal spending on the renovation of old urban residential communities. This spending encourages some green investments, such as the Energy-saving improvement on old buildings and the installation of charging stations . Since only an unquantified part of the renovation programme is linked to clean energy, this measure is classified here as "other energy". Accessed 29 July 2020
China National Clean conditional Launching of the National Green Development Fund Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1449065352.8474 2020071515/07/2020 Several energy stages Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and Shanghai Municipal People's Government Government environmental conservation and pollution control 10000000000 The investment of the fund focuses on environmental protection and pollution control, ecological restoration and land and space greening, energy conservation and utilization, green transportation, clean energy and other fields. The final size of the fund was 88.5 billion yuan, of which the central government contributed 10 billion yuan. Other contributors include provincial and municipal governments along the Yangtze River Economic Belt, some financial institutions and enterprises. Acessed 21 July 2020
China National Other energy Ultra-high-voltage (UHV) transmission line investments Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 8694392117.0845 2020031919/03/2020 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution China State Grid Government 60000000000 China's new round of UHV projects will include 12 lines, involving a total investment of over 150 billion yuan. Among them, three lines planned to start construction in 2020 will involve an investment of about 60 billion yuan. Whether it is for 5G, big data centers, industrial Internet or new energy vehicle charging , the construction and operation of these technologies are inseparable from the power network. The ultra-high-voltage project could also improve the power transmission efficiency and increase the transmission from inland areas with massive renewable energy production to coastal regions. Acessed 21 July 2020
China National Fossil unconditional Accelerated permitting of coal-fired power plants Power generation Coal Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 2020062424/06/2020 Electricity generation Government Stimulate local economies during the crisis. China is approving plans for new coal power plant capacity at the fastest rate since 2015. Survey data from the Global Energy Monitor and the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air shows that China approved the construction of more coal power plants in the period to mid-June than in all of 2018 and 2019 combined. Many of the plants are built by regional authorities in efforts to stimulate their economies. Projects proposed this year, if approved, would add more than 40 GW of capacity. Accessed 25 June 2020
China Zhejiang, Beijing, Shanxi, Si... Fossil unconditional Incentives and cash for clunker schemes for conventional vehicles at the provincial level Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2020041010/04/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government Primary: revive the car industry which has become an important pillar of the economy in recent years While China has increased subsidies to electric vehicles at the provincial level subsidies to conventional cars have also been rolled out. in Shangai for example, as part of its subsidy program for auto-replacement 40,000 cars will be supported and a subsidy of 4000 yuan will be provided to consumers who purchase a gasoline vehicle that meets the VI vehicle emission standards. Similar cash for clunker schemes are in place in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Nanjing, Changchun, Guangzhou and Foshan to name only a few. Similarly, local governments in China are loosening restrictions on new vehicle license plate allocations to spur an increase in vehicle sales. Accessed 8 July 2020 Accessed 8 July 2020 Accessed 8 July 2020 Acessed 8 July 2020
China National Clean unconditional Increase in solar and wind energy targets Power generation Multiple renewable New or extended regulation (IT... 2020061212/06/2020 Electricity generation National Energy Administration Government The Government increased the wind and solar energy targets for 2020 compared to what was set in its 13th five year plan. The latter was initially set at 210 GW and the later at 110GW and both have been increased to 240GW which means China will expand its solar and wind capacity by 66GW this year given its installed capacity at the end of 2019. Acessed 8 July 2020
China National Fossil unconditional Tax incentives for second-hand car dealers Mobility Oil and oil products Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 2020040808/04/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) State Tax Administration Government Primary: Increase the sale of second-hand cars 01/05/2020 31/12/2023 From May 1 to the end of 2023, VAT levied on second-hand car dealers selling old cars will be reduced to 0.5% from an original 3% rate. Accessed 10 July 2020
China Pingliang Municipality, Gansu ... Fossil unconditional Pingliang Wuju Coal Mine Project Approval Resources Coal Budget or off-budget transfer ... 473409650.77525 2020061010/06/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation National Energy Administration Government 3267000000 Approval of a coal mine and coal preparation plant in Pingliang Municilality, Gansu province by the national energy agency. The proposed investment is of 3.267 billion RMB with an output of 2.4 million tons per year. Accessed 16 June 2020 Accessed 16 June 2020
