In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, Italy has committed at least USD 54.97 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:
- At least USD 3.97 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 3 policies (2 quantified and 1 unquantified)
- At least USD 388.13 million for conditional fossil fuels through 3 policies (2 quantified and 1 unquantified)
- At least USD 13.31 billion for unconditional clean energy through 24 policies (19 quantified and 5 unquantified)
- At least USD 35.79 billion for conditional clean energy through 31 policies (23 quantified and 8 unquantified)
- At least USD 1.50 billion for other energy through 3 policies (3 quantified)
By energy type, Italy committed at least USD 4.03 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 3.97 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 57.08 million to conditional oil and gas).
In addition, no public money commitments identified for coal.
Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.
Finally, no public money commitments identified for multiple fossil fuels.
A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of Italy through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.
These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.
More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in Italy can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.
At least
$4.36 billion
Supporting fossil fuel energy
Per capita
At least
$49.10 billion
Supporting clean energy
Per capita
In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, Italy has committed at least USD 54.97 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:
- At least USD 3.97 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 3 policies (2 quantified and 1 unquantified)
- At least USD 388.13 million for conditional fossil fuels through 3 policies (2 quantified and 1 unquantified)
- At least USD 13.31 billion for unconditional clean energy through 24 policies (19 quantified and 5 unquantified)
- At least USD 35.79 billion for conditional clean energy through 31 policies (23 quantified and 8 unquantified)
- At least USD 1.50 billion for other energy through 3 policies (3 quantified)
By energy type, Italy committed at least USD 4.03 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 3.97 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 57.08 million to conditional oil and gas).
In addition, no public money commitments identified for coal.
Further, no public money commitments identified for hydrogen based on fossil fuels.
Finally, no public money commitments identified for multiple fossil fuels.
A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of Italy through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.
These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.
More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in Italy can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.
Public money commitments to fossil fuels, clean and other energy in Italy recovery packages, USD billion, in 2020-2021
Country | Jurisdiction | Category | Policy name | Sector | Energy Type | Mechanism | Value committed, USD | Date of announcement | Stage | Legislation and Endorsing Agency | Arm of Government | Primary and secondary stated objective of the policy | Date of entry into force | Implemented repeal date, if any | Value committed, national currency | Value disbursed, national currency | Value disbursed, USD: | Policy background | Links to official sources | Links to additional sources | |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Energy efficiency incentives (2022 Budget) | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 9132420.0913242 | 30/12/2021 | Energy efficiency | Italian Government (2022 Budget - Law n. 234/2021 Article 1 Paragraph 514) | Government | To guarantee the achievement of national energy efficiency targets | 30/12/2021 | 8000000 | 8000000 | 9132420.0913242 | The National Fund for energy efficiency is boosted to 8 million euros per year, starting from 2022. The incentives include disbursement of loans, part of which are non-repayable. The incentive supports interventions aimed at guaranteeing the achievement of national energy efficiency targets. | (Accessed 18 February 2022) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Energy storage incentives (2022 Budget) | Power generation | Multiple renewable | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 3424657.5342466 | 27/12/2021 | Electricity storage or transmission or distribution | Italian Government (2022 Budget - Law n. 234/2021 Article 1 Paragraph 812) | Government | To incentivise the production from renewable energy sources | 30/12/2021 | 3000000 | 3000000 | 3424657.5342466 | With this policy taxpayers are granted, within the overall maximum limit of 3 million euros for the year 2022, a tax credit covering the costs of installing integrated storage systems in renewable energy producing units. These include renewable units already existing and benefitting from the net metering incentive scheme. | (Accessed 18 February 2022) |
Italy | National | Fossil unconditional | Emergency measures to contain electricity and gas price increases (gas) | Power generation | Gas and gas products | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 547945205.47945 | 27/09/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government, Law-decree 27th September 2021, n.130 | Government | The measure aims to contain the effects of price increases in the electricity and gas sector. | 28/09/2021 | 480000000 | The "Law-decree 27th September 2021, n. 130" aims to contain the effects of price increases in the natural gas sector in the fourth quarter of 2021. The Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment, will reduce, for the same quarter, the rates relating to general gas charges. | (Accessed 19 October 2021) |
Italy | National | Other energy | Emergency measures to contain electricity and gas price increases (waiving of general system charges... | Power generation | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 913242009.13242 | 27/09/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government, Law-decree 27th September 2021, n.130 | Government | The measure aims to contain the effects of price increases in the electricity and gas sector. | 28/09/2021 | 800000000 | The "Law-decree 27th September 2021, n.130" states that the Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment will waive, for the fourth quarter of 2021, the rates relating to general system charges applied to domestic users and to low voltage non-domestic users, with power available up to 16.5 kW. | (Accessed 19 October 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Emergency measures to contain electricity and gas price increases (renewables and energy efficiency ... | Power generation | Multiple renewable | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 799086757.99087 | 27/09/2021 | Electricity generation | Italian Government, Law-decree 27th September 2021, n.130 | Government | The measure aims to contain the effects of price increases in the electricity and gas sector. | 28/09/2021 | 700000000 | The "law-decree 27th September 2021, n.130" aims to contain the effects of price increases in the electricity and gas sector by using revenues from auctions of carbon dioxide emission quotas to support the incentive measures for renewable energy and efficiency energy, currently covered by energy tariffs. | (Accessed 19 October 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – High speed railways AV/AC Salerno-Reggio Calabria | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 9132420.0913242 | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at financing the construction of high speed railways. | 08/05/2021 | 8000000 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at financing the construction of high speed railways. In particular, the measure aims at concluding the construction of the high speed railways line between Salerno and Reggio Calabria. Total financial resources committed amount to 9,400 million euros through the following time schedule: 8 million euros in 2021, 150 million euros in 2022, 200 million euros in 2023, 250 million euros in 2024, 740 million euros in 2025, 1,800 million euros in 2026, 1,667 million euros in 2027, 1,830 million euros in 2028, 1,520 million euros in 2029, 1,235 million euros in 2030. