The Energy Policy Tracker has finished its first phase of tracking related to the Covid-19 recovery. Our dataset for 2020-2021 is complete. A new dataset on energy policies in the context of multiple crises will be launched in the coming year.


In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, Japan has committed at least USD 21.40 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:

  • At least USD 1.63 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 3 policies (2 quantified and 1 unquantified)
  • No public money commitments identified for conditional fossil fuels
  • At least USD 916.32 million for unconditional clean energy through 13 policies (12 quantified and 1 unquantified)
  • At least USD 18.83 billion for conditional clean energy through 5 policies (5 quantified)
  • At least USD 24.35 million for other energy through 2 policies (2 quantified)

By energy type, Japan committed at least USD 1.63 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 1.63 billion to unconditional oil and gas).

In addition, no public money commitments identified for coal.

Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.

Finally, no public money commitments identified for multiple fossil fuels.

A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of Japan through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.

These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.

More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in Japan can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.

Updated: December 31st 2021

At least

$1.63 billion

Supporting fossil fuel energy


Per capita

At least

$19.75 billion

Supporting clean energy


Per capita


In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, Japan has committed at least USD 21.40 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:

  • At least USD 1.63 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 3 policies (2 quantified and 1 unquantified)
  • No public money commitments identified for conditional fossil fuels
  • At least USD 916.32 million for unconditional clean energy through 13 policies (12 quantified and 1 unquantified)
  • At least USD 18.83 billion for conditional clean energy through 5 policies (5 quantified)
  • At least USD 24.35 million for other energy through 2 policies (2 quantified)

By energy type, Japan committed at least USD 1.63 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 1.63 billion to unconditional oil and gas).

In addition, no public money commitments identified for coal.

Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.

Finally, no public money commitments identified for multiple fossil fuels.

A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of Japan through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.

These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.

More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in Japan can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.

$ %

Public money commitments to fossil fuels, clean and other energy in Japan recovery packages, USD billion, in 2020-2021