China Hong Kong Fossil unconditional Cathay Pacific bailout Mobility Oil and oil products Loan (Hybrid) 3585319112.5924 2020060909/06/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Hong Kong government Government rimary: protect Hong Kong’s role as a global aviation hub and ensure the city’s long-term economic development Secondary: generating a reasonable return for the government 24742287196 The company will go through a HK$40 billion capital restructuring process. The Hong Kong government will offer a HK$7.8 billion loan to the airline, and will create a new company, Aviation 2020, to buy HK$19.5 billion (US$2.5 billion) in preferential shares without full boardroom status, with two observers on the board. The government will also acquire warrants for another HK$1.95 billion purchase of shares later; if exercised, Aviation 2020 will have a 6.08% stake in the company. Accessed 10 June 2020
China National Fossil unconditional Dropping energy consumption per unit of GDP target for 2020 Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 2020051414/05/2020 Energy efficiency Government Primary: Resuming economic growth after the pandemic. 14/05/2020 With the economic impacts of C-19 China is not setting an energy efficiency (energy consumption per unit of GDP) target for this year, in contrast to what it has done since 2014. Accessed 26 May 2020
China National Fossil unconditional Adjustment of companies’ environmental supervision Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 2020031010/03/2020 Several energy stages Ministry of Ecology and Environment Government Primary: allow firms more time to meet environmental standards due to COVID-19. The measure involves relaxing some environmental requirements and extending compliance deadlines for firms in order to increase production after the pandemic. Some firms that have low emissions levels for example will be exempt from on site environmental checks. It is expected that 300,000 firms and 55,000 projects will benefit form this policy. Accessed 7 May 2020
China National Clean conditional Increase in national railway development capital as part of a wider industry support package Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 14490653528.474 2020052222/05/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government Primary: Develop major public transportation projects 100000000000 As part of a wider ¥ 4.35 trillion package China will redouble efforts to develop major transportation and water conservancy projects, and increase national railway development capital by 100 billion yuan. Accessed 1 July 2020
China National Clean conditional Extension of the vehicle purchase tax exemption program for new energy vehicles Mobility Multiple energy types Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 2020041616/04/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Industry and Information Techonology and State Administration of Taxation Government Primary: increase the sales of electric vehicles 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 The government extended the automobile tax exemption program for new electric vehicles for two years in order to increase the sales of electric vehicles. Vehicles exempted include pure electric vehicles, plug in hybrids and fuel cell vehicles. Accessed 17 June 2020 Accessed 17 June 2020
China National Clean conditional Extension of subsidies for electric vehicles Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1637443848.7176 2020042323/04/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Multiple ministries Government Primary: increase the sales of electric vehicles 23/04/2020 31/12/2022 11300000000 China extended the electric vehicle subsidy policy, which was due to end in 2020, for two years in order to increase the sales of electric vehicles. EVs with a selling price of 300,000 yen or less will be supported and support will be provided to 2 million vehicles per year for a total of 6 million vehicles Accessed 7 July 2020 Accessed 7 July 2020 Accessed 7 July 2020
China National Clean conditional Investments in electric vehicle charging infrastructure Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1449065352.8474 2020041010/04/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Government Primary: ease the burden of struggling automakers and reverse the downward trend in sales Secondary: step up efforts to maintain the country's global leadership in the EV adoption race 10000000000 This is a key stimulus measure to increase by 50 precent the electric vehicle charging network in China from its current level. This should enable 600,000 new charging points to be built in 2020. China is behind its original target of reaching 4.8 million charging points to accommodate 5 million EVs on the roads by 2020. As part of its development plan for the new-energy vehicle industry, China also set the goal that by 2021 at least 80 per cent of all public sector vehicles – including buses, taxis and municipal trucks – operating in ecological pilot zones and areas with high levels of air pollution would be driven by clean energy. Accessed 7 May 2020 Accessed 19 October 2020