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National (for spending at regi... | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – High speed railways AV/AC Vicenza-Padova | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 5707762.5570776 | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at financing the construction of high speed railways. | 08/05/2021 | 5000000 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at financing the construction of high speed railways. In particular, the measure aims at financing the realization of the high speed railways line between Vicenza and Padova. Total financial resources committed to 25 million euros through the following time schedule: 5 million euros in 2021, 20 million euros in 2022. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National (for spending at regi... | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – Vicenza Railways crossing | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at financing the construction of high speed railways. | 08/05/2021 | 0 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at financing the realization of high speed railways. In particular, the measure aims at financing the construction of the Vicenza railways crossing through the period 2022-2029. Total financial resources amount to 925 million euros through the following time schedule: 20 million euros in 2022, 100 million euros in 2023, 150 million euros in 2024, 200 million euros in 2025, 150 million euros in 2026, 65 million euros in 2027, 95 million euros in 2028, 45 million euros in 2029. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National (for spending at regi... | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – Renewal of ships fleet in the Strait of Messina | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at renew the ship fleet in the Strait of Messina (Sicily). | 08/05/2021 | 0 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at renewing the ships fleet in the Strait of Messina. Total financial resources committed amount to 35 million euros through the following time schedule: 10 million euros in 2022, 10 million euros in 2023, 15 million euros in 2024. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – South Italy railways connections upgrade and renewal | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at strengthening and upgrade railways connections in South Italy. | 08/05/2021 | 0 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at strengthening and upgrade railways connections in South Italy as well as to enhancing historic, touristic and archaeological sites of South Italy. Total financial resources committed amount to 25 million euros through the following time schedule: 5 million euros in 2022, 10 million euros in 2023, 10 million euros in 2024. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Complementary Fund – Creation of an Adriatic Energy Hub | Power generation | Multiple renewable | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 06/05/2021 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at promoting the creation of an energy hub and a marine district in the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Ravenna. | 08/05/2021 | 0 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at promoting the creation of an energy hub and a marine district in the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Ravenna. Total financial resources committed amount to 70 million euros through the following time schedule: 20 million euros in 2022, 25 million euros in 2023, 25 million euros in 2024. The measure aims at promoting the creation of an energy hub and a marine district in the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Ravenna through the conversion of offshore Oil and Gas platforms and through the production of electricity from offshore wind and floating solar photovoltaic which will be used also for the production of green hydrogen. The measure provides financial support through the following time schedule: 20 million euros in 2022, 25 million euros in 2023, 25 million euros in 2024. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – Investment “Railways and Roads last/second last mile” | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 58778538.812785 | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at strengthening railways and roads connections. | 08/05/2021 | 51490000 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at strengthening railways and roads connections and it is complementary to Recovery Fund M3C1. Total financial resources committed amount to 250 million euros through the following time schedule: 51.49 million euros in 2021, 128.09 million euros in 2022, 150.88 million euros in 2023, 120.56 million euros in 2024, 46.54 million euros in 2025 e 2.45 million euros in 2026. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – Investment “Renewal of railways rolling stock” | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 68493150.684932 | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at favouring the renewal of railways rolling stock. | 08/05/2021 | 60000000 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". The measure aims at favouring the renewal of railways rolling stock and it is complementary to Recovery Fund M3C1. Total financial resources committed amount to 200 million euros through the following time schedule: 60 million euros in 2021, 50 million euros in 2022, 40 million euros in 2023, 30 million euros in 2024, 20 million euros in 2025. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – Investment “Regional railways upgrades” | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 171232876.71233 | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at favouring the upgrade of regional railways. | 08/05/2021 | 150000000 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at upgrading regional railways and it is complementary to Recovery Fund M3C1. Total financial resources committed amount to 1,550 million euros through the following time schedule: 150 million euros in 2021, 360 million euros in 2022, 405 million euros in 2023, 376.9 million euros in 2024, 248.1 million euros in 2025, 10 million euros in 2026. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – Investment “Cold Ironing” (shoreside electrical power provisi... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 91324200.913242 | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at reducing pollution and cleaning the air of ports. | 08/05/2021 | 80000000 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at reducing pollution and cleaning the air of ports through ports electrification interventions, and it is complementary to Recovery Fund M3C2. Total financial resources committed amount to 700 million euros through the following time schedule: 80 million euros in 2021,150 million euros in 2022, 160 million euros in 2023, 140 million euros in 2024, 160 million euros in 2025 and 10 million euros in 2026. If the electricity is not withdrawn directly from the transmission grid, port electrification projects are admitted within this fund only if the electricity is produced from renewables. If electricity produced from renewables is not available, electricity produced from biogas is also admitted. If electricity produced from biogas is not an available option electricity produced from natural gas is admitted. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Complementary Fund – Investment “Safe, green and social: public residential building req... | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 228310502.28311 | 06/05/2021 | Energy efficiency | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at promoting the requalification of public residential buildings, including energy efficiency interventions. | 08/05/2021 | 200000000 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at promoting the requalification of public residential buildings, including energy efficiency interventions. The measure is complementary to Recovery Fund M2C3. Total financial resources committed amount to 2 billion euros through the following time schedule: 200 million euros in 2021; 400 million euros in 2022; 350 million euros in 2023, 350 million euros in 2024, 350 million euros in 2025, 350 million euros in 2026. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Complementary Fund – Investment “Ecobonus and Sismabonus up to 110% for the energy effic... | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 06/05/2021 | Energy efficiency | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at extending the validity of the "Superbonus" incentive scheme for energy efficiency and safety interventions in buildings. | 08/05/2021 | 0 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at extending the "Superbonus" incentive scheme for energy efficiency and safety interventions in buildings and it is complementary to Recovery Fund M2C3. Total financial resources committed amount to 4,563.6 million euros through the following schedule: 910 million euros in 2023, 829.9 million euros in 2024, 1,439.9 million euros in 2025, 1,383.81 million euros in 2026. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – Investment “Energy efficiency” | Multiple sectors | Energy efficiency | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 3424657.5342466 | 06/05/2021 | Energy efficiency | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims at promoting energy efficiency interventions. | 08/05/2021 | 3000000 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims at promoting energy efficiency interventions. Total financial resources committed amount to 50 million euros through the following time schedule: 3 million euros in 2021, 7 million euros in 2022, 10 million euros in 2023, 10 million euros in 2024, 10 million euros in 2025 and 10 million euros in 2026. The measure is complementary to Recovery Fund M2C3. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – Investment “Development of maritime accessibility and resilience of... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 342465753.42466 | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims to increase the resilience of port infrastructure to climate change and its accessibility. | 08/05/2021 | 300000000 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims to increase the resilience of port infrastructure to climate change and its accessibility. Total financial resources committed amount to 1.47 billion euros through the following time schedule: 300 million euros in 2021, 400 million euros in 2022, 320 million euros in 2023, 270 million euros in 2024, 130 million euros in 2025 and 50 million euros in 2026. The measure is complementary to Recovery Fund M3C2. | (Accessed 28 July 2021) (Accessed 28 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Recovery Fund M2C2 Investment 4.4 Renewal of bus fleets, green trains | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 4155251141.5525 | 30/04/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure includes three interventions: • Renewal of the bus fleet with low environmental impact vehicles • Renewal of the train fleet for regional and intercity transport with alternative propulsion vehicles • Renewal of the vehicle fleet of the Fire Brigade | 13/07/2021 | 3640000000 | The fund provides for the gradual renewal of buses for local public transport and the construction of dedicated charging infrastructures. In particular, the purchase of approximately 3,360 low-emission buses is expected by 2026. The measure provides for the purchase of 53 trains to replace an equivalent number of old units by 2026. To these must be added 100 newly designed carriages developed with recyclable materials and covered with photovoltaic panels. Finally, the modernization of the fire brigade vehicle fleet will be financed, specifically with the introduction of approximately 3,600 electric vehicles and gas-powered vehicles for institutional services and the introduction of 200 new vehicles with hybrid electric-endothermic power supply in the airports. | (Accessed 27 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Recovery Fund M2C2 Investment 4.3 – Electric charging infrastructure development | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 844748858.44749 | 30/04/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims to build enabling infrastructures in order to promote the development of sustainable mobility and accelerate the transition from the traditional model of fuel-based refueling stations to refueling points for electric vehicles. | 13/07/2021 | 740000000 | To achieve the European targets on decarbonisation, a fleet of around 6 million electric vehicles is expected by 2030, for which it is estimated that 31,500 public fast charging points are required. In order to allow the achievement of these objectives, the intervention is aimed at the development of 7,500 fast charging points on the motorway and 13,755 in urban centers, as well as 100 experimental charging stations with energy storage technologies. | (Accessed 27 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Recovery Fund M2C2 Investment 4.2 – Rapid mass transport development | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 4109589041.0959 | 30/04/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure poses the problem of reducing the problems related to car transport by developing rapid mass transport systems that shift the demand for mobility away from private cars. It provides for the construction of 240 km of network equipped for rapid mass transport infrastructures divided into metro (11 km), trams (85 km), trolleybuses (120 km), cable cars (15 km). | 13/07/2021 | 3600000000 | The focus of the intervention will be mainly on the metropolitan areas of the major Italian cities. The goal is to achieve a shift of at least 10 percent of traffic on private cars to the public transport system. | (Accessed 27 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Recovery Fund M2C2 Investment 3.4 . Testing of hydrogen for rail transport | Mobility | Hydrogen | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 342465753.42466 | 30/04/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The conversion to hydrogen of non-electrified railway lines in regions characterized by high traffic in terms of passengers with a strong use of diesel trains. | 13/07/2021 | 300000000 | The project includes the production of green hydrogen near the refueling stations, through the development of the entire system for the production, storage and use of hydrogen. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – Investment “Renewal of bus fleets, green trains, green ships”... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 51369863.013699 | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims to favour the renewal of the ships fleet and the decarbonisation of maritime transport. | 08/05/2021 | 45000000 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". it provides financial support for the gradual renewable of ships. Total financial resources committed amount to 800 million euros and are allocated through the following time schedule: 45 million euros in 2021, 54.2 million euros in 2022, 128.8 million euros in 2023, 222 million euros in 2024, 200 million euros in 2025 and 150 million euros in 2026. The measure is complementary to Recovery Fund M2C2. | (Accessed 27 July 2021) (Accessed 27 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Recovery Fund M2C2 Investment 4.1 – Strengthening of cycling mobility | Mobility | Active transport | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 684931506.84932 | 30/04/2021 | Active transport (cycling or walking) | Italian Government | Government | To facilitate and further promote the growth of the sector through the creation and maintenance of cycle networks in urban, metropolitan, regional and national areas, both for tourist or recreational purposes, and to encourage daily travel and intermodality, ensuring safety. The measure also has the objective of improving social cohesion at the national level, with 50 percent of the resources allocated to the Southern Regions. | 13/07/2021 | 600000000 | The measure provides for the construction of approximately 570 km of urban and metropolitan cycle paths and approximately 1,250 km of tourist cycle paths. | (Accessed 27 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Complementary Fund – Investment “Renewal of bus fleets, green trains, green ships”... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 06/05/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The measure aims to favour the renewal of the bus fleet and the decarbonisation of road transport. | 08/05/2021 | 0 | The measure is part of the "Law-decree 6 maggio 2021, n. 59 - Fondo Complementare al PNRR" then coordinated with the law "1 July 2021, n.101". It aims to favour the renewal of the bus fleet and the decarbonisation of road transport and is complementary to Recovery Fund M2C2. Total financial resources committed amount to 600 million euros and are allocated through the following time schedule: 62.12 million euros in 2022, 80.74 million euros in 2023, 159.01 million euros in 2024, 173.91 million euros in 2025 and 124.22 million euros in 2026. | (Accessed 27 July 2021) (Accessed 27 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Recovery Fund M2C2 Investment 3.3 – Testing of hydrogen for road transport | Mobility | Hydrogen | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 262557077.62557 | 30/04/2021 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Italian Government | Government | The intervention is aimed at promoting the creation of hydrogen-based refueling stations and implementing projects for testing hydrogen lines. The distributors will be suitable for trucks and cars, also operating at pressures of over 700 bar. | 13/07/2021 | 230000000 | Through these investments, it will be possible to develop around 40 refueling stations, giving priority to strategic areas for heavy road transport such as areas close to internal terminals and the most densely crossed routes by long-haul trucks. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Recovery Fund M2C2 Investment 3.2 – Use of hydrogen in hard-to-abate sectors | Multiple sectors | Hydrogen | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 2283105022.8311 | 30/04/2021 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Italian Government | Government | Hydrogen can help decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors that are energy-intensive and lack scalable electrification options. Two examples of these are the chemicals and petroleum refining sectors, where hydrogen is already used in the production of basic chemicals, such as ammonia and methanol, and in a number of refining processes. These sectors represent one of the most promising to start using green hydrogen and develop the market. | 13/07/2021 | 2000000000 | This intervention aims, among the others, at the progressive decarbonisation of the steel production process through the increasing use of hydrogen, taking into account the specificities of the Italian steel industry. The transition to hydrogen will be gradual and distributed over time with the aim of developing skills and new technologies in a competitive way. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Recovery Fund M2C2 Investment 3.1 – Hydrogen production in abandoned industrial areas | Power generation | Hydrogen | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 570776255.70776 | 30/04/2021 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Italian Government | Government | The project aims to promote the local production and use of hydrogen in industry and local transport, with the creation of the so-called hydrogen valleys, industrial areas with an economy in part based on hydrogen. | 13/07/2021 | 500000000 | Disused areas already connected to the electricity grid will be used to install electrolysers for the production of hydrogen through RES over-generation or dedicated RES production in the area. In a first phase, the transport of hydrogen to local industries or on trucks or, in the event that the abandoned area is already connected to the gas network, on dedicated existing pipelines mixed with methane gas is envisaged. In addition, to increase demand, the possibility of refueling with hydrogen in the stations for trucks or local public transport is foreseen. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Recovery Fund M3C1 Investment 1.7 and 1.8 – Upgrade, electrification and increase of the resil... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 3538812785.3881 | 30/04/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | Specific interventions are planned to strengthen the railway network in various critical points in Southern Italy, to increase the competitiveness and connectivity of the intermodal logistics system and to improve the rail accessibility of various urban areas in the South. The same approach will be held for numerous rail stations in the South. | 13/07/2021 | 3100000000 | The critical issues relating to the railway transport system existing in the South do not only concern the network, but also the railway stations: in many cases they present problems in terms of accessibility and integration with the territory. Investments are therefore needed to upgrade the stations, improve the functionality of their buildings, the quality of the services provided to users, the levels of energy efficiency and the development of rail-road intermodality. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Recovery Fund M3C1 Investment 1.6 – Strengthening of regional railways | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 1073059360.7306 | 30/04/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | These interventions aim to strengthen the regional railway lines (whether or not they are interconnected with the national railway infrastructure network), also supporting their connection and integration with the national high-speed network, in particular in the Southern regions. | 13/07/2021 | 940000000 | For this investment line, useful interventions are planned to improve the transport system in terms of the number of passengers transported, increase in travel speed, interconnection between urban centers and other infrastructures, both by acting on the infrastructure and by purchasing new trains. The necessary interventions will also be carried out to improve the safety conditions of railway traffic, through the installation of technological systems and adaptations of the existing infrastructure. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Recovery Fund M3C1 Investment 1.5 – Strengthening of metropolitan railway nodes and key nation... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 3390410958.9041 | 30/04/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | These actions on the nodes aim at strengthening "metropolitan" or "suburban" connections, in order to guarantee capillary services with high frequencies, thus supporting the demand for mobility expressed by large metropolitan cities and medium-sized urban areas. | 13/07/2021 | 2970000000 | These interventions will guarantee medium-range travel services, supporting the demand for mobility expressed by large widespread urban areas, with levels of speed and comfort that are competitive with respect to the use of private cars, also thanks to the creation of "fast regional" connections. Finally, they will allow the improvement of accessibility and interchange between railway stations and other mobility systems of rapid mass transport. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Recovery Fund M3C1 Investment 1.3 – Diagonal connections | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 1803652968.0365 | 30/04/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | It is essential to improve cross connectivity through high speed diagonal railways. | 13/07/2021 | 1580000000 | The objective of the proposed interventions is to reduce travel times for passengers and transport of goods from the Adriatic and the Ionian to the Tyrrhenian Sea, by improving the speed, frequency and capacity of the existing diagonal railway lines. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Recovery Fund M3C1 Investment 1.2 – High-speed railways in the North that connect to Europe | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 9783105022.8311 | 30/04/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The interventions proposed for the high-speed network in the North will allow for the enhancement of rail transport services, according to an intermodal logic and establishing effective connections for goods with the existing port system. | 13/07/2021 | 8570000000 | The action is implemented to increase rail traffic and ensure modal shift, in the event of interference, from road to rail, including in cross-border trade, strengthening the capacity of rail connections in Northern Italy and with the rest of Europe. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Recovery Fund M3C1 Investment 1.1 – High-speed railways in the South for passengers and freigh... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 5296803652.968 | 30/04/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | The proposed investments in the high-speed network will allow the development of long-distance passenger and freight rail services, in line with the structure of the Italian territory and the connectivity needs of the southern regions. | 13/07/2021 | 4640000000 | The proposed interventions will be integrated with the regional transport systems, which play a primary role in supporting the demand for local mobility by feeding the system of high-speed connections at the national level. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Recovery Fund M2C2 Investment 1.3 – Promotion of innovative power plants (including off-shore) | Power generation | Multiple renewable | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 776255707.76256 | 30/04/2021 | Electricity generation | Italian Government | Government | The aim of the project is to support the creation of off-shore renewable energy generation systems, which combine technologies with a high development potential with more experimental technologies (such as systems that exploit wave motion), in innovative and integrated structures from storage systems. | 13/07/2021 | 680000000 | The intervention therefore aims to build plants with a total installed capacity of 200 MW from RES in the coming years. The realization of these interventions, due to the structures hypothesized according to the different technologies used, would allow to produce about 490 GWh per year which would contribute to a reduction of climate-altering gas emissions estimated at around 286,000 tons of CO2. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Recovery Fund M2C2 Investment 1.2 – Renewable energy promotion for energy communities and self... | Power generation | Multiple renewable | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 2511415525.1142 | 30/04/2021 | Electricity generation | Italian Government | Government | The investment focuses on supporting energy communities and collective self-production structures. The investment, in fact, identifies Public Administrations, families and micro-enterprises in Municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants, thus supporting the economy of small Municipalities, often at risk of depopulation, and strengthening social cohesion. In particular, this investment aims to ensure the necessary resources to install approximately 2,000 MW of new electricity generation capacity in a distributed configuration by renewable energy communities and self-consumers of renewable energy acting jointly. | 13/07/2021 | 2200000000 | These interventions, assuming that they concern photovoltaic plants with an annual production of 1,250 kWh per kW, would produce about 2,500 GWh per year, will contribute to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions estimated at about 1.5 million tons of CO2 per year . To achieve higher self-consumption rates, these configurations can also be combined with energy storage systems. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Recovery Fund M2C2 Investment 1.1 – Agro-solar development | Power generation | Solar | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 1255707762.5571 | 30/04/2021 | Electricity generation | Italian Government | Government | The investment measure specifically provides for: i) the implementation of hybrid agriculture-energy production systems that do not compromise the use of land dedicated to agriculture, but contribute to the environmental and economic sustainability of the companies involved; ii) monitoring of the achievements and their effectiveness, with the collection of data both on photovoltaic systems and on production and underlying agricultural activity, in order to evaluate the microclimate, water saving, recovery of soil fertility, resilience to changes climatic conditions and agricultural productivity for different types of crops. | 13/07/2021 | 1100000000 | The investment aims to make the agricultural sector more competitive, reducing energy supply costs (currently estimated at over 20 percent of the variable costs of companies and with even higher peaks for some herbivorous and granivorous sectors), and at the same time improving the climatic-environmental performance. The objective of the investment is to install a production capacity from agro-voltaic plants of 1.04 GW, which would produce approximately 1,300 GWh per year, with a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions estimated at approximately 0.8 million tons of CO2. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Recovery Fund M2C3 Investment 1.2 – Retrofitting of judicial buildings | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 468036529.68037 | 30/04/2021 | Energy efficiency | Italian Government | Government | The intervention focuses on the maintenance of existing assets, allowing the protection, enhancement and retrofitting of the historical heritage that often characterizes the offices of the Italian justice administration. | 13/07/2021 | 410000000 | In addition to improving energy consumption efficiency, the program also aims to: i) ensure the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the interventions through the use of sustainable materials and the use of self-produced electricity from renewable sources; ii) adapt the structures, reducing the seismic vulnerability of buildings; iii) carry out monitoring and measurement analyses of energy consumption aimed at maximizing efficiency and minimizing consumption and environmental impact. The measure has the objective of intervening on 48 buildings by mid-2026, making 290,000 square meters more efficient (with a saving of approximately 2,500 tCO2 and 0.7 Ktoe per year with a consequent reduction in emissions of 2.4Kt CO2 per year). | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Recovery Fund M2C3 Investment 1.1 – Plan for the replacement of school buildings and energy re... | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 913242009.13242 | 30/04/2021 | Energy efficiency | Italian Government | Government | This line of investment focuses on the progressive replacement of part of the obsolete school building stock with the aim of creating modern and sustainable structures to favour: i) the reduction of consumption and polluting emissions, ii) the increase of the seismic safety of buildings and the development of green areas, iii) the design of school environments through the involvement of all those involved with the aim of positively influencing the teaching and learning of teachers and students, iv) the sustainable development of the territory and services aimed at enhancing the community. | 13/07/2021 | 800000000 | The plan aims to intervene on about 195 school buildings, for a total of over 410,000 square meters, with a consequent benefit for about 58,000 students and a reduction in final energy consumption of at least 50 percent (3.4 Ktoe per year) which will make it possible to achieve a reduction in annual greenhouse gas emissions of approximately 8,400 tCO2. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Recovery Fund M2C1 Investment 3.1 – Green islands | Multiple sectors | Multiple renewable | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 228310502.28311 | 30/04/2021 | Several energy stages | Italian Government | Government | Investments will be concentrated on 19 small islands, which will act as a "laboratory" for the development of "100 percent green" and self-sufficient models. | 13/07/2021 | 200000000 | The interventions, specific for each island, will affect the electricity grid and the related infrastructures to guarantee the continuity and security of supplies and facilitate the integration of renewable sources, but will proceed according to an integrated logic of efficient resource management. Examples are the optimization of separate waste collection, plants for the production of electricity from renewable sources, storage devices, smart grids, innovative consumption management and monitoring systems, integration of the electricity system with the island's water system, desalination systems, construction or adaptation of cycle paths and sustainable mobility services/infrastructures. | (Accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Recovery Fund M2C1 Investment 2.2 – Agrisolar park | Power generation | Solar | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 1712328767.1233 | 30/04/2021 | Electricity generation | Italian Government | Government | The intervention aims to achieve the objectives of modernization and use of roofs of buildings for productive use in the agricultural, livestock and agro-industrial sectors for the production of renewable energy, thus increasing sustainability, resilience, green transition and energy efficiency of the sector and contribute to animal welfare. | 13/07/2021 | 1500000000 | The project aims to incentivise the installation of solar energy panels on a total area without land consumption equal to 4.3 million square meters, with an installed power of approximately 0.43GW, at the same time creating a redevelopment of the production structures subject to intervention, with the removal of asbestos on the roofs, where present, and/or the improvement of insulation and ventilation. | (Last accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Recovery Fund M1C3 Investment 1.3 – Improve energy efficiency in cinema, theatres and museums | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 342465753.42466 | 30/04/2021 | Energy efficiency | Italian Government | Government | To improve the energy efficiency of buildings related to the cultural/creative sector. | 13/07/2021 | 300000000 | Part of the Recovery Fund resources will be used to finance interventions to improve the efficiency of Italian museums, cinemas and theatres (public and private) which, in addition to generating benefits in cultural enjoyment, will contribute to supporting the construction and local engineering. | (Last accessed 26 July 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Extension for agro-energy incentives | Other sector | Biofuels and waste | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 26/02/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Work and Social Policy (Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali) | Government | To promote the key role of the agricultural sector, in particular the agroenergy, for energy transition | 26/02/2021 | Incentives for the construction of bio-gas plants. Also for 2021, farms that build biogas plants of up to 300 KW, fuelled by by-products from livestock farming, will continue to have access to incentives for electricity produced from renewable sources other than photovoltaics. | (Accessed 3 March 2021) | (Accessed 3 March 2021) |
Italy | Regional: Lombardia | Clean conditional | Lombardy Region incentives for electric outlets | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 2283105.0228311 | 15/02/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Lombardy Regional Government | Government | To sustain the renewal of the polluting vehicle fleet in the Lombardy Region | 01/03/2021 | 2000000 | Non-repayable grants over two years, of which 2 million in 2021 and 3 million in 2022, to support authorities set up electric vehicle charging infrastructure. There are two lines of action: one to set up recharging points for the Public Administration's fleets of electric vehicles (both owned and rented), the other to set up recharging points in public areas for vehicles owned by citizens. | (Accessed 3 March 2021) |