Country Jurisdiction Category Policy name Sector Energy Type Mechanism Value committed, USD Date of announcement Stage Legislation and Endorsing Agency Arm of Government Primary and secondary stated objective of the policy Date of entry into force Implemented repeal date, if any Value committed, national currency Value disbursed, national currency Value disbursed, USD: Policy background Links to official sources Links to additional sources
Japan National Clean unconditional Subsidy for the Purchase of Renewable Energy Procurement Market Price Fluctuation Insurance Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3744546.9445095 2021122121/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Promote renewable energy procurement through market price fluctuation insurance 21/12/2021 399824000 If a small-scale electric utility that meets certain requirements, such as a retail electric utility funded by a municipality or a retail electric utility engaged in local production for local consumption, purchases private insurance to cover market fluctuation price risk when it procures renewable electricity (specified supply of renewable electricity), a portion of the insurance premiums will be subsidized.
Japan National Clean conditional Project to promote decarbonized car sharing and disaster prevention centers through simultaneous int... Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9365488.1760712 2021122121/12/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of the Environment Government Promote combination of renewable generation facilities and electric vehicles 21/12/2021 1000000000 Local governments and private businesses and organizations will be supported to purchase renewable energy generation facilities and electric vehicles at the same time and share them with local residents. In addition, the program also supports the introduction of recharging and discharging equipment and external power feeders to help local governments and private companies turn their facilities into disaster centers and contribute to strengthening local resilience.
Japan National Clean unconditional Project to support the realization of sustainable and resilient communities through the introduction... Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15453055.490517 2021122121/12/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Ministry of the Environment Government Support local government to formulate regional renewable energy strategies and to build regional renewable energy systems 21/12/2021 1650000000 "Support for local governments, etc. to formulate strategies for setting targets and building consensus for the introduction of regional renewable energy, build a system for implementation and operation of regional renewable energy projects conducted through public-private partnerships, and implement regional decarbonization. (1) Support for the formulation of strategies to promote the introduction of regional renewable energy in a planned and phased manner (2) Support for the establishment of a framework for the implementation and operation of local renewable energy projects conducted through public-private partnerships (3) Support for promoting the use of third-party ownership models for the installation of solar power generation equipment, etc."
Japan National Clean unconditional Subsidy for promotion of renewable energy in symbiosis with local communities Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 27596225.708265 2021062121/06/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Promote regional micro-grid to increase decentralised renewable energy facilities 21/06/2021 2946587000 Partial support for private companies, etc. that intend to build a "regional micro-grid" that can supply power independently in the event of a large-scale power outage due to a disaster, etc., by utilizing renewable energy in the region and monitoring the tidal current of the lower grid under normal circumstances.
Japan National Clean unconditional Promotion of Self-Sustained and Decentralized Energy Facilities at Evacuation Facilities for Simulta... Buildings Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 65558417.232498 2021122121/12/2021 Several energy stages Ministry of the Environment Government Promotion of self-sustainaed and decentralized energy facilities for improving resilience and decarbonization 21/12/2021 7000000000 Support the introduction of renewable energy facilities and CO2-saving facilities to public facilities, to strengthen the resilience of local communities and to enable the functioning of energy supply, etc. in times of disaster, in addition to decarbonization in normal times. The subsidy covers part of the cost of introducing renewable energy facilities, facilities to utilize unused energy, cogeneration systems (CGS) and their ancillary facilities (energy storage, charging/discharging facilities/charging equipment, self-supply lines, heat pipes, etc.), and CO2-saving facilities (including high-performance ventilation facilities and energy-saving septic tanks), etc., which contribute to disaster prevention and disaster mitigation.
Japan National Clean unconditional Introduction and development of advanced production technology to secure the domestic production bas... Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 121749594.94264 2021122121/12/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Promotion of domestic batteries production 21/12/2021 12999813000 For businesses that introduce advanced production and recycling technologies for storage batteries and materials on a large scale in Japan, the program provides partial support for the investment in buildings and equipment necessary for this purpose, as well as for research and development costs related to such production and recycling technologies.
Japan National Clean unconditional Acceleration of the construction of a next-generation network for the mass introduction of renewable... Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 46821849.683915 2021122121/12/2021 Electricity generation Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Introduction of long-distance submarine DC power transmission system in order to enable mass introduction of renewable energy 21/12/2021 4999403000 In order to accelerate the resolution of power grid constraints in order to achieve renewable energy targets, it is essential to accelerate the development of a DC power transmission system to efficiently transmit power from Hokkaido, which has great potential for offshore wind power, to large demand areas. In this project, we will conduct a survey of the actual sea area based on the discussions of the "Study Group for the Development of Long-Distance Submarine DC Power Transmission System", which aims to organize the points to be considered when introducing a long-distance submarine DC power transmission system, and to promote specifics regarding the sea area suitable for the system, costs, etc.
Japan National Clean unconditional Subsidy for energy conservation investment Multiple sectors Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 93611650.667291 2021122121/12/2021 Energy efficiency Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Promotion of energy-saving equipment 21/12/2021 9995384000 Subsidizes a portion of the cost of upgrading to energy-saving equipment with superior performance in the industrial and commercial sectors.
Japan National Clean unconditional Mainstreaming of Local Renewable Energy and Strengthening of Resilience through the use of PPAs Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 106298290.79841 2021122121/12/2021 Several energy stages Ministry of the Environment Government Promotion of local renewable energy system 21/12/2021 11350000000 To promote the introduction and price reduction of on-site solar power generation equipment and storage batteries through on-site PPAs, etc., and to achieve storage parity, the program provides support for businesses, etc., that install on-site solar power generation equipment and storage batteries (including vehicle-mounted storage batteries) in commercial facilities, industrial facilities, housing complexes, and single-family homes through on-site PPAs, etc., and return a portion of the subsidy amount to consumers through reduced service charges, etc. Support will also be provided for businesses that have installed demand-side equipment that can be operated and controlled off-site to achieve energy management and CO2 reduction during normal times, and that can report on the results of remote control.
Japan National Clean unconditional Subsidies to encourage customer-driven PV installations Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 126425361.74198 2021122121/12/2021 Electricity generation Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Promotion of solar power generation without FIT/FIP schemes 21/12/2021 13499068000 Support for the introduction of solar power generation facilities when customers who wish to install solar power generation facilities by themselves or by power producers and conclude contracts for long-term use of renewable energy without using FIT/FIP schemes or self consignment.
Japan National Other energy Acceleration of the construction of the technological basis for a fusion DEMO reactor Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 16857878.716928 2020121414/12/2020 Electricity generation Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Government R&D of nuclear fusion 1800000000 By accelerating the production and maintenance of heating system of the JT-60SA, which is the only one in the world capable of performing "research on stable control of high-performance plasmas." This is for the development of a fusion DEMO reactor. An experimental plasma heating operation using JT-60SA will be carried out at an early stage, in order to: (1) Accelerate research and development toward a fusion DEMO reactor, and (2) Improve the technology base of enterprises related to the most advanced fusion-related devices and activation of the industrial base including small and medium-sized enterprises. Accessed 6 Jan 2021
Japan National Clean conditional Promotion of effective use of sewerage resources to realize a green society Other sector Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 46827440.880356 2020121414/12/2020 Several energy stages Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Government Energy recovery from sewage sludge 5000000000 To promote the effective use of sewerage resources and contribute to carbon neutrality, develop facilities to convert sewage sludge into energy, and developing facilities for wide-area and joint use to promote the consolidation of sewerage resources. Accessed 6 Jan 2021
Japan National Other energy Promote carbon neutrality in the maritime and port sectors Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7492390.5408569 2020121414/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Government Promotion of low-carbon maritime system 800000000 In order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the government will develop technologies to establish a production base for gas-fueled ships, study the upgrading of port functions to expand the use of next-generation energy, promote the introduction of offshore wind power generation, and support the introduction of innovative construction machinery. Accessed 6 January 2021
Japan National Clean conditional Subsidy for installation of clean energy cars that can be used in disasters Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 34652306.251463 2020121414/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government Promotion of EV/FCV 3700000000 The current subsidy is 400,000 yen for the purchase of an EV. With the amendment, the subsidy will be increased to 600,000 yen for a set of EV and charging/discharging equipment, and 800,000 yen where the buyers' home or office is supplied with 100% renewable electricity. Accessed 6 Jan 2021.
Japan National Clean conditional Fund for continuous support for the development of innovative technologies for carbon neutrality Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 18730976352.142 2020121414/12/2020 Several energy stages Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) will set up a fund to develop technologies in key areas essential to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 including electrification and greening of electricity, realization of a hydrogen-based society, and CO2 fixation and recycling and will continue to support R&D projects for technology development and social implementation for the next 10 years. 2000000000000 NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) will set up a fund to develop technologies in key areas essential to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 including electrification and greening of electricity, realization of a hydrogen-based society, and CO2 fixation and recycling and will continue to support R&D projects for technology development and social implementation for the next 10 years. Accessed 6 Jan 2021