Italy | Regional: Lombardia | Other energy | Lombardy Region incentives for the purchase of environmentally friendly cars | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 20547945.205479 | 11/02/2021 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Lombardy Regional Government | Government | To support the renewal of the polluting vehicle fleet in the Lombardy Region. | 11/02/2021 | 18000000 | The regional incentives can be cumulated to the State incentives. Pure electric or hydrogen-powered vehicles can receive a contribution of up to €8,000 (that is halved without scrapping). For all other environment-friendly vehicle categories, scrapping is compulsory. The contribution is granted directly by the seller/dealer, who then receives the reimbursement from the Region. Here a detail of the contribution: - 8,000 euro for zero-emission cars (e.g. pure electric or hydrogen); 4,000 euro (without scrapping); - 5,000 euro for cars with CO2 emissions ≤60 g/km and NOx ≤ 85.8 mg/km (e.g. euro 6D petrol, methane, LPG or hybrids); - 4,000 euros for cars with CO2 emissions ≤60 g/km and NOx ≤ 126 mg/km (e.g. euro 6D-Temp petrol, methane, LPG or hybrids or euro 6D diesel); - 4,000 euros for cars with CO2 emissions between 61 and 110 g/km and with NOx ≤ 85.8 mg/km (e.g. euro 6D petrol, methane, LPG or hybrids). - 3,000 euros for cars with CO2 emissions between 61 and 110 g/km and NOx ≤ 126 mg/km (e.g. euro 6D-Temp petrol, natural gas, LPG or hybrids or euro 6D diesel) - 3,000 euros with CO2 emissions between 111 and 145 g/km and NOx ≤ 85.8 mg/km (e.g. Euro 6D petrol, natural gas, LPG or hybrid) - 2,000 euros with CO2 emissions between 111 and 145 g/km and NOx ≤ 126 mg/km (e.g. euro 6D-Temp petrol, natural gas, LPG or hybrids or euro 6D diesel). | (Accessed 3 March 2021) | (Accessed 3 March 2021) |
Italy | National | Fossil conditional | Moratorium on fossil fuels drilling | Resources | Oil and gas | New or extended regulation (IT... | 26/02/2021 | Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation | Ministry of Work and Social Policy (Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali) | Government | Drafting of an Energy Transition Plan to address in an organic way the issue of fossil fuels drilling. | 03/03/2021 | The freeze on new drilling concessions has been reformulated and extended, shifting to September 30th 2021 the deadline for approval of the new Sustainable Energy Transition Plan for eligible areas, to which the suspension of authorisation procedures is linked. | (Accessed 3 March 2021) | (Accessed 3 March 2021) |
Italy | National | Fossil conditional | Extra bonus: Incentives for the purchase of Euro 6 vehicles, with Co2 emissions between 61 e 135 g/K... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 331050228.3105 | 17/12/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) | Government | To support the automotive sector. | 01/01/2021 | 290000000 | This is an incentive of up to 2,000 euros for those who scrap their old car and buy a new one instead. The extra bonus has been approved in 2020 as part of the Decreto Rilancio and extended to 2021 | (Accessed 8 March 2021) | (Accessed 2 March 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Extra bonus: Hybrid and electric vehicles incentives | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 148401826.48402 | 17/12/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) | Government | To support the automotive sector and promote eco-friendly alternatives to public transport. | 01/01/2021 | 130000000 | This is an incentive of up to 10,000 euros for those who scrap their old car and buy a new one instead. In particular the incentive, that has been extended also through 2021, it is valid for the purchase of hybrid and electric vehicles incentives | (Accessed 8 March 2021) | (Accessed 2 March 2021) |
Italy | Municipality: Bologna | Clean unconditional | Financing of Green projects in the Municipality of Bologna through the React-EU funds | Multiple sectors | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 62785388.127854 | 05/12/2020 | Several energy stages | Bologna municipal government | Government | Implementation of green projects especially in three major areas: mobility, school buildings, inclusion. | 01/12/2020 | 55000000 | Bologna municipality has applied for European funds for another 55 million to finance 16 green projects especially in three major areas: mobility, school buildings, inclusion. Some of these are: cycle paths, 3 million euros. Emergency cycle lanes and pedestrianisation, 500,000 euros. Eco-sustainable means of transport, €1 million. Construction of three new kindergartens and expansion of a primary school with energy efficiency and minimal environmental impact, with photovoltaic and solar panels: 7.8 million euros. These are just some of the 16 new projects worth €55 million to be funded by React-EU. | (Accessed 2 March 2021) | (Accessed 2 March 2021) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Resources to support local public transport systems (part of the Decreto Agosto) | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 08/08/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Government | To support public transport at municipal level | The so-called Decreto Agosto includes some economic support measures to local public transport systems; however, the total amount of such support and its other details are not clear yet. | Accessed 11 August 2020 |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | 180m euros per year over two years in tax credits for the tourist sector to refurbish and upgrade bu... | Buildings | Energy efficiency | Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... | 410958904.10959 | 08/08/2020 | Energy efficiency | Government | To support the tourist sector, badly hit by the COVID 19 crisis | 360000000 | The measure is part of the so-called Decreto Agosto. It is aimed at supporting the tourism sector by providing tax credits to those in the sector who undertake buildings and structures refurbishment or upgrades. The package represents a yearly commitment of 180m euros for 2020 and 2021, and covers up to 65% of the refurbishment costs. The access to the tax credit does not appear to be conditional to any environmental standards. | Accessed 11 August 2020 |
Italy | National | Other energy | Additional 500m euros incentives for the purchase of new, low CO2 emissions cars (part of the Decret... | Mobility | Oil and oil products | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 570776255.70776 | 08/08/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | To support the automotive sector, badly hit by the COVID 19 crisis | 500000000 | This new measure, introduced as part of the so-called Decreto Agosto, represents a further commitment to incentivise the automotive sector as already started with the Decreto Rilancio. Incentives vary between 1,500 and 1,750 euros depending on the efficiency of the purchased car. The decree mentions that 90 out of the 500 millions should be directed to support installation of charging infrastructures for electric vehicles; however, no further details are provided about that. | Accessed 11 August 2020 | Accessed 11 August 2020 |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | Government incentive for energy efficiency and sustainable development in small towns | Multiple sectors | Multiple renewable | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 42808219.178082 | 02/07/2020 | Several energy stages | Italian Government | Government | To improve the energy efficiency of public buildings, energy production from renewable sources and sustainable transportation. | 37500000 | Allocation of resources in favour of the Italian municipalities for the realisation of projects relating to energy efficiency measures and sustainable territorial development. These grants, with a value of EUR 19,329.89 each, are available to all the municipalities with less than 1,000 inhabitants (1940 municipalities in total). | Accessed 4 August 2020 |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Government incentive of up to 10,000 euros for electric and hybrid vehicles, as amendment of “... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 02/07/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian Government | Government | To promote eco-friendly alternatives to public transport | This measure consists in a temporary increase in subsidies for electric and hybrid vehicles. The increase will apply from 1 August until the end of this year for electric and hybrid vehicles up to a gross list price of 61,000 euros. Specifically, purely electric vehicles will be subsidised with 6,000 euros instead of the previous 4,000 euros. Anyone who scraps their old combustion engine in connection with the purchase of the electric vehicle will even receive 10,000 euros (previously 6,000 euros). | Accessed 16 July 2020 | Accessed 16 July 2020 |
Italy | Florence | Clean unconditional | Plan for the Phase 2 mobility in Florence | Mobility | Active transport | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 28/04/2020 | Active transport (cycling or walking) | Florence municipal government | Government | Primary: reorganization the management of public transport Secondary: providing a a strong boost to sustainable alternative mobility and sharing mobility | The council of Florence has proposed various incentives for green mobility (walking/cycling), including recognition of travel time as part of the working time, the release of an anti-theft kit for the bicycles, a direct monetary contribution and the scrapping of vehicles in favor of the purchase of pedal-assisted bicycles. | Accessed 7 July 2020 |
Italy | Rome | Clean unconditional | Extraordinary mobility plan in Rome | Mobility | Active transport | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 4337899.543379 | 02/05/2020 | Active transport (cycling or walking) | Rome municipal government | Government | The main goal is to encourage active and sustainable mobility in Phase 2 of the health emergency. The cycling routes will provide a valid alternative to the use of a private car, especially in short journeys, also integrated with public transport, quickly creating an interconnected network of cycle lanes. | 3800000 | The extraordinary plan for a post lockdown mobility includes the construction of 150 km of new cycle routes on the main streets of the city and on other strategic itineraries. | Accessed 7 July 2020 | Accessed 7 July 2020 |
Italy | Turin | Clean conditional | New mobility plan in Turin | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 29/04/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Turin municipal government | Government | The main goal is the safety and health of people. Among other intentions there is a focus on slow and sustainable mobility (walking and cycling) in order to generate more space on public transportation. | The 'big mobility plan' in Turin foresees 80 km of cycle paths, 30 new stations of the bike sharing service (TOBike), 2,000 pedal-assisted bikes, 408 new charging stations for electric vehicles, 7,500 vehicles for sharing, an increase of public transportation services and a 40% increase in public transport during peak hours (compared to the Phase 1 of lockdown). | Accessed 7 July 2020 |
Italy | National | Fossil conditional | Amendment to the Decreto Rilancio including up to 2,000 euros incentive for the purchase of a new ca... | Mobility | Oil and oil products | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 57077625.570776 | 03/07/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian government | Government | Primary: supporting the car industry | 01/08/2020 | 50000000 | This measure is an economic incentive of up to 2,000 euros for those who scrap their old car and buy a new one instead. The indicated amount of 50 million euros for 2020 includes the incentive for electric vehicles but no breakdown is provided in the official documents. | (Accessed 7 July 2020) | (Accessed 20 December 2020) |
Italy | National | Clean conditional | Government incentive of up to 500 euros for people living in cities who buy a new bike or electric s... | Mobility | Multiple energy types | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 239726027.39726 | 14/05/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian government | Government | To promote eco-friendly alternatives to public transport. | 03/11/2020 | 210000000 | The government will pay people living in urban areas with 50,000 residents or more 60% of the cost of a new bike or electric scooter and up to €500 as part of efforts to promote eco-friendly alternatives to public transport in the wake of the coronavirus. | Accessed 7 July 2020 |
Italy | Milan | Clean unconditional | Introduction in Milan of an ambitious cycling/walking scheme | Mobility | Active transport | Budget or off-budget transfer ... | 01/05/2020 | Active transport (cycling or walking) | Milan municipal government | Government | Primary: Protect the health of residents and overcome the Covid-19 pandemic. Secondary: Keep people safe in the future and build more sustainable cities. | This cycling/walking scheme is among Europe’s most ambitious cycling and walking schemes, with 22 miles of streets to be transformed over the summer. | 7 July 2020 |
Italy | National | Fossil unconditional | “Decreto Rilancio” – Economic recovery and investment plan – reduction of ta... | Mobility | Oil and oil products | Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... | 14/05/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian government | Government | 01/01/2021 | As part of the wider Decreto Rilancio, the so-called "safeguard clauses" which automatically increase the rates of value added tax and those relating to excise duty on certain fuel products are eliminated, starting from 1 January 2021. | Accessed 11 June 2020 |
Italy | National | Clean unconditional | “Decreto Rilancio” – Economy recovery and investment plan – tax deduction fo... | Buildings | Multiple energy types | Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... | 14/05/2020 | Several energy stages | Italian government | Government | Primary: Increasing private investments in energy efficiency retrofits, photovoltaic systems and electric vehicles. | This measure is part of a wider EUR 155 billion economic recovery package (Decreto Rilancio).Among the different measures envisaged, there is a tax deduction at 110% of the costs for the energy and/or seismic refurbishment with the possibility of transferring the relative tax credit. It applies to works for thermal insulation and other energy efficiency measures. The interventions also include those for the reduction of seismic risk (sismabonus) and related to the installation of photovoltaic systems and columns for charging electric vehicles. It is still not clear if the scheme will demand a specific energy efficency improvement/goal for the buildings to achieve. | Accessed 11 June 2020 | Accessed 11 June 2020 |
Italy | National | Fossil unconditional | Alitalia (national carrier) nationalisation | Mobility | Oil and oil products | Equity injection or nationalis... | 3424657534.2466 | 19/05/2020 | Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) | Italian government | Government | Primary: Improving the financial situation of Alitalia Secondary: Protecting jobs | 3000000000 | Alitalia has undergone 3 failed restructuring attempts and has not been doing well financially, even before C-19. The objective of the nationalisation is to also protect jobs and the aim is to also focus on long haul flights. | Accessed 13 May 2020 | Accessed 13 May 2020 |