Japan National Clean conditional Promotion of local production and consumption of livestock biomass energy Multiple sectors Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9234371.3416062 2020121414/12/2020 Several energy stages Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Government Promotion of biofuels 986000000 Support the introduction of facilities and machinery such as biogas plants that utilize livestock waste in order to promote local production for local consumption of energy in order to realize a green society (carbon neutral). Accessed 6 January 2020
Japan National Clean unconditional Zero Carbon City Renewable Energy Enhancement Advance Support Package Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 187309763.52142 2020121414/12/2020 Several energy stages Ministry of the Environment Government Promotion of RE at local sites 20000000000 Planning for maximum introduction of renewable energy into cities and the training of local human resources to build and maintain this: (1) Promote the introduction of independent and distributed renewable energy for evacuation shelters, (2) Promote local renewable energy through on-site PPA (power purchase agreement), (3) Build independent and decentralized regional renewable energy systems. Accessed 6 Jan 2020
Japan National Clean unconditional Project to accelerate the simultaneous introduction of renewable electricity and electric vehicles a... Mobility Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 74923905.408569 2020121414/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of the Environment Government In order to accelerate the spread of electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles (EVs, PHEVs, FCVs), including their use as "moving storage batteries," the government will provide short-term and intensive support for the introduction of electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, along with the spread of renewable energy, as a pioneer of a zero-carbon lifestyle and work style. At the same time, the government will promote the development of charging and discharging facilities at national parks and other utilization sites, including other projects. 8000000000 In order to accelerate the spread of electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles (EVs, PHEVs, FCVs), including their use as "moving storage batteries," the government will provide short-term and intensive support for the introduction of electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, along with the spread of renewable energy, as a pioneer of a zero-carbon lifestyle and work style. At the same time, the government will promote the development of charging and discharging facilities at national parks and other utilization sites, including other projects. The program provides subsidies to individuals, private businesses (small and medium-sized enterprises), local governments, and other entities that purchase electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles, with the requirement that they procure 100% renewable electricity for their homes and offices. Accessed 6 January 2020
Japan National Clean unconditional Prime Minister’s pledge for carbon neutrality by 2050 Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Uncategorized 2020102626/10/2020 Several energy stages Government At the 203rd Session of the Diet, Prime Minister Suga declared "My administration will devote itself to the greatest possible extent to bring about a green society, while focusing on a virtuous cycle of the economy and the environment as a pillar of our growth strategy. We hereby declare that by 2050 Japan will aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero, that is, to realize a carbon-neutral, decarbonized society. Addressing climate change is no longer a constraint on economic growth. We need to adjust our mindset to a paradigm shift that proactive climate change measures bring transformation of industrial structures as well as our economy and society, leading to dynamic economic growth." In the same speech Prime Minister Suga also mentioned "We will also drastically change our longstanding policies on coal-fired power generation." Accessed 18 November 2020
Japan National Fossil unconditional Guarantee for Loans to ANA by Private Financial Institutions for Importing Aircraft Mobility Oil and oil products Loan guarantee (Hybrid) 801685787.87169 2020063030/06/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Japan Bank for International Cooperation Government Primary: support airline company's import of air craft in the context of operational difficulty under C-19. 85600000000 Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) provides this guarantee in order to support ANA in obtaining financing from private financial institutions to import 6 aircraft from The Boeing Company in the U.S. and Airbus S.A.S. in France. It will contribute to maintaining and improving the international competitiveness of the Japanese aviation industry.
Japan National Fossil unconditional Guarantee for Loans to Japan Airlines (JAL) by Private Financial Institutions for Importing Aircraft Mobility Oil and oil products Loan guarantee (Hybrid) 827909154.76469 2020060909/06/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Japan Bank for International Cooperation Government Primary: support airline company's import of air craft in the context of operational difficulty under C-19. 88400000000 Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) provides this guarantee in order to support JAL in obtaining financing from private financial institutions to import 8 aircraft from The Boeing Company in the U.S. and Airbus S.A.S. in France. It will contribute to maintaining and improving the international competitiveness of the Japanese aviation industry.
Japan National Fossil unconditional Extension of temporary relief of automobile tax and light vehicle tax environmental performance fee Mobility Oil and oil products Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 2020042020/04/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Government to reduce the negative impacts of the COVID-19-related restrictions on the economy The applicable rates of the differentiated automobile tax/light vehicle environmental performance fee were reduced by one per centage point. Since the tax is levied locally, the national government committed to compensate local budgets for the losses.
Japan National Clean unconditional Support for on-site solar power generation Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 46827440.880356 2020060808/06/2020 Electricity generation Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Government Support clean, disaster-proof energy 5000000000 Support the installation of self-consumption, on-site solar power generation facilities through PPA. Also includes support for supply chain reform and domestic investment in production bases. Accessed 8 June 2020